HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1997-016 Sponsored by Staff CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE SEWARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, RATIFYING THE AUGUST 6, 1997, DECISION TO GRANT ROGER SWENSON A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A BUNKHOUSE ON LOTS 4-6, BLOCK 1, LEIRER INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION (UNRECORDED), LOCATED AT 802 PORT AVENUE, WITHIN THE INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICT WHEREAS, Roger and Linda Swenson applied for a conditional use permit to develop a bunkhouse on Lots 4-6, Block 1, Leirer Industrial Subdivision (unfiled and unrecorded); and WHEREAS, the subject property is zoned Industrial; and WHEREAS, according to the Zoning Code, Land Uses Allowed Table, (15.10.225) a bunkhouse is allowed in the Industrial District by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing, meeting the requirements of SCC Section 15.01.040 was held by the Commission on August 6, 1997. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Seward Planning and Zoning Commission that: Section 1. In accordance with SCC ~ 15.10.320 (D), the Planning and Zoning Commission has reviewed the applicant's request for a conditional use permit (CUP) to construct a bunkhouse in the Industrial Zoning District and made the following findings of fact and conclusions: A. A completed application andfee was submitted. The completed application was received by the Community Development Department on July 15, 1997. B. The use is consistent with the purpose of this chapter and the purposes of the zoning district. Zoning. The property is zoned Industrial. The Industrial district is for business, manufacturing, processing, fabricating, repair, assembly, storage, wholesaling and distributing operations, which may create some nuisance and which are not property associated nor compatible with residential land uses. It is intended to provide environmental safeguards for people employed in or visiting the district. Some visual amenity is expected in this district to make it compatible with adjoining residential or business districts. ;}~~mo:)u;} OlllOJJ;} Al;}A;} ~U!nUnUO:) SPU;}UlUlO:);}l pun u 'lU;}UIdol;}A;}Q pu~ qlM01D Al!UnUlUlOJ punoS ;}msu3 0.L 1;}P10 uI Sl!UI!'l Al!J ;}ql U!ql!A\ ;}N!SSOd sy ~U!SnOH 10d PU~UI;}Q P;}P;}fOld q:)nw sy ;}l~POUlUlO:):)y 0.L ;}l!S;}Q Y SI ;}l;}q.L PA ;}:)l~:)S sl Pl~M;}S UI pu~'l ;}N~dol;}A;}Qu l~ql S;}lmS unld ;}q.L "OWZ .IViJA iJl{J OJ JUiJUldO]iJiliJp pUV l{JMO.l8 'SJUiJUliJ8UV.I.lV iJsn PUV] N!UnUlUlOJ N!]vnb iJ.tnSUiJ OJ ]OOJ ]mo] MVUl!.Id iJl{J sv UVlJ iJSn pu1YJ S,P.lVMiJS U!VJU!VW :1~oD ;}Sfl pu~'l :SMOnOJ S~ u~ld ;}A!SU;}q;}ldUIOJ OWZ Pl~M;}S ;}ql ql!M AUOUI1~q U! S! l~sodold ;}q.L .UVJd iJit!sual{a.Jdwo;) p.JVMas M{Il{I!M AUOlU.JVl{ U! S! asn pasodo.Jd al{.L "Q "s;}nl~A All;}dOld U! ;}~u~q:) AU~ ;})[~UI l! 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Adequate water, sewer, and power are available to the property as well as adequate fire, police and solid waste disposal services. The City's Public Works Superintendent has commented that the proposed building may be constructed over the existing water and sewer utilities which provide service to Swenson's Shop. The City Code requires the use of bulk rubbish and waste material containers. Construction waste and debris must be removed weekly and upon completion of construction. One dumpster for bunkhouse tenant use is to be located on the property, in a location approved by the city solid waste disposal contractor. F. The proposed use will not be harmful to the public safety, health or welfare. The building construction will meet the requirements of the Uniform Building and Fire Codes. There is no evidence that the proposed development will be harmful to the public safety, health or welfare. G. Any and all specific conditions deemed necessary by the commission to fulfill the above-mentioned conditions shall be met by the applicant. These may include but are not limited to measures relative to access, screening, site development, building design, operation of the use and other similar aspects to the proposed use. Based on the above findings and conclusions, approval of the CUP shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. P&Z review and approval of a landscaping plan which will include a plan for screening the proposed residential facility and parking lot from Port Avenue. The approved plan must be completed within one year from the date of the certificate of occupancy. 2. A solid waste dumpster that is screened on three sides by a solid wood fence will be located on the property in a location approved by the City solid waste contractor, provided that the dumpster must not be located within the required front yard setback. _ ~",'.'i.U ~ ""'I.!,. ..... ~~'1 ...0 Y '':,~ ,..' c:, .."..1"U:'~U~~ ~.(~ ~ .;:: ~-f .,~'O... ~ ;':;1\'';''.''0''') ~ ~ ...~o "/i..... \..~ ... . .. t!L~ = i _~.&Al!'b} t: ~ .: '1 V~rb :. ~ ~~ -~- :- "!!l. ...0 ~ ,$;:: ~ ;, . :::;> ^..... .'" 0. ......r~ ~.-;.."'<) ~ '~':. I$J,.;:....~~;\.~~ I ";t,../V~~~?~d ~:J'''- .7 ~.' " ~ t :.LS3.UV ;}UO N llUHlUQ ;}UON lfHWS ';}llllruq;}!N 'U!llUW 'PIOMSPD 'l;}lU;}dJU:) : NIV.LSHV :.LN3SHV :S30N :S3AV V)lSV'lV 'ffiIV M::>IS .!IO' AU;) mI.L . L66 1 'l;}qW;}ld;}S JO AUP plt: S!tp UO!SS!wwo:) llu!UOZ puu llU!UUUld PlUM;}S ;}ql Aq a::>IAOHddV aNY a::>lSSVd 'uO!ldopu Sl! uodn AI;}lU!P;}WW! lJ;}JP ;}){Ul nuqs uO!lnIOS;}l S!q.L 'f uO!l;)as "(D) 1 UO!l;);}S U! 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