HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1960-144 r RESOLUTION NO. 144 A REf()LUTICM DETFJOO:IIHG THE NECESSITY R>R gmmr PAVING AND srREf.'l' IMPROVEMEH'J.'S. BE IT RFmLVED by the City Council of the City of s..ard: 1. That pur..aat to the proTisions of ACLA 1949, Section 16-1-81, the owners of more than one-half in Ta1ue of the property to be speciallY benefited by the imprOTeMnt described .s JeffersoD. Street froll Srd te 4th, 4th Aven\\e frCllll Jeffenon throUQh Railreadt Railroad, Washington & Adams streets from Srd to 5th, within the City of s.ward, haTe in writinq requested of the City eo.nail of the City of Seward that the illpro......nh hereinafter described be _de. 2. r.epetiti.. which is .ttached w.s recehed br the City Clerk oa the 17th day of August, 195t. S. The nq1lested illproye..ats cens1st of a strip of paTiaq thirty (30) feet fr_ Srd te 4th on Jeffenell, aDd Jeffers.. to Churc. street el\ 4th ATenue, arb to curb padl\v .. 4th AT..ue frOll Church te Railread; en Adams, Washington, and Railr...d between Srd to 5th, curb to curb padnq where curbs exist, where no curbs exist, padnq will be to a point at which curbs will be put in at a future date. 4. Th. petition which is made part of this resolution and attached hereto shows that the ClIWnen of ($1,058.373.00) One Million Fifty-eight Thous. and Thr.. HuDdred 8eTenty..thre. Dellars siqned the petition and that the proptl erty de.cribed withia the district has a total Talue of One Million Three Hundred Fifty-tw. Theusand Sixty-six ($1.352,066.00) Dollan. The Petition was signed by ..n than one-half of the CMners of real property. 5. The Council, after considered study and deliberation, has de- termined that the requested illproTements are necessary.. 6. The Council hereby aUs the follaw1nq findinqs of fact in this IIIltter: (a ) Tha t t he request ed illpJ\\lftllltnb are necessary and .hould be mede. (b) Tbat the written request is dgned by all the owners of at least one_half in Talue of the property specially benefited by nch ..1.. r~ R.ES:)LUT!ON NO. 144 Contiaued imprOT...ll.t. (0) '!'hat all faats ..t out in Paraqraph. 1, 2, 3" 4. 5 an.d 6 of this r..oluti.n are t1'l.l" 7. Th. City Counail, haTinq her.by d.termined that the requ.sted imprOTemenh are n.a....ry and that by the petition the property owner. oon.. .ent t. a .peaial a....lIIlleat of on..half of the cost of the illproTements. Th. City of Seward hereby order. that on..half of the total aest of construct. inq the r8CJll8sted imprOT_nt. her.in Btntion.d be a....sed and 1.Tied aqain.t the r.al property. 8. '!'h. City Manaqer is h.reby directed te take the ne...sary aoti.n to aGaOllplhh the purpos.s of this project. AN EMERGENCY IS HERmY D~ m EXIST and the rul.. qOTembq the passaqe of .rdiaanaos and r.solutions are h.reby wSpe1lcled and this Resoluti_ i. h.reby 9!TOIl i.-dia.te .ffect upon its pa.~ and approTa1. Pas.ed and approTed by the Ci ty Council of tho City of Sward, Alaska, tho ht day of F.bnarY'. 1960. ATr.ESr : a. "'-.~ U' c. --rL/a ///1. Beatrio. E. Watt., City Cl.rk 2 of 2