HomeMy WebLinkAbout1915 City Council Minutes 1 BMF'c I I I "I"::'! , , ..~ ---- I\EGULAR MEETIHG OF THE COMMON COUNCIL L/ [L- HELD JAN.$VY$XX 19lb. * * . * * * * * * * * OF THE TOW~j OF SEWARD, ALASKA, **..**** . * * * * The Council met in regular eesflion with l~aYQr Boe in the chair and the following councilmen preeent, Crawford,Chamberlin, Graef Hewett, Noon, Patton and the l!ayor. , The minutee of the previous meeting and approved ae corrected The Police Committe by Hewett reported that the charges against Marehall had not been.~ubetaniated and recommended that the charges be dieemieeed. , By Hewett moved that the chargee preferred against Marehal Gueet by Mr. and Mre. Mackay be diemieeed. Second by Chamberlin, Carried. Curtis Morford ~ree. of the School Board reported that it wae neceseary to have eyorm doors installed on the new School Build- ing. That he had been unable to secure a meter for the school houee but had finally agreed with Mr. Graff that lights, when they were ueed, would be $25.00 per month. That in fact thie rate wae lees in proportion that the rate paid in the old building. Communication from the Viliitehead Realty and Investment Co. in regard to fire ineurance read and on motion by Chamberlin eeconded by Hewett the eame was placed dm file. Communication from the Whitehead realty and Investment Co in regard to school houee lote ~ead and referred to the city attorn, The quartlerly report of the Town Clerk for the quarter end- ing Dec.3l,19l4 read. By Chamberlin moved that the quarterly report of the Town Clerk be referred to the finance committee. Second 1)y Hewett,Carricd The quarterly report of the City l...agietrate for the quarter ending Dec.3l,19l4 read. by Chamberlin moved that the quarterly report of the City Magietrate be referred to yhe Police Committee,Second by Patton Carried. ' The ordinance providing for the election or appointment of a nightwatchman and special pOlice read by the Clerk. By Chamberlin moved that the Ordinance be paeeed &n its fmret reading. Second by Patton, Carried. The following bille were presented John straueeer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dec Fire Roll - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Frank L. Torrey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C. F. Hewett _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W. J. Zwink - _ _ _ _ _ Brown & Hawkins _ _ _ _ _ Broeiue & Noon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -10.00 10.00 31.90 67.73 2.B1 12.90 - 167.93 . By Crawford, moved that the bills be accepted as read and warrdnts drawn for the same. Second by Patton Carried By Chamberlin moved that the Town eaf; be moved to tlJe fire hall. Becond by Crawford, Carried. . By Crawford, movedthat the clerk place tlJe delinquent tax roll In the hBnd~ of the printer on Jan10,19lb and that all de~inquent taxee after that date will be required to pay the public- atIon charges.' That the printer shall cOlmnence publication as soon the:eiifter af' t?,pe can be set and publication prepared. That a meesage to _hat effect De sent by the ':'raaeurer to John E. Ballaine. "'econd by Hewett Carried. ,-- 064 ,... - Mr. Morford borught up the question of disposing of the old primary pchool building and the City Attorney suugested that the council autkorize the Sehool Boara to dispose of the Primary Building. in such manner ae they saw fit. By Noon, moved that the School Board be authorized to eell the Primarl School Building in any madder they deemed proper. Second by ~wett, Carried. -, The Mayor instructed the ~ity Marehall to attend to the moving of the safe to the fire hall. By Noon moved that the Council adjourn until the next regular meeting. Second by Hewett, Carried.' 1'f::?! t2/~. ~,A/.(g~ ayor .., ,,-', ;.! lInI Fe I I I .-,-. ,.... . ~,~.:) REGULAR :MBETP-G Q:B' THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, HELD JANUARY, 18,1915. The Council :net in regular session with Mayor Boe in tIle chair and the following councilmen present --Crawford, Noon, Graef, Chamberlin, Patton and Boe. 'The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. ' The clerk read a communication from G.B. Whitehead in regard to the balance due on the ~chool lots. By ChaJnberlin moved, that the second proposi tion in G.B. Whitehead'e propoeal be accepted and that a warrant be drawn for $13;)3.;)4 for that purpoee, and that the city attorney be instructed , to draw the proper papare and attend to the payment and to the trans- fer of the deed for the echool houee lote.Wecond by Noon.Carried The Clerk read a communication fDom G.B. Whitehead authorizing tile Council to pay $400.00 out of the last payment due to G.B.\Vhitehead on the Bchool houBe late to May J.ecklenburg By Noon, moved that the order on the order to May Tecklenburg for bal~nde of $400.00 and interest from Jan,18,1915 due on the Bchool houee late be l~id on the table to be taken up later and that it be made a matter of record in tne minutee. Second by Patton, Carried. The following bills were presented-- Arctic ~rotherhood - - - ~1.00 K.E.McKean - - - - - 1;00 C.S.Patton - - - - - 48.38 By Chamberlin, moved that the billfl be allowed and wan'ante drawn for the same. Second by Noon. Carried. By Chamberlin,' moved that a warrant be drawn for the balance of the fund due to the Bchool board. ~econd by Crawford.Carrie By Noon, moved that the ordinance providing for the election of a night watch~an be read by title and paseed for the third reading. at next regular meeting. Second by Patton. Carried. By !Ioon, moved that the echool board be' instructed to have the !'Ichool building insured for $2000.00; $1000.00 with a company represented by the Whitehead Healty and Inveetment Co. and $1000.00 with a company repreeented by F.S.Black, for a period of three yeare at $28.00 per thoueand. That the insurance be placed Jan.19,1915. That the bills for 13uch insurance be handed to the council at the next regular m:eting for payment. Second by Patton. Carried. Noon reported that the title had waehed out a portion of tIle road leading from the ci ty to the head of tlle bay and that the Alaska Transfer Co. had agreed to put the road in good condition for $100.00 By Noon, moved that H.V.Hoben be instruceed to repair the road'leading from the city to tI,e head of the bay for the eum of $100.00. Second by Crawford. Carried. B:r Patton, moved that tlle council adjourn until the next regular meeting. ~~:~ A~@~ Mayor 1 H~:l F(~ I I I ~r~ d_ ( ,~, -' MINU~Ef) OF THE hEGULAB MEF:?' ING OF THE co:w.mn comIc II, OF THg ':!'omq O}' SEWARD HEI,D FE:B.let,l91j. ". * .. * . .. .... .... * .. * .. The Council met in regula)' se!"!! ioy .wi th Mayor Boe in the chair anci thp following council:JH'!i prpl'lcnt, Crawford, Noon, Hewett Graef C'-filtmb!lrlin and tile Mayor. , The minutes of the previous meeting werp read and approved ar; read., 1 b d Noon of the School Committee reported that t.he echoo oar haa made' arrangpml"nte to !"ell the old pr imary building to, 1<'. L. Ballaine for $75.00. . Patton of t.h,e S-t~cet-~i-ttec reported t!lUt Hoben and Davl!'< llad completed the repaire to the road J ec1i.ng from the ci ty tr) the head of tIle Bay and that the ''1ork had b~ef' none in a eatiefactor:,' manner. The Clerk read a petition aeking that ar ordinance be passed prohibi ting t.he runnir.:g of a reetaurant in connectior. with any ealoon in thp citv of Seward. By ... at ton: moved that the petition be turned over to tit/" city attorney for ar opininn to be reported 'back at the ):[')('t. regular meetibg. :Jecond by Noon - carried. Communication read fro'1l Benj. Poindexter and Robert Aehland enclop!ing a propop!ed Electric Light Franclliee. By Patton, moved that Mr. Poind~xter be requeeted to furnish each member of the council and the city attorr;ey with a copy of the propoeed Hlectric Light Franchiee. Second by Graef -- carried. The clerk read the report of Curtis H. Morford, pree. of the eehool board, of moneys expended by the bourd in completing the work on the new echool hou~e. By Noon, moved that a warrant be. drwan in favor of the echool board for $236.03 ae per report of PreR. Morford. Second by Patton-- Carrit'!d. The The following bille were nreBented--- Gateway Publi~hing Co~ - - - - - - -$328.00 By lloon moved that the Gateway Publishing Co. be paid one half, to ",it $164.25, of their bill for the publi~.hing of the delinquent tax rri>ll for tLe year 1914. Second by Patton---ca.rried. Alar,ka Tranefer Co. - - - - - - -- - - -$105.00 C. F. Hewett - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bl.52 Whitehead l<.ealty & Invel'\tment Co. - 56.00 January Fire Roll - - - - - - - - - 30.00 M. J. Conroy - - - - - - 3.30 /" By Noon, moved t}lat tile billf\ be accep:ted and warrante crawn for the eame. Gecond by Hewett - _ Carri",d. . ":'y .'001'1 ~noved that tIle rpading of tI,e Ordinance providing for "he election of a nightwa.tch"tlan and other l'lpecial police 01" fi1)t over until the next regular ;'I]ppting. Second l1ewedlt -ca"ried. The city attornet reported tllat tbe health ordinances would be completed in a few days. ~ I ')C-)C' koJjO - , " By ]:Joan moved tJiat the city attorney be authorized to have five cop~ of the pDopol'led ci t:r heal th ordinances typed by Mil'le. Ml'lhean. Second by Patton - -carried. The city attorney reported that he conl'lidered it advil'lable to bring an acti~n againllt, the Alaeka Northern Railway Co. for the collection of the pereona.1 tax aSBeeeed against the A1aeka Northern Railway for the year 1914. By ~atton. ,moved that the city attorney be instructed to enter f'ui.t QXXXlIX .for the collection of the perl'lona1 tax assessed against the Alal'lka Northen Railway Company for .the year 1914, in five days from date unlel'lfl f'did taxel'l ehou1d be paid before that date. Second by hewett - -Carried. Hewett for thf: police committee reported that City ....arl'lhal . Robt. Gueet had returned and wae again on duty. By Noon, moved that the council adjourn until the next reg- ular meeting. oecond by Hewett - Carried. ::&"J ~~;I Clerk 4; /~ (/~,Z ayor 1 I) ~I [;" )" ("C I I I C"'>rn , "-J 0..-" .<0;0.. _"-.J n:EGULAP. ImE'rnTG OY Tr::e CO!'UO!T COUl'CIL OF T}Jl~ TOWJT OF SE'VAHD, ALASKA, m~I,:!J FEE. 15,1 '1l5 . The Council (;Jet ir, regulr-IT 8F'EH',ior, wit:, l~ayor Boe ir '~he chair ard tL(; following councilmen prE f,t'r,t -- Crawford, ~'O()Tj, Hewett, Graef, Chamber lin and tlir: Hayor. The minutt'8 of the previous l1eetinc: were read approved after correction. The c i t;:,r a.t torne;:..' rei;-orted tlw, t an ordinance could not 'Dt:: pa"sed 'D;:; 'eh" council, fOl'biddirJg l'pstaurantfi iT, saloonB, whi whicL wo,,)ld be pra.c",icablF:. tLat :n;y nctil)l1 taken woull' llavp to bF' under tll'; police )lower and that the c01J!,cil clid nO:1t r:avf' f>uf- ficient powel'. The following bills were presented Isaac Evans - - - - --4.00 F~ B. Wood - - - - - - - - - - 3.7b The Sewal'(l Gateway - - - - - -lC4.;,~5 J. L. Graef - - - - - - - ~.JO Y. 'T. ]FcKean - - - - - ?,CO By C},amllerlin, moved t}:at the bills pref;,cntcd be place(l D on file until I[ar. I, 191b. Secor.cl 0:'" Foon---Cal'ried. By, CLamber1in , moved t],fj.t the Ordinance pro'rid ine for the ~.lecticn of a ni[fhtwatchrnan ::J.Y1cl appointmtmt of E'-}Jccia1 police Of- read for tLe "klrd TUloing. Secor,o by Graef--Carrif<o. B~' Chamotir1ir. , :JClVfC' tha":. a roll n call be called or, the Or(linancf' providlr:g for the election of a nig}]twatcll'l1un and appoint~'!]ent of SIHciul police. Second B:! G1'aef-- Carrie(1 The roll call resul tel} ae follows Crawforc - - - :,es Noon - - - - - - - no Chamberlin - - yes -e, tV... ~ewe!:.t_~ - - - - - 1'10 "1''''' ~ v Boe - - - - - - - no Yes - tllrpc No - tJ crFe€ The 1Eayol' declH-l't'(l the vote a tic. By Cham'uerlir: , 'TIoyecl thut the Council proceed 7,0 a 8€cond roll call on tlle Ordinance J)roviildir:g for th; election of :1. ni,:::htwatch:-:nan and appointment of specllal police. Second by Crnwford -- varried. The sf'concl roll call resulted aE'- follow! Cra~ford - - - yeaf Noon - - - - no Chamberlin - - -yes Hewett - - - - no Graef - - - yes Boe - - - - - r:o Yf'EJ - - thrtce i,o three 'i'}le vote waf' de~lared a ";:~'. ]j'T For!'" Yl0"E C' "'] ~t n ' -<', . 1 '" ' t . ,. , ",. ,', ~ lr. ellt:' llni.l ac ~lon on Le ordlll:J_!'CC provid ing for ti,,, election of a nightwatchrnan and ap:point~ljent of Rpecial police be deferred until the ne:;<+ , - 1 \01 1 et:;u ELl" meeting". <~7n .;:, : .) Second by Hewett - - - Carried. By Crawfol'd , ::lovtd that tbe proposed Eeal tL Udinance be 1& lain on tLe Hlble until t},e next l'egular meeting. Secon0 by Hewe~t -- Carried. By Chamberlin , :iJoved that tLe clerk read the prayer for the acceptance of tJle plat of Bay View and the deo ication as subscribed to by the r~corder of the precinct. Second by Noon -- Carried. By Chamberlin , moved that the plat of that portion of Bay View lying within the COrl}Orate limits of the Town of Seward and the dedication as subscribed to by Edmund Rudolph ard Julia Rudolph. his wife and thel\ecorr1er of the Kenai Precinct be accepted and placeo on file in the recorde of the Town. Second by Koon - - - Car!ied. The Fire Chif>f reCO:flmended that more attention be paid to the resiuenlile section by the nightwatc:t-uflen. By l~oon .moved that the Clerk read the propos€o electric li,,,ht f;"ar.chilile and tha"v t}le flame be PEtFFeO on its first re[tdir;g. Second by Hew~tt -- Carried. The proposed electric franchise asked for by D. Benj. Poindexter and Robert A8hland read by the Clerk. By Chamberlin , movf'(] tr"at the proposed franchise be rt ferr ed to. the llight Comm!ttee to report back at the next meeting. Second by Graef -- Carried. , By Chamberlin . moved tLat the council adjourn until the next reaular meeting. ' uecond by Crawford -- CalTied. A. ~.(71 ~ Mayor -t.",j ~ ... Cler 1BMFc I . I I ,,-''1 / , ': .,.. - m:GUI,AH ll!F.ETIHG OF '1'm: COH1~ON COU:PCIL OJ<' THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA, HELD ~~R.~e191h. * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thl Co"ncil met in regular session wi t11 tfayor Boe in the chair and, the foll'lwin,; councilmen presert -- Crawford, Hewett, Graef, Chamoerlin, Patton and Boe. , The minutzs of the previous mectl~g WEr~ read and ap~roved as read. "'he j.,ight Colt1mittt:e 0;)' Crawford reported t11at somE , amendrJents would be made to tIle proposed Electr ic Light Franclllse which were patisfactory to :Le 8ppl ic:wte cjf,d :" comer:ded tllUt the present proposed franchise be 1 .id ~n the table pending t11l;; presentation of a. subBtitute franclllse. , , By Cl1ar,1))erlin, movrd that the prol)Of>ed Electrlc Light fr~r.~ cllise be passed until ]'ffonday ?.Jar.C,19lb. Second by hewett,cH1TH'('. Pattor, of the fin,wct: co mittee rel)Ol't~\l that ",I,eY'p "7<11" or(ly $2C.00 to the city'fl crtdit at the ban}: and s!,{ggestf'cl tl,at some action be takel'l to take cal'e of the ci ty warrar:ts. The followi~~ bill~ were pr~sentEd Brosi~R & Noon - - - - - - 2.2b elms. Crawfor(] - - - - - - 0.00 Feb. Fire Roll - - - - - - 14.00 By Chamber 1 in, moved that the bills presented bf', ,j,ccz'}Jied and that weu'rants be drawn for the bills presEnt~d Mar. 1st [J,nCt also the bills presented on Feb. 1!j.19lb. Second by Crawford,carried By Chamberlir: , "Tlovecl that the 'l6X1'1'1C Ordinance providing for the election of a Nigl,twatchmen and the appointment of Special Police be passed on its third readir:g. Second by Patton Carried. ' TIle Ordinance providing for the :election of a Nightwatcr.l11a.n aN1 SlOi thr' :lPP?int'?en t of Special Pol ice read by the Clerk B;,' Ch~moerl,ln m~ved that the proposed Ordinance providing for, t1:8 electlon of a }Tlghtwatc:hrnan and ',1,ppoirltment of special pollce be amended by addir.B' after the word"fixed" in the third par~grap~ ,::LE,:olowing, to .wit "otnd such Nightwatchman olnd special Pollce snall Lave all tIlE' po",ers and be charged wi th t}',e Burne d +,' as th 'f' ' ,', . } 1 II C' '> C< U .1 e s e .owr: ',calS.& . oecol<d :,y Patton ca1'1'ic(1 The 0rdinance arc amended read by +,Ile Cl~rk and a roll all ()rderer] . . c The roll call resulted Crawford - - - - - yes Hewe t t - - - - - - no Graef - - - - - - - yes Chamberlin - - - - yes Patton - - - - - - yes Boe - - - - - - - - no Yes lour No two. ~lle JiJot'Lon carr ied. E.O.Sawyer :1.ddresf,ed the Council in regard to r ?~'n -, ~ . to the employment of ;~len by the Alaska Engint-'t~ring Commission and offered to make a list of the unemployed men 11\'ho expect to obtain employment with the Engineering Commission and suggested that the Clerk be instructed to write a letter to the Commission to accompany the list when forwi;l.rded to the CornI!Jission. '" The Cierk instructed to write t}.e letter suggented by Mr. Ra\"yer. By Chamoerlin, l!Joved - that the Hayor and finance co,'o- mittee OF> il1f'tructed tib devise Borne plan to tak~ care of . city warrants and to report back at the next meeting. Second by Hewett, carried. , The City At orney reported that Ordinanc~ No.ll provided tl.at the Council should at their laf't meeting, before election - :.tppoir:t tl,ree judges of E'lc'ction and two clerks of election. By Crawford , movpd that the council adjourd until Mar. Cth at EJ P.~L Second by H€wett, carried. -tfwJ ~r Clerk. ~.~(}?~ . Mayor r> 1B\If(~ I ., I I n,...,~ ~t,- THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF I.'i !t- TOWN OF SEWARD, ALSAK, HELD :MAR." UlJC-,(X ,1915. ........ The Council met in Special Session with Mayor Boe in the chair and the following councilmen present~ Crawford, Hewett, Graef, Patton and Boe. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The finance committe by Patton reported that the outstarld- ing warrant not paid amounted to $699.39. Thatbthe taxes due and unapid amounted to about $1200.00 which with'advertising which the city has paid made something like $1500.00. That the bank was willing to loan money to the city XI at 12% interst. That the warrants could be made to bear interest at 8% and casged by the holders. By Patton, moved that all warrants dr..n for bill presented on Feb.15th,19l5, and all warrants drawn during the month of March,1915, bear interest at the rate of 8 per cent until called in by the Counvl1. Second by Graef -- carried. The Water and Light Committee by Crawford reported that the proposed amended Electric Light Franchise was partly prepared and that a communication had been received from G. Benj. Poindexter. By Patton moved that the matter of the proposed Electric Light Frabchise be laid on the table until the next regular mee~ ing a.nd that the committe be continued. Second by Hewett -- carrid The following bills were presented; M. J. Conroy - - - - --- - - -- -$7.30 By lUlJJX11::JXilIUJUlX crawford, moved that the bill presented be accepted and a warrant drawn for the payment of the same. Second by Patton -- carried. By.atton , moved that the Mayor and Clerk be instructed to sign the letter to the Alaska Engineering Commission which was to accompany the list of applicants for work on the proposed government railway. Second by hewett -- carried. The Clerk asked for instructions on the printing of the Notice of Election. The City Attor ey suggested that the Notice of Election be published every day from the twentieth day before election. By Patton, moved that the Clerk be instructed to make arr- angements with the Seward Gateway Publishing Co. for the publicat ion of the Notice of Election. Second by hewett -- carried. By Crawford, moved that the NAyor be empowered to issue permits for the erection of tents within the fire limits of the Town of Seward, under such restriction as the ~ayor may deem proper and that no tents shall be erected within said fire limits without first securing a permit. Secodd by newett--carri'ed. I' 274: : The fire chief was instructed to investugate all new buildQ ings and t~e er,ption of tents and to report the same to the fire committee. By Crawford; moved that the Clerk be instructed to have prdinance No. 20 published according to law. . Second. by Patton Carried . By Crawford, moved that the Council adjourhuntil next regular meeting. . ~~~/ Clerk /' ~A. /?~G Mayor -, -, I, " lBMFe I I I (_.~.~~ ,."Z- l. '- l!.I11UTES OF TIm REGULAR 1~ETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA, HELD JAN. 15th,1915. *.**.*..*. The Council met in regular session with MayorBoe in the chair and the following coun(~ ilmen present - Crawford, Hewett, Chamberlin, Patton and Boe. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The Clerk was instructed to have the Notice of Election published in the Seward Gateway daily until the date of election aed that such publication commence on Mar.16,191b. The School Committee by Chamberlin reported that the scction of the side walk leading from the street to the steps of the school houee could not be laid laet fallowing to the condition of the groundand recomended that the walk be completed. The coromi ttet:' futher reported that therewas nearly enough lumber on hand to fir1ish the work. By Crawford, moved that the street and Alley Committee be instructed to see to the completion of the side walk from the street to t.he school house. Second by Hewett - Carried. Mr Patton reported that the walk north of the Carstene Market on Fourth Avenue was out of repair. By Crawford , moved that the City Marshal be instructed to repair the walk on the lot north of the Carstene Market on Fourth Avenue. Second by Patton - Carried. Communication read from the General Land Office. By Chamberlin , moved that the Clerk be inetructed to forward a copy of the letter from the land office XI in regard to the public wharf to Mr. Francis .otch at Seattle, and that the' communication be placed on file. Second by Hewett-~Carried. Communication read from G. Benj. Poindexter. The fD110wing bill was presented -- J. Lindley Green - - - - - - - - $20.70 By Chamberlin , moved that the bill prelHmted be a110wfod and a warrant drawn for the same. Second bv Hewett - Carried Chamberlin stated that he had received a letter from R. E. Olin of Sunriee expressing hearty approval of the action taken by the Council in BEnding a list of applicants for work on the government railraod to the Alaflka Engineering Commission arid stated that Sunriee would forward a liflt of app1icabts from that town. Mr. Olin suggeeted that the Council bring to the attention of the commisflion the matter of a scale of wages for work on the govern- ment railroad. The matter was laid on the table until receipt of the list of applicants from Sunrise. The Fire Chief reported that the fire company was out of chemicals for use in connection with the saall chenical. By Chamberlin, moved thatbthe city purchase two and one half gallons of chemicals for the small chemical. Second by Crawford Carrit'd. By Crawford, moved that the Council adjourn until March 29th,1915. Second by Hewett -- Carried. -1 ., }/ Y '-Mayor l ~,;'- '- _ .......~ ----- wClv-.J.! Clerk at,-,---< ~ J /' I 1 B~I F'e I I I ..............'\>""!W ~~. , .., p.,........~r'"'!- _. ..--- , J.J. I '~"-'H .......-,:..u;-IJ:,.... : '-r~7I~,i,:," ^r r:::~"'" (!,-.. :",''- ::r"''''(,"J1J .-" I\., T:r-' TC!~~"~T C)~ ~:-""pr'-i 1-!.J -;'::/1 :'~-'L; ~ J"7. :J~' 11<:;15 'The Ccur~Jil ~0t in ra~ular se3~icn ~ith ~~yor .~o n 1"1 "n- -'r"'~"r..L '-'" ""cr" ~ ,J> \. u C ..Llj~ J. 1 .;.....Jl.....l.U J..C... .J. I....l..' r.:...0.L, r'03 ir] ~;l8 C'11.~..i r rr1.:..,11:~) C j...l in ..X,:], tr;:; fcL"c,.-:in~" 'Tc;:att<:..,l ~cc. The nlinutc:J of tiLe rJ~~viCU~J L2.= tir.{.,' ',;vere '!'''ec..,j c.,:'1.5. ~lr'CovJl ~J r2L~J. (':}h'.j,tcI'liE of t',c ::-cho(;~, :-'uj,,)i i tt8 r0lortol that "-8 tL:.; f ccst "N.....3 T"1r...t ~~ntirolv cut cf th.: 'rcur.L\:l the L:...\.~ter of cc.r;;~-18tin~~ the 8i~lG ~ - ~ - ~~lk to tl1C ~chool h~d bS3n IG~id over fer aDZ weak. The follo~inG bills ~IC~3 prGaGnt3~ Arctic :;:',:cothc.:rhoo.i , rent of j~il - - - - ~1. C,G LT. 1..J. ~:rccrJ. - - - - - - - - - - ----- -ll.C'C ~. =-. ~-. C C",:18 - ....,.,... ,...,,/ :....' \...) . '.~ '- ,... J.'/:":"'l",~l .....,~l. t,J:\'r~:i ='\.;~vir:, ~-CI'n8~j~ 7r- ,,,.,.... ,". \)'.. l::,.e(1 ~y C'!i"'}...,yford lLovc,~l thc..t tile bil:~) be fc.....id L:..nJ ,7':,j,rrC;.nts dro;~7n :for ~.l1e Bc..L~0 . ;~0conj by Cl1::unt<~rlil1 - cc~rrieJ.. The. :'lork rG~"J i:;;. r:-{'Orc8,3J ~onj fer 31ectric lifht frc:vn,:his2 :3ubll itte:.:l by ':. 7"' :'Ci:-, ~axtcr c-'nd c.u~;3ccil...t0':;. -r::y :~h,-:,.rllbGrlin lLov3:.l ti1dt the rroro:Jel b011:1 8l1blr i tt(),~ by T:oindcxt\:.:r ~:;.nj jl.nJ..cr3cr. ~Ja :.~Ubll'i ttcJ. tc the oi ty c:..ttorncy '.;ith in3tructioTIn to I'3r,crt c~..ct ~i"t tLe 112X: 1 ::;ctin~'. ~eccnj bv ~r~ef ... carriel. ;::v' ('h"',)I,l")erlin YLOV::;j that the rrcl:oAel electric li;::ht ,frH-nchine .. "'" .. - - be r0f0r~cel to t::iO city ~ttcrn8Y to be rero:rte.: b~cl: ~:t tj-10 nc;~t mectinr:. recond bv rra~forj....c~rriel. ~he '-""yer the~l Ci;:I'C"intc:l tr;c follo',virll~: judges of :lecticn ~'TI':j r:.T"."t~rti~, ~-.'::'.II1.1C~,i; c"r:.J. ;".,..". ?ittcn l.~l~d t}J8 follc7inc rlerka cf ~18ction, rll~~. ~11allon ~n1 A.n.Drc~n. ~~13 oi ty trc~-.lurcr (".;;l-CTtc 1 tllc."t ......;.~ .T\l.l 1.::" ine hu.d fCI',.'1':,;.:,rJ?1 A1(',,( C" ,'" l' ~""~ 1-, l' ~ -l- ,~.~ -'"'." -, f-1--, ,-.Y I' lr" 4' t-r,- -l- "-' i~ "'u"[" ..,- ~ ~./1........ \..... ,...., '-'~'_."'''' .1.1.,)..; 11 :~ U'....I.........) ). 1 '..LJ..--, ..'v'-"-' ..L) J.~...._v iJ...1 ..' ..') J, iV_,,) ,.;or:C',711.-:t i:r.:.~'exce3::-: c:~ tl'c r3.-.,,1 i::LniCli.r:t lue c...:l:l ~~';kQl theut the clerk: ;:,e ir.:_,~~trl.:.ctl;.J t(J ,_.LJ.'>(,"':'~ >.k ,';c~rrc..nt fer tj.l,: c.~rl:c'.unt e,f the; refur.l.:l ',711Jn th3 e ,.{L"Ct :..w.C1..1r,t ".~;.~::-; "",,;1crot:,in3 J. 'r"\~... C'l\.:. ....f i ~ 1:~OV0 J thd,t .,",rh:::n tile eXC-l,ct ~~r:.oun ~ of .J.:-. ~ ..~lll...' irJ.c t~;_x.::-', ...,-,r'3 cJ,nc8rt...,.irJ.0':l tr-J.....;.,t t:i.C C13rk 03 in::tructe,:1 to i.l::C.7::..... '-" ,:\i.w,l...::.....--'-n~~ C'Oj~ tl13 l""'.:;fUl1"l :f(.ur..::l to ~';e ,luG. to or. Ba,ll::.ine . '""econd [-~eytett C,-, :i....riei :Cr. ~or~'liG' repcrt,J~l thL:\.t it ',T~l.,-j tilt18 for th(:; '..:.l3i3ig'TI.:.,_tion r-. ~ . ,... " ;::. - ~.., l' r: r-io H"l - V - ~ ~." -. -~ .f",...... --" -4-1-..... "'1' t... to , ....J ~ ..... I.' L C" ... .1........\.....11. 1e '..1.......0.1 + _u...L <;"'. ,'0-..1. J 1.,1. '--L.t~...i.'..r y 'lie [1- ~~~0 l~llv rctic0~ ~,~intc1. "'''1 c;h.:dc;:crlin fi,cv8:1 t].._(,.t the 110' (1 th officer 1)c iL.:.truct8d ;;0 li'_ik.e :c CL<Si cCS cla""nin;~:L,y .cn:l tlL, t he ,,,lson 2':: in"tructed ~c hire tC.":"L. for ';~ I...-; 1.1.-.:":; tc rei: 0"118 ~,,'.1.."~.:___;:c [,.r<l to (l.,lV0 th:: J.l0C:':::;~,"",.J::C'Y rJ.o~~ic.;'"'; : _'>iT~t~~:. --;3ccn~1 1)~. :::Caef. .c..",rri8~1. ry .~.h,"X'i~~"~ r3.. ir~ !..ov~ 3~ thi:l,t it 1:3 :!. -.' ~~t t c t ~l C 0 i t "';,~ -.. ~j t (. rncy t c ."c t ""J 0" t'j" 1- '~t ~ ]_,.L ~ -. ~ ~ + c"" "-' ~ ~ it,. 1']' -, ~ r'" -. -, i- c" ", '" 1"- ul " .L l' C]O ~ I. ~ '-' ..' ,-. ,., ..L _. 11 G 1...... "V ,,~ li .LJ.>.... '.... :. . . 1.... .~~.L~...... '-' ..... v ~' , _ li .' .J"-1 in the C'..:-L:-i':; of t:;:~2 ';C 1"1. cf ....3:!.=....rC:. "'\.T':-;,; I~J..'-". :"'t~T. ~Y!.~G. ....'..:;cor...:l l'!~r <-'''.:".:,,',~Cl'':~. ... c, rris:l. ;--l}}~D~~1:-rrI ,'"';!.--':forl !LCV.J:l thl:t tlj3 COLnJ~il -"Jjcu:rn l":T~'cil lBMFe I I I ~79 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD HELD Ill<< APRIL 5th ,1915. The Council met in regular session with Mayor Boe in tha chair and the following 'Councilmen present, Crawford, Hewett, 'Chamberlin, Patton and Boe. . The minutes of the previous meeting we're read and approved as read. The Clerk read a communication from Poindexter and Anderson in regard to the proposed electric light ~ranchise. By Chamberlin, moved that the communication be placed on file. Second by Crawford. carried. The ~ollowing bill wers read The Uateway~~ublishing Co. for ballots For Mrs. F. L. Ballaine - - - - - -.r. '" By Patton ,moved that the bill for ballots for Mrs. F.L.Ballaine be referred to the school Board. Second by Hewett, carried. T. Tallason - The Gateway Publishing Co. - - - J. L. Graef - - - - - - - - - March Fire Roll - - - - - .- - - - t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12;00 ;46 Ib.OO 48.30 28.96 22.72 2.25 H. J. Smith - - - - - - - - - - - - -- C.S.Patton - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. E. Chovin - - - - - - -- - - - By Crawford, moved that the bill presented be accepted and warrants drawn for the same. Second by Patton. Carried. The Clerk then read the opinion of City Atto'rney Green on the proposed electric light franchise and the bond offered. Mr. Thomas Weaver addrreeed the Council in behalf of Messrs Poindexter ahd Anderson. Mr. EWeaver siad the applicants were willing that the city should have a per cent of the gross earnings instead of the net earnings but that they could not offer more than one half of one per cent. Miner changes as to particular words.... would be allowed to be caanged and no object~On to the making of section 13 more definite and certain. That the applicants admitted the objections to the bond filed, that it had been offered only as a temporary bond until such time as a surety bond could be obtained from a company designated by the city. In regard to the bond Mr. Weaver make two proposals 1. If the franchise is grants the applicants will guarantee to furnish a surety bond, ~rom a surety company designated by the councit, ae soon as said bond can arrive in the due course of the mails. 2. Let the council accept the bond and then the applicants will sign an agreement that within any time within ninety days they will put up a surety bond, after reasonable notice and if they fail to do so that the franchise be forfeited. Mr. Weaver believed that fifty years was not too long for the franchise to run because the city had the right ~e at the end of twenty years to purchase the plant. Chamberlin spoke of the need of relief in the matter of electric lights and power, but that he thought that the council r "-Sf) "" ( '_if wae not juetified in taking the matter up at its last meeting under a suspension of the rules. By Chamberlin, moved that the opining of the city attorney be filed and that the remarks of Mr. Weaver be spread on the minutes amd that the matt~r be laid over for action by the next council. Second by Graef .Carried. A roll c~ll wae ordered Crawford - - - -yes ,Noon - - - - - - - absent Hewett - -' - '- - - -no Graef - - - - - - - - - -- - yes Chamberlin- - - - - ~es Patton - - - - - - yes Boe - - - - - - - - yes Yee - 5 No - 1 Absent 1 The motion was declared carried. The yearly repart of the city magistrate was read By Chainberlin ,moved that the report be accepted and or~ered filed, Second by Patton, carried. The yearil report of the Clerk read' By Chamberlin , moved that the report' o'f the clerk be placed 'on file and 'referred to the finance connnl'ttee Treas. Romig reported that owing t'o the late arrival of the taxes ~f J. E: Balla1ne that he would be unable to report until the next meeting By Patton , moved that the council adjourn until April,lO,191b. Second by Crawford . Carried. <~~ ~ A. 9?(-{' " Mayor - ! lBMFe I I I 001 ,~,-' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR b~ETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TO\VN OF SEWARD, ALASKA HELD APRIL,lOth,19l5. * . . * * . . * * The Council met in regular sessior with Mayor Boe in the chair and the following Councilmen present; Crawford, Graef , Chamberlin, Patton and Boe. -The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The report of the City Treasurer was read by the Clerk. By Ch~~berlin moved that the report of the City Treasurer be placed on file and published in the Seward Dailey Gateway. Second by Fatton, Carried. A communication from Wm. C. Edes of the Alaska Engineering Commission read . By Chamberlin, moved that the communication from Chairman E Edes be spread on the records.Second By Crawford. Carried. The following is a. true copy of the communication from Chairman Edes to MaJor G. G. Boe; " Washington, D. C., March 23,1915. Mr. G. G. Boe, Mayor of Seward, Seward, Alaska. My dear Sir; Your letter of March 8th with list of names of men desirous for employment on railroad work duly received. Thank you for same. I assume that those who have not stated the character of employment desired expect to get work at day labor, do the,ynot? I hope it may not be long before ~ some work is started in Alaska. Yours very trUly, Wm. C. Edes Chairman - The following bills were presented; Brosius & Noon - - - - - - - -1.00 Chae Sheldon - - - - - - - - 6.00 A. P. Brown - - - - - - - - - 6.00 W. T. Lucas - - - - - - - - 6.00 Mrs. C. E. Martin - - - - - - 6.00 C. S. Patton - - - - - - - - -6.00 By Crawford , moved that the bills presented be accepted and warrants drawn for the payment of the same. Second by Patton Carried. By Patton , moved that the Council adjourn. Second by Crawford, Carried. Mayor 1Ja.~j !~', l,;.lerK - , '"- / ~. 1 B~I Fc~ I I I ",...,~ . ...~,-{~ .'," _ L.,,; MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCn OF THF TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA HELD APRIL,lOth,19lO. . . . * . . . . . * . . The Councilmen eleoted at the Municipal election held in and for the Town of Seward, Alaska, on the 6th day of April,1915 to wit, c.~. Myers, Chas. Crawford, J. E. Chovin, Gus Borgen, F. E. Youngs, E. E. Chamberlin and C. T. Daggett, filed their Certificate8 of Eleotion with the Clerk and W~Ee sworn into office by city Attorney J. Lindley Green. The oaths of Councilmen were fil- ed and organization perfeoted. By Daggett, moved that C. E. Myers be temporary chairman Second by Younge. The motion was put to the Council by Daggett and Carried. Mr. Myers thereupon took the Chair. By Youngs, moved that the Clerk be instruceed to cast an unamious ballot for C. E. Myers as permanent chairman and president of the Council. Second by Daggett. Carried. The Clerk cast the unamious ballot of the Council for · C. E. Myers as permanent chairman and President of the Council .. and he was declared elected. By Borgen , moved that the presents incumbents hold over until the next regular meeting and that applications for city offices be filed with Clerk. Second by Daggett, Jarrled. By Daggett moved that the Mayor of Seward be instructed to send a message of congratulation to the Mayor of Fairbanks. Second by Youngs, Carried. By Crawford, moved that the Council adjourn until April,19th,1915. Second By Borgen, Carried. * * . (Insert) The Council by its unamamOUB resolution then thanked the outgoing Council for conseiencousand .effic.ie.nt work dm conducting the affaire of the city during nuring the, preceeding fiscal year. / 'Clc~r~ -t};. (). 'rft'M (tt:.. Mayor ,. U lBMFe I I I nQ~ ".~ '-' t...; MDt!1TES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF 'l'HE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA, HELD April 19th,l915. . * * . . * . . * * * * * . * * * * . The Council met in regular session with Mayor Myers in the chair and the following Councilmen present; Crawford, Chovin, Borgen Youngs, Chamberlin, Daggett and the ~[ayor. . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and the Clerk was instruced to incorporate in the minutes the Council's appreciation of the work which the outgoing Council had done for the city. The minutes were then approved. The )(ayor announced the appointment of the following cornmi t tees; ASSESSMENT AIm TAXES. Youngs and. DaKgett z.. r FIRE. PROTECTION AJ\TD WATI<iR SUPPLY Crawford and Chovin LIGHTS Alm SEWERS Borgen and Crawford HEAI,TH Alm POLICE Chovin and Borgen STREETS AND ALLEYS Crawford and Chamberlin FINANCIG AND CLAIMS Youngs and Borgen SCHOOLS Chamberlin and Daggett PRINTING Daggett The fol~owing applications were read for city offices Marshal; Robert Guest, J. C. Tolman, C. S. Patton, Bert Milliken, Gus Manthey, Charles Johnson; Edward B. Allenbaugh and W. W. Alderman City Clerk and Magistrate; Frank J. Cotter, W. T. Lucas and Carl Alroy. City Attorney; J. Lindley Green. By Youngs , moved that the consideratio~ of ppplications for City offices be put over on e week for investigation. Second by Chovin Carried. Health Officer Romig's report for the quarter read by the Clerk. Dr. Romig addressed the Council calling uttention to the fact that wi th the influx of population more people would be wi thin the Town than COU~d be accomidated and that a place shOUld be designated for the erectlon of tents, for the la i y ng of water mains 000 ~cF) ar.d for the establishment of public toilets., and the disposal of garbage. By Chamberlin, moved that the communication from the City health officer be placed on file and put in the hands of the Health and Police Committee and that the Committee be instructed to co-operate with the Federal officials in the matter. Second by Daggett.carried. Retitions were read signed by the residents of second third and fourth avenues asking that the grade be established and that walks, be construceted . , The petitions were referred to the street and Alley Committee. By Chamberlin, moved that 3rd Ave. and 5th Ave, from Railroad Ave. to Adams street be declared business streets and the side walks on the same, for the portions above designated be ten feet wide. Second by Youngs. Carried. By Borgen, moved that the street and Alley Committee be instructed to investigate the matter of hiring a City Engineer by the month until the necespary city work is completed and to :!lake reccomendations to the Council. Second by Chovin. Carried. The oath of Mrs. F. L. Ballaine as Cerk of the School Board was ordered filed with the city records. The following bills were presented ' U. S. Signal Corps - - - - - - - -$4~75 U. S. Signal Corps - - - - - - - 1.35 By Daggett moved that the bills presented be paid and warrants drawn for the sume. Second by Borgen. Carried. -' By Youngs moved that the street and Alley Committee be instructed to emploY such day labor as may be necessary to complete such odds and ends of work as remain unfinished and that the committee reccomend at the next meeting such stree work as they deem should be done and whether such work shOUld be done by co~tract or be day labor. Second by Daggett. Carried. Chamberlin reported that the side walk to the school house had beenf,com~leted and that the bills for the samf' would be presented to the Council at the next meeting. Youngs of the finance committee stated thta the Bank of Seward would cash warrants for labor at par until the city's funds were available. By Chamberlin, moved th~ the city attorney be instruct ed to look into the matter of the establishment of improvement district and , if necessary~ tq draft Ordinance covering the Matter oecond by Daggett. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to. make arrangements with the bank of Seward, ff the city safe could not be used, for the safe keeping of the ci t:r records arId that the abstract men be notified at what hours the city r,ecords will be available. and oper for inspection. By Borgen , moved that the fi,nance coromi ttee have the books of the TreaBurer an~ Clerk audited for the past year. Second by Daggett. Carried. City Attorney Green stated that the case of the Town of Seward vs The Alaska li'orthern Hailway Company had been appea:ted to the Circuit Court of Appeale and that it would be necessary to have the brief in the case printed. '1'hat it would have to- be in - I lBMFc I I I 287 of the appellate court by nay l7th,191b. By Younge, moved that the reccomandation of the City Attorney be turned over to the printing Committee to Usp its own discretion and thatbthe Cbmmi ttee have power to proffide for the printing of the Brief. Second by Chamberlin. Carried. By naggett moved that the Council adjourn until April, 26th,191~. Second By Youngs . Carried. -[ ,'--V'Ir';' .?r-e I.., ~ / Carried. (P. (). )/f'L f. U:/i/'~ . Ma -ITor /7 .Y .'/ 1 1.")1 l! f~C .1\f" J I I I ~QO Jo<ft. -1-_ MINUTES OF THE REmn,AR Mx;ETING OF TnT COMllON COUNCIL OF "'HE TOW]! OF SEW:\HD ALASKA HELD APHIL 26,1915. ... . * . * .. . The Council met in regular eession with Mayor Myers in the chair and the following councilmen present, Crawford, Chovin, Borgen, Youngs, Cha~Qerlin Daggett and Myers. The minutes of the previous meeting were re8rl and approved a~ corrected. Chamberlin of the Street Committ,ee reported that work had been co mrnenced in a small ''lay to clean up odd jobe and that the committee would proceed as fast ar>. pOEsible. Daggett of the printing committee reported that the Brief in the Tax caee brought by the city againllt the Alaeka Northern Rail,way Company was in the hands of the printer and would coet about $1.00 a page. report of By Younge, moved that the/printing bf accepted. Second by Borgen, Carried. Applica.tion of Nuzum and Coppernoll for appointment ae city attorney read. By Borgen movrd that ~he application br placed on file. Second by Daggett . Carried. Communication read from the Fire Department. By Chamberlin , moved that the report of the Fire Depart- ment be placed on file. Second by D~ggett. Carried. , Letter fro~ the Bank of Seward offering to loan the city mon~y until the license money wa~ avajlable. read. By Chamberlin . moved thatthe letter be placf'd on file anrJthe bank be tendered a vote of thrmke for ite liberalty. Second by Borgen, Carried. The following Bille were preeented. W. W. Butte - - - - - - - - - -- -.80 Alaeka Tranefer - - - - - - - - - b.lo H. A. Petereon - - - - - - - - 1~.50 John straeeer - - - - - - - - - 1.00 :C. R. Hameey - - - - - - - - - - b.bO J. H. Romig - - - - - - - - - 1. 00 By Crawford, moved that the bille be accepted and warrante drawn for the eamf-. Second by Borgen. Carried. The following reeolution were made preeented to the Council by Chamberlin of the Street Committe and read. JillSOLUTlOlJ . ::'iL IT la.:SOLVI:D by the Common Counc 11 of the Town of Seward, Ala~ka; That there be and hereby ie created, in eaid Town of Sew- ard, Five street Improv~ment DiBtrictB, to be know~ ae Street Improvement Dietrict Number One, Street Improvement Dietrict Number '1'111'0, Street Improvement Dietrict Number Three, street Improvement Dietrict Number Four and Streeti Improvement Dietrict Number Five. T11 The Street Improvement Dietrict }Tumber One ehall embra",e all of Fourth Avenue, in Said Town of Reward, from the eouth line of Railroad Avenue where it interflecte with ",aid Fourth A'lenue North to the North I,ine of the Frank I,. Ballaine Townei te of ffJ,id Town of Reward all I'Ihown on the plat thereof now on file with the ')g~ 0 ~ .'ecorder of Kenai Recording Dietrict. That street Improvement Number Two ehnll embraee all of Third Avenue in eaid Town of Seward from the eouth line of Railroad Avenue from where it intereecte with eaid Third Avenue, Horth to the North line of the Frank L. Ballaine Towneite of eaod Town of Seward al'l ehown by the plat of !'laid Towneite now on file in the office of the Recorder of Kenai Recording Dietrict. That street Improvement Dietrict Number Three ehall embraee all of Second Avenue from the south eide of Railraad Avenue where it intereecte with ea~d Second Avenue, North to the North line of the Frank L. Ballaine Townei te of f"uid Town of Sp1ITal'd eLl' r;hown by thf1 plat thereof now on file in the office of the Hecol'del' or Kenai Recording Dietrict. That street Improvement D1etrict Number Four ehallembraee all of Pifth Avenue .from the South 1 ine of Hailroad Avenue where it intereecte with Railroad Avenue Forth to the North lone of the Frank IJ. Ballaine Towneite al!l ehown by the plat thereof now on file with the Recorder of Kenai Recording Dietrict. That street Improvement Diet.rict Numb&r Five ehall embraee all of Sixth Avenue in eaid Town of Seward, from the eouth line of Railroad Avenue where it intereecte wi.th eaid Sixth Avenue North to the North line of the Frank I" Ballaine Towneite of eaj.d Town of Seward ae tlhown by the plat thereof on file in the, office of the HecDrder of Kenai necording Dil!ltrict. 'T'hat all improvemente and propoeed impr,ovementl!l of Streete and Sidewalkl!l ~o be made in any of eaid street Improvemente Dietricte I!Ihall be deeignated ae being in the street Improvement Dietrict to which it b~longe. By Younge moved that the rel'lolution be accepted as read. Secon~ by Daggett. Carried. RESOL_U11.QE I3E IT RESOLVJm by the Common Council of the Town of Sewarcl, Alaeka, That the peti1tilon of the properti..01Jmere. abut ing on Second Avenue between the North Line of Adame ~enUe f1.nd the South I,ine of Jeffereon Stl'eet in eaid Town of Seward, petitioning for the eetabliehing of the grade on said Second Avenue and Grading the eame ane conetructing eide walke on each eide thereof between the eaid Adame Street and the eaid Jeffereon street. be granted ~nd that ea.id work be done by day labor. That the coet thereof be aecertained and two thirde thereof be apportioned to and be taxed againet the abutting property thereo~. By Daggett . moved that the Reeolution be accepted at" read. Second by Borgen. Carried. aESOLUTION BE I~ RESOLVED--EY.THE-CoIDmon Council of the Town of Seward, Alaeka; That the petition of the property ownere of property abutting on 'oart}~venue between Railroao Avenue and Church street in said TOlm of Seward, petitioning for the grading of eaid Fourth Avenue, laying eidewalkl'! onneach eide thereof and Crol!!e ~ walke , all between the flouth line of Railroad Avenue and Church Street be granted. that a competent engineer be emplGyed and in- etructed to draw the plane and epecificatione therefor in accordance with eaid petition and euperintend l!Iaid work; That when the plane drawn b:: the er;gineer have been approved by said Council, that lIaid Council I'\ha11 advertiee for bide to do Baid wOl'k; That each bid l!Ihall be accompanied 1JY a certified check 1 F',')) ~:f fJ n PI. \_~ I I I ,-,r,1 ....' --- , certified to by one of the b:).nk~ in the Town of Seward, in the eum of Two hundred and fifty DOllarl!l, f.ai'd chtD.ck 15:KXXX to be forfeited to eaid Town of Seward, by the bidder who ie awarded the contract 1n caee he' shall fail or refu~e to enter into the contract ae r'equired by ~a id Council or ehall fail to furnieh a bO!1d 1i: the amount requir!'ld by the Council' that fla1d Council will approve; flaid Councilreeerving the right to rej~ct all bide. That the coet of' /".aid Improvement/". ))e a~certained, and that two tllirde thereof be apportioned to and tax againet the abutting prbperty thereon. ' By younge moved that the Rel!lolution He read btl amended eo ae to provide each bid ellall be accompanipd by a certified c~e6k in the f'lum of Five hundred Dollare. Second by Daggett. Carri~:d. By Younge movt>d that the reeolution as amended be accepted and filed. Second by Borgen. Carried. RESOLU':'ION BE IT RESOLVED by the CO[MI10r, Council of the Twon of Seward alaeka, that the petition of the propertY,ownere on Third Avenue betwcere Hailroad Avenue and Jeffereon Street, '1ryt%~ petitioning for a eide walk on each side of ~aid etreet from.$k'd Railroad Avenae to eaid ITeffereon street and croee walk at Waehington Street be granted and that eaid work be done by day labor and that two thirde of the coet thereof be apportioned to and taxed againet the abbutingproperty thereon a/". reque~ted in Eaid petition. By Younge moved that tlw reeqlution be accepted ae read. Second by Chovin. Carried. By Chamberlin moved thatl'lection ? of Ordinance Number (3 be amended eo that it el1all read" The sidewalke on each aide of re-s- idence etreete hereafter built ehall be eix feet wide. Recond by Daggett. Carri~d. Chamberl in of the street Cor<1{,li tte reported that a petition wae being circulated providing for the pulling of stumpe on Second Avenue from the School Houee to Waehingtol, street. Younge reported thatF. L. Ballaine would eell Lote 12,13 in Block l5 of the Towneite of Seward to the city for $6000.00; payable in thrt~e warrante dueJuly 15, September 15 and December lb. B:;l Borgen moved that the propoeition of I{r. F. I.. Ballaine for l'Ialp of lote 12, 13 in Block 15 be accepted on conditione offered. Gecond by Younge. CarriedJ Chovin of the Heill.ath Committee reCortecJ tllUt it wouln coet about $650.00 to €etablieh a l'Ianitary ten colony on the Ballain land. The Clerk wae inetructecJ to write J. E. Ballaine for hie coneent to the eetablil!\hment of l!\uch a tent colony on hie land. By Younge moved that the officere elected be required to file their r~l'Iignatione in writing with the Cl~rk before taking the oath of orrice, to be put on file and called for at the diecretion of the Council. Second by Clmw"oerlin. Carried. By Chamberlir, , moved that the l!ayor and Clerk bt: inetructed to draw flui table rel'lolution and forw'ctrd the eame 'fo the Poet OfficecDepartment at Waehington aekir:g that fir extra man be allowed the Seward office. Second by Chovin and carried by the unamioue vote of the Council/ Ci ty attorney Green and Clerk and 1,,'agietrate Almy orally offered their reeignationl'l to take effect May 10,191b. By Chamberlin moved that the resignatione of the City attorney or ,0 "".J: ./ ,,-. ...j,... ....,"I~ ~ ~... ",i'.': , and Clerk and Magietrate be accepted. 3econd by Daggett. Carried. By Younge moved that the qu~~tiorl of ~alarit'!e for city officer~ be taken up one at a time. Second by Daggett .Carried. " By Charnberlirl moved that-o"he l!Ialary of the Town Marehal be . $l5G .00 l>er month. Second 1>;:1 ~n)( Crawford. Carried. By Chov1n moved that -the ealary of N1ghtwatcl'unan be $120.00 per mon th. See ond by Borgen. Carr led. . By Younge. moved tha-: the salary of tht'! Clerk bt'! $25.00G permont}l. Second by' Chamberl in. Carried. By DaGgett moved tlmt thO' Council recomdder the "motion Pl;O- viding for the ealary of the clerk. Second by Crawford. Carried." By Chovin moved that the Clerke e~&ary be $50.00 per month. Second by Daggett . Carr1t'!d. :By Borgt'!ll moved that tht" sa.lary of the l,[unic ipa1 Magietrate be 1t2!:i.00 per month. standing vote ordered whick resulted Yee 3 No - 3 TheN';.ayor voted irl favol' of the motion and the same waf' declared c<nried. By Younge movt'd that 1.he f.lalary of tlw City Heal th Officer and Phyeiciar; to the poor bt- $50.00 per month. Reco~d by Borgen. Carried. By Younge moved that the salary of the City Treasurer be $50.00 per mont~/ Second by Borgen. Carried. By Crawford , moved that th~ ealary of th~ City Attorney be $100.00 per month and that no additional cum b( allowed for etenographer feee. Second by Daggett. Carried. By Y6unge moved thatnthe ealary of the Fire Chief and Warden be $125.00 per month. Second by Borgen. Carried. The Council then took a receefl for ten Y1Jinut~'8. Or. reconvening the Council procef:ded to the election of city office.re by Auetralian Ballot.and reeulted al'\ follows; Town IAarehal -...... RobertGueet - 7 Cler~ Wu T. Lucae - - - - 4 Frank J. Cotter - - 1 Carl Almy - - - 2 nunicipal, Ma~ietr.~~e W. T. Luca~ - - - - 4 Frank J. Cotter - - 1 Carl Almy - - 2 City Attorn~ Nuzum & Coppernoll 4 J. Lindlp.y Green 3 Cft;! l1eal~l.-O_lffiGer J. H. Rom it!: - - - - 7 City Trea~urer J. H. Romig 7 1 H 'I Fe I I I .'"i ,F.. 0 i., --<i ",.: \L.," Firt" C1Li!:f M. A. Horl:er - - - - - - 7 Patrolman -..--- W. L. Millikem - - - - - 7 By Daggett moved that the finance committee be inBtructf'd to pureha!\e Bucll'chaire for t,}lf' city hall ae were necf'!Seary. S~cond by Chovin. Carried. By Chamberlin , moved that the ci t:' poliet' officers wear a uniform and their !Star on the outeide of their coat. Second by Youne Carri~d. Communication rl"ad from Fire Chief Horner and ordered filed. By Younge . moved that the hntl th committee be in!Structed to look il~to tlle matter of the agrt'!l"ment made by a former Council wi th E. E. Hudolph iI" regard to u cemetery and aecertair, the l/;gal etatue of the matter. Second by Daggett. Carried. By Chamberlin moved that a cor:lmittee of thrt;e be appoir;ted to prepart'! a building ordinance. Second by Borgen. Carried. Thl" Mayor appointed ap Ruel, committee, Chovin, Cha.mbt"rlin ard Younge. By Youngl'(JJoved :.hat the Council ad1j:ourn until the next regular Geeting. Second by Borgen. Carried. f/,(" l.; ...P1 _-fb~ O. ~rw. n:ayol' tI I..~'~~ , - ---/ , Clerk 1 B~;I Fe I I I . y.r' \...... :,.:, ::),~) MINU'l'BS OF Tlfr; HEGULAH ME}~TING OF TH:E COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA HELD MAY 3,1915. * * * . . * * * . * * * * The Council :net in regular session with Mayor Myers in the chair and the following Councilmen present; Crawford, Chbvin, Borgen, Youngs. Chamberlin, Daggett and If:yers. , , mIle ;-ninuees of the previous meeting ',<erE read and approved n.p read. . :r. ' t Borgen stated that the wharf was ,unsafe a.~d that, t,e C1Y should post a notice to tha~ effect and that the clty would not be liab~for any i~juries sustained. . The matter was referred to the wharf comm1~tee. The Mayor reported that 8. O. ~otford had offered the city the use of as much of the sixty acre terminal tract as shoul,l oe found necessary for the establisrr:nent of a tent colony. Chovin of the CO:'TImi tee on cemeterys reported that the comm- ittee would make its report at the next meeting. , Chamberlin of the street Committee reported that the comml tt- ee had been cleaning up the odd jobs about the city streets. , By Daggett , moved that the report of the street comm1ttee be accepted and that the c01TLlIi ttee be commended for tIle work done. 8econd by Chovin. .Carrieo-. . The inatter of improving the glacier 6tt~eam \VEla generally d18- cusse(] and refered to tlle Fire and 'WaterrCommi ttee with ir:structions to report lacF at the next meeting. - The following Resolution was read by the Clerk; RESOLUTION That, vVheras Frank L. Ballaine has made a proposition to the Common Council of thE ~own of Seward, Alaska, to sell Lota 12 and 13 h Block 15 of tILe Towr;si te of Seward, Alaska , and therewith has terdered his deed to trle same , duly e:iecuted, for OX tIle coneid- eration of the sum of $6200.88, payable aFt follows, to wit; "'he sum of $2035./1, payable July 10,1915 "'he sum of $2062.66, payable Sept.15,l915. ".,he sum of $2103.11, payable Dec.15,19l5. And, Whereas, it appears tlLat the purchase of said Lots by the Town of Sewar'd is tleceesary arid proper for :nunicipal purposes; Now, U,ecefore, be it resolved that EHdd proposition be, and the same is llereby approved and said deed accepted, and the Clerk of the Town of Seward is hereby instructed, empowered and directed to draw upon the municipal treasurer of said Town three seperate warrants, e,clch payable to the order of said Frank I.. Ballaine, as follows, to' wit; 1. One for the sum of $;;;035.11, 'payable July 15,1915. 2. One for the sum of $2062.66, payable ,Sep.t.15,1915. 3. One for the Bum of $2l03.1l,payable DeC.15,19l5. in full pay'ment therefor, and the treasurer of said ':'own of Seward, is hereby empowered and directed to pay said warrants ~~on presentation in the order and at the dates herein mentioned. By' Y(\]Iungs , moved that the report of the finance committee and the resolution{as read be accepted. Second by Borgen.Carried. The printing Com;'rIi ttee was ins Lructed to have the necessary stationery printed for the ensuing year. ~'""i;'-..._'. ~,,,' .. ".-_~.~lk (")(6 ,~~ . Cham-oerlin stated tha t a peti tion had been filed wi th him signed by various business men asking that a license be required from peddlers. The petition was referree to the city attorney. for an opinion. ~he Clerk read a letter from City Attorney Green in reg- ard to tIle title of Lots 12-1;) in Block 15 of the Town site "1' Seward. , By Chovin, moved tha the letter be ~XIXXKN placed on file. Second by Borgen. Carried. The :resigna.tion of NuzullJ & Coppernoll as city attorney read and filEd. By Youngs , moved that the resignation of ~ Nuzum and Coppernoll be accepted. Second by Daggett. Carried. A communication read frOlh the Alaska "ransfer offering to sell to'the city certain lumber for the use of building side walks. Chamberlin stated that ~!:r. Hoben w0uld wait for the payment of the purchase price of the lumber until the taxes were collected. By Borgen, moved that the proposition of the Alaska Transfertn Re the Sale of l~~ber bp ~ccepted and that the l~~ber be Daid for when the current year's taxes Wt,re collected. Second'by Youngs,cCarried. The application of Wm D. Coppernoll for appointment as City Attorney read by the Clerk. By Daggett, moved that the application be placed on file. Second by Chovin. Carried. . Applica.tion of 1.'1al ter W. Lukens for ~ppointment as City Engineer read and referred'to the street Committee. The report of J. H. Homig, the City Health officer read and referred to the Heal th Coromi ttee~ The report of the Fire Chief read and referred to the Fire commit~with instructions to make reccomendatiorts. The repo~ofW. T. Lucas as auditor of the ~own books for the year 1914-1915 read. By Youngs, moved th8i~ the report of the au~itor be accepted andf1laced on file. "'econdby 'Borgen. Carrled. ~hp application of J. A. Combs for appointment as City Engineer read and referred to the street 'Committee. The following bills were presented. c ~ Seward Light & Power Co. - - - - - - - - - - Gus Borgen + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alaska Transfer - - - - - - - - - W. T. Lucas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brown & Hawkins - - - - - - - - - - - - - W. L. Milliken - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Carroll E. Pierce - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chovin Supply Co. - - - - - - - - - - - - M. A~ Horner - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - n. W. Harvey - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - J. B. ~later - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Robert Michaelson - - - - - - - - - - - - - J. G. Vickery - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E. Ayers - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - John Gilpatrick - - - - - - - - - - - John Rolf - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Henry Radke - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pete Mickelson - - - - - - - - - Albert Rosness - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , l .95 :3.50 65.00 45.00 9190 ;SO.OO 27.00 2.85 20.'00 28.'00 28.'00 28.00 28.00 22.00 l8.00 24.00 24.00 ~4.00 22.00 1 11 B'>lFe I I I ,,:' 'i' .''Q..': - ~ A. T. Martin - - - - - - - - - - - ~4.00 Louis Simpson - - - - - - - - - - -22.00 Arthur ~utt - - - - - - - - - - - 20.00 ~. E. Ayers - - - - - - - - - - - 12.00 Herman b'ri ckson - - - - 12.00 Fred Dorff - - - l2.00 Charles Sar:neni - - - - - - ] 2.00 By ChClmbcrlin, moved tLat the bills be accepted and warrants drawn for the same. :5econd by Borger.. Carried. By Youngs moved that the street Committee be authorize4 to hire an engineer until such time as an ordimmce is pap.sed providing for the appointmen.t of a regular engineer for tIle city Second by Da~gett. Cal'ried. A prop0sed nHDH'ANCEfiYine; the salaries' of the offi cers of the 'T'own of Seward ru,,'! by the Clerk. ~i!~'-'kJ. By Daggett, move('! that the Ordimwce be passed for its ~ll"~ reading. Second by Voungs. Carried. . By Youngs- ,moved that R. E.' Chamberlin be ('1 ectecl Pres. Pr0 Te$p. of the Council. By Borgen , moved that C. ':1'. Daggett he t'l ected Pres. Pro. Temp of the Council. Second by Chovin. Mr/ Chamberlin declinedto be a candidate. By Youngs, moved that thE Clerk be instructed to cast the'un~Qious ballot of the Council for C. T. Da~gett as Pres. - rl . .._ ~ro. lemp of the Council. ~econd by Borgen. Carried. The Clerk thereupon cast thE-' tinft-minus ballot of the Council for C. T. Daggett for Pre. Pro. Temp of the Counnil and he was del:lared. elected. By Borgen, ~noved t.hat time 8hc~te ard requisi tion.i booksbe provdJded for Uw ci t:r, So drawn as to :provide that they be signed by the Clerk and by Ute I'a-yor. Second by D&.gi'.:ett. Carried. ':I'he printing Committee was instructed to pro~ide subh book... The fo1;Lowing resolution by Mr. Youngs read by the Clerk RESOLUTION BE IT lmSOLVED, by the Co:nmon Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, that it is the Bence of this body that no person other than a person possessed of the qualifications of ar elector and of a citizen of Alaska, should be chosen, elected, appointed or otherwise designated as an official of the Town of Seward, Dated at 0eward Alaska, May 3rd,19lo. By Cha~berlin, moved that the reso~ution ne accepted A roll call was ordered and resulted as fol10\'\l"s; CraBBord - - - -no Chovin - - - - no Borgen - - - - - - no Youngs - - - yes Chamberlin - - - - yes Daggett - - - - no No - - -4 Yes - - ~ The resolution was declared lost. The following resolution by YQungs read by the Clerk 01(\0 ~ ~() Resolution '~HEREAS, "the Common Council of the Town of Seward, erroneously, by motion increased the salary pay roll of said town for the ensuing year approximatelY $3,300.00,' a.nd WHEREAS Buch action under the 'laws governing said ~own should have heen by Ordina.nce or Resolution, NOW TH:EREFORE, BE ITlillSOl,VED by the Com;'llon Council of the Town of Seward, That a publ i c hearing be ordered to consider the advisabilty of such proposed increase in the salary pay. roll of 'the Town, to the end that a.ll citizens and taxpayers may be fUlly heard, and thrlt such public hearing be held on Friday evening the 7th day of May,19Io, at the town hall at the hour of eight o'clock pi M. to be presided over by the ex-officio llayor. . Dated at Seward, Alaska, May 3rd,19l5. By Daggett, moved that the resolutioh as read by the Clerk be tabled indifinitely. Se~ond by Borgen. A Roll Call was ordered w~lich reeul ted Crawford - - - Chovin. - - - - - Borgen - - - Youngs - - Cham:berlin - ,. Daggett - - - yes yes - -yes no no yes The motion to table declared, carried. unamimous By Daggett, moved that the Clerk cast the ~1r:JlX:Is"nlf vote of the Council for ~~. D. coppernoll for City Attorn€y,Second by Crawford. unanimous By Youngs, moved tnat the Clerk cast the HlrlCfjrns ballot of the Council for J. L. Green for City Attorney. After discussion both motions were withdrawn. By Youngs moved that the CQ10mcil proceed wi th a roll call for ci ty a.ttorney wi th WIn. D. Coppernoll and J. L.' Green af' can- didateE'. The roll call resulted a~ follows, . Crawford - - - Coppernoll Chovin - - Coppernoll Borgen - - Counernoll Youngs ,. ~1;'een.. " Chamberlin Green Daggett - - - Coppernoll Coppernoll - - - - 4 Green - - - - - - - 2 Whereupon the U~Y9rannOunceQ that Coppernoll is elected cdlty Attorney. By Crawford, moved that theJC6uncil adjourn until May 10,1915. Second by Daggett. Carried. ., ........, I , Cl erk tk'q,,~ MaYOr; 1 B'iJFe I I I 00Q (;u ~ ......... MinutAs of AdjournAd mAAt1ni of thA CODJJllon C.unc'iL of thA Town of Sflward, AlaliJkA, hAld May 10, .1915.., ... ...... #717hr it 'F ihNfH iF 11ft ,f it;'t/M if ThA Council mAt pursuant to'adjournmAnt ~d was callAd to ordAr by thA MRyor, Roll call ahowAd all mAmbArs prAoAnt AXCApt ChambArlain who AntArAd during thA rARidini of thA lI1inutAs. 'ThA minutAs of thA prAv10us JllAAtil'li WArA rAl'lid I\nti,~ftAr bfti1'1& corrActP.d by DlfI,kins Sall'lird1ord1nA.nCA b~ pll\.li!sAd for its 8Acond rAading) WArA ft.pprOVAa CrAwford rAportAd that thft work on thA GlaciAr atrAAm would cost from sAvAnt;)r fi VfI to onA handrAd dollars. BorgAn rAportli that noticAs, warni1'1& pAoplA of thA condition of thA wharf,had bAAn had bAAn postAd on approch to wharf. Crav~ord ~Aports that thA strH~t ~O~ttAA had not AJllploYAd A1'~inAp.r. RAccommAnd8 that pAtition on Third AVp.nUA bA rAconsidArAd and that sidp.walk bA laid on WAst sidA only.. D~CAtt rAports that ~ttAr of city printi1'1& ili proirA8S1ni. COllUllunicl'l.tion from D. S. Wh1 tfiAld rAad IWd or.dArAd placAd on filA. Communication from Wm. KingslAY rAad and ordArAd placAd on f11A. PAtition for improVAmAnts in District No.3 rAad and rAfArrAd to MUnicipal attornAY. PAtition for construction of a plankAd sidAwalk on North sidA of Washineton StrAAt bAtwAp.n SAcond and Fourth AVAnuAs was rAad and rAfArrAd to thfl Municipal AttornAY. Bond of Municipal TrAI\8UrAr and communication accompanini 8BmA was ordArAd placAd on filfl. Official bond of Municipal ClArk was rAad ~d rAfArrad to thfl Municipal AttornAY. ThA followi1'1& billa havi1'1& bAAn approvAd by thfl financfl committAA WArA' rAad by thA clArk Brown &: Hawkins $ .35 COmmp.rCfl CafA 1.00 W. W. Butts 1.00 M. J. Conroy 3.00( Carl A~ 16.10 Councilm~ Crawford movAd that thA bills bA allowAd and warrants bA iSSUAd to thfl partiAS n~fld for thA rAspActivA amounts. Motion carriAd,.ll mAlI1bArS voti1'1& in favor thArAof. In thA ~ttflr of thfl pfltition rAquAsti1'1& thA AnactmAnt of an ord1nanc rAquir1ne a sub8t~tia1 licflnsfl from itanArant mArchants thfl munieipal attornAY rAporta that thfl Council has no pOWi'll' to ill1pOSA licAn8fl. Councilman Youngs mOVAS that thA ClArk prApar~ and cast thA ballot of thie Council for W. Di Coppf\rnoll for thA officA ot Municipfi.l At i<9rnAY for thll Plnsu1na: tPlrlQ Motion carriAd, all mftmbArS votil'li in favor thflr&Of. Xhfl ClArk prflparAs and casts thA ballot for W. D. COPDllrnoll for MUnicipal AttornAY and thA Kayor dAClfi.rAS him p.IActAd. Councilman Youngs movfld that D. S. WhitfiAld bA AJIlploYfld as MuniCipal qinAAr undAr instructions from thA Council at thA ratA of onA hundrAd and fifty dollars pAr month. Motion carriAd unan~ously. Councilaan Youngs movAd that thA A1'l6inAAr bA instructAd to makA C)fV\ t_l....i ..J sp~cifications of concrfttft work and ir~dina of Fourth AVftnuA. Motion CarriAd. Thft ClArk now rAada "Ordinancft AN An ordinancA Astablishina rulAs A.nd rAiulations for thft Town of BAwli.rd, Alli.ska, for th~ Counoil, City officArs, and City iOTftraaAnt, ud for othftr purposAs. Counoiaan Ch&lllb~rlA.in mOVfts thA.t "Ii. PrAsidAnt pro-tAm" bft in- sftrtAd in BAstion 1. J4otion carrifld Couno'1lB1an D~Cl'ltt mOVAS that Sflction 31 bft &IIlAndfld by .trikini out thA word "StrA~t8" in CoamittflA> No ~ and insArtini A.ftAr Committe& No 6 "7. CO_1tt~A' on StrA~t8 8. CommittAA on Printini" Motion Cl\rrifld. , Councilman D~gAtt .ovAd that OrdinancA A bA rft~d thA sAcond and third t~ft and thl\t thA rulA8 bA suspAndAd and thft ordinanoA bft pas.Ad Motion carriftd. Councilman Chaabp.rla.in voti~ No. And thfl llayor dAC1l\rAd thA ordimancA adopt Ad. ThA ClArk now rAA.ds an OrdinancA CrAlIlttiIl4: Thft OfficA of Municipal purch".tng AiAnt. Councilman ChambArlain mov~d that BAction fivA bA amAndAd by strikini out thft words A.nd(igurf18 OnA hundr~d and inl!lArtina in placfI thArAo.f thfl wordl!l fifty. " Motion CA.rriAd? and s~d ordinancA W&8 passAdto sAoond rAadiDi Th~ ClArk new rAA.ds ~ OrdinanoA R~gulatiDi StrAAt. and AllAYS Councilaan EorgAn mOTAs\that thA words "B.Y thA pprmittAd" be insArt~d in SAc,tion BAvfln ..:f\AT thA word IIrApA.iT" in th,A ll'l.st linA of said 8Action. \ Motion carTiAd? and said ~dinanc~ was pas8p.d to sAoond TAl\dilli. \ Th~ matt~T of pUrOhA.8ini An~ tocsin was rAfArr.d to thA HAl\lth COD'lli t tAP.. '\ CounC'ilman D~gAtt movl'!d thA.t ,8. hOUBA COB\Ill1tt~A b~ 8.ppointA<i to hl'llVA Ch..rgA of th~ City Hl\ll. Motion ol\TriAQ and thA Mayor appointAd CounoilmAn Chovin A.rJ.d ChllJIlbATlain on said COJlWJ.itt~A'. CouncilrllflJ1 ChlUlbATlain IIJOVAd that th~ mattAT of thA old school pTOp~Tty bA rAffl!rrAd to thA C'OJUli ttAA' on a88f1lS8aIAnt and collflotion of tl\XfIlS. Motion cA.rTi~d. Councilman Yo~s movfld that OrdinancfIl A bft publishflld in thA nAWSpl\pfllr and thfll ClArk WI\S inlltTuctAd to Cl\ll thA roll with thA followini rABult: EorUAn No. Chl\mbftrlain AyA. Chovin No. CTA.wford No. D~CAt t No. YOUIlis AyA. KaYOT lotfATS No. :Motion lost. J40vAd that OrdanancA A bft publish~d by postini thrfllA COpi8S in thrAA public pl.c~8 in thft Town of BAWA.Td one of said plA.cAB to bft thA Post OffioA. :Motion carriAd. Councilaan ChaabATlain was ftxCUSAd fTom furth8r ~ttftndancfll A.t this lllAAtin{.; upon his rAquAs1;, ThA mattAT of sfllcurini ~ rAductioa on thfll wharf~A ratAs was rfllfArrAd tG thA cOlillBlittAA on Lili:ht8 SfIlwATagA and 1V~Tf~ft. - 1BMFc nr',1 2)~~; J_ I ThA OrdirllUlCfIl fixi~ thfil 8fl.llU'i.fla of thfll officArs of thfll Town of 'Aw4rd w~s l~id oVfIlr until .thfll nfllxt rfll~ulfl.r .fIl~tini. On motion Council ILdjournfld. Kum~~ fi.., /7, ~;o~iC ~~._,-- --,.--------- PrAsidAnt 0 thfll Co~:on Council and Ex-Offici yore I I ?n'J u'J..... MINUTES OF THE REGULAR :MEETING OF THE CODON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA, HELD MR.y l7, 191 'j . ##41tT~r;1l;'tM1IL!fjL#ihJf,t'j,~,t.h"i{ , , , .r! il ,f. " " , ,,'J, II " :MP.p.t1p,cc~11Ad to order ~t 8 p. m. :M~yor MYRra in thA ehAir. R?ll c~l ehowAd ~ll .~mbAT8 prAaent. MinutAs o~ thA ~djouTnA1 mPA~in& hAld ~ 10, 1915, WArA rp.~d And a~)p'rovAd. . "ORDINANCE No. 21 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARI~S OF T}~ on I CFJW OF T~ TOWN OF SEWARD h~vini beAn rflftd thA t bird t hiA by thA clArk :I.. now pla-cAQ upon it. fin~l pa.s~e. Motion JILadfll' by Councilman Da.&iAtt flpcondAd by Counc'iltifl.tl Cr",w~ord th~t Ordina.ncA No. 21 bA adoptAd and thA clArk was in.tructFld to c~ll thA roll on thR a.doption o~ .lUd ordinAncA with thA foJ1owini rA8ult: Aye.; CounC'iJ>>1All 130 r4: fHl , CllfuubArlaln, Cbovin Crawford D~';~Att, YOungfll, M!l\,Yo~' J(yj'TB a.nd thA lUtyor d8cl~r"d thl'l C!l~dirllU1C'Q BQO~tAd. " OlIDTlrANCE No. 24 UAN ORDINANCE REGULATING STREl<lTS AND ALLEYS' w~s rARd thA third time by thA clArk ~d OB motion of Councilm~ Chfl.mbArl~iR BAcondAd by Cou.cil.~ D~&gAtt W~B ~AndAd by ~n5A:rti)l1 "kch dietlnct act ehA.ll bfl dAAaAd fl. 8Ap~r~tA o~~AneA" ~ th~~~8t liaR o~ SAction 9. On motioR of Councila~ Ch~bArl~irl sAcondAdoy CoullwillilA.)l YOU1\&s "U.dAr thA eupArviB'ion of thR Strp.At CommittAAN was iaBArtAd at thp. And of section 1 and the Cl~rk WIol.S i:aB,tructAd to call thA roll on thA adoptio:u of Baid ordin~cA with thR ~ollowi~ rAeult Ayee; Co~cilmAn Bor~An, ChambArlairi, Chovi:u, Cra-wford, DA.i&Att, You~e, ~or ~Are and thA ~or dAclarAd thA ordin~eA adoptAd. (' OrtiinlUlcA No. 23 If AN ORiDJ;NANCE CREATING THE O:&'FICE OF MUNICIPAL PURCHASING AGENT" W~8 rAad thA third tiaA by thA ClArk and on motion of Councilman ChaabArla1:U sAcondp.d by Councilman D~jj;"'tt thA ClArk W~l'l instructAd to call thA roll on tJ..iR adoptioa of l'l~id ordin~cA with thA followiaa rAeult Aye,,; CoulIlcil.Arl BorgAn, ChlUllbArlain, Chovi:u, Crawford, Da&~Att, fUld Yo~e ~nd }layor lIu!1rfl and thA lLayor dAclarAd thA ordinancA ~40VtAd. ThA ClArk now rAade thA co..unication of ~icipRl AttornAY CoppArnoll ~nd SIUIlA waB ordp.rAd ~ilAd. Councilman ChambArlFl.in,; seeo1ildAd by Councilman Bore:AJI., mOVp.8 thRt thp. PAtition for 8ir1AWFl.lkl'l on SAcond AVAnuA bA rF!fArrAd bRck. .. propArty ownArs for ~urthAr sie:nFl.turAl'l. Motion cFl.rriAd. ThA ClArk now TeFl.de the coawuniCFi.tion of thA HAFl.lth CoamittAA and Councilman D~iAtt,8AcondAd by Cou.cilmFl.n YOUn&8, ~OVA8 that .1 t thA coumunicfl.tioJl. be filAd. thA rAcomaond~tio1il thArAi. bA adoptAd . ~~~t~~ ~nd thA Municipal ClArk instructAd to 1e8UA a w~rraat for thA ~~,~ sum of OnA HundrAd Dollars in ~F1.vor of thp. fir.. nFl.mAd by fl~id co.~ ~~ibU_~ ruittAA to iUFl.rFl.nteA FI. continuous sup~ly o~ VaccinA and Anti-toxinA, and sl'\id motion 1'11'\8 carrip.d unanF\.lliously. .~ ! I ~ ~. 1 B \:Ir~'e 1 I I 3- n.c~ \.....fu },tinnu t A S l.!.A~_ti.j;_~.l_~lL ~_9.?:-,"7_,_ .9?!l ~_i.!l~_dJ, Counc'il.mlin Crliwford, sAcondAd by CounciJlllfl.n DIi~gAtt, lUO'l"AS thfl.t tl!A official bond of W. T. Lucas, Yux"icmpal H~~istrlitA, bA IipprovAd lind filAd fl.nd sliid motion WIiS clirriAd UIllia&aously. Tl,c ClArk now rAlid8 th<\ Bor,.j, of thp Blink of SAwlir.,.lAyosi tRry of thp. funds of thA Town of SAwlird, EUld Bliid bond Wfl.S rAfArrAd. to thA MUXlic'ipfl.l Attorlilfl)'". Councilau ChAmbArlliiri,sAcondAd by Cour.cilJllfl.11 You~s, mOVAS that tnP. :Bank of SAward bA nfiJllAd thA dAposi tory of tbP. fun(Ie of thA Town of SAwfl.rd in accord~.cA to Ordin~cA No. 19, and sfl.id motion was c~rrifld un~amou8l7. ':?t'A followi~ claims, haviag bAAn fl.pprovAd by thA fiJlfl.JlCA cOlUlli ttAP. lirA now TAad by thA clArk: S. Irwin . 5.00 C. Bliugh ~.50 :B. Hopkins ~.50 El~in Va~lal 2.00 Al Johnson 2.00 R. H. FostAr 2~OO Gus ManthAY 6.00 W. BAfl,n 6.00 J. AIIAnbaU6;h 6.00 Chris Ebrskrow 6.00 W. Ma.yfiAld 6.00 O. E. Hill~an 6.00 E. E. AyrAs 9.00 Jolm Mfl.dson 6.00 wm. Babis 6.00 Martin La.nniag 6.00 H. RH.dkA 6.00 H.P~AbAn 6.00 Jolm Rolfe 6.00 Jor~ NAlson 6.00 E. W. ShiAlds 6.00 Chfl.rlp.s StrAAd 6.00 R llIlichaAlsoJl 6.00 Jack Larson 6.00 O. Mop. 6.00 S. Lundblad 6.00 Rudolph PAtflrson ~.OO J. Gilpatrick 12.00 CantAl 6.00 C. S. Pfl.tton 6.00 Cfl.rl Al~ 6.00 W. HowlAY 3.00 D. McEwAn 3.00 Jol:n ROt!lfus 5.00 L. 1. WinnA ~.OO Arthur MAlosch L~.OO Councilmfl.11 Chovin, 8P.COIAAd by Cour.ciln,A.n BorgAn, movAd that thA clfl.ias bA IillowAd and warrants bA iS8UAd to thA plirtiA8 nfl.mAd for thA rp.spActivA amounts fl.11d thA clArk was instructAd to call thA rQll with thA followini rAsult AYAS; BorgAn, ChlimbArlliin, Chovin, Crawford, Dag~Att, Youngs, A1 WilliAmI'l Chas. ShAldon Frank NickArson UR.rtin LlillniRe Tom :'innAgfl.n T. Kut'!lcl1p.r J. G. VickAry ~'rR<J. Dorff ChlirlAs SlirJlumi AlfrAd ROl!lnA8S A. B. SllitRr Hfl.rry Radki ~'. E. DAEl.n A. T. Mfl.rtia RobArt KichaAlson LouiA NisS'Al!l lU1.th Slo88Ar N. GordoJl Gu;r McCoJDAll J.W. Long L. L. Winnp. SI1Jl1 Wilp.y HAnry PaAbAR Jim Nicholson Jemli!s McConnRll Nick 1osnp.8s J. LindlAY GrAAn Chas Crfl.wford M. A. HornAr A. Novfl.k Nuzum & CoppArnoll # 4.00 ~.oo ~.oo ~.oo ~.OO 3.00 4.00 ~.OO 4.00 12.00 ~.OO 12.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 8.00 6.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 l6.l0 17.25 11.50 2.00 35.00 I 'Qn~.:" U:'..J':1_ MinutAs l!AAting MI'\.Y ! 7.L2J]2.L_COXlt~!l2'lAd..:- M~or ~ArB ~nd thA Mayor dAcl~rAd tAA .otion ~dOptAd and thA ClArk instructAd to iSSUA tAA warrants. Coumcilaan Yo~s rAports taat ~ offAr had bAAn madA of tWAlv A hundrAd d..1J~rs ror thA old school propArty. Cou~ci~aa Crawford,sAcondAd by Councilm~ ChOT'., mOVAB th~t c'oWl.ci~R.n Younis bA a:ivAn ~nothAr wAAk to BAA what bAst tAr.s CfUl bp. flp.curAd for old sc'hool propArty. Mation carriAd. JUdgA Morford appAArAd bAforA tAA Council ~d addrAssAd thRa o. thA st~tus of thA old Bchool propArty clai.illS 8lU1A bAloqAd to school bo~rd. Councilmaa BoriAR rAporta that Rothi~ CRa bp. donA in thA wharf~A .~ttAr until nhA GGVAr~Ant acts about July 1,l~l5. CouncialUl Crawford TAporta thfLt six c strAAt li"hta h~VA bAAn cut out. 1 A~ch at thA followifti ~Ad pl~cAs, Firat and Ad~, Sixth IUld thR R~ilroad, AdlUls fUld Third, in front of Ed Crawford'" on 8Rcond, BridaA ~crOBS Gl~ciAr StrAam, ~nd SAcond & AdlUl8. Counci~~ ChlUlbArlain, sAcondAd by COUAcilm~n D~iAtt, .OVAS th~t thA pAti ticn for tAA coastruction of a plaJ1lc sidAwalk: oa tl:1A :aorth sidp. of WashiJliton StTAAt bAtWAAll Sflcond fUld Fourth AVl'll\UAS - bA accflptAd ~.d th~t a .pAci~l ~provAment district bfl crA&tAd and that two thirds of thA cost bA assA.sAd to tAA abuttiai prOpArty KotiGIl. c~rriAd ~ll aA.bArs votiJli; i. favor or aaid .otio.. ThA printi.i ~OaRdttAA was ~uthorizAd to purchasA tAA Il.ACASSR.ry blanks for thA USA of thA clArk i. co.pliR.ncA with thR ordinamcA8. Councila~. D~iAtt,.AcondAd by Councilllian CrR.wford, .OVA. that OrdinlUlcAs 21, 22, ~nd 23 bA publisllAd by postiaa thrAA COpiAS or AR.ch in thrAA publiC plR.cAS ia tAfI Town .r SAward. Coul'lci-,JI1~1i ChaabArlA.iJl,sAclf?udAd by COUJlcilafU'l Youllis, aOVAS to A.aAnd said aotio. by publishiai said oreli.A.JlCAS in A. XlAWSpA.pAr. AaandmAnt lost. o. rell c~ll thA oriiiaR.l ~otio. was carriAd by thA rollowir~ votP.;AYAS; BoriAn, Chovin,CrA.wford, D~CAtt. 4 NOAs; ChA.Jli.bl'!rla.in, YouRgS and l(yArs. .} And thA lilfLyor d.AclM'AG. thA .otion adoptflld f\Jlel thA said ordiJtRa- CAS WArp. ordArAel po.tAd. Councilaaa Chovi. rAport8 thRt Buildini Ord1na.cA will bA rAa~ for thA rl.Axt afllAtiJlJQ;. ThA ClArk now rAads tnI'! Rpproxi.ate A8t1aatfll of the cost of thR proposAd iaproVAaAnt of Fourth Av~nuA Rnd. saaR,toiAthRr with thR 8pAc1ficatioJts for strAAt, 8idAwalk, ~d crurb, WArA ordArAd pla.cAd on filA. - TbA lLunicip~l A.ttormAY IUld Er~inAAr WArA imst.ructAd to prAlJa.rA IUl ord.il',U'UlCA covAril1Q; ,.11 strAAt iaprOJlADlAnte, crARt1:r~ thA afficA of City AngiJtAAr ~d fixing his dutiAs. ThA I:1f\.ttAr of im.provini b'ourth AVAnuA from Church StrAAt north 1 B'cfF;"e I I 'I 0n, ':"'-- ~,t_1I Minutp.8 of thA MAp.ting lla.y 17, 1915, cElntinuAd. was rAfATTAd to tAA StTAAt eo~ttP.A , O~ motion tnA Council ~djournAd until aAxt Mond~ AVAning ~ 24, 1915. /H:-/~ MLAr~:pa1 ClArk. /" ~. (l,).JML(;Pl.,. ___ PTp.sidAnt 91' thA COli.lIb-on Council and Ex-Officio MayoT. 306 UINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED lIEETING OF THE COlWON COUNcn OF THE TO#~##Qll~~411D.'L,A#LA.#iL~l}4.'LL~If>#, !L~1 '~~!L ,LJ,.9.1~. tift. thtftftffffftffltff' Mtftffftftlt1tft fdtilirlNfftftft'lt#ffftirrt UARtini call~d to ordAr ~t 8 P.U. In thA ~bsA~c~ of ~or ~ATB PrAsidAnt PTO TAm D~gAtt prABidAd. Roll c~ll showAd ~ll mAmbATs pTAsAnt AXCApt MAYOT ~ATS. ThA minutAs of thA TA~ul~r aAAtina hAld ~ 17, 1915, WATA rAad ~d ~p~rovAd ~s TA~d. ThA comaunio~tio~ of thA Municipal AttornAY ~ppTovini thA bond of thR BRnk of SAW~Td W~. TA~ ~d s~id b~nd laid bAfoTA thA Couaoil. Courlci~~n You~s, BACO>>dAd by Counci~an CrawfoTd, aOVAS th~t tAA Bor,d, to SACUrfll> tllA fundll of thA TOlVll of Sf!w~rd., Ala.k~, dApo.HAd in thA B~ of SAwart, bA approvAd aa4 filAd. Motion c~TriAd. Tho ClArk now TAl'LdB OTQiJlIU1Cfll No. 25 "AR OTclhuwCA> to prflvidfll for ~ki.i loc~l iapTQVAaAntB ana to lAVY BpAcial aBSASB.Ant. on abutti~ prOpArty bAnAfltAd tAATflIby, ~d for p~1J1i for thA B~A or any portion thArAof~ ~d Oll motion of Counoila~ Cha.bArlaiJl . thR rulA8 WATA .u.pAndAd and 8&i4 ordiJl8nCA TAad thA IIACOJld ti.A by ti tlA. On motion of Counciaall Youni., 8I'!CondAd by COWil.cilmllJl Crawford, thA rulA. WArA 8UapAJldAi ~nd thA ordin~ncA rAad tltA third taA. CouncilalUl ChAJabflrl&lJl., 8ACOllldAd by COU1llcilIllIUl Your~8 mOVA8 that thA rulA8 bA 8u.pAndAd ~d thA oTdin~cA placAd upon its 'fin.wpa8S~A fU'ld thA JlR.yor pro t l"lll lJl.atructf!d thA Cl~rk to CA.ll thA roll OR th~ pa.8~p. ~d approTIILl of 8111.i4 ordlRancp. 25 with t'hA foll01'liJli rAl!ult AYf!8: Borafln, ChlUabfllrlain, ChoviR, Cr_ora., YOUlIi8, IUld PrAsidf!nt pro tAm ~iP.t~. AbsAnt and Rot VOtiRi, ~ArB. an1 thp. PrA8idA.~ pro tAm dAcl~rp.d thA ordillanCp. No. 25 a4optf!d. an1 8EU11A bfll publi.hlld by poati,ni in "hrAIl public pll\.cJI\8 fI,8 pTovidAd b7 ordinlUlCA WAN. ThA CIATk ROW rAade thp. propo8f!d OrdiJl.IUlCA rflliu1atini tAP. construction, Aquipmp.nt, altl'lra.tlct1ll, r~p~ir or r"aova.l, fiif bui.ldi.~. or etructurA8 in thf! Town of SAward, Ala8k~,~d on motion of CouncilaRB Ch~bf!rlain, 8l'1condf!d by Coun~i1aaa Chovin 8A.id ordinaacp. w~s pall.Ad t. BAcond TAadina. CouncilaRJJ. Ch~bAr1ain, sAcondAd by CouncilalUl Chovin, mOVft8 thllLt thA pAtit10n for thft laprovft.l'Int of WashiJliton StrflAt bft TfIlconaidATfIld. Motion cRrrl~d RBd tap. pflltition was rAfATrftd ba.ck for furthAr aiinaturAII of tafl propArty ownAr8 so a8 to includfll thp. extAn8ioR of tAP. propo.A~ 8~dew~, to Fourth AVftnufl. ThA pptition for thA iaprOVft&Ant of Di.trict No. 3 WIlLS laid over. Thp. followi-a cl~.,havlna bAAn "p~r.vAd by thA fiRlUlcA ~oaa1ttAA,Wp.rp. r~d by thA ClArk: RobArt GU~8t . 7.05 HATbfllrt ToziAT 2.00 Tom FinnAilUl 6.00 Fr~nk SkAAn 4.00 Counci~1Ul Cha.mbp.rlain, sAcondAd by Councilmaa BoriAn, .ovAd thllLt --. , , , 1 n ',r F e I I I r'r\~' 0t '14 MinutAB MAAtini ~iY 2~. 1915. ContinuAd. th~ cl~Laa bA ~lloWAd ~d Whrrants iSSUAd to thA p~rtiAs n~Ad for tnF. rAspt'!ctivA lUlLounts ~d thA ClArk: WAle instructAd to c~ll thA 1"011 with thA followini r~sult: AYAa: Bor~An, ChAab~rl~in, ChOTi., Cr~wford, Yo~s ~nd Mayor pro tAJIl D""iCAtt. AbsAnt ~nd not votini ~Ars. ftnd thA ~or pro tAm dAcl~rAd thA motion c~rriAd and thA clArk w~a instructAd to dr~w thA w~rrftnts. ThA CommittAA on Schools w~s instructAd to iAt thA opinion of thA lfunieip~l Attor:F.LfIlY on thA umttAr of thA old school propfllrty. Councilm~n Chovin rfllportAd that hA h~d .~d~ an Ax~in~tion of tftA int~kp. of thA SAwAlrd WatAr Co.p~ and th~t saaA w~s ~ll r1ght. ThA :printi;ne co_i ttAA' WA.8 1n.truc'tAd to ordAr thA bllU'lk:a 11.8 rAquirAd by thA ordinancAs. CounCilaRA YOunis,sflIcondp.d by COURcilman ChambArl~in, mOVA8 th~t the SAwftrd G~tAW~ bfll ~dA thA offici~l pftpAr of thA Town of 8Aw~rd Kotion 10Bt. ThA mftttAr of thfll B~yviAW CAmAtAry w~s rAfArred to tht'! Mur~cip~l AttornAY. ThA c'ommunic~tiolll of thA l4.urdcipfl..l :E:nt:imlf'!r w~s rAfI>d IUld on mot10n thA Asti.atAs and .~Acific~tio.. for thA improvAaAnt of Fourth A~nuA submi ttAd by thA EJlainAAT wsrlll- ~CCflP.tAli ~nd- Ordft'rAd filAL TAA ClArk rAftd tAe fellowiac rA801utioa: ~SOLVED:by tAR Common Council of thft Town of 8AWfl..rd, Thht said Council hArAby dAcl~rA. its iatAntiolll to i.provA Fourth Ave~UA froM R~illf~y AVfUlUA t. thA North sidA' of Church StrfllAt, i1\ thl'l Dl~nnAr follow- il1,i, to-wit: ~yin~ ~ OAmAnt sidAlf~l~ tWAlvA fAnt widA on both sidRa of s~id Fourth 4vAnuA, (I'IXCApt at gtrl'!At crosBini:s); do nl"cA88~ry !l;rEUtina; a.nd curbin" thArflon ~d thlll:rfll~lon,,; R.Jlld to construc't croIJ8wRlllcil ~t,'R.ll str~At ~r088ini8 thAr~on bAtw~n &Aid point.. Tlolo-tni:rds Gf thlll' c'ost ftnd AX1JlIlnal'l thArl'lof to bl'l DlftdA at thl'! AxpAnsfl of thl'l ~bumtini OWUArs. Imp:rovflmAnts to bill mRdA> anQ dORA by contr~ct. ThA,t Ct ty 'En!.:inlllA'r bl'! and hill is hArAby in.truatl'ld to p.8t~blish thfl ir~dA of s~id Fourth AVIIlRUI'I for such pUrp0811l, ~d 8h~11 a~USA pl~s 1Ul1 sp;l!cificI'IotioJlB to bA m~dl'l thfllrAfor, IUldto furnish to thfllCouncil IUl p.stiJ1latllt of thl'l AXpAnSI'I of such improvIIlAAntl!. Clf'\rk pub11sh :t'4QtiCA and copy of this rl'l'801ution for tflln d~ys, ~8 p:rovi4Ad by ord1~~clll,iiviRi notiolll to propArty ownfllr8 th~t objf'\ctions to thA mak1fti of such imprOVl'lmAnt !Rust bA m~dA' in wr1t1ai to bA fil~~ wi th thl'l (UIIl:rk on or bAforA, thfl fourth dFi-Y of .Tunlll, 1915, or upon fftilur"". s'o to do thfll Council ahltil proclIlAd with such imprOVlIllaAnts. CounQil~ftn Chamb~:rl~iR, BlIlcondllld by Councilm~n YounCft, movlIld thftt thfl rA801ution bl'l ~doptflld ~nd thfll alArk w~s inatructllld to c~ll thp. :ro11 with thfll fOll&wlmi :r'fll8ult: Ayf'ls; COUllcilmAn Boriflln, ChEUllbArl~in, Chovin, Crawford,Younes ~d ~:rfllsidAnt pro tfllm D~~fIItt. AbsAnt ~nd not voting Mftyor Myprs. 308 Minut~8 Adjourapd MPAti~g ~y 2~, 1915. Rnd th~ Pr~8id~nt pro t~m dAclRr~d the rA801ution ~doptAd Rnd the Clflrk W~S i..truot~d to publish lIf1.id notiol'l b;r postiai RIl proTidAd by ordinf1.ncfI "A". D. W. Hf1.rvflY ~ppflf1.rfld bflforA the Council ~d f1.SkAd thRt R wf1.tflr Ilm.in be Axt/llnd~d to the IAubnAr Addition ftRd thll 81'W11.fI WR8 rflfflTrf'ld to the co~ittflfl on W~tflr Supply. On motioa Couacil AdjoUTRfld. ~ M'...n a1pf1.l C'lp.rk.----- r::.;7 -. ?~.-/ prl'is':1.dflnt protflic 1)f--ihfl--Coeon Council of thfl Town of SflwRrd, AlfLskfl.. \ 1 I 1 BMFe I I I 0(;q L'l'_ {cJ ltinutAs of thA SpAci~l MP.etini c~llAd by thA MaYOT June 1, 1~15. ##"fffitfF#fiffff1f1fjfffif4ifitlf Im;F IflNNf if IN if 7f ir;f1t7f if iF if it jf The Common Council of the Town of SAW~Td., in pUrSUfl.nCA to the 01\11 of the lhiyor, w~s callAd to oTdAT ~t 8 p.m. by Mayor !l\YArs. Roll c~ll ShOWAd all mAmbArs prAsAnt AXCAy~ Councilm~ Yo~s. ThA minut Afl of thA fl.dj ournAd mAAt in€: of May 24-,19 15, WAre read fl.nd approvAd ~s TAad. Thp. communication of thA Municipfl.l fl.ttornAY in rp.fATAncA to thA lot pUTch~sp.d by thA S~bool Eoard prior to thp. incorporation of thA Town of SAw~rd fl.nd statil'li thll.t thA Council has no powAr to mfl.kA fl.ny OTd.P.T cor~c"'Y'nini thA d.isllosition of thA propATty. Also" In rA cAmAtAry locfl.tion, hi-\VA lAarnAd thA.t Mr.Rudolph still rAcocn:i.ZAS thA ri.:ht of thA Town of SAw~rd to thA plat of iround tAndATp.d by him. ThATAfoTp. it is bAst to hfl.VA a survAY madA of thA ~lat f~d a propAr transfAr madA thArp.of to thA Town of SAward." Also, "In rp. pAtition to construst cAlliAnt sidp.walks, irfl.diDi fl.nd thA curbini of Fourth AVAnuA from R~ilw~y AVAnuA to thA North sidA of Church StrAAt,fl.ctAd upon by thp. Council at thA reCAnt mAAtini, I bee to Sfl.Y that I havA invAstiil\tAd thA petition in qUAstion fl.nd find that thA samA dOAS not contai.n thA nACASSM"Y numbAr of siinaturAs for thA two-thirds in valuA of thA abuttini propArty. You ~rA advisAd thA.t all fl.cts fl.nd thiDiS alrAady donA undAr that pAtition arA absolu- tAly void ", Wfl.S Tead by thA clerk and orderAd filAd. ThA ClArk now rAfl.ds thA pAtition of thA O~lArs of morA than two- thirds of thA valuA of rAal estatA abuttini on thlr north sidA of Washil'liton Strp.At, bAtwAAn SAcond and Fmfth AVAnuAs, pAtitionini thA Counc'il to c'onstruc.t a plank sidA-walk thATAon on said north sidp. of 'Nashiniton StrAAt IU'ld cross walks bAtwAAn thA abovA namAd A..VAnUAS on thA North sidA of Washiniton StrAAt, and thA ClArk also rAads thA wfl.ivAr ~ttachAd to said pAtition whArAin thA siinArB wa.ivA tllA noticAs fl.nd all riiht to ma.kA objActions to said ~provAments and said pAtition RIld waiVAr WATA ordAred. filAd. ThA ClArk now TAads thA followiDi: RESOLVED by thA Common Council of thA Town of SAward: Ill,., Council hAreby dAclarAs its intAntion to improvl'J thA north sidf! of Washington StrAAt from thA east sidA of Sflcond AVfIlnUA to thA WAst sidA of Fifth AVAnuA in mRnnAr followin&,to-wit: tonatruct a plank sidAwalk thl'Jrp.on bAtwAAn abovR named points on the north sidA of said Washington StrAAt fl.nd placA propAr and suitablA crosB-walks fl.cross said aVAnUAS to connAct such sidflwalk. Construction to bA donA by dfl.Y l~bor two-thirds cost thArAof to bA paid by a.buttini propArty ownArs. Councilman D~iAtt sAcondAd by Councilman Chovin movl'ls thA adoption of thfl rAsolution and thfl CIArI( was ins\tructAd to CRill thA roll with thfl following TAsult: AYRS: CouncilmAn BorgAn, Chamberlain, Chovin, CraWford, DaagAtt, and Mayor MYers. AbsAnt R.nd not votini; Councilman YO~B, and thA Mayor dAclarAd the rAsolution ado~~8d. C',-'1{\ -< ' f' .. ,,': ; ___ -1_ o".l MinutAs SpAciRl MAAtins JunA 1,1915, ContinUA~. ##th/1f.IIII##fhflfi/#4###fhtlt ff4t!7f.ffiftllflllllhf IN/filM;! OrdinRncA No. 26 is now rARd by thA ~lArk sRid ord1nRnCA provid1ne for thA imprOVAllJ.Ant of Washin~t~rt~~~nd on motion of CouncilmlUl. DRc;eAtt sAcondAd by CouncilmRn ChambArlain, thA sRid ordinancA, undAl' thA suspp.nsion of thA rulAs, was passed to Rnd read thA sRcond AJld third timfll Rnd ~hA ClArk WRS inetructflld to CR11 thl'l roll on thfll a.doption of thA said ordinlUl.CA with thA followin~ rAsult: Ayes: CouncilmAn BoriAn, ChRmbArlR1n, Chov1n, CrRwford, D~~Att, and MR.yor MyArs. AbsAnt Rnd not votini Counci1mRn Your~s Rnd thA Mayor dAclRrAd thA ordinancA RdoptAd IUl.d thA ClArk was instructAd to publish thA samA by postins in thrAA publi~ places. ThA ClArk now rAl'1.ds thA rAsolution "'.I'1'Rt thA l4M.yor bfll ,and hA 1s hATAby AmpowArAd to si.:r. pAtition on bAha.1f of thA fown of SA''I'a.rd for thA purIJosfl of thfll authorizini UlA improvAmAnts on Fourth A,xtAnuA" as thA ownfllr of lots tWA1vflI and thirtAAn in Block FiftAAn and thA ClArk was instructAd to cRll thA roll on thA adoption of 8'1.i'1 rABo1ution with thA followil1i rAsult: Ayl'ls: Councilman BoriAn, ChambArlain, Chovin, Crawford, Da~~Att, IUl.d Mayor MyArs. AbsAnt and not voti~ Councilman YOun&:8, IUl.d thA MA.yor dAclarAd thA rAsolution adoptAd. ThA ClArk now rflads thA pAtition 01 MAssrs. Da~iAtt, ColwA11, and Cumminis,for thA chaneA of irRdA of Fourth AKAnuA in front of Block Four IUl.d on motion of Councilman ChambArlRin sAcondAd by Councilman Chovin thA ~inAAr was ins,tructAd to Ch~A thA irRdA to conform with thA pAtition. Councilman Dl'l.iiAtt, sAcondAd by CouncilmRn ChambArlRin mOVAS thRt thA old pAtition for thA ~provAmAnt of Fourth AVAnuA bA rAconsidAJtAd!. Kotion CAirriAd. . ThA ClArk now rAAids thA pAtition for thA improvAIDAnt of Fourth AVAnuA from thA North linA of RRilroad AVAnUA to thA North 1inA of Church StrAAt by p1RCilli said AVAnuA upon thA AstRblishAd iradA, Rnd constructins concrAtA sidA wR1ks tWA1vA fAAt widA upon Aach sidp. of thA said Fourth AVAnuA,Rnd Ailso t.O construct propAr cross walks, fivA fAAt widA, madA of su1tRblA plRnk, Rt thA intAr- sAction of Adams IUl.d WRshinston StrAAts with thA said Fourth AVAnuA, IUl.d thRt two thirds of thA cost of thA BAiid improvAmAnta bA aSBA88Ad to thA ownArs of thA Aibuttina rAal AstRtfl upon thfl BRid Fourth . A.AnuA, within thA aRid spec1fiAd limits in proportion to thAir ho11incs thArAon. nnd it RppARrilli to the counc11 thAit thA s~id petition contRina a bona-fidA two-thirds siinRturp.B of abuttini property ownAre in YRluA thAreof on motion of CounciLman D~~gAtt s'econdp.d by Counp,j.lman Chamberlain the sRid pp.ti tion was accApted in placA of formAl" onA and ordArAd filed. ThA Clerk now rAade thp. followins rA801ution: RESOLVED by thA Common Council of thA Tovm of SAwRrd: That aRid Council hAreby declRres itB intention to ~provA Fourth AVAnuA from thA Nortll side of Railway AVAnUA to tllA nortll sidA of Church StrAet in tllA lllallilAr followini: - 1 B:!Fe I 1 I ~"'1 .__., _ _..l_ M1nutRs Spp.ciftl MAfltini .TunA 1,1915, ContinuAd. ##fhtifit ihffht!/'ft thf ,F ;F-if ,1'"' 'F;F iF iF if;f iftF Fff:'F",F7f ,i if 41.1' By constructirJi; Ft CAmAnt sidAWfl-lk tWAlvA ff'lAt widA on both sidAS tl1A"fOf ("lXCAj.Jt fl-t strAAt crossings); do nf'CASsary grR.di~ fl-nd curbin{j; thArAor lUld thArAuoni; f\nd to construct propAT plfUlk crosswfl-lks I\t all strAAt crossings on sl\id Fourth AVAnUA bAtwAAn said abovf'I nfl-mAd. points. Two- thirds of thf'l cost and AxpAnsA thArAof to bft fl-SSASSAd ft&ainst abuttin~ propArtYOWl'lFlrs. ThA City EnginAAr is hArAbY ordArAd to forthwith prflparA nAcAssl\ry plans f\nd spAcifiCl\tions for such imprOvAmAnte fl.nd furnish AstimatAS of thA total cost and AxpAnSA thArAof. Such improvAJllAnts to bA donA by contrA.Ct. and thA ClArk, on motion of Councilman D~~Att sAcondAd by Counc,lr,''-l~l C!'.o'r-1 n I WI\S instructflld to clLll thA roll on thA adoptior. of sftid Tp.Rolution with t8P followini rAsult: AYl'ltf: Counc.ilmAn BorG An , ChFUllbArlF.in, Chovin I Crawford DR.i:l;l'lt t , and l.lFt.yor l8jfrArs. AbsAr"t and not votinl:; rounGilman YouuGf' and thl'! Mayor dAclarAd thfl! rAsolution adoptAd lUld thA ClArk Was instructAd to publish noticA,by postini COpiAS of SIUJlA, in accordancA witl1 tIlA ordinancF!s. ThA ClArk now rflfl.ds ordinfl.nCA No 27, AmAndin~ Ordinancfl No.l~, by titlA fl.lld on motion of Councilman BorGAn sp.condPQ by Councilmfl.n Crawford 8~id ordinancA w~s pfl.sSAd to its sAcond rp.~di~g. ' ThF. followi~r claims h~vin~ bAp.n approvftd by thA financA commiteA WArp. TAad by t~~ ClArk: W. L. MillikAn $124-.70 Alaskfl- Pharnnry W. T. LUCRS 53.25 .T. L. GraAf W. D. Coppp.rnoll 71.00 SAward Light & POWAr Co J. H. RomiU 85.50 SAward WRtfllr & Powp.r Co H01'c>:rt CUflst 14.2.80 S. S. Johnson M. BornAr 95.95 W. W. Butts 1).8. WhitfiAld 1::'..50 W. T. LUCflS N. J. Koontz l~1.5~ GrRCf' C. HAWAtt Dl1.l1 Tun1Rp 36.00 Brown & Hhwkinf1 G. 11. C1f\rk ~l.OO J. 1'.;. Chovir, A. Mclvp.r 10.00 A111.ska TrlUlsfAr Co. M. HornAT 18.0C{h. Chf\rli'!s l\rAftin~ Councilman Ch8.lllbflrlfl.in sllcondp.dJ.'8yo'C'o'ihlCilmniil\mmvAs thfll cla-iIl1S bA allowAd IUl.d.wa-1:rants bR iSSUAd to thA partiAs nfl.Illp.d for th,. rflspfl'ctivA lWlounts and thA ClArk Wf\S instrjlctAd to call thA roll with thfl' fOllowhE rp.sult: AYAs:CouncilmAn ~or~An, ChambArlf\in, Chovin, Crawford, ~GAtt, and MAyor ~Are ~ AbsAnt and not v9ting: CounCilman YOUl1iS, and thA Mayor dAclarAd thp. motion f\doptAd and thA ClArk instructAd to iSBUA thA wf\rranta. 6..35 78.25 35.25 75.00 1).00 1.30 2.~(i 6.50 .50 2.';15 9.50 9.75 Thfl rl'lsiination of W. L. MillikAn aftAr bAina rAad by thfl ClArk Wf\S on motion aCcAptAd. ThA HAa-lth officAr madA a vArbf\l rAport to thA CounciJ. Thft ClArk WRS instructfld to ordAr thA aSBAsSIDAnt roll fl.lld suppliAH, for thA fl.SSA8sor. On motion Counci 'ournp.d. nAcAssary P ~ - ~~/_. .J:2::s...____". - - -1 r~ of tll COI:"illlOn Counci and Ax-officio yore ,,~o .jJ _-" Minut-'B of tIll" Rfllelular mflfil'tine of thfll COlllmon Council of thfll Town of S(Ilward, Ala.skl1., IH~l,:t Junfll 7, 1915. #tt ,:Til;1 h Uthl !i" Iftllf If If IhllfiMfM4iN lit17U4 :11M riff !fitf! IM:I ,hHhI if MfIlAtini oa.ll-.d to ord(llr at 8 p. m. by Mayor ~fIlrs. Roll call showflld all mRmb(llrs prfllsAnt. MinutRB of thA spAcial mAAtinG of JunA 1, 1915, WiI!rfll ril!a.d ~a app-rovAd as rfllad. Thfll Clfllrk now ril!l1.ds OrdinancfIl No. 27 An OrdinancA to amfllnd Sfllctions 5-6-8-9-16-17-20-21-22 and 33 of O:rdina.ncil! 14- of thfll Town of Sfllwl\rd, and Coun~ilman Chl1.mbfllrlain,sfllcondflld by Councilman BoreAn, mOVAS that thA rulflls bfll suspAndflld and said ordinane~ bfll p~S5Ad to its third rAadini and final paS8~fII, and taA Clfllrk was inatructed to call thfll roll upon thfll adoption ot sa1<1. ordinancfll with tha followina rfllsult AYflls: CouncilmAn Boriflln, ChambArlain, Chovin, CraWford, D~iatt, Your~s, and Mayor ~Ars and thfll ~or dAclar.d thfll ordin~cA adoptflld and thfll Clark was instructflld to publish thfll samfll by poatini thrAfIl 00lJi88 thfllrfllof in ace:ordancfll with thfll ordinancfll8. OrdinanCA No An OrdinancA to ~fIlnd Saotion 33 of OrdinancR No. 5 of thfl Xown of Sfllward, Alasu, was rfllad by thfll Cl~rk and on motion of Councilman Chawbl'lrlain see: :l'iAd by CounCilman YOUHiB said or1iTv'\,nCfl was rp.fArrfi'd to thil! l'olicfl C(.\lDmi ttfllA. ---. I OrdinancfII No An Ordina.ncfll rflliulatiYli thA Construction, E'luipJllfllnt, AltAration, Rfllpa.ir or R.JIlov~ of Buildinas or StructurfllB in thfll Town of SAward, was rflla.d Bflction by sAction by thA olArk and lUl.lfllndflld1)~p to I'\nd includina Sflction 51 and furthfllr considlllration of said ordina.ncp. was ll'\id ov~r until th~ adjournAd mftetins to bill hfllld Junft 8, 1915. /' The followini claims wp.rfll rftftd by 'thft Cl~rk and approvflld by thft Financfll Committfl~: R. C. Gfllhling $ 14-. 00 E. E. Ayrfls li~. 00 Robt'!rt MichAlson i~. 00 Chl1.rlA8 Johnson 8. 00 l~rft E. Pi",rCA 7. 50 Councihmn Chovin, 5!'!cond~d by Councilm<m Cha.mbAr1a.in mov~s tha.t thfl claims b!'! allowiI!d and wfl.rrants issu4'ld to thA phrtiAs na.ml'ld for thft rftspl'lctivfIl amounts hnd thl'! ClArk wa.s in8tructAd to ca.ll thA roll with thfl followine rp.8ult: AYAS: CounoilmAn Bor~l'ln, Cha.mbArla.in, Chovin, Cra.wford, D~~llltt, Youngs, a.nd Kayor ~l'lrs and tAl'l ~or dfllc1ar~d thA motion carrifld a.nd thp ClArk WH~ i>c..truc,tfld to iS8UfII thfll warrants, Councilman ChambArlain, 8ACOndl'ld by Councilman YOU1~S, mOVA8 that tAl'l Municip~l A8S(lls~or 8~all b~ allowl'ld and pa.id thft compfllnsation and ~ salary durina thfll tl'lrm of thl'l prASp.nt Council for hie Bfllrvicfls in luRkins thA a.sSl'lSamAnt in a.ocordl'\ncl'! with thfll ordinancAs of thft TOWTl of SAward, thp. sum of Four HundrAd dollllirs 1 B~,IFe I I I .,.......~ ("~ -- < 'c- __.j Minutf'S R~t;ul>Lr M~fllJtini Junp. 7, 1915, c:!ontinufllJd. #lIil4iMihfilr/ #4 ;t#4.Fff:hMlfilrhi t HhhhF7/';f;f 1Uld the ClfllJJ'k was instructfl1. to call thp. roll with th.. followirli J't'!Bult: AyfllJs: CouncilmRn BOJ'gfllJn, Ch~b~rlRin, Chovin, Crawford, DfLggfllJtt, Youngs, Rn1 MAyor ~p.rB >Lnd thA MAyor dfllJclfLrp.Q thp. motion carrifllJd. The Council now proct'!fllJde to p.lt'!ct a KunicipfLl AB~fllJ8.or for tIc. pnsuing tfllJrJD. Rnd fllJach Councilm~n prftpares ar.d C~St2 hie ballot with the followini rf'~ult: DftJ'ick Lan.. 3 W. T. Lucas l!- and thfIIJ MAyor declared W. T. Lucas fllJlftctAd to thft office of AssfllJssor for thA fllJnsuirli tArm. Councilm~ Chovin, sfllJcbndAd by Councilman Daie~tt, mOVA8 that a tAlp.phon~ bfll plh:l,.,d in thfll Municipal JR.il. Motion CS_l'ried. Thl'l Pl'!t~":ion for thp. improvfllmAnt of t11"" U'..lr.illlpal Attormty. On motion Co eil adjournflld to Jrlfllfll,t Third AVAnuA was rp.f~rrAd to at 8 p. m. June 8, 1915. 6, a. ~~fH- PrAsidf'lnt iYf tIll'! Common COUDci:_ Ex-Offieio MRyor. and ,----- r,-";1 ~L':i: ltinutfll!l of th~ Adjo't!"Yi"d ~l'Ifllti'1[;~f the COll!lllon Counc1J of UtA TO~l of Sl'IwRrd, Alnskn, hl'lld Junl'l ~, 1915. # Ifihf . f'/fdffNf#il #llIl/IlffliF#ff!f !M/I IlltiflNf!Nf# llff if if!! Hil4t1lf 41ft if 114# Ml'll'ltir~ CRlll'l1 to ordl'lr Rt 8 p. m. by Mayor ~flrB. Roll cRII ~h w'"d 1\11 Dll'lmbl'lre prflSl'lnt t'!XCt'lpt Youn"s. Thfl COJlJJtlUnieRt1oln of thfl ),funic'ival Attornl'lY, in rl'!fl'JTfI!nCI'l to thfl! pfl!U tj on for thfl! i~pTovl'lml'lnt of Third AvenulO! I'l.nd statinQ; thnt all ttction hfl!Tl'Itoforf! takl'ln on ~~id pt'!tition ie of no .ffl'lct Rnt in OT.AT to undfl!Ttakl'l sai i imprOVfI!II"ntll thATf! will NlJcf!8sarily hllvl'I to bfl! a nl'lw p..tit4n:r; fi It'!d, w"ts -, .(',.(1 by trUIl Cll'lrk CouncilJllRn Cr~',vfr:,"<il, "'"C'0r:dl'ld by Coun~i.lIT!lUl Cbovin, J:l10'TfH: that thp. TI'I1-'Ort b... accl'Ipt,.( fin11'l. "lP':'" --,,~~tl c'i"'''l1]at..lj. l!otion CaTri!l!1. T'lP r.l.~ j 1'1 oT' (On"....1~:' JOIIDRon $4.00 httving bt'!l'!n ap!1~'~p," b:" :,1':.' financiI! C OllllIli ttef! was Tl'Il!\.d by thl'l Cl'rk and on motion of CouneilmRn Chovin, sl'Iaonli,.d by CouncUmlUl :Bor'-;l'In, thl'l CI..rk WI'l.S inetruct,.d to call thl'l Toll on thl'l apvrovRl of 8a.id cll!\.im witn th. followini rl'l8ult: Ayas: Coun"il~1Ul :BorQ;llJn, Ch<1.rr,b"rlain, CS01rjr" Crawford, Dali:i;fI!tt, Rnd L:tfiyor :V.yl'lr~ Abs...r.t Iilnri bot Yot1na: Youne;;8 1'1.11..( +;'lI- l'ayor tfl!alttrtl!d. thtl! motion carril'ld and thl'l ClArk W/i1..8 il1l!1truotfl!d. to i88UII tllp. .....a.rrnnt. Thfl! .Council procfII!fII!d..t "lith tl'JI' rllladinu I!lfl!ction by I!ll'lction of thtl! buildil1i orlinanotl! and aftflr compl,.tini thA rtl!adinli: of S8.m1ll I\nd mRkin" thlll prop08t'!d. ~ndmllJnte to 8Rml'l tnt'! ordinancA was rtl!ft'!ril!d to thl'! buildinji; COUlittllJl'I with instTueti.on8 to incorpOrlil.tfl all th. Ulil!ndtlll'mte in el1i<1 or(inlil.nCfl ant rllport I!llUll'I for finliU PILI!lI!!Iil.i;. at thtl! np.xt .l'!l'Itinji;. na-. Cl""rk now rli!lil.dl!l t.. propo..( Orclina.nclI Prolibiting tht'l l'Ir I'Ir..cU on aT :M.<tintlllJnlUlcl'I of cllrtain ob8truotil')r.~ to thll si<iflwnlks on thl'l Strl'ltl!tll of Tn" Town of SlIwl!\.r( ~nd S~tI! wal!! pa88t'!Q to 811cond rl'ladini. CouncilaRn Cb8.mb.rl~in: ~fII!condtl!d by Councilman :Borgl'ln, ma.kAs th~ following ~otion: nu~t t}!l'I City E:n.;;i, ...,.r bfl inlltructllJd to ')nrrlllot tn. "radfl 1\'" now tl!stabli8ht'!d I!lO that thll li:rlil.(A at FiftlQ and Wa8hin~ton Strllltl!t at thl'l Northwl!lJ8t corner b. 64 in8tfl~d f)f 63. .Motion cI\Tril'l.... Councilwl'l.n Daigfll!tt, 811!condll!d tbe Ci ty qintl!fI!r bl'l i}1l!1 t y'tJo t.. Ii to of FourtJn AVlllnul" wi tlil Adams Str.lI!t .Motion cl\Triad. On motior~ ~l adjournll!d ~.,~ Municipal Cll'lrk. by Councilman C};:ovin, lROVlll. Ulat 10wAr tht'! ji;rRdl'l "tt th. intl'lrsllJction onlll f00t. to mAtI!t Junfl! fourtll!l'Inth at 8 p.m. ~.a. ?1Uj.t/]/,~ Prll!8id~t of thfl! Common Council I\n~ Ex-officio Ml\yor. -, I -- 1 BMF(~ I I. 1 r:: 'f - 0-':"_: Minut"l6 of th"l Adjourn"ld .M"Ip.tir~ of thfl' Cornmon Counoil of t!l/\ Tome of S"Iward, Alaska, h"lld Jun"l 14, 1915. ##11 if/I thl#fh1 /1#1144 41ftl il tflhhhM i!iliMfl;f:l fhhMN ,Nhflt il ill~jhhFJf HI/III M"I"Itini o~ll~d to ord~r, in pursuano~ to adjournm~nt, by Mayor ~l"lr8 . ~J,p,1" Roll call 8how~d ~ll m~mb~rs pr"ls~nt/Counc11man D~~~l"ltt. Minut"ls of thl"l;'l'fI\cular ml"l~tini of Junl"l 7,1915, w~rfl\ rp.ad ~nd approvl'!ri as :r"'Illd.. Minut"ls of th~ ~djou:rn~d m~~ti~ of Junl"l 8, 1915, w~r~ rl"l~d RUd ~pprovl"ld ~8 r~~d. Thl'! pp.tition of th~ ownl'lrs of rl'lal P:lt~tl'! abuttinl; on Third AVl"lnul'\ bfl\twl"ll"ln Wasbina;ton an1- Adl'\.!ll~ Strl'!"Its for thf' lirlYJ.struction tbl"lr"lon of a :rp.~ul~tion pl~nk sidp.walk on both sidl'!s of s~1d strp.l"lt w~s rp.ad ~nd ~nd on motion s~id p"ltition w~s hl"lld ,OVAl" until thA nl"lxt rul'\l'\ti~. Thp. p~tition of th~ ownl"lrs of r~~1-l'!6tatA ~buttir~ upon Sl"loond AVl'\nUA bAtwl"ll"ln th~ north lin~ of Adams Str!'!At ~nd th~ south sidl'! of .Tl'!ffll!rson Strp.t'lt pl'ltitionint;l; thp. Council to 1'l8t~blish tht"! ~r~dl'! on s~id S"Icond Avt"!nul"l bp.twAp.n Ad~8 RUd JfI\ffl'lrson Strfl\fI\ts ~nd ir~dl'l s~id SfI\cond Av~nu~ RUt l~ or construct ~ sid~w~lk on ~~ch sid~ th~r~of, four fp.~t widl'l on l;r~d~ th~r~of, b~twfl\l'ln said Ad~s Strp.At ~nd said J~ff~r8on Strfl\t'lt,and apportion two thirds of th~ cos,t th~rfl\of to thfl\ f\.butlHna; pro1J~rty on ~A.ch sid~ th~rfl\of ~nd. chfl.Tii:~ th~ SFUlll'l to aaid ~buttin~ propl'lrty as is proviQ.l'ld by la.w, W~8 r~ad. RUd tht"! Muninipal Attorn~y r~port8 that thp. pf!tit~on is 8i~nfl\d by two thirds of ~buttin/;t propl'lrty ownp.rs in valup. tht"!rp.of. CouncilmRU ChfUllbp.rlain, sfI\condl'ld by Counoilman YOuni8, movfI\s that tl:P. p~tition bp. f\;cc~pt~d RUd thp. Munic'ip~l En~inp.~r b~ in8tructll!d to procl"lp.d with thp. improvl'lru~nt Motion o~rritlld. Tht"! Cll"lrk now rt'!ads Ord.inanoA No. 28 An Ord1nRUc~ providi~ for thA im,l,rovp.L!ll'lnt of Fourth AVflnUl"l from tht'! north siitll of R~ilway AVl'lnul'l to thp. South sidp. of Church Strfl\At RUi providini for p~ymAnt by ~8s~ssmflnt upo:r. abutti~ lots or parc~ls of llUld und/l\r provision of ord.in~nc(l! now in forcfl. Councilman ChfUllbt"!rlain, sl"lconi/l\i by Councilm~n Youna;:;s, mov~s that th/l\ 1~t/l\ in lin~ four of s~ction four bt'! chana;:;t'!d to r~ad Juntll 21t. Motion Carrifld. Mov..d by Councilm~n ChlUllbfllrlain, st"!oon'll"ld by Councilm~n Younus, th~t th~ rult"!8 bt'! suspt"!n1~d, th~ ordinancp. ~s amt"!nd/l\tj, bt'! rt"!ad th"l sfIlcond ~n(i third tirul'l by titlt'! ant thfl\ ordinanc'" bt'! pl~op.d upon its final paSS~j;A. Motion carri,.,d IUld th~ Clt'!rk WFl.S instruct4'\'i to cfl,ll tht'! rol] ulJon thfl! adoption of said ordinanc/l\ No. 28 with thfl! followina;:; r"!ault: Ayt"!s: CouncilmAn Borj;/l!r., Chl1J11b,.,rl~in, Chovin, Crawford, YOUll/l:f.I Fl.nd Mayor Myprs Abst'!nt RUd not votinj; Councilm~n Df\.a;:;~4'\tt. A.nrl thl'l Mfl.yor d/l\cIFlr~d thp or1in~nc(l! fl.dolJt~? Thfl! Cllllrk liOW rl"l~1s thl"l IJroJJOc,t"!1. ordinal'lct"! An OrdlnancfllProhibi tin/:; th,., fIlrt"!ction fl.nd rn~intt"!n~l:c~'Or CArtFl.ln Obstructions to thl'\ Sidl'!wA.lks r 316 Minutfl!!! of Adjourn~<i MI'l~tirli .Tunl'l 14, 1915, Continul'ld. ##;h!4thfNi!i,ptMrMiU,l,fN-M4:tihhhhffhfff,hMiUlh! l,hJ riM I on tal'l Strl'll'lts of thl'l Town of Sl'lward Providini for thfll and 'pl'fllBCribi~ p~nalitil'ls for thfll violl1l,tion thfllrl'lof. On Motion of Councilman Bor~fIln, 8~corii!l!d by CourtcilmA.n SA.id proposflld ordinA.ncl'l was passl'ld to third rl'ladini. Thl'l Clfllrk now rfllads tnfll proposfIld ordinancl'l An OrdinA.ncl'l to Amfllnd Sl'lction 33 of Or.inancfll 5 of thfll Town of Sfllward, Alaska, and on motion said proposl'ld ordinanofll was pftBSl'ld to its third rl'ladi~. rflllllOVA.l thl'lTfllof Chambfllrlain, Thfll Cll'lrk now rfllads thfll followi~ rfllsolution: RfIlBolvflld by tRfIl Common Council of thfll Town of SfIlward, that thfll SA.it Common Council hl'lrl'lby diclarflls its intl'lntion to improvfIl Sl'lcond AVfllnUfll from Adams Strfl!fI!t to .TfIlfffl!rson Strl'lfl!t by constructi~ a plA.nk walk on both Silifl!s thfllrl'lof, two-thirds of thfll cost to bfll pBid by thfll abuttin& propfllrty ownfllrs. Said improv~m~nts to b~ donA by d~ lA-bore ThA City ~inAAr is hArAby lnstructAd to forthwith prApA-r~ plans and spAcifications accordine to AstablishAd ~ra(~ of said SAcond AvanuA. SpAcifiAd improvAIDAnts to ba donA and cOlllpl~t~d undAr supArvision of City ~inAAr. Councilman Chaw.bArlA.in, s'AcondAd by Councilmftn Youn~s, mOVflS thA.t thA rAsolution bA /ol;dOptAd, and th~ ClArk WA.S instruct.Hi to call th~ roll with thA followin& r~sult: AYAS: Councilman Bor~An, ChambArlain, Chovin, Crawford, Your~s, and Mayor MyArs. AosAnt and. not votin~ CouncilmA.n Da~~~tt, and U1A :MA.yor dAclarAd thA rAsolution A.dOptAd. ---. ThA followini claims hA.vin~ bRan approvAd by thA financA committA~ arA now r~A.d by thA ClArk: A. McIvor $ 12.00 .Tohn NAlson .Tor~ Gilpatrick 32.50 LouiA Nisson V. H. Cottl~ 20.00 L. RA.nnis .TamAs Clinton 19.5Q LouiA OhuhauAr R. PAtArson 25.50 Sam ~i1AY O. L. Wolrl 30.00 :Bob IvlichA.Alson W. L. MAyfiAld 18.00 C. Bau.-:h G. A. CrowdAr 13.00 Fora KrUhSA C. ]'. DAflJ:l 24.50 Hp.rmA.n Erick.son C. W. PiArCA 24.00 s. Lun~blad L. L. WinniA 19.00 Harr;r RalikA .Torill .Tohns on 16. 00 H~nry l'A.bp.r" A. J~rricson 16.00 Lov.iA :r,il'lbiA .T. D. VickAry 15.50 .T.T. Howi~ W. E. .Tackson 23.00 SAward GatAw~ Publiahin~ A1aska~Tr~nsfp.r Co. 43.75 Com~A.ny 106.50 Arthur Tutt 11.00 .T. L. GrA.p.f 49.45 ChA.rlRs SOlllA.ni 1. 75 w. D. COPlJArnol1 10.60 --, Motion DlA.dA by Coun~iJ.Jlll1n Youn"s sAcomlAd tlY CouncilmA.n Q;y; COl:ll1eibww. jl I Chovin thA.t thA bills bp flllow~d A.n<i wa.rrants iS8UAd. to thA ,pf';'~,ip.s ~ u>=utAfi for thl'l rASpActivA IUDOunts, A.nd thA ClArk was instructp.d to c<\ll thp. roll with thA fn1101';i:naI rA8ult $ 8.00 11.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 11.00 8.00 11.00 8.00 6.00 10.50 8.00 3.00 7.00 1 H~rFe I I I =.~_7 Minutfls of thfl AdjournAd Mpp.tinc JunA ll~, 1<;115, ContinUAQ. .{.L....I.LL' / "'.c';f t' "t' L L' -" L . , 7rir7,-;,-i',t:;t;rJ~f~t't/.r_.t."':F J- nr1, ' 'rr 1n(" ," "r.tlr. .t7.k.rf;F.F.-ht~rJ-f-~f !: t:/: AYAS: Counc ilmFtn ,l3orj/;An, ChlUllbArlfl.in, CllOvin, CrFtwford, Youngs, fl.nd ~yor Myp.rs Absflnt fl.nd not votinj/; Councilafl.n D~j/;p.tt, fl.nd thA MAyor dAclfl.rAd thp. motion Cfl.rriAd IUld thA ClArk Wfl.S instructAd to lSBUA tlJA Wfl.rrMlts. Councilmfl.n ChfUllbArlfl.in introdu8Ad thp. followinj/; rABolution which Wfl.S rAfl.d by thp. ClArk: . Rp.~olvp.d., that it is thp. Sp.nSA Fl.nd will of Town Council, to buil<i two morA fl.dditionfl.l school rooms, fl.nd complAtA thA bfl.SAIDAnt room for USA, fl.nd instA.ll A. llAfl.tin~ plfmt, to insurA comfort, fl.wi CJp.fl.lth to thp. pupils, fl.nd so furtllAr AnCOUrfl.~A our public sChool'systAm, thA.t it will bA fl. crAdit to our cOiliWunitYfl.nd bA it RAsolvA'i, tllfl,t such improvAJUAnts bA complfltAd fl.nd rflfl.dy,.'for USA A.t bA~inninj/; of ffl.ll Fl.nd wintAr tArm A.Ud that thA School CommittflA shfl.ll proc"","'d t<, SAcurA IJIFl.ns Fl.nQ P.stilllfitas of cost and submit SF,Jet"', fl.S 800h as p08siblA for furthflr r ,,:.ion of Town r,ouncil. On motior. ,.r: ;Quncihfl.l.L CrFl.wfor1i, sAcondA<i by Counciliilfin Bor~.m, sfl.iri :r~:Jolution WFl.B A.CCA1,t,::,d fl.nd plfl.cAd on filA. Coul.Lcilmfl.n Youncs, sAcondpd by Cour.cillll!Ul Chfl.mbArlFl.in, mA'lp "''t-;r~ followinC motjo~:: Th"l.t thA C],,~1{ bA autr:oriZFt1 Fl.nd inBtru~tpj to A.d-rprtisA for 'hids in thp. SAwarQ. Gfl.tAWA.Y, six publicfl.tions, for thA IJurl)OSA of ~rHdil'G, curb in.:; , A.n<i conntruction of cAlllPnt SiQ.AWfl.lks on Fourth AVAnUA ,find to sflnd COpiAS of 8~A to POBtfuastArs ~t Vfildflz find Cordova. Motion CFl.rri.d. Councibrlfl.n Younes I rABianatiorJ fl.!> '\ :J1AmbAr of thp AS8A8smAnt COJllll'littAA Wfl.S A.cCAptp.d. On !notion COUl'wil adjourU!~d BubjAct to cfl.ll (,:f thA Mp;:ror to cons;r',,. lJAt it i 0 t, for t' J.>4 imprOVAtnAnt of Third AVAnuA. ~~--- licil,~l ClArk. ~_?Z ~~_____ PrAsidflnt of t' . COJlllIlon Council A.U.. Ex-officio yor n...s -< ~, r.;! t Minut~8 of UUI l{AgulRr MAAtir..: of tAA Comtlolon Counoil of UtA Town of SAward, AIR.skR., lu~ld JunA 21, 1915. #1!t~d# ~f:ft ftrt=rlif rllt:jl~-t# -:I ;f# ll:;tjfftft If iJ:.:F#~'f47t -:li t'!r !!i;fttil= ;Fit:;; ~'f: ii it:"lf:l irirFI ~f: =-'~i,i if7f!-r tf MAAtir~ OR.1IAd to orQP.r R.t 8 p.m. by PrABid~nt pro t~m DR.ggAtt. On roll IilR.ll thP. followinl; lliP.nib"rs R.mn'1ArAd to thAir nfUiJ.MS: Counlll'ilD1P.n BorgAn, ClHullbArlain, Chovin, CrR.wford, and Prf!lIidAnt pro tAm D~~Att. CouncilmAn MYAra And Younia R.baAnt. ThP. ClArk rAR.d t~A eommunicR.tion of J. C. MurrR.Y, mR.kin~ R.pplicR.tion for ~ AIActric fr~chi8A rtnd BR.id ~omrnunicAtion was ordArAd filp.d. filA ClArk rArtd UtA oooonuniOAtion of Ci ty ~inAAr WIli tfiAld in rAfArf!nCA to tAA improvemAnt of SA.ond Avenue And 8R.id comruunieation was ordArP.d filAd. TilA ClArk rAad thA Bond of J. H. Romie, Municipal TrAR.8urAr, and sAid bond was TP.fP.rrAd to tAA finrtncA eommittAA. ThA ClP.rk rAad tnA rAport of thA City EnginAAr notifying tAA Couneil of t1iA c'omplAt10n rtnd accAptrtnCP. of tllA improvAIllAnt of Wa.nineton ItrAAt by layine sidA walks on tAA Nort. .'ide tAArAof,a. pAr TA801ution pA.sSAd by tAi. Counm'il JunA 1,1915, from thA Aast linp. of SAcond AVA- ~ nUB to thA WAst linA of Fourth AVAnuA I CouncilDlrtn CharnbP.rlain, sAcondArl by Councilman BorgAn, I!lOVfllil that thA report bA accAptAd and placed on filA Motion carriAd. ThA ClArk rAM the rP.port of thP. SP.ward School Board covArinc thA pAriod from July 1,1914, to JunA 19, 1915, showine: Total rAcAiptA $ 3}58.53 " AXpAnditurAs ~3~1.28 BalrtncA on hR.nd 17.25 rtnd on motion of Councilmrtn Chovin, .:flCOndAd by Councilman Crf\wford, .f\id rAport Wf\S rAfArrAd to thA SorrwittAA on Public Schools. The communiof\tiona of J. P. MflntAll, makin~ Application for frR.nehisA8 for Alf!ctric R.nd mrtnufR.cturin~ artificiR.l,~R.liJ,w@.rA' rAad by thA clArk R.nd ordArpd filp-d. 3. O. Morford, AttornAY for thA DickArman pstR.tp-, f\pvAarAd bAforA thA Council f\lld notifiAd it tAf\t thA vaof\nt .pR.OA in front of the fire hR.ll could now be rAntAd f\lld f\8kAd tAA Counoil if it desirAd to SAcurA SfUIle. Concilmrtn Borgen,8AcondAd by CouncilwR.n CharnbArlR.in, moves tllllLt tAe FirA Comnittfle confP.r with Mr. Morford in tAA said matter. Motion caTriAd. ---.. , I I ThA Clerk rAR.d ordin~cA No. 29 An Ordinance Prohibitini tAA Erec- I I tiOll or MR.illtAnA.nCp of CArtain Obstructions to thA SidPlw~ks on tRA" StrAAts of the Town of Sflwlll.rd~ R.nd this bAing the third rAR.dine of aA.id ordinf\llOA thA ClArk WR.9 inRtruotAd to call thA roll on its finR.l pR.OSRCP with thA followinc rAsult: lB~,!FC' I I I 0~ ;". L..;'__' -,' Minutp8 of RpgulRr MARtin~ Junp 21, 1115. # .).,......... ,. .,i..,'.. _ ,;,,,,'...... ,it L,. .:.... "f'.i '.' , frif;'" / ''';r ,,'" i'7t .~Ir ;i":F7r J rr7( /7/ thr -t:,t1t','r--;uf7rlt1rifr 7nr il AYf>.B: Councill'Rf>.n Borji;Ar" Chl1.mbArll1.in, ClJovin, Crl1.wford, IU1d PrAsirJpnt pro tAnl Dfl{;(';At t AbsAnt I1.nd not voti~: Counciln:fln ,Nyerlil ,.nd YouniiS I1.l1d trjA Ih'psldAUt. fro tp.m 1p.cll1.r(ll!d thA ordinancfl ad.')Ptl'!d find. t"l<' r,}<>rk Wfl.>'I i!lstructp.i .:; ""..:Jlic;l' tl"," snii <;>,rliwi."'l;f' No 29 by po.ti~ as iJroYid.ari b~' ordiw'I,ncp. Tr,A ClArk now rAad8 Ordinl1.nCA No .30 An Ordinfir.cA to El.l.UAr.<l SAct:.on33 of OrdinnncA NWftbAr 5 of thA Town of SAwA.rd, AIA.skA., CounaiJllll1.n Chovin, 8AcondAd by Cou!lC1iJml1.n BorCAn mOVAlil thl1.t thA 8A.id ordinA.nc:~ ('Ie El.l.UAndAd by insArtin~ thA word tWAnty in pll'\.cA of thA word tAn ~n li~AS SAYAn and fiftAAn in BAction 33. Motion CA.rriAd, 'A.id ordinlU1~A Rl1.vin~ bAAn rAA.d thA third timA thA ClArk Wfl.S i~Btructpd to cl1.11 thA roll on thA finA.l p11.881'l.Cf! of 811.id ordinancf! with thf! follow- i~ raflult: AyPB: CouncilmAn Borgf!n, ChA.mbArlain, Chovin, CrA.wford, I1.l1d Mayor pro tam DA.ggAtt AbsAnt and nilt votina:;: I1.nd thfl PrAsidAnt pro tAn, W"S instruotAd to publish by ordinl1.ncA. CouncilmAn MyRra A.nd YOung8. dAcll1.rAd thA ordinanCA adoptAd and 811.id OrdinnncA No.30 by postin. as tha ClArk providAd ThA Building Ordinancp. wn8 lnid OVAl" until the nAxt mPAtin~. Thp. following clnias, h>tvin~ bAAn aj,JprovAd by thA fin&'lcA cOnlll1i ttAA, nrA now rAnd by thA elp.rk: O. L. Wold # 2.50 E. E. AyrA3 R. PAtp.rsor 2.UO R. E. Gp.~lin~ W. E. Jnckson 3.0Q Pntrick J. DorWllOA DA.n DW11~p 6.ou Evelyn S. Car~on CoU!.cilmlUl BorgA!l,8Acondp.d b.y Councilman CljQvin, mOVAB tlll'l,t bA 11.1lowp.d p.nrl. T!F.rr'<.:1t8 issuA'l to thf' ;;fl.rtiA8 nfl.llip.d for r.r/f' 11.lll0:..L.'1ts, I1.nd thA ClArk wn8 iniltructp.d to call tUB 1'01:; wit~ rp.s1-l1 t: A~TeB : Couiluilffip.n BOJ'€l:An, Ch>unbp.rlnin, Chovin, Crnwfor<l, 'Hid l'rAsidAnt pro tA;:ll DnigAtt Ab8p.:nt FUld. :r.ot votina: Co'"mcil,~,<':. 1lyAra nnd Y01~LU;8, I1.r,d thp. Prf1sidp.n~ j,J!'0 tAn, liAcl~rp.r!, tl:f' mot~o~~ ;;arr,-,\.~ Cird t':i\ Cl,"rk was iw"trlll~t,"d to tSS'"lr~ t~-" lVA.rr/lliIltR. $ 6.50 3.5U 8.00 6.50 thp. bills rAsl'p.c1ne the followilL CouncilrulU1 C}iovln of thA PolicA COIllIllittAA' rAcoinmAnd.s thl'l.t thA Fir" Chip.f bA sworn in AA n spAcial afficAr Counc:ilmlUl ClIR,lllbp.rlain, sfH~on1Ad by CauDci Iml1.u Crawf'or.i, maVAl! thnt thA FiTA ClliAf bp. owon'. .1:'l ",8 A. SpAcial PollcA Offi~pr Eot,~(,n ::l1;rrif'u. On m at Lorn of Councilmnn ChalllbArll1.in thA Caunci 1 prOCAp.d.8 to rAcoi'Ji'lj.rlf'r thR rill1.t. tAr of tLp. illll,rOVAlllp.nt of SAcoud AVAnuA from AdIUM'l to JAffp.rson St:rAAt 0auncilrlfl.n Chl1.mbprlf\.ir.,;: ,",; :mdp.1 by Councilman BOrt;p.ll, mOY'Hl thfl.t thA rAl:lolution pn88R.i by this Council on Junl>. })~, J gll), for thl>. illl.J.)ro'''''~wp.nt of Spoon'1 AVAnL<~' from AdA.ms to Jpffprson Str"f't;,; by cO!lstructine R n1<,r,':: WA.lk on both 81d.P.S thp.rpof, bp. rp.];>p.nlp.1 an1 thA.t thp [JAt.i t.ion bfl tf1.blp.ri. 9.n1 t!l" (~lArk ""F.~ l(,f!Tr'",ct,:>(] to c<~Jl tt;p roll with tlJP. fo1Jnwir" rQsult: Ay...e: CouncilmAL Bor,;An, Charllbp.rlFtin, Chovin. CrFi.w~ord I1.nd Mf\.vor "TO tp.:n :)::I.GGAtt ' ,,iJ AbsAnt 'l.nd not yotir"": Co '1 .... u.nc 1 ,llipn Myp.rs I1.r.d youneR r.-'I"r'I ':l~'.; !llinut~8 of thfl rp.~ulFl.r l1f>pttnc .runf'l 21 t 1915. '. ,( L'I.ii . I. . ".'. ,., 'f t ,t'. -.,:" t' " it' , ,. 't-' 'f"! ,t' ,,' ;'t-:r ".ofT 7t -~F."r: t{r-jr"t7t"/;--.fir1t--' I /-fiir7rlri ~ll"'/- j:/tttrJ /. lr!'-'nr7f Fl.na t~A PrA8idpnt pro tAm dAclarAd thA rA.olution rApAalAd and tnI'! PP.- , titian tablp.oi. TIc" PAtH"ion of tltl'! ownArs of rl'!al Ast!\tA Fl.buttinlj; on Tki:roi AVfl!!lUp. (IPtWAClD WaBhir~ton Fl.nd Adams St:rAfl!ta WFl.S :rAFld by HIp. Cl...:rk Fl!i<i U1A MunicilJFll Attorw'!y llfw l~ rApo:rtAd that sfl.id. fi.l'!ti tion is signAd. by thf! OWllAra of aorl'! :than two tllirda in valup. of tUA rl'!al A8,,!<~~ abuttini on 81'\.id Third~Avl'!nul'l iilA.id pf'ltition was on !!lotion"accp.ptfl!d '1.nd or.io'lrl'ld filAd. ThA Clp.rk noVl rp.a1s tnI'! follov,ini rp.l101ution: RAsolvAd by tkA Common Council of thA Town of Sl'lwfl.rd, thl'\.t thA SA.id Common Council hArl'lby dAclA.rp.s it! 2.ntAntion to imp:rovA Third AVl'lnup! froa Wa8hi~ton Strp.p!t to Adffias Strl'll'!t by eonst:ruetini fl. pll'\.nk walk on both i'litip.1I th"l:rAof, two-thirds of UtA cost. to bA pl'\.id by thA I'\.but tin" propfl!rty ownl'!r.. Sl'\.id imprOVAllJAr..t c. ..., ') bp doW''' b;r d.ay labor. TAA City En"inp.Ar is hArAby inst:ruetAd to forthwith p:rAparA pll'\.lls '1.nd sppcifieations accordin" to AstablishAd erA.dA af afl.id TRi:rd AVAnuA. Spl'!cifiAd i~provAmAnt. to bA donI'! I'\.lld complAtAd undA:r supAr- vision of tllA City En&;inPA:r. A.n,i thA Cl"lrk Wfl.8 inat:ruetAd to call thA roll on tbp. hdovtion of 8'"1.i'1 rl'l.olut ion wi tl.l tJ:'p followi~ rAliJul t: AYAS: Conr.oillllAn Bort;An, CkFU11bArlain, Chovin, Crhwford, and lITAsirlAnt Pro t.,m DaiaAtt Ab~'mt I'\.lld not votir~: Councilmp.n MyAra and YoUr!{i;8, I'\.llri thp. Prl'!lIlidp.nt pro tlllIll dAcl.l'\.r<"!d UlA rA.olution fl.doptAd,.anrl tNI'! Clp.rk was iURtructp.d to iaQUA ~ottap. to objActors. Councilman CllA.wbArlain spcml(l~d by Councilman Bon;l'ln WOVl'lliJ tRat a Bpp.~iA.l cowrnitt",p, of thrpp' bA appointl'ld to hlvAstiaatA tlu'l apI,licA.- tior:li for frl'\.llchisAliJ and rAllort to tltA Couneil P.t thp mF\Ati~ to bf'> !>pJ ~ J""',,'\ 2l.f-, 19l1), Mo!ion CA.rril'ld. Co'"meilmF\n r.tYp.rs, C:hovin, I'\.lld DftG,'Sptt wp.rp. ap1Joint..d !!laid. aommi ttP.A. CO'.H.cilmA.n ChfUllbp.rlain introducp.d. a rAil r-l1ttlon on th.. lirantin" of liquor liCAl1liPlil I'l.nd said ;'AS :"t-,lon was laid OVf'!r t:r;,til Up.xt Tp.l?;ular JJ:lp.f'tina OE l11otion Coun~il adjournJ.'\d until Thurad.ay .runt"! 2lJ-, 1915. "u,{!I::/;:.~ ( ,.41L <~p,~~~,:"t~Qt:~ CCililLl-JD Council and I'!xofficio M",-yor. ... '""""""\ 1 B~:IFe =--=1 I MimutAs of thp. AdjournAd Mp,"tin~ of tLp. Commor.. Council of thp. Tow;c of SAward, Alaska, l~A 1,1 .nU1A 24, 1915. MAp.tin" callA'i to ordAr in pUrSUaY1CA to qrij ourmllAnt by Mayor 1.1yArs. Roll call sbowpd 1'\.11 ruAmbArs!'~''lp.nt AXCAfit CounciJml'\.ll Clll'i,mbAr1ain. In FtccOrdl'tnCA with thA nr,ticA publishAd in tLA SAward GatAway by tl1!A Munic ipl'tl ClArk as provi,ip.d by ordinanc~ No. 25 thA Mayor Y10Vl instructs thp. DIArk to public'ly op.m and rAad thp. fivA bids,filAd with thp. ClArk, for thp. purposA of ~rf1.4ing, curbing FtY"d thA construc tion of CAm.mt sirlA- walks on Fourth AVAnuA, from Railway AVA!'iUA to Church 3t :!"p,"t, in A.ccordA. anCA with tnp. ~lA.ns and spAcifications on filA with yhA City En"inPAr, and thp. said bids WArp. rAad as follows: NI'UIlA BidrlAr EARTH WORK Excavation Fillin~ pAr Cu. pAr Cu. yard. YRr1 CEMENT WORK SidAwalk Curb l-inch ~",r sq. pf'T linall.1 Iron foot f9ot~ Conduit pAr lin foot Cross Box W;:tJ.I.: GuttAr 6 of'. 121x12" '"7Lll~' inaid.p. lJArlin.1Jf'r lin foo} foot -_.._-----_._----~--~--- ---- .-..----.--------.- -- -----_._._._._- I J.P.MantAll .90 .50 .l9c} .n .12 .R5 .50 Mur1'hy A.nd. AndArson 1.00 1.00 .23,} .6 'j .13' 1.00 -32 Leytp,u, Lon" & Cam'opll 1.25 1.25 .19-3/10 .75 .14-3/10 .99 .28 A.McTlO'lAll 1.00 1.00 .25 .50 .] 2 1.50 1.00 E.'N.Hinp.r 1.00 .50 .22 .80 .ll .60 .4n ir. poi1ition to thfl abovfl J.P.MantAll bi1 $17.50 pAr cu.~"il. 9.nl LAY tAn , Lana anti CfWibAll bid $17.00 pAr cu.yd. on Rp.tainina:; wall, and Aach of said biris bAinli: accom{!anii'd by a '~Rrti fii':i ChACk ail providA'l ir. ,.aid notice .<\nd thA Council l'1Aw~~l' consiriArAd said lo)11il and findin~ thltt J.P.1l1antAll'g bid is thp. 10wAst Rll.1 bAst bid thA ClArk w.<\s im.t!"uctAd to rAad'thA followint; c' '301ution: I HESOLVED "That thA bi.j of J. P. MantAll for thp ~rfl1in4;, curbin~ an1 constructioy" of CAUlont 5'i1Aw'1.1ks on Fourth A:JIAnUA from nailWR~r AVAnUp. to Church StrAAt in accord.ancA with thA !Jlans and spp.cificationa on filA in thA officA of thA Mvn1cip>tl El1t;inAp.r bA accp.ptf'ld and that thA Mayor an.i ClArk bA instructAd IUld authorizp.d to AXAcutA A. contract on thA part of thA Town of SAwfl.rd with J.P.Ma.ntAll for thA pArformancp. of thA work" Councilnl'1.n YOUY1jiS, sp.condf'ld by Councilman Chovj n, movp.l> thA fl..lollt ; .'"'r~ of thA rAsolution and tbA ClArk WFl.S inatructAd to call thA roll witl, tllA followini rp.8ult: A~'p.s: Cour,ciln,an BOJ"'l;p.n, Chovin, Crawfor1, DI'\.~j;Att, Younl.:S, and Mfl.Yor MY"Y's . Atspnt A.nrl not vutiuj; r.ouncilrul1.n CliA.ll.lbArlhin and. tLp. MA.yor dAclA.rp.d tIeR TAB lelution A.d01Jtp.rl. 0'""" -'. /' / ':......:.....,;~ Minut.A8 Adjourupd Mppthj~ .TunA 24, lQ1"i; ContinuAd. CouncilDJA.n D~l;Att, i/ol'lcorl'l^Ii, 'hy CouncjJnlan Ctovin, 11lOVPS thA adoption of thA followin~ T'psolution: EEsorNED "That thA Town of SAward shall pay fivA dollars pf'!r month AS T'f'!nt of ~round now usp.d ail A.llp.ywfI.Y across Lot 5 Block 10 corll'lPct1n~ rJ:p Town FiT'A Hall witb F<'urth AVAIlUP." fl.n1 tl-,' 1'1 ~;"I" Vl~9 in>ltT'UctAti to CA.l1 t.l,p, roll with thA followtrg rpsult.: Ayps Council1rIp.n BOrjj;p.n, Chovin, r.r'lwforti, n'Ij;~A+.t" Youn~s cC10 Mfl.yor MYArC1 .Abspnt fl.n1 l'1t't votin/j; Councilr!lRn Chambp.rl'lin and thA ~{'1;r(\T' dAclaT'Ad tcP, T'Asolution adoptAd. Tb'l l~unicilJfl.l 'E'^.!;j rf>AT' ';1'1'\.8' 1n.::+::-t~ctAd to p.stablish r.1"r1'.T_pntii fl.t Fourt:b AVA11UA IUltl Walilhin/i;ton StT'APt nr." 1L1so at Fourth AVP!1Uf' and Adfl.llis StrAAt, ThA followir1i clR.illlli hfl.v i116; bAAn R.IJPT'ovpd by tlJA fiuR.ncA COllllliittAA WAT'A rAad by thA ClArk: R.Pf'tpT'son $4.00 G. C. Burnluuu 40.00 Councilman ChoviI" ilAcontlfld by Cour,cilrgR.n YoulliS, IllOVP.il tlmt thfl clR.irr.s bA allowAd nnd thA ClArk inst""nc'tAd to iilSUA warra.nts to thA ,[JFl.T'tiAs nfUllAd foT' thfl T'A~lJActivA fUllountlil R.nd thA ClA1"k wa", ir,lilt1"UctAd to CA.Il thA 1"011 with thA followini 1"p8ult: AyAi: Couna i lllial, Bora; All , Cbovin, Crawfo1"d, Dfl.i~Att, Your~1il and :Mayor MYArlil AbsArlt and not VOt.ill~ Councilman ChambArlain and tLA Mayor 1flclarAd thp. motion carriAd IUld thA ClArk walil inliltructp.d to ililsup. thA wR.rrA.util. ThA ClArk 1"AfI.'1 tl1p. followL'l,; Y'p.solutioll: RESOL YEn by thp. COImllOn Couno'il of thA Town of SAwa.rd: Tl1A C1 t;r En~inAR1" Lavini rp.portp.d thA.t thA ilidp.walk on thp. north QidA of Wfl.iihir~ton Strp.p.t bp.twflf'm t1:.P. WAfilt sidA of Fourth AVI'mUR fl.nd thp. p.aiit sidp. of .pcond aVAnUA, (FUld whicl1 WA.fil conliltructfld up 011 pAti~ion of thA propArty ownArs thp'T'Aon) is fully complAtp.d and fl.ccp.ptAd, fl.nd also Iiltatini that tnA totl'\.l costlil o~ paid iuprovAmAnts for aidp.walk ~ld curb ~.ount to thA sua of $642.01 of which ~ount thA abuttin~ pro~P1"ty is lifl.blA for thp sua of $428.01. It is thArp.forA ordp.T'p.d that a lAvy bA madA a~ainlilt thp. lJrOpArty abuttirl;'; upon thA f'R,id ia,[JrovAIllAnts for tr'~A sum of $428.01 and thA Clprk is h,~rQby OrdA1"Ad to iivA thA noticA prPlilcribAd by or1iliancA thArp-in iivinQ; Aach abuttin/j; ownp~' thA fI.l'Ilount a81ilASIilf'>fd ~ainlilt biiil or 1;Ar r;ropp.T'ty; ",Iso stR.tin~ tbfl t1lJiP 'Lnd pIfl.cA whArA thA City Coun-, eil will mAAt for thA purlJOSA of Equalizina; thA Iilaid alillilAlilslliAnt and hA~rin~ c oaplR.intlil l'l.~ainat thA lliakinj;; of iilucL lfwy. CouncilUJl'l.n Your~lil, sAcondp.d by Counc ilman Da~!;pt t, mOVAIil that thA rAlilolution bA adoptAd and thp. ClArk was inliltructAd to call thA roll 'vi tl: UtA followhl/j; rAlilult: A;>'AS: CouncilUlAn Bor~An, Chovin, C1"Ftwford, DA.o;~Att, YOUllQ;S and. M",,;}'or Myprfl II ["'Ant fI.!lrl" nol; votin~ Councilrr!an Cb,.n,tArl!"i~~ .fUA tbA r:Mhyor 1c~-. cl",!'pr:i tb'! rpq "llltlon fl.doptAd fl.n'.l. trLA ClArk NfL", uLstructpr to j;iVA tr::'R rJ.otlCP. '~ I i .I lB~.JFe I I .' < . 00<") ,:)~0 Mir-ut.F>S of tLA Ad.j ouruArl 11APtln.: J1),up. ~4, 1917, Cont:i!.w-~d.. ORDINANCE No. 31 An Ort!hl~ncA RA~ul~tiul: tb~ Coustruction, EquipmAnt, Altp.rRt:.on, RApl'l.ir or R"ll!iOVR1 of Bnj]dinl;;sor CtructurAs in tr.A Town of Sp'whrd, A1Rskl'L, awl ntrJAr m~ttArs propp.rly pArtainina:; thf~rAto, Rnd providill" 1'1. PAn~lty for tl"]f~ Violl'l.tion tnp.rf!of, WI'I.S rA~1 ~nd thA ClArk W/otS in9trur;tpti to call tllA roll on tt., <10option of sl'l.id ordiuRnCA with thA followin" rp.sult: AYAS: Cm,me ilmp.rl Borl:f!r", Cho','iL, Crawford, Da,,~p. t t, Youn.:s A.nr! Lia;yor I.tTp.r~ Absp.nt I'\ntl not votin" Councilaan ChflJJlbp.rlain l'I.ue! thA MI'\)'or dACIA.rAd trJA orrlimlJlCA A.doptp.d Rnd thA ClArk WA.if instructp.d to publiiillJ liIA.id OrdinA.nCA 31 by' }Joliltina.; A.S :t)rovidAd by ortliUA.nCA. CouncillLl'\n Younl;iiI, iilAcondp.d by CouncilrdA.n DFl.l;~P.tt, mOVAS thl'l.t tl:A Municipl'I.l AttoruAY bp. p.m~owp.rp.d to Aaploy A. liItf!no~rl'l.phAr at R sua not to AXCAP.d $100.00 to prApA.rA thA ordin~1cAs for printinl; in book for~ 1iut~Lr.IL ~nrriAd. Councilmnn Youn"liI, sAcondAd by Councilllfl.n Crl'l.wford, aOVf!liI th/il.t thf! StrAP:t Cowrlittf!f! IUld tl1A Municil'al CIArkbA fl.uthorizf!d to ililli'UA fl. pA:rntlt to rApfl.:Lr by rp.lfl.yin.. piPA linf! on Jf!ffArfilon liItrAAt f:rN:: trlf! WAst liuA of thA incorporl\tf!d limits to thA Powf!r plRnt of Sp.ward EIActric Lijj;nt a.nd POWAr CODlpRnY, tlJA MunicilJ~l At t oru~y to drA.w up pp.rnlit p.r.d .lfilllA to bA submittAd to thA Council ~t its nf!xt mAAtin". Motion CarriAd. ThA Co~ittAA on WatAr Supply Wfl.S instructAd to eonfAT with tl:A SAwfl.rd Wl\tAr I\nd powp.r Co. in rAfArAncA to firA plu"s. On motion Council ~d.jour1l'='d until Mondfl.Y p.vp.nin.: JunA 23, 191.7. ~~ Mun1ai~1\1 ClArk. tP. L< *ijCl ~ ~:i Pr'Aliid.y,t of tt.A Cor.Ulion Council 9-lid Ex-offlcio Ml\yor. '1')4 0.... . MillL<tA:;J of thA AdjournAd MAAtin. of thA Adjourw~d .MAAtin~ .TunA 24, 1915, hAld .TunA 28, }-915, of thA CO~~(,L Council, Town of SAwfl.rd. --------.-----.-.- --------~---- ------------.--------------.----- {q~ Council cfl.llp.d~fl.t 8 p.m. by Mfl.yor Mypra. Roll 011.11 lilJOWl'!d fl.ll [jAlJIbl'!rli prp.8Ant AXCAlJt Counc.iluAl:' Chaabl'lr1ain lllJ.d Chovin. COfAmunication of tnI'! SAwfl.rd Li~ht hnu POWAr Comp~ rAquAatin; :;"~)'l,c,:-~on to inatFl.Il tb~ liAcona AIAvAIl-incb pipF lint-> Fl.lonl; .Tp.ffArson 'Jt;r,-~,',t '.';P~ rARo. fl.nd a.ction thArp.'On dAffllrrp.o. until D'lUlchiaA COWdt.tAA :rApO:rt. T11p. p:ropo8p.d Orrii~.F!rCA An O:rdinlil.ncA RA~ulfl.tin" thA l;T'a.ntin. rf Pp1.'ill":rli I Lic~mliAli in thA Town of SAwarcl, Al<t'YI'l., fiYin~ tnA 1'U40unt t-hArAof, Proviriin~ C~'^tR in PAnali ti"B for violfl.tion, Rnd for othAT' purj,JoiilAli, Wfl.!lI T'Afl.d t".!' fir3t fl.nd aAcund tilllAS by titlA "l.n'1 :rp.fArrAd to fl. spp.cifl.l cOW.ittAA' comlistin~ of CouncJlr'ArI DR....l'!tt Rnd Crfl.wfor<:l. ThA ClRilll of Philip .T. Hickp.y for liltfl.lllpAd AnvAlopp.li P.tc. WRli rAfl.d find havir~ bAp.n fipprovAd by thA finFl.ncp. CQ1illltittAP. Council111RJ1 Crlt.wford sAcondAd by CouncilDEin DR~~Att, movp~ thfl.t thA clfl.illl bA RpprovAd fl.nd a wRr:rfl.nt iSliUAd to P..T.HickAY for thA ~ount.$20~2~ and~the ClArk was inatructRd to e~ll thA roll with thA followi~~ r~~u~t: AJ'P.~:CounciJmp.n Borl;An, Crawford, DRG~Att, YouUis ~~d MRyor Myp.T'a Absp.!:t fl.nd not votin~: Counc'ilaAn ChtwbArla.in and Chovin. fiml. thp. Mfl.yo:r dp.cla:rA1 thp. motion cfl.:rrip.a Ftnd thp. Clp.rk Wfl.ii ini1tructad to i~sup. thA WfirrlUJt. Thp. eowlluni.cfl.tinr1 of AndrAw MeDonAll, protAstin/j; thfl FlWFi.r'l111~ of l'tny contrFl.ct for thl'! imj,irovp.Jl.p.n]; of Fourth AVAnur-~ Wl\IoJ l"p.ad fl.nd l"AfA:rrp.d to tLp. St:rAAt COIlUliittRP. fl.nd thp. MunicilJfl.l AttornAY. Thfl official bond of Municipfl.l TrAfl.Su:rAr .T.R.Roai., with AaAric.n Surp.ty Compfl.hy of Np.w York fl.iO surety, havin~ bRAn Fl.Vpruvfld by thA Munic'ipl'l.l Atto:rnAY F;.nd thA Finfl.ncA COWAi tt:~f\, Wfl.iO rA}Jort-"d bFl.ck by thA finl'\.ncA co[~[!i ttflA for fl.1J1Jrovl'll Couneilrltfl.H YOUIli;iil,sAcondAd by Councilllifl.n Crfl.wfor1. rnOVAli that tLp. bOlA bA A.CCAptAd hn1 hlJ}Jrovp.d FtYld fi-lfld ".'0" t'rJ.P. old bond :relAasRd', 'I\nd thA Cl~rk Wfl.8 ihlitrQct~d td C1'l.11.thA roll_with thA followin~ :rAsult: Ayp.~; Council1'RT;. Bor~AI., CrAwford, Dfl.~"ptt, YOUrllo:i1 fl.nd Mfiyor Myp.rs Ablilp.r,t fl.,,\,1, not votina;: CouncillIAn CIJFtmbRrll'l.in fl.r.d Cllovin. fl.nd. tl1p. l.ffl.yor dF!clfl.rF!d thA motinn afl.:rriAd fl.nd thA bond I'l.pp:rOVAQ. On aO~~;;;';.jOUrn.d. Mun Cipfl.l ClArk. ~- C(.)fflU-G P:rF!iiliaflnt of tILl'! COllllJOn Council fl.nd Ex-officio Mfl.yor. ,I , I 1 18 ~iJ F (~ ~~- ,~.:.) l4inutlll8 of thl'l M:f'lf'ltiq of thfll COJUnon Council, Town of II Al~.k~. hfllld July 5, 1915. MeAti~ gallfld to Ordf'lT by Mayor ~ArB. Stnrard, Roll eall ahowfIl1 Counoil_fIln Bor~fIln, ChoTin, and MYflTB prfllBAnt, no q~OTum bflini prfl8f1lnt on .otion Counoil adjoural'ld to .flAt at fli~ht p. a. July 6, 1915. ---~~~ Munin i~ ClArk to ~~L~':'-2-____ Prfla1dflnt of thf'l Co..on Couaeil ~d Ex-offi0io Mayor. I I r>,r;,c .j"~O KinutAs of thA ~djournAd rAsul~r mA~ting of thA Common Counoil of thA Town of SAwar1, Alaska, hAld July 6, 1915. MAP-ting cal1Ad to ordAr at 8 p. m. by Mayor Myp-rs. Roll n~ll showAd all mAmbArs prAsAnt AXCApt CouncilmAn Chf\.mbArlain. ThA minu t AS of thA rAgular mAA.t ing hAld .TunA 21,1915', \VArA rAad ,; . and approvAd. ThA minutAs of thA adjournAd mAAting hAld .TunA 24, 1915, WArA rAa,i F>.nd I\.pprovAd. ThA minutAs of thA adjournAd mAA~ing,of thA adjournAd mAAting.hAld .TunA ~~, hAld .TunA 28, 1915, WAre rA~d and ~pproved. ThA Common Coun~il now in pursuancA to thA noticA givAn by thA ClArk sits as a Board of Equft1ization to cons~dAr objections conc~rning'thA thA SpAoi~ AssAssmAnt Roll of District NO.1, vnprovAmAnts on thA North sidA of Washington StrAAt bAtwAAn thA WASt sidA of Fourth AVAnuA,lUld thp. ERst 8idA of SAcond AVAnuA, and no pArson appA~ring to makA any objActiona, ~nd thA Counail having AxaminAd s~id roll thA ClArk WI\S instru~tAd to rAad thA following rA~olution: RESOLUTION. WHEREAS ThA Common Counail of the Town of Sfllward did at thA mAR-ting hAld' JUnA 2~, 1915, ordAr that a levy of .428.01 bA IDftdA and collActRd I\gainst propArty abutting upon thA improvAmAnt8 on thA North s11A of Wf\.Shington StrAAt bAtwAAn thA WAst sidA of Fourth AVAnUA and the El\st 8idA of SAcond AVAnuA bAing 2/3 thA v~luA thArAof, and Willill{EAS ThA Kunicip~l ClArk did on thA 26th., d~ of .TunA, 1915, dAlivAr to thA said Common Council SpAcial AssAssmAnt Roll District No 1, 8aid roll containing thA apportionmAnt /\mong thA OWllArs of lots abuttilJg on sl\.1d improvAmAnts a8 providAd by OrdinancA No. 25, and; WHERff'AS ThA Kuniaipal ClArk at thA timA of dfllli VAry d1d notify by post c~d, as providAd by Ordinance 25, e~ch and fllvAry propArty OWllAr affectAd by said assAssmAnt that sa1d Counail would on thA Sixth d~ of .Tuly, 1915, at tha hour of A1ght o'cloak p.m. mAAt 1n thA Tovm Hall for thA purposA of considAring objActions to sa1d assAssmAnt roll and; \ W1IF~AS 8aid Council did mA~t 1\8 s~id Board of Equalization at the d.l\tA, timA and. placA SAt and cons1dAr all objections consi(iAring s~id 8pAc1~1 assABsmAnt Now ThArAforA bA it RESOLVED; ~h~t the s~id .pecial AssessmAnt Roll D1Rtrict No. 1 bA ~d thA s~e hArAby is approvAd and thA ~ounts tr~rAon bA ~d the Sf\.mA hArAby are assftssed asl\inst e~h lot or parcel of land respectively And the S~A are hArAby declAred a lien thereon and the Munic1p~1 ClArk is hArAby dirActA~ t,. dAlivAr thA said roll to the Munic'1pli.l TI\X CollActor and giVA noticA thfl.t unlASB p~mAnt is Dilt.dA ~. within thirty dlt(Ys from datA of such notioA *uch special ~ssessmAIlt 'i' shlll.l beoomA delinquent as provi,iA&. by OrdinAnCA 25, .".' Counc1lRAn D~gAtt,secondAd by Counailman Crawford moves that thA resolution bA ~dOptAd and the ClArk was instructAd to o~ll thA roll with thA following rFlBult: Ayes: Councilman BorgAn, Chovin, CrllilWford, Daegett, Youngs lUld 1 B~,rFe I I I 327 M1nut~8 of KAAting July 6, 1915, continuAd. KAyoT MYRTS AbsAnt and not voting: Couna1lman ChambAT1~in. and thA M~YOT dAol~TAd thA TAsolution adovtAd and thA ClArk was instruc- tAd to giVA thA not1cR, and dA11vAT sai4 roll as pTovidAd thATAin,~~. ThA Council now procAAds with thA TAgul~ oTdAT of businAs8. ThA communication of thA PionRATs of Alaska Igloo No.9, pRt1tioning the Council to v~catR ~oft of thA WAst And of Adams 8trAAt, was rR~d by thA ClArk. Councilman D&ggAtt,sAcondAd by Councilman Cr~wford,movA8 mOVAS th~t thA communic~tion bA pl~cAd on filA ~d rAfArrAd to thA StrAAt CmwnittAA thAY to confAr with thA Kunicip~l AttornAY and rAport to thA Council. :Motion Ca.rriAd. ThA applic~tion of 8. K. Gr~f for ~ franchiRA for thA distribution of A1Actric light, powAr ~d hA~t was rAad ~nd TAfArrAd to the committAA on fTA.r.chiRAS. ThA nppllc~tion of 8. K. Gr~f for n franchisA fOT thp. purpOSA of~ furnishing tAIAphonA sArvicA W~S TA&d and TAfArrp.d to thA franchisA comwittPlA. ThA cOlmnunicntion of thA Municip~l EnginAAT and thA AstimatA of thA ImpTOVAIDAnt of Third AmAnuA thA S&mA ns filAd with thA ClArk on JunA 22, 1915, WArp. TAnd and on motion 8nid Astl~tA W&s nccApt~d. ThA TAport of thA Kunlcipnl Mfl.gifltrntA from ~ 10 to ,June 30 inc. Showing rfllcAipts for finAs and forfPliturAs of .225.00 wns rAnd ~d ordATA.i fllAd. ThA rRport of the Kunioip~l TrA~surAr showing TRCAipts fOT thA pAriod April 26 to July 3, 1915, &mounting to .g~5I.g9 wns Tfl~d and ordArAd filAd. ThA TAport of thA Kuni~ip~l ClArk showing thA ~ount ofAxpAnditurRs *3271.38 for thA pAriod from April 27 to July 1,1915 w~s rAad and ordArAd fHAd. ThA ClArk rAad,thA proposAd OrdinancA An OrdinancA to rflquirfl , rAgul~tA, TAstr~n, and prohibit thA ArAction, llinintAnnncA or USA of priviAs ~d c~s8pools within cArt&in limits in thA Town of 8AW~d, Al~sk& and pToviding ~ pAn~lt~for thA violBt10n of thft conditions of thi8 ordinnncA, by"titIfll . Councilman DnggAtt,sAcondAd by Councilman BorgAn, moves thnt the rulAs bA suspAndAd thnt thA TAnding of thft pro~osAd ordinancA by title bA considArRd the first rRading and thBt sBid propos Ad ordinanCA bA rA&d thA 5Acond timA by title ~d p~ssAd to its third rA~ding ~d TAfArrAd to thfll COllllUittAA' on Lights, 8AWI'Lgft and WhArfngft ~d thR CIATk wns instru- . ctAd to c~ll thA roll with the following rAsult: AyAS: Councllruftn BorgAn, Chovin,Crawford,D~gAtt, Youngs, and Mayor MyArs Ab8Ant IUld not vuting: Councilml1Jl ChfllllbArlnin, and thfl !4Il.yoT dAclfl.r,.d thA motion C~rriAQ IUld thA ordinnncA was rA~d thA 8Acond timA IUld rAfArrfld~ 328 Min~~~~_~f_~~~_~~~!!~_~~~~_~~!l_2~_!212~_QOntinuAd. ThA ClArk now rA~ds,thA propos Ad ordin~cA An OrdinAncA ConcArning . ConnActions with sAwArs, cAsspools And srA~SA Tr~ps, And othAr ~tt8r8 propArly pArt~ining IhArAto, by titlA CouncmlmAn D~gAtt sAcondAd by Councilman BorgAn, mOVAS th~t thA rulAs bA suspAndAd th~t thA rRading 04 thA propos Ad ordinAnoA by titlA be cOll!'lidArAd thfll first rA~ding And thM said proposAd ordinf\ll.CA bfll rARd thfll sfIlcond t~ by titlfll f\lI.d p68sAd to its third rA~ding ~nd rAfArrAd to thA COmmittfllA on Public HA~th and PolioA Protfllction, And thA ClArk was instructflld to c~l thA roll with thfll following rAsult: AyAS: Counc1lmf\ll. Borgflln,Chovin, Crawford,D~gAtt, Youngs and ~or JlyflrB . AbsAnt And not voting: CouncilmRn ChambArl~in, and thA M~or dAcl~r8d thA luotion ~doptflld and thA clArk rflaa thA ord1nancA thfl sAcond timA by title and it was rAfArrAd. ThA folloWing claims having bAAn approvAd by thA finAncA C~mmittfllA warA rANi by thA Clfllrlc: W. T. Luc~s . 75.00 w. D. CoppArnoll 100.00 J. H. Romig 100.00 RolJArt GUASt 150.00 M. A. HornAr 125.00 D. S. WhitfiAld 150.00 N.J.Koontz 98.00 N. R. AndArson 98.00 G. D. Grant 56.00 M. A. HornAr 20.00 Arthur Lang .80 w. W. Butts 2.15 SAward Light & PowAr Co 12.15 SAward WatAr & PowAr Co 75.00 Councilman DaggAtt,sAcondflld by CouncilmRn Chovin, mOVAS th~t thA bills bA ~lowAd ~d w~rrant8 bA iSSUAd to thA p~rtiAs nRmAd for thA rASpActivA amounts And thA ClArk W~S instructAd to c~l thA roll with thA following result: AYAS: CouncilmRn BorgAn, Chovin, Cr~wford, DaggAtt, Youngs and Ua.yor },(yArs AbsAnt And not voting: Councilman ChambArl~in, and thA ~or dAclarAd thA motion carriAd And thA ClArk was instructAd to iasuA thA wa.rr"uts. Ala8~ EIActrio Co Alaska Pha.rmacy Alaskfl. StAa.mship Co CoopArs Caffll SAward Saw Mill Co Ii. J. Conroy Brown & HEl.wkins J. L. GrEl.Af SAward GatAWay Pub. Co SAwaroi NAWS Co. J. E. Chovin HAttlAs Kodak StorA Artie BrothArhood . 8.75 3.10 1.75 7.60 9.75 3.00 38.20 1.25 8.75 5.05 2.25 1.90 21.00 ThA ClArk now rfllEl.ds PArmit NumbAr 116.- Granting pArmiAsion to thfll Seward Light El.nd Pow~r Company, SUbjAot to thft provis10ns of ordinancA numbAr 22 of thA Town of SflwEl.rd, AIEl.8ka" to rApa.ir its old or originEl.l pipe linA from its pOWAr hOUSA, ~long JAffArson StreAt to thA WAst bounoi~ry line of 8~id town, by rftpl~ing thA old or originEl.l pipe linA with llAW whArAAvAr llAC~8Sa:ry; 8.1s:0 to la.y a. BRcond or nAW piPA linA , betWAen 8El.id points along SEl.id Jefferson streAt,~ons El.nd bRsidR thA said, old or origin~ linA, B~id nRW pipA to bA of thA dimAnsion SAt forth in the ~pplic~tdon filAd with thA Kunicip~l ClArk. It is distinctly undAr~- stood in issuing this permit thEl.t thA Town of SAw~rd in no wa.y rAcognizAs thA right of s~id SAw~rd Light ~d pOWAr Company in any nmnnAr 81lVA for the purposA of thA pA:rmit 1\8 SAt forth;tha.t tM'sEl.id Town of Seward in no wa.y or mannAr rAcognizAB any right or SUPPOBAd right to any cl~m, R&SAmAnt, or any vAstRd intArAst (in ~d to thA strAAts and ~llAYs, or any part thl'lrfllof, of the Town of SAwl'l.rd, ) of the said Company, And it El.ppAEl.ril~ that SEl.ioi pArmit h~d bAAn AXAcutAd by thA ~or El.lld ClArk El.lld ~ " llB~irFe I I I ~('""'I,fo'" -< /' ~ t...,..<IlI>-'..J Minut~s of the IDeAting held July 6, 1915, Continued. approved by the StrAAt Committee and accepted by the SAward Light and POWAr COIDpar~ 8~id acceptance bAing signed by its Manager S. M. Graff, Councilman B6tgen~secondea by Couneil~ Y~ungs, mov8s~hat'thAsaid permit bA approved and t}le Clerk was instructp.d to call the roll with the following result: Ayes: Councilman Borgftn, Chovin, Crawford, Youngs and ~yor ~ers No: Councilman Daggett Absent ~d hot voting: Councilman Chamberl~in. and the ~or deol~ed the motion carriAd and the permit ap~roved. CommittAe on franchises reported progrAss. The ClArk now rAads OrdinftnoA No. }3 An Ordinftnce providing for thA imprOVAl1ltlnt of Third Avenue from the North side of Washington StreAt to the South si(l", of AdlUlls Street by construC'ting a plank sidftwalk thfl:rflom bAtwAfln sa.1d points, and proVi1ding for P""YIDent of thfl c:ost thfl:rAof by l\iSSflJSSIDAUt upon abutting lots or parcAIR of land COUI!cibnan Daggett, secouded by Councilman Youngs mOVAS that thft rules be Buspended the ordinance :rAad the second and third times and plaved upon its final passRge ~d the ClArk was instructed to call the roll with the following result Ayes: Councilman Borgen, Chovin, Crawford, D~gAtt, Youngs and ~or MyA1's AbsAnt and not voting: Councilman Chamberlain and thA Mayor declarAd the ordinance adopted and the Clerk was instructed to lJubliflh same by pos,ting as prorided by ordinMlcfll Councilman DaggAtt,seconded by Councilman Chovin, mOVAS that thfl side- walk on fhird Avenue be extended tfllU feet on Adams Street and that the old cr08S walks on Fourth Avenue be relaid at third ftnd Ad~B Streets thft cos:t therAof to bft paid from thft genftrlU fund,. Motion carried &nd the engineer was instructed to do the work. The Street Committee now rAports back the Comm....:l.~tion of AndrAw MCDonAll and thft AttornftY having madft a vArbal rftport to the Affect that thA Fourth AVAnuA contract was propflrly let, thfll rAport was accApted and on motion the cODmnUlication was laid on the t~ble. Thfl rAsolution introducflld JW1A 21, by Councilman ChambArlain, on the grarlting of liqu-or licensAs was on motion tablAd indAfinitAly. Councilman Chovin,sAcondftd by Counoilman DaggAtt, mOVp.8 that thfl ChiAf of thfl FirA DAp~tmAnt be obligftd to WAar star when on duty as spAcial offiuAr and that thA ~or instruct h~n to report to the ChiAf of police. Motion Carried. Thfl :~inAAr was instructAd to prApaTA a rftport on Fourth Avenuft imprOYfOIIllAnt and also to AxaminA thA sidl'lwalk on Sesond AVAUUfl and submit a rAport on samA. The spftcial Committee now Tf'lpO:rtS Ordinance No. 3,2 and rftcolIlll1flnds that ~aid ordinancfl bl'l amendAd by striking out thA word ~ a.f~r th".wond fish in Section 1 and inserting the words "or wild gFWIlflll after thfl word bivalvR in said 8ftction 1 On motion said recommAndation was adopted and aa1d section was changAd to rftad in accordRncfl thl'lrAwith. Ordinance No.32 An Ordinancfl Rflgulat1ng thR Gr~ting ofPflddlflrs LicflnsAs in thfl Town of Sftward, Alaska, fixing thA amount theTeot, Providing CeTt~in Pen~lities for Violation, and for other Purposes, h~vins bften rftad 0"(1 0fJ. MinutAs of thA KAAting hAld July 6, 1915, ContinuAd. \J~ the third.. timfl, Counc:ilman Daggflt t, sAcondAd by Counci1.mE\n mOV4ll8 thA.t thft ord1nanc4Il be plA.cAd upon its finA.l pA.ss~e Motion CBrriAd, and thA ClArk was instr~ctAd to c~l 'hA roll with thfIJ :follow<ing rAsult: ~AS: CouncilmBn Eorgen, Chovin, Cr&wford, D6sgfltt, Youngs and . Ma.vor J.trArs AbsAnt and not vuting: Counc1ln:lf11n ClllWlbArlBin and thA ~or dAclBrAd thfll ordinancfIl A.doptftd and thft C14llrk WA.S instructflld to publish sBid ordinAncA by posting as providAd by ordinance. On motion Council Bdjournflld to mARt MondA.,Y July 12, 1915"l\t B p. m. ~,t{ J1tyj;t~ pre8i~nt of thA Common Council and Ex-officio Mayor. -- 1 ".1BjJ F~ I I I ~,,""'lI! i lfinut.AS of tbA AdjournAd MAAtiM bAld .1'ul..:Y. J.2. 1915-. of thl'! Conw.ol6. Cou.ucil of thA Town of SAwEl.rd, A1El.skAi,sIUIlA bA1Lf' an IlldjournAd JnAftting at the IIlodjouniAd mp.R>tirJgbAld Julv 6. 191~. MAAtiR8 CallAd to or-ar bv MEl.vor MYerB ~t 8. p. m. On roll c~l tbA foll."..1Wl IUAmbArs fl.nswAred to thAir nAmAS: Counc"i1mfl.D BorBen, Chovin, Crfl.w~Qrd. Dfl.~Att, and ~vor MYers: COUl'l1:: llrtOAn ChambArlfl.1n fWd Younes fl.bS8~.t.. Tbe co~unicat1o~ Qf ChEl.rlAs Dfl.geAtti w~s rAfl.d by thA ClArk and Council- ~ Crfl.wford,sAcondad by Counc11~~ Cbovin, mOVAS that a pp.rJnit bA 1S8UAd to ChftXlea D~l'!tt to ch~p. thA prAsAnt Bta~r8 and arAEl. w~y tQ thA baaA~ ~an~ of the D~Att Block on thl'! Waslu~"ton StrAAt .1dA Lot 40 Blo~k ~, thA SIUIlA to l.lfl 1;)l~cAd in concrAtA wit.h tbl'! st,.1rs from thA WAst, prot.ectAd by Joron ra111Ms. S~"id opAnine to bfll 3ft widA and 40 fAAt 10M. AIA.o to p1~CA l~rntines in thl! Fourth AVAnufli WA.lk Qt SI\ll'lA lot lmo;llolQc~ to bA lA.tAr raplA.GAd by iron IU1d GJ.as~..~ffvAmpnt 11...l:.t.B. AJSQ to rAp/1.ir 81\id build1~ by placi~ a tAn to tWAlvA~:rp.~a1~ w/1.11 around tbA flnt1rA basp-mAnto, Illbout 10 feAt ll1gL. J40t.i.Ol~ carriAd. ThA COllllIlunicfl.t1on of RobArt AshlAlld a~pl.Y1ng forvl\ writ tAn llArmiC\s1on to r,,~ovft &11 dAIolid bod1As buriAd on thA LA.ubnAr additiou WEl.S rAad by thA CIAr"" r..nd rAfArrAd to thA HAfl.lth COllJl1littAA. ThA :L'ollowilJil; cll'kims haVing bAAn f4)provAd by toue firfU1cA committAA were rA~d by the Clerk: ~. S. Jobnson I 20.00 F. R. PAtA.SO~ 18.00 Willi~l ~fton 20.00 S. Lundb~ad 18.00 L. J. J~l~~on 20.00 L. L. Wi~ 20.00 D. D. Dunl~~ 16.00 Fr..... Ar..~il'" 16.00 BAn Kay 16.00 B.J. AI.derson 16.00 Fr~k Sh~b~.r 10.00 COunCilnlA.11 Chov1n, sAco~dAd by CouncilznfW DR~Att, mOVAB that Ule cll\1ms be "",llowAd and Wfl.rr~t.s Of! 1SSUAd in the rASpf!lct iv"A EUnounts to thfl 1)art1AB name'i f\fld the C~erk was 1nstre.Qt.acl t.o cllll1 thfll roll with tbfll following result: AY"AB: Counc11mfU1 BorgAn, Chov1n, Crawford, Dfl.6:&Att R:nd J,{fl.vor AtvArs Abs..-,nt Mld not vot1ng: CouncilmMl ChlUl1bflrlR1L. IU1d Youngs, A.11d tbe M~or up-clarAd thA mot1Qn cRrriAd and the Clerk w~s instructfld to issuA th& W.lilol'l'wts. HAnry PlllbAn N. Gordon W.V. Edwards J. Jackson CMrlfls .1'O'tHBOn W. T. LucRS SAward Dock Brol'liua & Noon Alasklll Tr&usfAr GOOdyAftl' RubbAr . 10.00 4.00 4.00 12.00 12.00 37.50 10.45 1').85 lJ..21). 298;.2a; Co. ThA ClArk now rAads the rA~ort and p.st1matA of tbe EnGinAp.r on thA QQ~~tructio~ of El. tA~orarv s1dew~k on SAcon~ AVAnUA and on motion slUl1e was Ifl..i~ on the tl\ble unt11 budget 1s nladfl. Co~.c1lmau Crl\wford of thfl StrAAt. Comm1ttAA rAportAd on the A.pp11c~t1on of thfl Pi,onAArs of AlASka for' t.1:J.f11 Vll.cllltion of thfl WAst And of Ad~8 StrAAt. a.tld the iliJO.ttAr Wf\8 11\1d OVAl" until the nAxt mARting. Thl'! Clerk Wf\B instructAd to rAturn tbA cArtif1Ad checks to U1A unsuccAssful biddArs for tbl! ~~rOvAmAnt of Fourth AVRnUp.. 332 M1nutAS of thA MARting hAlO. July 12, 1915, Cont1nuAd. -------..------------------------------------- TllA follow1ng rAsolut1on was introducAd by Counc1lmAn DagCAtt and rflfl.d b;1 thp. ClArk: ClArk RESOLVED Th~t thA MuniCi~~l/bA an~ he is hArp-by 1nstructe4 to 1nsfllrt 1n ~ll pAnllits i&8uAd 1n Il.cCOrdanQA with Sflct10n l.j. o~ Ordins.ncp. U thA dABCr11;l1;ion of thA loc",t10n whArB> t..are is no lot And block . And thA ClArk w~ instructA" 1.0 c~ll thA roll on thA I'1.doption otsllid resolution with thA follow~rA8Ult: A:ves:LCounc1lmAn Bor~en, Chovin, C:r~wford, DFl.SCAtt, And )I/nor l(yArl!l Absl'J..i. ~.d not voting Councilmlt.n ChlUIlbA:rl~1n And Youngs. and thA MIl.:vor dAcll'1.rflld thA rAsol...t.ion Moptl'ld fUld thA ClArk WIltS. inei.r~te~ to conform to s~id rAsolu.~~n. On motion Council ~dJQurnAd to mAf'lt Julv 1.3.1915 ~t 8 p.m. ~ ~ClArk. -iP,a-~~ PrA~dAnt of thA, Common - Council fUld Ex-officio )layor. - I l1R,\JF~ I I I. r,"-'.r) ,~~i _0;-":' KinutRe of thA AdjournAd MAAting of th~ Common Council of thA Town of SAw~rd, Al~ek~, hAld July 13, 1915, S~A bAing ~ ~djournAd mAAting of thA FldjournAd mAl'!ting hAld July, 12, 1915. ),{AAtirlg ca.llAd to ordAT a.t 13 p. m. by l4a.yor l(yArs. On roll c~l thA fol1owin~ mAmbArs a.nSWArAd to thAir n~AS: Couneilma.n BorgA21, Chovin, Cr~wford, D~BAtt, and ~or )(yAre. AbsAnt: Councilman ChBmbArs 4nd Yo~e. ThA Municipa.l AttornRY wa.s inst~~tAd to intArviAw F.L.Ba.l1~inA in r~$renCA to thl'! titlA to lote 12 & 13 in Block 15 and rl'lquAst him to furnisJl a. bond 1.0 protAct thl'l Town's ti tlA. Dr Romig, HAlII:lth afficAr, rAportAd tha.t in thA II1IlttAr of cflmAtAry site Mr Jolmson would not p.ntAr into A.XJy ~rp.AmAnt a.t thp. prAsAnt timA a.nd the mattp.J" of nloving thfl grl\.vAs from thfll LaubnAr addition ~d 8Acuring II. CAml'ltAr~ Wa.8 lAft with thl'l }~alth Committl'lA. ThA StrAAt Comm1ttel'l rAportAd thA.t ~l thA smitA.blft lunlbAr of HobAn a.nd DRvia h~d bftAn U8Ad a.nd said committAA wa.s instructed to purChA.SA lumbAr for thl'l complfltion of thA Third AvenuA sidAWll.lk. Counc.ilmA,n D~Att introducAd a rAsolutAcm. grlUlting pArmission ~~ ~.~ P~QnAArS of AIA.sk~ thfl USA of thA WAst And of AdA.m8 strAl'lt and on motion of Couneilma.n D~BAtt, sAcondAd by Councilma.n Chovin, BA.id res..lwt.:i,on WA.S ll\.id oVfIlr until thfll rAgular mp.fllting July 19, 1915, with thl'l undArstA.nding thl\.t action on thA I\.doption of sa.id rAsolution would be t~p.n ~t thl\.t timfll. Thf! committfllf! on Public S~hools WA.S instructp.ll to submit pllUl8 a.nd AStimRtAS of thA proposAd I\.~dltion a.nd improvAmAnts to thA School housA. On motion Council I\.djournAd. #;f;L-/"~ lLun{cipll.l ClArk. ~ a - }~~ prp.sidflnt of thA COIDUlon Council And Ex-officio l4a.yor. 334 Minutp.8 of tllA RAgular MARting of thA Common Council of thA Town of Sp.w~rd, Al~Bk~, hAld Ju~ 19, 1915. -" ----------------~- ._------------------------------ ----------- MaRting c&11Ad to ordRr a' 8 p.m. by MAyor MYAra. Roll Cf~ll ehowAd 411 mAmbArs prABAnt AXCApt CouncilmR.n Younge. MinutA8 of thA mAAting of July 6, 1915, WArA reAd ~d approvAd. MlnutAs of thA MARting of July 12, 1915, Wara rand ~d approvAd. MinutAs of thA MAAting hAld July 13, 1915,wArA rAad Bnd 4pprovAd. Tha ~pplication of thA Sawf\.rd Light IUld PowAr Comp~ to ArAct pOlRS in AllAY in Block 11 WAS rAad f\.nd rAfArrAd to thA CommittAA on Li~l;.t. SAWf\.gA ft.lld Whf\.rff\.gA. Tha communicf\.tion of M. G. MillAr Asking for pAnnit to finish his building on Fifth AVAnuA South of Washington StrARt Wf\.S rAf\.d f\.nd thA ClArk Wf\.8 instructAd to issuA building pArroit upon his complying with tha building ordinf\.ncA. Hr. Hp.ttlA f\.ppAarAd bAforA thA Council ~d mf\.dA applicf\.tion to instf\.ll etApe At AntrancA to his building on Fourth AVAnUA ~d thA ClArk Wf\.S instryctAd to iSBUA f\. pArroit upon his mf\.king f\.pplication in f\.ccord~cA with thA ordinfU'lCA. ThA following clf\.ims hf\.ving bAAn approvAd by thA financA committAA WArp. rA~d by thA ClArk: S.S.Johnson . 2~.00 N.ArdAn . 6.00 F.R.PAtA~son 20.00 W.V.E1wf\.rds 6.00 ~.Bufton 6.00 ~ ~uf\.bfl.koV8ki 2~.00 S.~dblad 20.00 N.R.AndATson ~8.00 L.J.Jo!mson 6.00 A.D. Grf\.nt ~8.00 Ben Kf\.Y 20.00 W.J.Df\.Kin 8.00 L.1.WinnA 20.00 GAo.Kosmoe 8.00 D.D.Dunlop 6.00 T.J.~innAaaxl ~.oo B.J.AndATson 6.00 SAwf\.rd DOck 1.70 Fr~k Strf\.ubingAr ~.OO GOOdyAf\.T RubbAr Co 22.~0 HAnry Pfl.bAn 20.00 Grf\.CA C.HAwitt 16.55 Councilman C~awford,sAcondRd by Councilmf\.n Chovin, mOVAS that thA bilI. bA AllowAd and thAt warrants be iSSUAd to thA pf\.TtiAS nAmAd for thA rAapactivA Amounts Bnd thA ClArk Wf\.S instructad to call tha roll with thA following rp.sult: Aves: Councilmf\.U BorgAn, Chf\.mbArl~in, Chovin, Cr.wford, DaggAtt "WQ. 1W.yor l(yars AbsAnt f\.U~ ~ot votinc Councilmf\.U Youngs f\.Ud thA MAyor daclf\.rAd thA motion Cf\.rriAd f\.nd thA ClArk Wf\.S inatructAd to issuA thA wf\.rr~ts. - ThA Council now procAAds to tha considAratlon of thA rAsoll.ltion graxiti06 to thA PionAArs of Alf\.skf\. pArmission to A~ACt A building on thA WAst And of Adf\.ms StTAAt. D.C.Brovffiall Jr. f\.ppA~rAd bAforA thA Council f\.nd objActad to thA strAAt bAing occupiAd thA fuull width thArAof f\.Ud ~SkAd thf\.t a strip ~t lAf\.st tAn fAAt widA bA kA~t clAar for fI. public hiBh~, on thA Morth ailip. of sf\.1d Adf\ms StrAat, '1;;p.d thA Council h~vinc considArAd thA mat tAr and having f\.dopted an amendment to thA rasolution to thf\.t AffAct thA ClArk raade thA following rAsolution: -- j B~'IFe I I I ~,-",) MinutA.S of thA MAeting hAld Ju~ 19, 1915, ContinuAd. WHEREAS, thA OrdAr of PionAArs of Alask~, havA pAtitionAd tbe Common Counc1.1 for pArmission to USA ..bA WAst And of Adf\lIl8 StrAAt for the purpose of erActing thAr80n a building to bA URAd ~s a mU8AUffi and homA for agAd PionAArs of Al~ska, AND 'NHF~EAS, thArA is a strip or p~rcAl of land on Adams StrAAt ~t its p.xtrAmA WAst And of approxim~tA arAa 381 X 601 th~t is of no apparent USA for tr~ffie, owing to thA topography thArAof, NO'1l THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CODON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA; ThRt B~id pAtitlon bA and is hArAby gr~tAd sai~ OrdAr of PionAArs of Alaska, and pArmission is hArAby givRn to ArRct said building for ~ thA purpOSA8 1n s~id pAtition mAntionAd, and nonA othAr, lAavine a strip at thR .North 8id... of Adams StrAfolt 10 fAAt w1dA for public paSSIlgA for such pAriod "., may bA dl'lemAd just by the Common Council. MAaning and intRnding hArAby to makR a tAmpor~ry vac~tion only of said portion of Adams StTAet. and which said portion of said strAAt iUbjAct to thA ordAr of thA Common Council. Cou~~~llnan ChambRrlain, sAcondAd by Councilman DaggAtt. mOVA8 thA adoption of thl'l rA8olution, and thA ClArk W~8 instructAd to call thA roll with the following rABult: Ayes: Councilman BorgAn, Chf\lIlbArlain, Chovin, Crawford, D~g...tt, and 1hl.yor Myflrs Absent and not votii~: Cowlcilman YO~B, and the ~or dAclarAd thA rAsolution adoptAd. On,motion Council adjournAd to mAet on Tuesday July 27 at 8 p.m. {ti~~ 0- a . )/ttt~7(" PrAsldent of~hA Common Council Ex-officio Mayor. IUld 336 JlinutA8 of thA I'I.djournAd mp.fl'tine; hAld July 27, 191.5. MAAtine 01'l.11_d to ordAr I'I.t 8 ~.m. by PrAsidAn~ Pro tAm DRc6Att. CouncilmAn Borgen, Chl'l.IDbA rll'l.1nI Chov1n, Crl'l.wford, andPr..1dAot Pro t~m DagUAtt bA1~ ~resAnt Rnd ftn8WAring to roll call Cour,cillIllil'l ),!yArs and Youngs bAine I'I.b8Ant. ThA ,,~p11catior. of thA SAward WatAr & POWAT Comp~y for a franchi~A wa~ raF.l.d. 6.Dd rAfl'lrrAd to thA CommittAA on FirA ProtAction and Wl'I.tflr SU!JPly . Tl~ C1ATk now TAade thA ~TopoeAd oTdinancA An OTdi~4Qe to pTAvAnt tl~ intToduction ar.d sprsad1nB of Conta~ious D18ABSAS and ~rovidine; fOT a :Board of Hl'll'l.lth, ,L)rAlScr1b.i.llg duties of HAal th OfficAT., fWd otbAr loot tRra l.irOpflT~' TAlatirl~ thArl'lto, and l.lrA8,c;r1biug ~'me.li titls for thft violatiQU thATAof, by titlA and on motion thA rulAs WA;rA BuspAndAd thl'! rAfl.din& of thA ord1nfl.noA by title Wl\8 oonsidATAd thft first rAad1~ and thfl ~ToposAd ordinance was TAad thA sAoond timA by t1tlA and passAdi tQ ita third rAad1~ and rAfArrAd to thA Committee O:tl. Public HAalth and ,ol1cA ProtActiQm fl.ll mAmbA~a ~rAeAnt voti~ in favor of said motion. v. H. CottlA . A1miniRtrHto.. of thA . Wfl..ltAr H.DickArruan Est 10.00 May TAcklAnburs ~16.00 Co~1hoFln Chovin, SACOllQ."Q. 'b:v C01.WcilJlJ..w Cr".wford, mOVA8 thl\:t thA lil'l(lljims OA A.pprovAd and thfl.1; warra.nts bA drawn to thA ~artiAB nlW'llA4 for thR raspRctivA runounts and thA ClArk was instructed to CA.ll thA roll with the following rAsult: AYAS: Counc1lw~. :Bor~p.n, Chamb~rlain, Chov1n, Cr~wford, fl.lld ~OT Pro-tAlIl DfteaAtt AbsA~t fUld not votina: CouncilmAn ~p.rs ~nd Youngs And thp PresidAnt ~~o-te~ dpcl~rp.d thA motion carriAd and thA ClATk w~s instTucted to draw thp. wFt:rr~nt8. ThA 1'ol1owd.~ cl~ims WArp., rA~ by thA ClArk: PFl.ul Q.ub~kovsk1 S.S.Johnaon PAtAr PAdArson having bAAn approvAd bv t~e fin~cA comm1ttAA ,---. . 8.50 8.50 7.00 3.00 J. L. Grfl,ef ".ppAarAd bAforA thA C01.moil and pr'otestAd ,to thA WFl;Y in which hA h~4 bAAn trAated 1n thA mattAlO of 1nstRll~ ~ door in thA s1dAwalk 1n front of h1s pro~Arty on Fourth AVAnuA and thA matter was refarrAd to thA City ~inAAr. On motion Council ~djournAd until 3u1y 28, lq.~ ~t 8 p.m. PrAsidA..t, Pro-tAm of thA Commo~ Council. ~~ "I ,) lBMFc I I I ".-.,.r-....-., ,-',-' , JUnutflB of thl'l-RdjournAd mAAtinc of Sew~rd. ~lRska, SRmA bAi~ Rn ~djournAd of July 28. 1915. thA ConllIloll Council of thA Town of mAiting of thA RdJournAd mAAtinG . . ----.-..-.-------------.---..-----..-7---------..------.-----.------ MAAtine c~llAd to ordAT at 8 p.m. July 28, 1915, by ~OT ~Ar8 All mAmbA1"S bAizw ..rAsAnt A:X:OApt COunCilmRll Youn~s. ThA ClArk now 1"A",ds thA proposAd pArmit gTfUltil"g }JATmisslon to RobArt Ashlrmd to rAmOVA thA bodiAS ot dACARSAd pArso.us now TASti~ in thA IAubnAr A~dit.ioll A.lld rA-iz:ltflr thA SfUllA in thA Ru,iolph CAmAtflry Plat, thA SRid RobArt AshlA.lld to n~kA a plRt Bhowi~ thA placA whArA dACARSAd WRS buriAd, togAthAT with thA nlUllA of thA dACARBBd if known, A.lld if unknOlm to bA so nwoobilTAti.l'\.s to be idAntifiAd b;}' nurnbAr I A,lso a plot showil;~ A.lld dAsignl'\.tillg thA plllliCA whArA s~ch body or bodiAs WArA' rAu1tArrfld, suelL rAmovfl.ls to bfl dona worlftl' thA supArvision of thA HARlth officRr Rr.d said Robflrt Aa1'.J.A.lld s1'.fl.11 bART ~n~ PRY ~ fl.lld Rll costs fl.lld AxpAnsAB of such rAmoval or ra:w.ovf.l.la. C01.lr.cl1mfl.ll Chovln, sAcondAd by CounclJJnA.ll. Da~Att mOVAS thli.t thA ..Armit bp. ara.r.tfld Motion carriAd and thA ClArk WIi... instructAd to 1Sil.." UtA llArruit. ThA CIAJ'k now rARds J,- ..et.i.tion of UtA prollArtv OWnt~rs of ..ro..ertv ~ut,t,i...: .1.. Fourth AVAnu.- TAquAstir,e; thA Council to allow thA t,;ra.dA of said Fourth AVAIlUfl bAtwAflb thA South sidA of Washington Strp.p.t fUld thA North sidf'l of thA fl.lJllrOl'\.ch to thA whRrf, to bA of and fl.cccrdina to thfl prAsAr.t e.;radA of othAr 1l0rtiooWi of said l'l.VAnUA north of sRid Railway AVSllUA. ThRt thA BRnlA thArAforA bA f111Ad in in a mfl.llnl'lr to conform with Buch rAcl.uirAmfmts fl.lld waivA all furthAr notieA. Said ~rFl.dA to bA rRisAd at tlUi f>outli And about 18 inchAs I'\.bOVA prAsAnt e;rfl.dA, and it H,l.i4lAar1n~ to tho Council that UIA pp.t1t10n is Sie;nAd by thA OVil1p.rF. of morA ;han two tlu.r'.l.s i.n vRluA of tbA Rbutting propp.rty and that thA proposAd chanep. wUl 'bA to thA bAIlAfit of thA Fl.buttine pro~p.rty thA ClArk Wf1.S illstructfld to ;ren:l tl1A following rAs01ut1on: RESOLY.lID by thA CODmon CouhciJ. of thA Town of SAwA.rd. All'\.sk:a, ThA.t thp. Mun1ciI'li.l ::En6inAAr bA A.lld hA is hArflb:r a.uthorized .to ChangA thfl ~adA on Fourth AVAnUA, fl.ccord1r~ to thA liAtition of propAl't.:v ownArs, from the south s1dA ot Washinaton StrAAt fU1d thA north s1dA of thA Fl.pproach to thA whn:rf A.lld to do thA nACABSary tj"ll~ to conform to sRid grRdA RS chAI~p.d,such filling not to AxcAAd thA sum of ThrAA HundrAd dollars. Such :f1l1i.AA and e;rf1.ding to bA donp.'undAr thA supp.rvision of tbA Municillfi.l Ene;in;o>.Ar. Ccunci1l1lfl.ll DaggAtt,8AcondAd by Coun(}ilmfl.ll Borsen mOVAS thA.t thA resolution bA fl.do~terJ. A.lld thA Clerk was instructAd to cft11 thA roll with tllP. followill/,l ;relJult: AVt)iJ; CouncillTlAJ1 BorgAn, ChRmbArlfl.in, Chovin I Crftwford, DflCGAt t A.lld ~'or J.f'jp.rs Abse..t. ~md not votill&: Couhci:!Jnrm Youngs fl.lld thA MR.yor dAclRrAd thA rA~Ql.......J.U1J, RdoptAd fU1d thA p.ne;inp.Ar Wf\B instructAd to makA thA fill. On motion Council adjournAd to mAAt at 8 l.!.rn. July 2'), 1915. ~ M\W.~fil ClArk. /l /) -'.~I I -W. U.II;/f?~N. PrABidAnt if thA COIDITlOl1 Cow,,; i~ f\l1d Ex-of.fic1o l4E\yor. c-'l..n" ~.~.I.~ MinutAs of thfl adjournAd mAAting of thA Common Council of tbfl Town of SAwa:rd, Alaska, hAld July 29, IlJ15, SIUllA bAing I'm adj ourw'ld mARting of P thA adjourned mAAting of July 28,1915. - I KAAti;og caJ.IAd to ordAr at 8 p.m. by KfLyor Myflra. Roll ~all showAd A.ll mAmbArs prAsAnt AXCflpt Councilman Youngs. CouncilmfLll ChlUllbArlA.in of thA School Comrn1ttflA rApDrtAd thAt thA C'OlIIIllittP.A hA.d mAt with th.. School Board and thl'\it A.ftAr AXlUllinin. Ul.fI skatcha6 submittAd by thA A.rchitActs for thfl addition to thA school buildi.di{ t.ha comrnittAA would rflcoIlU1lAIld thAit Wm. KinsslA;1 bA a.wardAd thA cont:r~ct; fo:r drAiwing thA pllUl8 and spAcificA.tions for said a.ddition Councilman Cra.wford, sAcondAd by CouncilmlUl Chovin, mOVAS thAit thA CommittAA on Public Schools bA authorizAd to enter into a contract with ~. K1ncslAY to drA.w thA ~l1Ul8 and spAcific~tion8 for thA proposAd add- ition 1.Q thA Public School hOUSA for UtA sUm of .100.00 :Motior. carriAd. S. Stftlinski A.ppAR.TAd bAforA thA Council fLll<l A.skAd that El. pArroit be ~rf~tAd for h~ to instR.ll A. ~asolinA tank undArcround. On motion s~id A.~lication w&s laid on tAiblA. On motion Couwcil A.djournAd. ~ , :Muni~i~a.l ClArk. . ' (v, a, >f~(1~ v' PrAsidAnt of thA Common Council and Ex-officio ~or. ---. ; J ~ -,- I .i "'" ""'. !" """ lBMF~ '1 ":' "::" () C":"'-~("J Minutps of thA RAgul"'T MAPtir.g of thA Common Cou.YJ.ci] of thA Town of SAw'l.Trl, A1askA., hAld August 2, 1915. MAPti!lg CA.llp.d to oTdpr f\.t 8 1'.m. by 1hI.yor Mypr~. Roll CA.II ShOWflld A.ll mpmbp.rs PTASAl1t P.XCf!pt Councilmf\.n BOTgAn. Thl'! wiTlutl'!s of thA mp.Atinga of July 19, 27, 28, and 2') WfllT'A rAA.d fUl(l Fl.ft.~;r ~h" insfllrtion of thf'l wOTds "fOT thA sum of #100.00" "ftf'lr school hOU8f1! c,n PA.gfl 3}8 of thfll mlnutP.s of thfll mAAting of Jul,}r 29, all of 8"i'1 rninutA8 WfllTfll "pJ(rovfld. '.' 'I'llI'! fl.l\plication of thA SfllwRr'l Light fUld POWi'll' Com}.JFl.ny to P.XtP.lHl polF! lu.e i.n t}iP, "llflY in Block 26 north. t 0 thA TAf\.T of lot 29 in 8Rid Block WRS rl'\1d by thA CIP.Tk CouncilmA.n Youngs, sfllcondp.d by Councilml\r.. Chovin, mOVflB thA.t A. pATroit . : fOI' onfll YAA.r bf'l grA.ntAd to thA SfllWRTd Light fUld POWfllT CompA.l1Y to plA.cf! thf'l l:P.Cf!S8A.ry polflls in thfll A.llfllY in Block 26 to f'lxtfllnd its lim~8 to lot 29 iu 2Fl.id Block 26 Motion CRTTiflld fUld thfll attornl'lY was instructP.rl to drRw up tbfl pArmit and thp. ClArk to issup. samA. 1 I ,-#~~ . E. O. SAWYAr pArsonFl.lly Il.PIJfllarf'!d bAforA thA Council A.nd rp.quAstAd thA.t t}jp. AnginAp.r bfll instructP.d to IOCA.tfll A. block cornAT NOTth of JfIlffATsor StrAP t ft.t1cl tbf'l mA.t t...r 1\"'1.8 rl'lfArrAd to thA at rAAt Cowni t tl'!P.. Thp. Cl~~k. now Tf'lf\.ds trIA rAport of thA City Enginp.pr notifying thp. Council of thfl complflltion fUld Fl.CCAptflllCA of thfl! iroprovl'lmfl!nt of Third AVP'!:1).t'l by ll\ying sidAwll.lks on both sidAs tbArFlof, a.s pfl!r RfI!801ution paBBF!d by this Council Junp. 21, 1':115, Counl~j]n:,l\n Youngs, sAcondf'd by CouncilmRn Chovin, mOVAS thA.t thA report bfl HCCf\l-.tfl!d fUld plA.cp.d on fill'! Motio!! CRTriftd. Thfl! Clp.rk now rAads thA followi~ rftsolution: RESOLVED :BY THE COMMON COUNCI I. OF THE TOWN OF Sl!.'WARD, ALASKA; .. Thl'! City EneinAAr h"ving Tf!Jportf'ld that thfll widfllwRlk on both sidAS of Thi..ll .AVADUA .bAtwAAn Adf\.ms fUld Wf\.shir.gton StrAAts, is ful17 complAtfld and li.ccfllptp.d Rlld 611so stFi.tillg thA.t thfll totA.l costs of sltid improvf!mftnte for 811.id sidAwll.lks lUIlount to thA sum of T.m HuwlrAd and Eighty DoIIRTS, of whielt 1Ul,0unt thl'l abutting pTofiArty is liA.blfl for two-thirds tl.11'!rflof, in othAr words, SfIlVflJn Hundrt'ld a.nd TwAnt:y Dolla.rs, IDltking R totf!.l a.sSABS- mAnto of EiihtFlAn Dollars to fl!flch individual lot fronting on SA.id T}~ird AVAnu~. It. is, thfllrAforl'l, Ordf4rAd thflt a Iftv)' bl'l mA.dA RgfLinst UtA propp.rty abuttir~ upon SA.id imprOVl'ImAnts for thl'l sum of SfI!vl'In HundrAd a.nd TwAnty Dollll.TS and thl'l C18rk is hATAby ordArFld to givA thfll noticA pTp.scri1::fHl by or.;linIU1cA, tnArAin giving Ali.ch A.butting ownAr the amount RflSP.SSAd f\.gn.in.st his or hf'!r prOpATty; 1t18o stf\.ting tht'l timA A.nd plRcfII WhATf! thFl City Cour.cU wiD mp.At fOT thA purpOSA of Aquf\.1izing thfl! BRid aSBp.SSIDAnt fUld hf'!li.ri1~ complRin.ts Rgn.inst thfll 1IlIi.king of such Iflvy. A.11.'l thACIATk WA.S illstTuctfl!d to 01\11 thp. roll on thfl! I\doption of sn.id Tf'!801ution with thfl! fol1owi~ rA8ult: AYAS: CouncilmRll Chl\mbp.rln.in, Chovin, CrawfoTd, Df!.gGfl!tt, Youngs and MA;i-or NJ,}'ATS Abs~nt Rnd not voting: CouncilmFl.n Borgnn ~/FO u'-i. - >>1nut~a of th~ M~Atine h~ld Aug~Bt 2, 1915, ContinufIld. and tt!jt'MAyor dl'lcll'\rl'ld thfll rl"tBo'lution I'\dOptAd. Thl'! Cll'!rk now Tl'IA.d8 by t1tlfll thfll proposAd ordinA.ncfIl grMting to thfll SAw~rd W~tAr ~d POWi'll" Com.l'\~, its BUCCfIlS80ra and assigns, thfll right to ll'\v ~ainR for thfll distribution of Wl'\tfllr to conSUIDfIlrs for domAstic and power *,ur~osfIls in thfll strl'll"lte, allfllYs, I'\Vl"lnUfIlS, HighwA.Ys AIld othfllr public pll'\cAS in thfll Town of SfIlwA.rd, A1A.skA, CouncilmAn Daggflltt, 8f1lcondflld by Councilman ChliUllbfllrll\in, movfIls thA.t thfll rull'lB bfll 8uspfllndflld ~ and thfll rAA.ding of thfll proposfIld ordinl'\ncfIl by titlp. bfll considArfl!d thfll first rfllA.dill6, th. ordinlU'lcfIl bfll pa.SBfld to and rfll\<;l thA sAcond timfll by titlfll and pA.sSAd to its third rM,ding a.ridrAffllrrflld to thA FrA.nchlsfll Committ......, and thl'l Clfllrk WI\S inatructflld to CA.ll thfll roll with thfll fOllowing rfl!sult: AJ7t'1S; GouncilmAIl Chambfl!rlA.il1., Chovin, CrH.wford, Da.ggflltt, Youngs AIld Mayor ~"'rs AbsfHlt and not voting Councilml'\n .Borgflln and thfll MAyor rlAclR.rAd tht'l motion cFlTriAd I'\nd thA ordinAIlcp. Wfl,S rfllfl'lTTp.d to thA Frl'\nchisfll Committfllp.. ThA ClArk now rl"lads by titlA thfll proposAd ord1nA.nCA An ordinancA p.stl\blishine 1\ ~lioipl'\l Court for thl'l Town of S",wl\rd, All'\skR, Outlining its ~Tocp.durl'l, and for OthAT purpOSAS. Cour.cilml\n Daggflltt,sfIlcondAd by Councilman Youngs mov~s tl~t th~ rul~B b~ suspfl!lldflld I'\nd thfll Nll'\ding of' ttJA proposp.d ordinlt:rlCA by titlft bFl cor.airlp.l"fIld thfl firllt TA1l.dinS, thA ordinAIlcA bfll p1l.sSAd to a.nd rfll1l.d thA SACOUri timA by titlA A.nd p1l.sSAd to ita third rfll1l.ding a.nd rfllfArrflld to thfl Policft Cownitt~A, A.nd thfll ClArk WI'\8 instructAd to cl\ll thA roll wi th thE'< following rl'lsult: . .~ Ayp.s: Cour.c illn~n Clllunbp.rlA.in, Chovin, CTfi.wf'ord, DA.ggAt t, Younes, 1l.n<1 M.A\17or MYArs AbsFmt Rnd not voting: Councilml'\.n BOTgl'ln, I'\.nd thfll l4R.yor dfllcll\rAd thft motion cl'\rriAri and thA ordinancA WA.8 J'f'lfArrAd to thfl PolicA CommittAA. Tht'! Cl"'rk now r"'l\ds by ti tlfll thfll plwposflld Ordinancft An ord1nancfll rip-fining misdl'lmAl'\nors within thl'l Town of Sl'Iw1l.rd, providing for l\ punish- mAnt for thfl violRtion thArfl!of, ~d othfllr mAttfllra propArly pfllrtl\inir~ . thl'!TAto, CourlcilmAn Chovin, sAcondflld by Counoilman ~ggflltt mOVAS th1l.t thf\ rulA8 bfl 8u8pl'lndflld and thfll rfllftding of thfll proposfIld ord1n~cA by titlfll be considfllJ'Ad thfll first TfIl1l.d1ng, thA ord1na.ncA bfll pA.ssl'Id to a.nd rfllad thfl second timfll by titll'l a.nd pl'\.ssAd to thfll third rAA.dir~ ~d rflfftrrflld to thA Policfll Comm1ttfllA, 1l.nd thft ClArk WA.B instructAd to cl'\ll thfll roll with thfl follo.1ne; rA8ult: AYfHiJ: Couneilman ChflJIlbArlA.in, Chovin, Crl'\wt'<llrd, Da.gaAtt, Youngs a.nd ~or MvF\rs Absp.nt and not voting; COUnCl1111Ml. :Borg.m, I'\.nd thfll MRyor dAclA.rAd th/l! moti-cn CA.rriAd a.nd thl'l ordinanCA was rfl!fArrAd to thA Policl'l CommittfllA. Cow,;.cillllAll Youngs askflld to bit fIlxc;usAd fron, furthfllr .ttflndancfll .ft:t th18 mAl'!tin.r; OlL account of lAaving town fIla.rly in thfll morning. 61l.id rl'!qupst WA.S gra.ntA1 whflrAupon Councilman Youngs r...tirflld. ~ Thp CIP.Tk now rAfl.ds ordinancfll No 3~ An Ordinanc~ to pTAvfllnt thft ~ Introrluction IU1d sprfllading of Cont1l.g1ous D1SfIll\8p.s AIld providing for a Bo~rd of H~alth. PrAscribing duties of H~1l.1t}1 Officfllrs, and othAr mfl.tters prOJ.lArl.v rfllll'\ting thE'lTfIltO, 1l.nd pTFlsc:ribing pfIln.ui ti~s for thE'l violation thf\TAOf fl.r.d 8/11;id ordinlUlcE'l was r"'l'\d vArbat 1m 1 BMF'~ I I I 0/1 '-.'j~:""':"":"" Minut~s of thf'l :M~f'lting ht'll1. August 2, 1915. Continut'l1.. --- - --'-' ..- -- -..- -.--------.--- ------ ----_.-----~-~---_.- eour.eilntl'U1 Dl\ggf'ltt, sp.con1l'1d, by CouncilmRn ehov ln, ml\kf'ls thl'l fol1owil'.g motion: ThRt ~hf'l word "fivl'l" in linl'l thrAA Sftction ~ b~ strickt'ln out I\nd thA word "thrf'lf'l" insArtf'ld in p1RcA tlH~rAof TlVl.t thp. word "on" bt'l insl'lrtAd fl.ftf'lr thA word Hpk-lth i.n 1inA fivf'l of Ol'lction 38 motion cll.rriAd. CouncilInlUl DA.ggp.tt,sAcondpd by CouneilDlfl.n Chovin, nlClV~S thl'\.t thfl ord.inancf'l as IUI1AndAd bf'l A.doptl!ld n.nd tht'l elflrk Wfl.S instructt'ld to ck-l1 thA :roll wi t.h thl'l following rF\Sult: AYAS: Coune ila.w ChA.Illbp.r1fl.in, Chovi,n, C:rl\wfo:rd, DP.ggP.t t, fl.nd :Mfl.yor MyArs AbsAnt find not votirlg: Counci1mfl.n Borgfln and Youngs, I\nd thf'! Mfl.yor dp.clA.I'p.d thl'l orriinfUlcA fl.doptf'!1. n.nd tbf'l C1f'1rk WF\.S instructAd to publish Sf\.irl Ordim\.ncf'I No.3.5 by posting SfUIlt'l in fl.CCOrdlUlcA witb with crdinl'\neAs. Thfll ClArk now :rAl\de Ordin~ct'l No. 3~ An OrdinlUlcA to rf'lquiTt'l, rp.gulatA, TAstrl\in, IUld prohibit tht'l I'!Tt'lction, ml\intftnfl.l''lCt'l o:r USA of tJ'.i.ViflS 1Ul1. cf'lsspoo1s within ct'lrtflin limits in thl'l fown of Sl'!wl\rd, Alliskfi, I\nd provldinc Ii pfllnl\lity for tbl'! v1ol~tion of tbp. conclit1onfl of tbis ordin~)(~f1. IUld 8aid ordinlUlcfl WR.S 1""'1\1. vflrbhtim IUld thfll Clfllrk Wf'.B inatruetF.d to 01\1]. thfll :roll on thl'! I\doption of Bl\id ordinl\nCA with tbt'l fo.-i..w;u~ rAsu1 t: Ay~s: Councilm~n ChRmbfllrll\in, Chovin, C:rA.wfor1., D~ggt'ltt, Rnd Mfl.yor llyf!rs AbsAnt Rnd not votin~ Councilm~n Borgf!n fl.nd Youngs, I\nd thfll ~or dflclfl.rAd Ordinfl.llcf'l No 311- lidopt~d I\nd thA elf'1rk Wf-1.S instructf'ld to publish said or1.inf\.ncfll by posting SRm'" in ~ccordRncl'l to o:rdinancAs. Th... following clfl.ims hFl.ving bfllfln I\pprovf'ld by thA finlUlcf'I cOrumittl'lA WA:rA rAhd by tht'l Clfllrk: W.T.LuCflS $ 75.00 Phili~ J.Hickp.y W.D.Co:ppprnoll 100.00 Sp.w:~r,i Vll\tp.r & POWRr Co J.H.Homie; 100.00 Sp.wl1.rrl Lieht & POWAl' Co Robf!rt GUAst 150.00 Alfl.akA Elftctric Co M.A.HornAl' 125.00 Sewf-1.rd ~AWS CO. W.T.LueRs 200.00 Gus BoreRu D.S.Wl:itfiPlld 150.00 Sf-ward S~W Mill Co. N..T . Koontz lO~. 00 SflWI\T,i Ca.tAWa.y Pub co Tom MeConnAty 18.00 M.A.Hor~er D.D.Dur.ll'il' 12.00 LOllllU1 & HlUlford Ch~B. Jol~son 3.00 W.T.Luc~a COUI!cilnmn,Chovln, 8Acondf'ld by CouncilmRn Crl'\.wford, bl'l approvAd thl'\.t Wfl.rTIU!ts bl'l i.HJU-.d, to tb~ ~H".rti"'l3 TA13l'ACtiv,"" l\1llouuts. fl.lld thA ClArk W,'l.B instr1..Wl;Ad to thPl follo~ine r~sult: AyfllS: Chamb"!rlft.in, Chovin, C~I\~QJ'Q., D"l.C6flltt, Fl.nd lbl.yor 1{yl'lrs Abs/>ut 11.11.'1 not voting: Councilrnl\n Borgt'ln fl.lld Youngs, fl.nd thfl! ~YOT 1~cJA.l'",,1 t.}.. !;lotion cl\rrip',i fl.nd thfl! ClArk WI'tS instructl'ld to iasl.l.Q thl'! Wf-1..rr fl..'1 t S . $ 5.00 15.00 23.90 5.00 1.25 .95 232.00 1}.70 19.00 105.24- 25.00 movflls thl\t thfl! clf\.ima nmr.ftd for thA cf\.ll tha roll with Mr MFl.ntAl1 ~pp8I\rl'l1. b~fort'l thfll Council f-1.D1. rfllquAstflld thp. rt'lturXl of thp c"':.rtlfil'ld ChfOlCk filf'ld by him with hie bid on th'" Fourth AVAnup. imp.rO".rt'!illf>nts Cmm~;ilnf\.n Ch'l.l'llbfOlrlfl.in, flfllCOndp.d by Councilml\n DI\SgAtt, mov~s thl\t thA m~ttf'!r bPI 1f\.id oVfIIlr until tomorrow AVt'luine Motton c<trTiAd r 342 Minut~s of th~ m~~ting hAld ~ugU8t 2, 1915, continu~d. -----------------------...------------------------ On motion Council "djo\.\rnftd ta lllfllAt at 8 ,i;l.m. A~ust 3, 191.5. -$. a. )/U;;Vi~ prASidAnt/Of thA Common Co~cil and Ex-afficlo Kayar. .--.... lHMFe I I I ')113 0(...1: Minutp-8 of thl'! Adj ournfld mAP-ting of thft Cornmon Council of thl'l TOml of SfI!w"",,d, A1askFl., hl'lld Augul'lt }, 1915, 1!l1Ullf'l bfl!ing Fl.n ~djournl'!d mAAtine of thl'l r~Gul~r m~tinG of August 2, 1915. MAAtlne c"l.llflld to orilfllr 'tt 8 p.m. by Mflyor MyArs. -" , Roll call ehowfIld ",11 mfllmbl'lrs 'pr~sf1nt AXCf'lpt CounCilmfUl Youngs. Thp. Council now pro8AAda with thl'! consi,iflrFl.tion of thl'! ~lans Mld spl'lcH'inA.tions ml'lidFl by WID. Kingslfty for thl'l ll.<1dition to thl'!l School Building Counci}JI1Ii.rl Df\.ggAtt,Sp.condAd by CouncilmlUl Chovin, movl'!S thf\.t thft ftxof\.vation IUld conoroRtfl work, includinc; bric~k chimnfty of #2 Vi trif1flld :Brick, bill Ifllt in onp, bid, I\nd thfll ClArk Wf\S instractllld to cl\ll thfl! roll with thA following rAsult: AYAU: Councilml\n: BorgAn, Chovin, Crawford, DaggAtt NOAS: Councilmf\n: ChlUllbta.rln.in, I\nd MyAra. Absl'\nt f\.nd not voting: Coune.ilman Younge, motion GH.rrii"l'i. On rnotio4J. it WFl.8 Ordf'l:rAd that sl'lpl'lrl1.tfll 011.801'1 .ecl'li<rAd for Aach of thl'! followiul:; unit!S: 2. SupArstr~cturl'l 3. Ell'lctric wiril~ ~. Thl'l SiJAcificatio!l8 Wl'!rPl rl'lfl.d by thA elftrlc I1.nd words O/GOlmnon Council" in pl",cA of "School :Bofl:rd" UlI1.t Hri~l could b.-. JUlf,:d in thA nl'lW Clll88 rOOIll8. On mot ion of Counc:ilmlUl :Bor~fm, sfllcondAd -oy Councilman ChoYin, thA mini~wu wael': SCA.IA on 81\id work WFl.S fi:>CAd at fifty cfIlnte pfllr hour. Cour~ciVna.n D~Att ~ sflIcon1.f'ld by Council!llA.n ChoYin, mov..s thlll.t f\. cf'l;rtifiAd chf'lt.:k of H.t Ip..F\.st t~n (10) I,~r cAnt o,f EhA Mlount of thl'l bid f\.ccompa.ny As:h bi(l~ .<t.n1. thfll Clp.rkwfl.s instruct.."i to cll-ll thA toll with thA fOllowing r?lIult: Ay....s: CouuC'iln'lfUl :Borgf'ln~ Chovin, Crllwford, Daggf'ltt lILlld ~yo:r 1I(yArs. BOAS: CouIlcilmf\.1'l. Ch~bfllrlain Ab8pnt '''-i1<:1 not voting: Counc-ilrnR.n Youngs, l'\ind th... M~TO:r dAclAlrfld thA motion cFl.rril'ld. On motlnn thl'! elArk. Attornf'!Y 'Uld Archit...ct WfIlrA instructflld to pr"'lilI1.N' 01\11 for bi1s A.Ild thl'! ClArk was f\.uthorlzl':<i to publish SIUllA in f\. nAWapl'l,pAr in thf'l following form: S"R.IA1. bi1s will bf'! rACfliY'ld by thf'l COIlllnon Council o;t' thA Town of OflwFl.rd, Alf\.ska, up to 8 ~.m. August 9, 1915~ for thA construction of flJ1 fl.<i,iition to thl'! P'...lblic School :Builrline, in accordancl'! with thfll plH,ns fl.Ud sp~ci~icf\.tion8 now on filf'l in thfll officl'! of Wm. KingslAY, ArchitAct, in sa.id. S",wl1.rd Bi'i(lAra will bA r!H~..Airl'td to submi t sepp.ra.tA bids on thl'! following and thl'! Mayor dAcla:rfld thp. Plurnbi11.i 5. Paintins; iUllfl!ndftd by insf':rting thA f\.nd thl\t f\.ny up-sign of urd t H r. Excl\vl1.tion and concrAtfl! work which shftll inclwlA chiJUllAY 2. Sup~rBtrwctur~ 3. :Elp.clt ric Wiring ~. PlwIlbi14l; 5. PH.intinz Also aAfl.1Ad bids will bA rACAivp.d up to 8 p.m. Au~ust 23, 1915. for thA :n.,.i.IOLiu~ ftn1. ins tf\.lling of 11. hp.at.ine plA.Ilt for 611.id buildine; A cl-lrtififlld cll<'H}k for at Ip.ast tf'!n pAr cAnt of FI.lllount of bill, 8hl\11 n.c (; omp>1.ny ~l1.ch f\.nd PtvPlry bi'l. Thf'! CO-CU'!C II J"l'lSf':rvp.s tl~A ri~ht to rAjAct A.l1Y or 11.11 bids Chf'::.:ks of unsucCABtlful biddt<!ra will Of': rAturnAd u~on Signing of contrRct On. illoti-on thl': School COllll1littAf': WFl.S a.uthoriz~d to or'iAr furnituT'p:. 'EhA lTIP.t tA;' of th(ll rAturn of tnA c~~rtifip.1. abACk of M:r .MFl.ntfllll now comAS r----------- 344 MinutAs of th~ MARting of August 3, 1915, continuRd. bAforA thR Council ~nd Councilman BorgAn,sACOndftd by Cotulci1man Cr~wford, mOVAS th~t thA cArtifiAd ChACk fil~d with thft bid of J.P.Mant~ll for thA imprOVftlllAnts on Fourth AVAnUfIl Ot'l rftturnAd to J.P.lIA.ntAll CouncillU<'\n Chambl'lrlain in spl'\akine; on thfl! motion IUlI\dft cArtain r~m!\rk8 fl.tt~ckin;,;: thit motivI'lls of thl'! l(unici.l.lfl.l AttornfllY fUld Councilmfl.n D"'~gl'ltt r18f1l8 to & point of ordAr and asks that Cotulci~nan Ch~oArlain bl'l callAd to ordAr; upon thA M~or dfllciding against thl'l point of ordAr CouncilffiRn Dfl.GgAtt ~ppAa16 ~d ie eustainflld by thfll following VOtA on roll call: Ayl'\u: BorgAn, Chovin, Crawford, Dfl.CgAtt . NOAa: ChambArlain ~d MAyor ~ftrs Absl'!nt fl.nd not voting: Youngs and thA MA.yor callAd Councilmfl.n ChambArlain to ordAr, Whl'!rAUpOn thfll Mur.icipfl.l Attoru!'!y appAfl.rS bflforA the Council f\nd fl.nd I'\.sks thf\.t his tftlllpOrH.ry ro'!signation Of! fl.CCAptAd fl.nd that fl. committl'llA OA I\ppointAd to invABtigfl.t~ thA Ch&TgAS ml\dA by Mr ChambArlain. Th~ rp.Bignfl.tian of thfll Munic:ipal AttornAY not hl\ving bAAn I\ccfIlptAd Coun.1i:lman Borgp.n,sAcondAd oY Councilman Dl\ggAtt, mOVAS that thA Ml\yor &ppoint 1\ cownittAA to invAstiCA.tP. thA c:h",rgflls, which sl\id motion Wfl.S cfl.rrif!d, wh~rAupon thl'l Mfl.yor I'l.ppointAd Counc'ilUJJtn Borgflln and Crfl.wford on sl\id c'ommittI'!A. Thfl Clp,rk was instruct~d to cl\11 thA roll on thA original motion with thl'l following rA8ult: AYAS; CouncilmlUl Borgfln, Chovin, Crawford, DaggAtt, IUld MFLyor )(yArB NO~8: COUllCilllifl.n Ch~bArll\in Abs"'nt B.nd not voting: Councilml\n Youngs, and thfll lLa.yor dAclarAd th(ll motioxl carriAd and thfll ClArk was instructflld to dfllivAr thA cArtififld ChACk of J'.P.MI\ntl'!ll to him. Upon thl'! rr,qlAAst of Counc,illTll\ll ChfUllb4llrll\in thfll contrl!lltit 'of ..T.P.&aiatftll. for thH p~rfOrIllallCA of the work on Fourth AVAnuA ImprovA.mAut was r(llad by thp. clfllrk., fUld. th~ assignnllmt of SfUlll'l WI\S laid bAror!'! tl'H~ Council. On motion Counc 1 adjourlll~d to mAAt August 9, 1915. ~. a. ' ~JU:! t/) 0 ' prAsid~~t of thA COlllillon CO.hQil and ~-officio ~or - J BgT;~ I .1 I 345 Minutl'!s of thFl Adj ourmtd mAP-tir.g of thA Common Councll of thA Town of Sf\ww:rd, All'l.skR., hAld August 9, 1~15, SfUI)A bp.inc:; I'l.n I'l.djournAd lliP.Atir-s of thl" ~djournf>d mAP-tille; of August 3, 191.5. Cow.cD Cl'l.llAd to ordp-r fl.t 8 p.m. fl.1] mp.nibp-rs bflinu prf\llp.nt. Thp. min';t.AB of thfl rp.gulftr mAP-tir:e of Augu8t; ?, 1915, WArp. rfHl;d nnd f1.~prcvf\ rl. Thl'! m.inutAs of thf\ I'l.djournp,d rnAp.till~ of August 3 WArA rAfl.d fl.nd ftftp-r bAine;' cor:tBctp.d;.'t()' show thl'l.t E1.t M.r ChE1.mbp.rlftin:s :rAqUASt. thA Fl.8si~nmAnt. of J.P.l1hntf\lJ WRB Iftid bAforA thA Council but no ftction Wfl.S tRkl'ln thp.:rflon, Bfl.irl. nl."i.r,utAs WA1'fl ft,...roved. l'he l>fltition of thA propp.rty OWrH~rs of propn:rty in Block f\igbt WitS rfPlJl Hl1<i l'flfArrp.d to thA AttornA~ ftnd SAWI\gA COI:l!Li ttf\P.. Thp. RssiL;;nnlfmt of thA Fourth AVf\IlUe contrflct of J .P.1I.fl.ntfl:l1 to C.E. :BA.dA v!/'.s rFlfl.d fU1d on motiolll of CouncilmfU1 Dac;gp.tt i30.condp.d by Counciln::Rll Bori'.er~ tLfl A.ssigruDAnt WflS rfltifiAd fU1d C. E. BA.dA rf\cognizf\d 1'l.8 prine-iI/it} in thf\ shid cont.rnct. Coullci.lmE1.n ChlUllbp.rlhin votAd .No on Bflid motion. The rA1'ort of thA MunicjI/nl ClArk fl.nd MA.aistrl't1;:fl f llAd. Shlllf' ShOWAd rflefli~ts as follows: Fj,nl?l;;l Ftnd forfAiturAs c011f\ctp.d .Tuly, 1915 FAP [; fo:r Dui1dirlg Pp.rLJi ts WflB rf\ad A.nd ordp.rAd #180.00 6030 186030 ThR Council now,ir. pUrSUhllCA to thfl noti.cp. GivAn by tl1A Mun:tcjpFl.l ClArk, procf>pda to Opf'ln thf'l bide for thA construction tle thfl ~roposp.d hrld;i tiol> to thfl School buildir;g flnd thp. ClArk opAns I\nd rAltds U1P. bids of +.h'l!' fCll10w:1IlB nflJLf:d I'A:rf.lOTlfl: Z.N.Bp.n~mEUl, Chas. K:rAfting, G.K.ChrtAr & Co., },'rhnk L. TorrA~, ChflS. Lp.I.1:h..'"l?::" I .T. E. eho.-in, Ftnd Ii:. IN .Rir:Ar, fU'ld t.}'.A Council hhvir.g discul'lSAd tbe mRttAr Councjlmfln Dfl.GGP.tt, sAcondAd by CouncilnlFtl1 BorgAn mhkes thA following motion MO'lArl; t.hat thp. IllhttAl" of thA conRtructjon of thA prol)Os~d A.ddit ion to th,~ sehoo) buD din~ bA rf!ff\rrHd to thA schoQl collll1l1 t t.AA, tbat said corumittF>p. report thArflon a.t a mf\Pt.irJL:; to bA hl'lJd August 11, 191,-, thht f\;ll bide (ll'l rflljActl'ld a.nd tbat UtA bids with thA cArti fi..d chfllck.s lUld dflI/O~\J t.e ace ompfllnir.c; SflJLA bF! re turnA d to tliA biddArs. Mot.ioJ:~ carrip.d and thA Clf!rk was irstructAd to return thA bj.ds fU1d dej,losits. Tn!" ClArk now rflflds t.hA rf\fo:rt of thf\ SI/AciAol IrilTAstlc;n.tir;e COmIlLi tt~R :"s follows: To thA HonorhblA MRyor fU1d Common Council of tIll'! ToWJll of SAward, All'l.skh. Fp.llow MAmbp.rs: In obp.dipncA to thA ~~~ointmAnt hS ~ committAl'! to invpstightA hud r,~~ort u~on thl'l conduct of Wm. D. CoppArno1l,. Mun1c1phl Attornf\Y, WhOBA intp.T'grity was qUP8tlonAd ht 1'1. formp.r lllf\Atine; of thf! Counci.l by CouncllInnn Chfl.Illbf!rla.in, WP. bf!g to rf\};lort as follows; 1. WP. hhVP. rFlquAstAd Councilmltn Chflmbp.rlfl.lr: to submit flny f!vldp.ncfl hA IllE\;y 0)' ll,:j,Cl'1t pOSSASS to 8ubstfU1t1fl.tP. fl.11Y misconduct on thp. Pfl.:rt of thA Mu.nir:i..fl.l AttornAY, find hI'! hflS infornl!~d us that hA still atfln,ls upon his stflt~~~~t.mfl.df\, but thht nf! hhS no witnp.ssAs to uT.oducp.. Hp. holds thht thA ~~"lC:l~fl.l Attornf\Y hfl.s no right to act foT' hr'otl"p.:r 1 " b ' ~. . W10.IRS US1nASS , 346 MinutAs of thA ~djournftd mARting hRld Aueust 9, 1915. __,_._..~_... ...._ __ .__ __.... _._________~. ____,ao_.' __~_ _._.______...._______._ contrf!.ctf'rl with thA Town. 2. WA furthRr rAport th~t from Rll contr~cts, bonds Rnd thir~s to bA pArforn~d by J. P. MRntA11 for thA 1mprovAmAntB on Fourth AVAnuA, thA Murd,~)~Rl AttornAY hA.s in 1\11 thil1Gs ZAA.lousb" SA.ffll-gu~rdflld AVAry in- tATAst of thA Town. 3. ThA.t in 1'1.11 things, thA SA.id Municipfl.l AttornAY hA.s fA.ithfu1ly pArfonlled hid dutifUl A.S such officAr, IUld thA.t thArA i8 no vAstigA of truth in A.ny A.ssArtion of misconduct upon his pA.rt. ~. Th~t it is thA ppinion of this committAA thA.t whAn thA Municipal Attornp.y }ifl.B pArformRd. ~ll thfll dutiAs rAquirAd of h1D1 to bA pArformAd by th~ Council hA hfl.S fulfillAd his ob1igA.tions to thfl Town, AJ1d A.CC- o..dlr~:U- is not bA.rrftd from tA.kine; businAs8 in thfl linA of his proffi- ~sion from A.nY pArson, In-so-fA.r A.S thA BA.mR is not incompA.tlblA with thA Tov.n busirJAss. On this phA.SA of tbfl mA.ttFlr thA CommittAA A.sks thfll eFlns~ of thA mAmb~rs of this body. ReepActful~ SUbmittAd, Gus DorgAn. ChA.B CrA.wford. CouncilmRn DA.BGAtt, sAcondAd by Councilm~n Chovin mOVAS thA.t thA rApO)'''~ OA p1A.CAd on rAC ord A.ud thA Commit tAA dischA.TgAd fl.2ld BA.id mot1CllL WA.B CA.TTiAd fi.11 mAmbATs prABAnt votirlB in fAvor thArAofAxcApt Cour"c illHA.n Chf\mbArl~in who votAd No. On motion Council A.djournAd to August 11, 1915. A.t 8 p. m. ~ Munic:iI='A.l ClArk. ~,a ,> Jt1;:fC/7 L, PrAstdAnt of thp. Common Council A.ntl Ex-officio M1l.YOT. . . --- 1 HMF'0 I I I ~[-7 Minutp.3 of tbp. Adj ourn!'!'l nlAAtir e of thf! Ccmmon CouncU of tbf' Tovm of Sp'w".:rd, Alf\skl\, hAld Auc;uat 11, 1915, SlUllP. 'b'ine fl.Il fl.djournp.rl Mp.p.tir.g c,f thp. A.<1J(.n;rn~rl mAntinc; of August 9, 1915. Coun.d] cnDfIld to ordp.l" at 8 1;.lJ'. by Mfl.YOT lifyf'T'a. All IDf'l-II.bp.!,R bp-ing IJri'\s",nt f!XGP.pt COUl)l)jJmL~n Youngfl. Tl1f' fO!'IE of bids eubrni.ttp.d bj7 CO!Jr;I~nmlU1 Chft.Il;bp-rlfl.in WI\S rAf\d by tbp. CIP.l'k. Tb' C{;uncil now kJroBp.nds witb tlll': considf1rA.ti on of thA buildin6 of thp. proposAd fl.ddlt1on to tVA school hOUSH nnd Councilmfl.n DAlggAtt submits to tb~ C(Jun,~il thA !JAneil 1Jk:P.tC}lN~ of Arclci tAct W1nstp.d and thA Counc1J hltvirJL;; }:p.Hl"1 thp. vArbnl stA-tp.mf'.nt of Mr Winatp.dt,CounciJlJif\n Dfl.Gt;p.tt, sflco..lp,d by Councilrr,ltn BorgAn, llip.kp.s thp. followirJG moti on; ThFl,t C.W.WinlJtt'ldt bf' P.illf,lo;Yi',d to prF:pfl.rA plans and spp.cificfit1ollfl for rfl.ishl(; fir~d cl1P.ngjr.c thl'! sa-hocl buiJ dillil P.nd to supArintp,nd thfl work in C'0211i!~:.:ti(jn with sfl.id Chf\.l1gA IU1d thf': instf:.1Jin~ of thl'! hAP.t1,~ ~J.Alnt in hCl:lI;r'rli'IJ':,(:f' with SA.ld pllUls P.nd spf':cifjcations sl1.id pl"ns I\nd epp.cif1cations to 1J", submittAd fI.21d fl.pprovAd by th~..s Cou!;.cil. Mr Winat...dt to rf\cAlva thl! SUIll of $190.00 for A:ll sArvicAO 1r. lirn.,fl.;,1r~ 8,,1d pllmR I\nd spAc1ficl\tionB and Sl)~,t,rintAndinG s"jd work, I1rovidlne roW?"{!',r tbfit if said work eRn not bp, a.Olif! for thp. sum of $3300.00 I\S AstiD1lttAd bJr C. W. WinstAdt 81101d Wins'tl','l: forfAits fl.1l riGht to Alny compAnsl\tion. ,MOtj,Ol' cfl.rriAd. fl.ll D1p.D1bp.rs voting i:r: fP.vor thArf!of f'XCApt Councilman Ch~mbArlf\in. On mo~,j (In of COUlle: ilrr,fl.n DaggF\ t t, BACQndf':tj l:ly Counc-ilmI'Ln BorgAn, tl.LA MuniC'i;'-,j..2 ClArk WI-'lG instructf'Jd to givr, !letioR in thl'! SAwnrd GP.tp.wP.y cfl.lliog for bids ir, IilccordftnCA to thf! l!lnns of Mr. WiP1tAdt said bide to bA rA:;;~iy(-!d I':.n1 opp.nf!d P.t 8 p.rr. Tu"!sdfl.Y, Auc;ust 17, 1915. All IDf':::1'c.f>rs l,rAfHmt votine in fH.'lor of 81\1d motion. On motion Counai] fl.dj ournAd.. -Ib, a ' >;~i-!:y{1'~ Prp.sidAnt ofvthA Cornmon Council A.TlQ l~-officic 1myor. r 348 Minutfla of the lllAAtins of the Common Council of the Town of SewFl.rd, Alfl.skn, held August Foui'teen,1'115. Council called to order at 2, p.m. by President Pro-tem D~gett All member8 pre.ent except Ch~berl~in ~d ~er8 President Pro-tern DAggAtt atated th~t the mp.eting WFl.. called in pursufl.nce to notice given by the MUnicipal Clerk for the purpose of coneidArir~ objections to the &asessment roll of SpAciRl Assessment District No. 3 and no one appeRring to make any objections to .aid as.@.~Ar.t the Clerk WR8 instructed to rAad the following resolution: WherAFl.B, the Common Council of the Town of SewFl.rd did at the meeting held August 2nd.. 1915, order that. levy of .720.00 be mAde and colleGA against property .butting upon the improvements on both sides of Third Avenue betWften Wa.hir~ton and AdRms Street., being 2/3 the value therf'lot, and Whereas, the Xunie-ipal Clerk ddd on the 3rd., d~ of August, 1915, deliver to the SFl.id Common Council .pe~ial ~88essment roll District NO.3. said roll ~onta1ning the apportionment among the owners of lot. abutting on said ~provftments &s prOVided by ordinance No. 25 and, Wherp.~liI, thA Jlunie1pal Clerk .t the time of the delivAry did not1t by post c~Td, as prOVided by ordinfU!ce No. 25. e.oh and AVAr7 property owner ~fActed by said &ssessment, thAt said Council would, on the fourteenth dRY of August, 1915, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m. meet in the Town Hall for the purpose of cQn.iderir~ objections to said &Sses&- ment roll, and, Whereas, 8aid Council did meet as said Board of EquFl.lization at the datA, t~e and place set and ~on8ider all objActions considering sfl.id Bpecinl assessment, Now T1lE'lretore, bA it resol vAd by the said Common CounC'il that the said SpAc1al Assessment Roll District NO.3 bA find the .~e is hereby appro7Ad and the amounts thereon be find the .~A are herAby a8SAssed against Allch lot or pareAl of land respActi vAly, And thA W8lIle ftlTA hertbiY 1p.cl~rAd a liAn therAon, and thA MUnicipal Clerk is herAby dirActeQ> to Q.AlivAr the said roll to the .l4unie:ipal Tax CollActor and giVA notice thFl.t unlAss paymAnt i8 madA on or DAforA the 24-th., dfI.Y of SAptAmbAr, 191.5-, sue 11 spec-ial assAssment shall beeomA delinquent &s providAd by OrdinRr!cA No. 25. and thA ClArk having rAnd the foregoing rABolution Councilman Crnwford sAcondAQ by CouncilmAn Youngs, moves tl~t the rA801ution be adopted fl.nd thA Cl~Tk was instructAd to call tl~ roll with the follOWing rABu1t: AYAS: C-ounci1man :Borgen, Chov1n, Crawford, Youngs and PresidAnt Pro- tAm Dam;ett Absp.nt f~nd not voting: CouncilmfU'l ChRlllDerlain and l(yflra and th~ PTA8idAnt Pro-tAm declarAd thA resolution adopted and thA Clerk WIi.S instructed to delivAl' the roll to the Jlun1~ipal TrAasurf'lr. I/~_'J CJ7~' .I4~~~k PrA8id~nt Pro- tAm of the Common Council and Ex- officio Mayor. - , -, I , lBNFc I I I 3~9 MinutpB of thA CIlIIAd mAAting of thA Common Council of thA Town of Sflwllrd, Alaekll, hAld August 16, 1915, ~t I p. m. ~ -.--- ------- -.-.-- .,*,.--.. MAAting CIlIIAd to ordAr by PrAsidAnt Pro-tAm DRggAtt All l'nAr:lbA:r8 prABAnt AXCApt Councilml\ll MyArl'l fU1d Younge. ThA P:rAeidAnt Pro-tflm statAd thllt thA mAfltir~ wile callAd for thA PU:rPOSA of ~ctir~ upon thfl plans of C. W. WinetAdt for thA rAconstructin of thfl Bchoo1 BUildir;g I\lld lIr WinstAdt Bubmitts hie plans I\lld .pflc1f1- c-.tions to thfl Council IUld thA ClArk rAllde thfl spfllcificl\tions, I\nd thA Council havir.:g considArAd SfUllA CouncilmlUl BorgAn, 8flcorldfld by COU1~ci1Jm\n Crawford' mOVfl8 thl\t 81\1<1 pllUls I\lld spflcificl\tiollS bA I\pprovAd which 81\id motion WI\S cRrrifld. nIl mArebArs prA8Ant vot1ng in fRvor of sam\'! ,",XCApt CouncilmlU'l ChfUlloArll\in who votfld No# IU'ld atRtfld hI'! would fill'! p:rotfl:ilt. On Motion Council RdjournAd. ~ cY0~ PrAsidAnt Pro-tflre of thA Common Council 4nd Ex~officio Mayor. Munic:ipl'.1. ClArk " r-.--.-----~"".. -.-- 350 MinutAs of thA RA6ul~r MAftting of thA Common Council of thA Town of SAw~rd, Al~sk~, hAld August 16, 1915. ~ , MAAting c~llAd to ordAr ~t 8 p.m. by PrA8idAnt Pro-tftm D~66Att All mAmbAr. prAsfIlnt fl!XCApt Councilm~n Chov1n ~nd Myp.rl!l. Minutl"s of thA mAAtings of August 9, 11, fUld 14. WfI!rfll rp.n.d IU1d A.pprovlIld MinutA~ of thfl! MAfIlting hAld August 16 WArA rfl!A.d IU1d A.ftAr thp. insArtion of the "'fOrds l'n.nd stFl.tAd hfll would filfl! protAst" Itftfl!r thfl! word No SA.id minutAs WfIlrA A.pproYAd. ThA Applic~tion of thA SAwA.rd Licht IU1d POWftr Comp~ to plA.CA polfl!s in thA A.llfllY bAtwAAn First Fl.nd SfIlcond AVAnUA8 WFl.S rAfl.d IU1d rAfArrp.d to thl'! Lights Comrn1ttl'lA. Counc1lm~ Chov1n AntArfO!d thl'l mp.A,ting. The protAst of Couneilm~n ChFlmbArlA.1n WFl.S rfl!Fl.d SFl.id protAst bl'ling 1n rAffllrAnCfI! to the 1ntAn~fI!d 1mprOVAmp.nts in the School fFl.c1l1t1f1!8 of SAwA.rd rond 8Flmfll WFl.8 on motion ordfl!rp.d placftQ on filA. Thl'! ClArk now rAn.ds Ordina.ncfl! No. 36 vArbatim fUld 8A.id. ordinfUlcfll Wl\8 on motion ~AndAd Fl.S follows: In8Port thA word "I\dfllqul\te" in plaeA of the words "its pre8Ant" in Unfl 2 of art1elll (c') in sAct10n 2. InsArt thp. word "construf'ld" in plA.cft of thfl word "constructAd" in linfl! 4-,of utielA (d) of IlAction 2 InsfIlrt in linA 2 of SAotion 3 I\ftfllr the word shfl.ll thA folLowiag l words "filA herAwith a 8chf'ldulA of rfl.tA8 IU1d " and th~ achf'ldulA of ratA8 all filed by thA SewA.rd Water & PowAr Compqny h having bAfI!n attl\chAd to .",id OrdinancA Councilman Youngs, sAcondAd by CouncilmfUl Chovin, IDFl.kfl!8 thA following motion: That Ordinfl.ncfI! No. 36 as ~AndAd bfl! fl.doptflld fUld thA ClArk WFl.S instructftd to 01\11 thA roll with t.hA following rl'l8ult: AyAS: CouncilmlUl BorgAn, ChambArlain, Chovin, Crawford, Youngs and PrAsinAnt Pro-tAm DaggAtt AbsAnt l\nd not voting: Couneilm~n MYArs and thA Presidp.nt Pro-tAm 1Acl~r(1jd thA or1inl\nCA Fl.dOptAd and thft ClArk WA.8 instructAd to publish S~A by posting in aecordancA to ordinancA8. OrdinlU1CllA No 37 An OrdinSUlcA Est"blishing l'l. :Munic'1p~1 Court for thft Town of SAwFl.rd, Alfl.ska, OUtlining its procAdurft~ lUld for othAr PurposA8 WA.S r(1j~d thA third time lUld Pl'l.88f1ld to its adopt1on l\nd Couneilml\n ChFl.ll1bprl'tin, sRcondflld by Councilml\n Youngs mOVAS that thA OrdinlUlCp. NO.37 bA ~dOptAd l\nd thA ClArk was instructAd to call thA roll with thA following rAsult: AYAS: Councilman Borgan, ChambArlain, Chovin, Crawford, YOune8 and PrAsidAnt Pro-tem DaggAtt AbsAnt l\nd not Voting: Councilml\n ~Ar8 l\nd thft PrAsident Pro-tAm 1f1!cl~Ad thp. Ordinance NO.37 adoptAd Fl.nd the ClArk WI\8 instructAd to publish sarnA by posting in aceor<1fUlcfll with ordinfl.nCAs. ThA proposA1 ordinancA An ordinancA to providA firA protftctlon l and ~ firA dfllp~rtmAnt, and to Astablish firA limits within thA Town of Sl'lwFl.rd, Alaska" WA.S rAa.d 'Uld pa.SBAd to its sfllcond rflla.dine. The Fir~ Committl'lA WFl.S l\uthorizfI!d to ordfllr bottlft8 for thA chAmioA.l. JRMFe I I I r> ,...-, -<. ", [, LJ U..L. Minutl'!fl of thA rfllgul"l.r mAl'ltinc of August 16,1915, continufld. ---------------------...----.----------------- On motion of Councilm"l.n Chovin, sAoondAd by Counci1m"l.n Youngs, thA LiGhts COJDlllittf!UI WIl.8 instruotflld to h"l.VA thfl nfllcfIl881\ry .trfllAt lights 1nstl\11Ad ~d filA ^ list of .amfll with thfll ClArk. On motion Couneil I\djournflld, until August 17, 19~ (uYv-~ PrAsidAnt Pro- t~ of thA Council ~d Ex-offici. MRyor. C olIlllDOn ~ Municip"l.l ClArk 352 U1nutAB of thA ~djournAd mAAtins of AUiust 16,1915, hftld August 17, 1915. ... .-----------------------------..---..------- -.-------.----"-- Cour.oil cfl.llftd to ordAr a.t 8 p.m. by :Mayor 113er.. All mAmbAra prA8Ant AXQApt Couno1l.mA.n Youngs. ThA Council now in pUr8UanOp. to thA ca.ll publlshAd by thft Clerk proc..,fIlds to thftOpfln1ns of thfl bid.s tSar the rfloonstruction ot thfl achool bui~, ,And thfl bH... of the followins named pflrsons were. rful.ci by the ClArk: Cha. Krettins, John Helm I'LUd Cha8 :r..chnflr lILnd on lIlot1om ot CounC'ilm.1\tl Dlt.ggett 8AC:onded by Counoi1a~ ChoT1n 81\1d bids were. tR.blfld t8mpor~llJ . Thft MuniCipAl ClArk rAports that thft TalUft ot all property a8 equl'l.l1zfIld by the Board ot Eql\ua11zI\t1on IUld as thfl Sl'UJ1fl appflM8 on the TI.x Roll for thfl Year 1915, is .1716927.50. Couno1lal'l.U DaggAtt,8AcondAd by Counoilm6ll Chov1n, 1Il0VA8 thl\t thft TI\X levy for thA Yftl'lJ" 19l5bl'l f1x8d at 20 mills ftnd th8 C18rk w~s lnstructAd to oAll thp. roll on thA ~dopt10n of s~ld motion with th8 fol10w1ns rABult: _~AS: Counoilm6ll Borgl'ln, Chl'UJ1bArla1n, Chovln, Crawford, DncBAtt and MAYoI' llyl'lrs Abep.r~t fl.nd not votirlg: CouncilmfU2 Younes and tbl'l Mayor rlp.clfl.r~rl thA motion cl\rril'ld fl.nd thp. T~ lftvy fixl'Id at 20mills for thl'l YAar 1915. CouncilmfIXL DFtgGfttt rAporta thl\t at a JIll'l4'!tirlg of thl'l Council cltting fl.S a. cOn1mit.tl'!l'! of th4'! wholfl that tbA MuniclpRl attornAY 1'0'1\8 1nstructAd to conrp.r wi tb thf'l }t'AdArfl.1 I\uthori t1l'1s 1n thfl! ml'l.ttAr of thf'l licp.nsl'! ta...~A8 rAmaining unpfl.id in thA Town of Sl'!wfl.rd fl.nd thA.t tl:f'l fl.ttornAY WI'l.S hutl:or1zp.d to ml\kA thA trip to VI\ldAZ IUld tl\kA thA Jlll\ttl'lr up with thA court. CouncilmkT.. Dl\ggl'ltt, sl'Ioondl'ld by CounailnvUl Borgl'ln,Jl1akl'ls thft followlna motion: tbat thft II.ct1011 of thft c:ommittfl!ft of the whole Oft rhtififlld fUld thl'l Muniaj,pR.l II.ttornfllY tt.uthorizfIld to lJl.l\kA the trip to Vtt.ldfllz. Motj.on cA.rril'ld T}lft fnllow:tng rp.solution Wfl.1:l rp.ad by thp. Clfllrk: RESOLUTION. It Il.ppflRrine to tlUI Common Council thll.t thA Munic-ipl'l.l A88f1l880r did on thfll first day of August, 1915, complf!:tfll his F1.SSl'lssmp.nt roll for thft YI'lFl.r 1<)15, thfllrAin p.nUlllfllrfl.tirl~ all mown propArty, both rAl'I.l fUld pfllrsonl\.1 witllin thfll corporFl.tl'l 11mi ta of thA Town of Sp'wl'l.rd, and did dl'llivfIlr to thp. COUllCil said 8oS8ASSmf'!nt roll 80S by ll'lw and ordirHUlcf'I prf'lscribflld, which SA.i.d I'\SBl'I8Smp.nt roll WflS duly vl'lrifiAd by said II.SSf'lssor, And, it fl.lrthf'lr l'l.ppl'lar1ng thl'l.t sI\id Municipl'l.l Assl'Issor hll.s notififlld by post cl'lrd f'll\ch I'Lnd l'Ivftry propl'Irty holdfllr,or his or thf'l1r agfl!nts or rl'lprfl!BfIlr..tll.tivfI!s, II.S to thfll amount of I\SBf'lSSfIld valuation of thftir Tf'll'll I\l1d pRrsomll propf'lrty, And., j,t furthl'lr I'l.ppp."ring thl'l.t sl'l.id postl\l cl'l.rds 80 I'l.dt.lrfllSBf"!d 1'\8 I'\forf!sfl.id, stA.tt'ld thfll timfll and pll'l.cf'I ot thft IDfIl'fl!ting of thfl Common Counc1l sitting 1'\8 l'l BOl'I.rd of Equl\liz8otion, p~d I'l.lso ml\dfll publication of the sitting ot thl'! Council as such BOl'\rd of Equl'l.lization and thl'l timfll and pll\cp. whfllrp- such I'l.SBABSffil'lnts so Iftvil'ld should bfll protf'lstflld fU'ld complaints mFl.dA thArp-to, 1H'l.id publicl'\ti on hl\ving bfllflln duly mll.dl'l in thfll SfIlwl\rd GRtftW~, l'l daily nf'lwsp~pl'lr publishl'ld in thf'l s/l.id Town of Sf'lwfl.rd, I'I.Dd of gAnl'!rl'\1 cj,rculf\tion thArl'lin. And, whfllrfll~s, thft 8fl.id CODllllon Council <l1d upon thfll days IUld .t the hours in Bl\id noticl'!s and postnl cl'l.rds Jl1f'lntionflld, JIlfllftt I\.t thfll dp.81gnatflld pla.cl'l find sit ~8 fl. BOftrd of' Equalizf\tion, fUld did hAa.r Fl.ll compll'\ints --, ! J '- 1 BMFe I I I ;:""'-0 ,-, c' U Minutl'l8 of thp. :Mp.p.tirlg hfllld August 17, 1.915, ContinUl'!d. A.nd protp.ets mf\.df'l to such aasf'lssmp.nt so nlli.dp. El.S f\.fOrp.8I1id, and conaidp,:rfl.. tion dul;r givfIln thArAto A.nd dl'!tf'lrmination IlJf\.dl'! thp.TP-of, NOVl, tbf'lTp.forll, in considp.TEl.tion of thll p:rf'lDESP.S, thA COJrlDlOll Cour~cil of thll Town of Sp.wfl.rd, Territory of Alaska, as in dut~r boun1 A.nd by Ilt.ll' prftscribfld do hllrflby by this rfl!solution J'llakf'l and dl'!clarl'l thft rf\.tl'l of tax for Municipll.l 'llld School purposfIls for thfll sfl.id town of Sf'!wfl.:rd, for thl'l Yl'lEl.r 1915, shall bfl and bArl'lby i8 fixp.d f\.t twftnty mille on l'l"l.ch doll'll" of tlLxablfl! propll:rty, both Tp.al IUld pflrsonfl.l within thll COTpOTEl.tfl> limits of said. Sp.ward Il.8 Aqualizftd by the BOlU"d of Equalizatillll'l just I\.djournl!ld. Councillrllo\n Daggflltt, sfI!condt'ld by Councilmfl.l1 Borgt'ln, movl'!S thl'! Il.doption of thfl! rl'!Bolut;l&n fIlld thl'! CIATk WI\S instructfld to cl\ll tht'l roll with thft fOllowing TfI!8ult: }.Yfta: CouncilJllfl.l1 Borgflln, ChlUIlbftTlf\.in, Chov1:n, Crfl.wford, D1I€6t'lt t and Ml\Yor MyP.TS Absoa.nt JUld not yotirJg: CouncilmlU1 Youngs A.nd tb" lll\Yor dfl!cll\Tp.d thp. rAsolution adoptflld. On motion Counoil I\djournflld until August 18, 1915. '.~. ft-:/~ Municipfl.l Cll'lrk. /::' ",~.t t{ -. ....;;:., . J -'. '::/ )...___ .w ' '-< ,I F --j Prp.sidp.nt oX thfl Cornlllon Council flIld ",x-officio :M1l.yor. ( 'Jr4 <Jd Minutfts of thft Adjourn~d M~fttir~ of thft Common Couna11 of thft Town of SfIlwRrd, Alaska, held Ausust 18, 1915, SftJll.f! be1rlS: fUl IIl.djournf!d ml'lAting of th~ adjournftd mf!fIlting of August 17, 1915. ------,... .... . .... ------.---"' -------.---------.-..---.-.------.- -------...........--.' -,._----~- - I llfIlfllting callflld to ord~r at 8 p.m. by MAyor l(yfllrs. All MfIlmbftTe prfllsfIlnt f!XCfIlpt Councilman Youngs. Councilml'\t: ChlUl1bt!!rldn sub.its rflport on thfll school build1ng which WIl.S rflla.il by tht!! Clflrk, CouncilDlIUl Dl!IoSgl'!t t submit tflld Il. vf'!rbal rfl!port on thl'! school bUil'ling COUI1CilmlUl Crawford,sfIlcondflld by Counc1lmRn Chamberla.1n, movfIls thll.t thfll old school build1ns on Lot 38 in Block ll~ bfl rt!!pa1rAd IU'ld uSfIld for school ~urposfIls. Motion carr1fild Councilml'Ul Dftggfttt, 8f1lcondflld by Councilml'lll Crl'l.wford, movfIls that l'l. h~a.tinc plfl.nt: bfll insh.llflld in thfll school. bui1d1ng in Blo.k 12. Motion cl'l.rriftd. Thl! school cOlSlluittl'lfll was instructflld to I\sc~rtFl.in 1'IhFl.t 1'11\8 nfllcl'Is8l'1.ry to bfll done to placfll thft building on Lot 38 in Block l~ in condition fOT school purposfIls. On motion of Councilman Chovin, s~condl!d by Councilml\n Ch..bp.rll'l.in the bide for thft rfllconstruction of the school building 1'Ip.r~ all rAjftctfld l'l.nd tbfl Cll'lrk was instructfld to rl'lturn all bids I\nd thp. dflpOB1ts I\nd enecks filflld with SIUlll'l to thA rflspp.etiva biddArs. - On ..~: a.journ......\U>tll Mtmlc]pal Clfllrk. August 23, 1915. rP (], )#~ff; ~ ' Prftsidftntr of thfll Common COUlleil I\nd ~x-officio M~or. """1 ! I '- ,j 1 Rtl F(l I I I ,.-- - .,.~- ~ ~-) ~~) Minutp.o of thl'l 1\1journl'ld It,,,,.ting of thl'l S~w~rd, All\sk/\, hl'l11 August 23, 1915, Ol\illl'l th,. m,.,.ting of August 13,1915. Common COlUlCil of thfl! TOl'ffi 0;' b,.ing I\n I\djournf'!d IDfI!p.tinc of MF!f!tine CR11l'l1 to or1~r R.t 8 p.m. by MR.yor MyA:rS All rQ.f~l11bl'lr6 prl'lSAn t . Thl'l R.pplic>1.tion of thl'l Sp.wR.1'd Ell'lctric LiGht & POWR1' CompfU'.ty to SAt a polA on S"lYl.'lnth AVfl!nup. was 1'''1-\(1 1Ul1 r",fl'l1'rfl!d to th f'l frallChisp. committl'!fl. Councilrl1;tl1 Youngs voting No on SR.i1 motion. ThF! appll.c"I.tion of G(I!or"flt HIUl...'1iglUl for position as nie;ht p>1.trolUlIUl l'l!-\S rf1R.Q. Anti ordF!:r,.d filF!.J.. Cou.tlcil:n"l.n Chl1.IllbArhtin of thA school COIIJlui ~ tl'!A rftports thfl.t thl'l commi tt AA hwi invl'!otig1-\tl'ld thl'! thf'l ml'l.ttf'l1' of l' I'! pl1.ir intI thfl old school building on Lot 38 in Block ll~ and would. 1'<!lcommAnd thf'l instl'l.llfl.tion of 1\ hot fl.ir ~Ar~ac~ in thl'! bfl.SAIDp.nt fl.lld thl'l.t it would bl'l nACAS3fl.ry to IDl1.kf'l a small Axcfl.v"I.tion for 811.I1l1'! also thR.t thf'l building bl'l rl'lp~irl'ld and pR.intAd. Thp. committfl!A 1\180 rl'lcommf'ln1s thl1.t >1. hot wa.tfl!1' hl'll\tine pllUlt bl'l instl'l.llfld in thfl! Nl'lW school hOUSA. Counc-il1nl\n Youn~s, 8Acon11'\1 by Counci1mlUl Chovin,alOVp.2 thl'l.t thl'l school COl.l1Jnit::,.~ bl'! inlilt1'uctl'ld to install hot air furnl'l.cf' .t\nd ml'l.kt'l thl'l nl'lct'!Gsl'l.ry rl'lpalrs 11.6 rfl!co11llll1'1ndA1 to thl'l old school building. Motior. cli.rril'l'i. Council:n1Ul Youngs, sp.conup.1 by COWlcilmlU1 D!'l.ggl'ltt, rnovm3 th1-\t thp! school com:ni ttAl"! gAt bids from locl'l.l fints for thfll inst~llati.on of 1\ hot Wl'l.tAr hAR.ting pl!'\,nt in thfl! llAW school buildinG. Motion c>'l.rri,..i, Coun.::ilTn<U1 DI\g{if'ltt of thfl! printing committl'!A rAportAd thf\.t tIll'! bll\nk tl'l.X rACAipts, stl'l.tl'lmp.nts Ate hR.d bl'!p.n ordArflld from thA Post Publishing COIDpfU'J.Y. Councilm>1.n Chl1.IllbArlf\.in ob jl'tcts to thl'! printing bAine Ipt Ii thout c>'l.ll for bias. ThA chl\ir st!'l.t~1 thl'l.t thp. ordinf\.ncl"! providAs fb~:cf\.l11n6 for 11i18 only whIm thf'l l\IDount I'!xCAl'l1s fifty 1011l'l.rs lUld thfLt thfl! printing comraitt~~ h>'l.d bl'!An I\uthorizfl!d to pUrCRl'l.SA thl'l nACP.sSl\ry bll'l.l1ks for thp. us!'! of tIll"! clf'lrk.. Cou:r...::illll"1.n DR66I'ltt, sAcondp.d by COWlcl1m>m Chovin, mOVAS t-hl'l.t thl'l strp',"t C oromi t tAP. bl't instruct Atf to loc'l.tA thrt'!1'l cro8s-wl\1lcs on Fourth AVl'lnul'! bl'ltWp.An Wl'l.shington iUld Ad#UJls Strl'll'lts Motior: cl'l.rril'l.i. On Illotion council >'!.fij ournf'd. ..::;,. ~, ~! /, I. ./1 J -l I.V' . l..-{ / > t I' V PrAsid.p.~ of ~hp. Common Council Imtf Ex-officio M"I.yor. n-r- CO!) T!1fl ri"guI.'1.l" lUp.p.tinc of thp. Common Council of thf! Town of S!'lWI'l:rd., AlI'l3k~,Sp.ptAmbAr 6, 19I5, WI'l5 I'ldjourned by thf! M~o:r to Sp.ptf!mbp.l" 7, In},. by rAI'lSOn of. Sp.ptp.mbA:r 6 bf!ing I'l lAgi'll ho11d~. ~ Municip~l ClArk. ~~._a:. .~__ .k:f::-:-.__ Prp-l.li1Ant of fh Common Council Rn1 Ex-off1e1o or. -, J r , 1 BMFe I I I ~, ....--., ~.~._} { MinutA5 of thf! adjournp.d lllPf>.tine of t}1P. Goxwuon Council of thl'l Town of Sp.wfl.T'1, Alfl.ekfl., hAld ,~_.. 7, 111~ ,-------- .- ,'---'-"- - .- ".---. --."-"-"" ...... .-- . -.- ...-^"--....-..- Council C1i.11p.d to 01',1(0\)" a.t <'~ p.m. by MR,yor MYArs. A11 rr.M'lb"lT'lI prf!tll'!nt ~_';'Cf!pt Counc,ilm'1.n YouflZS. Tl:n r,tinutfll3 of thA ll:lAI'!-tin{; of Aut::ust 23, 1915, wp.rp. ri'!ad tUld fl.pprovA.i. Thp. Cf-!rti.ficat"l of D.S.Whitfiftld thFttLti.lllt!>:ri!1.l hfl.'i bp.nn ~urni8hAd. and laboT p?rf'ormp..i in thA illlprOVf\~nimt of Fourth AVAnuf!, fl.S pAr contrMl t dH,ti'l'l Jun~ 25, 1915, to thtll 1UU0unt of TAn Thousand Dolla1'$ to dat"l fl.150 tLi'! l"l'lcoll:lJlllmdfl.t10n of thp.. 31'l.1d D. s. W11i tf1!'lld Axt.mdinc thl'! tillil'l tan dli.JTs :for thf'l co.plAtton of tllli'i contrAct wp.rf'! ::"I'!li.d by thl! (n~rk: On Itlotion of Council1ll'l.n Da.zaflltt, sl'!condAd by CounciJ:a:aR crp.wford, tht'l tim.P. for th/': complf'lt ion of said e:ontr!l.ct Wfl.il !'lx.tflll1'iAd t"'m dfl.Ys. Thl'! communioation of C.E.BadA pAtitioninl: for an Axtl"lnaion of tilllf! for th~ complAtion of thA contr~t 601' thfl imprOVAmp.nt of Fourth AVAnuA Wfl.S rRad and orQArAo. filAd. Tho aC~ApttlnCA of thfl SAwfl.rd Wl\tAr & Powp.r' Co. of thl'! frf1.nohiB~ ~rfl.nt"d to 8/0\.10. compHP-Y by ordinfl.nCA No .36 WftR rfllllo. anti l:'I~1'! 'I.'ffl.8 1'F\fArl"l'lil back to thA Com~any for thA comp&ny'ft 3ieRtlturA to thA list of wnt~r rfl.tp.s attachA1 to Sfl.mA. Thl'! rpport of thA Municipl1.1 ClArk thnt thp. TI'lX Roll for thl'! YAfl.r 1915 acgrAf;at,ine; thl'l SUII of Thirt,r Four Thousand Thrp.A Huml.nd and Thirty- Eicht Dolll'\.1's IU'ld fifty fivA Cl'Intlll ($34-338.55 ) .as :r'...~".i '1.nd ordp.rr."i fU,p,d The'! T'''lport of thf! Muuicip"Ll ClArk of f"lp.:.J collp,(lt'l'i iu:ri.ng month of AUiSust ,1915" A.Itlounting to $3.00 'Nfl.S l"f'l'1.O. lU'l<i ordp.:r,.d :'il",d. The RRport of thl'! Munic~~al M~gistrat'" of f1nA~ o~11Actl!o. durin~ thl'! mo~tb of August 1915, :<uuountin~ to thA sum of Or!A Hundr~d NinAty and nollOO 1011~s (.190.00 ) wac rR~d and orup.rp.u filftd. I ThA RAport of thl'l :Munici~)al ClArk for thl'l pAriod c01iWRime:in& April 27, 1915" And Andini AUiust )1, 1915. was 1'''''1.0. llnd l"l'lfArrA'l to th(ll fin"LncfII connni ttP."l. Saiti rl'lport ehOWfld thA followina: Total F~pAntiitur~2 W~r~ts 70* to 997 inc $13590.33 War:ra::lt.s outstanding ___ It).,6~~.lL_ *9l~25.o6 Totl!lo1 RACfltpts BAilanc F1 Ca.sh on h~d Aug.. 31, 1915, 10027.1} .6.0.2....01- _ 94-25,.06 Ordin~ncA No. 38 AN ORDINANCE D~fining MisdAm~El.llOrS within tha Town of Sp.w",rd., ProYi<iing for Ii. puniehml'lnt for thf'l ViO"l'1tio")" th"lrp.of, l'lnd other m~tt~r3 propArly pArt~inine thArp-to, wns ~Aport~d by thfll Poliop COlrolli U,,,P with thA 1'p.ccommAndfl.tion thfl.t it do Pfl.S8. CouncilmAn Chffi111H~rl'1.in J'AilUl'lstfl thfl.t thfl.t pl'lrt of thA or'lill/meA J"Al:j,ting to Estl"fl.Ys be rp.ud. anti t hI'! Cll'!1'k: rAll.-1s iHUIlfl. CoanciL1Jlfl.n Da6l~t'ltt,sfllcondA'i by Councilml'ln Chovin, .lllOVfllS thl1.t thl'l ortiinro1cA do pfl.SS and thl'l ClArk is instruct..d to cfl.ll thA roll with th... followin~ 1'<>nult: Ayes: Counc1lrop.n BorgAn, Chovin, Dfl.g{~At t .IUl'j Mayor Myers UOAlj: Counc ilJnan CtlfU!lbprlfl.in, and (il"l'\wfor'l AhsRn:t: ....n<i not votint:: Councilm"U1 Younf:s IU1ti thf\ Mayor 'ip.clfl.ri'ls thl'! or1lin,-mcFl I'l.doptA,i fl.nd thp. ClArk is instruotfld to post Slimp. in fl.cco1'(lfl.llcp. with o:rjiltl1.ncAs r~-'-- . 358 Minvtp.~ of tbl m~fltin& of St'lptp.n:bflJ" 1,],915" continw'!d. ____ - :; .- ~~ r ,.., ~ -- ..~~,- ~"-'" ;,;.,~. - ~.;..:. --~....; -'';''-':--~ "';'..~'~ .i~ ...-':'i _.:~ ~~_-:'h~''':', """. ......~.....~......~- Thfl prorosf\d fJ"(~nddefl of thft S~wf\;rd Li..ht I'.21d Powp.r CompflllY \Vas l"flh.d lU'-1d rftfp.rrf'ld to tl1fli f'rfU'lchi.jil comtlift t1'lPl ;. " 'Xh!'! followinc bills hfl.ving bp.nn I'l.pproyp.d 0,>, tile, .t'infUlca conwittfllA werA rft~d by thA ClArk: W.T.LuCfl.B t 75.00 W.D.coppArnoll 100.00 .T.n.Romie; 100.00 RobArt ~lAst 150.00 M.A.Horn~r 125.00 W.T.Lu~'tB 200.00 D.S.wrtltfiAld 150.00 N.J.Koont~ 74.00 B.D. Whitfiflld 31.00 Imoe;fl\n LUCfl.f! 13.00 Ed Murphy 2.00 H.AllAn 2.00 Chas Johnson 36.00 w.m. Kine;slAY 100.00 W. T. I,vr"lS 25.00 Chas LP.chnAr .40 w.m.D.CoppftV,noll 40.00 P.J.Hic\r.fl\Y 7.00 M.A.BornAr 20.00 Cow.ci,lrl1f-in Cra.fo.rd, sflloondAd. by Count]illl1lU1 Chovin, mOVA8 thl'l.t thA clai.s bA fl.pprovAd f-ind thl'l.t warrfl.nts bA iSSUAd to thA pl'l.rtiA8 n~Ad for th~ r~8pActiTA amounts fl,nd thA ClArk Wfl.8 instructp.d to call thA roll with thA fol~owinc rAsult: AYAs: Councilmfl.n BorgAn, ChEl.ll1bArlfl,in, Chovin, Crawford, DncgAtt, and ~'or MYArs ' AbsAnt fl.nd not votinc: COunCilmflll Youngs, and thA K~or dRclfl.rAd thA motlon o'i.rril'ld fl.nd thfl Cl"rk Wfl.B instructflJd to iSSUA thf'l Wfl.rrlUlts. Post Publishing Co SAwfl.rd GatflJwfl.Y Pub Co Al>lskf'. Tr''l.nsfAr Co SAwfl.rd Light & POWAr Co Alfl.ska EIActric Co SAwf-ird Watftr & POWAr Co GrI1.Cl'l C.Ht'!wiltt Sp.w~,rd Np.ws Co E.S.HPo1Vitt All'l.skfl, Phl\rmfl.cy W.A.UcNf'lilp.y E. L. 8~uft Brown & Hawkins J.E.Chovin Hf'lttl~s Kodl\k StorR J.L.Gr'l.Af Chfl,8 Crl'l.wford. n.C.Pa.bl'ln # 33.00 38.00 10.85 17.40 5.00 75.00 70.00 2.00 .60 2.95 2.60 1.50 31.35 7.05 2.00 3.15 1. 75 6.00 ~ -'1 I j CoUnCLLmtU1 ChambRrlfl.in of thf'l School COlUlittP.A rRports thfl.t work on old &lchool hous!'! i8 progrAssing fl.llcl thA School COll1Il1ittflA Wfl.S instructl'ld to insta.ll 8fl.fAty in accordlUlca with ord.inancA. 11r Brown!'!11 11.pplifld for thA conrlAIIU1.fl.tion of thl'l right of WA:y for the strflJf'lts fl.crOSliI thA Ballfl.inl'l Tract "A" IUld the mattAT WI\S roP-fArrAd to thp. Strf'lflJt Committf'lA. Councilll1tU1 Crfl.wford of thfl StrAAt CommittAp. rACOmll1And. that thf'l propArty ownArs bA pAr.mittl'ld to ionstruct C~08S wl\lke on Fourth AVl'lnUA On motion of Councilmfl.n Chambflrlfl.in, sfllcondAd by Councilman DaggAtt, the motion IDA.Ufll Ifl.st Jllf'lfllting to instruct thA StrAAt COJllD1ittt'!f'l to lOOlLtA thrA~ Cross-wfl.lks on Fourth Avp.nul'l Wfl.S rAconsiuArrAd. Councilmfl.n DacgP.tt,sAcondAd by CouncilmA.n Chov1n mOVRa thfl.t Brown & HA.wkind bfll pf'lrmittf'ld to in8t~1 a rRiulfl.tion cros8-wfl.lk on Fourth Avenul'\ undAr thl'l l!lupArvis-1on of thfl Strpo,At COJ:llJli t tAfll. Motion CfU"riAd. On motion of Counc1lmfl.n Dfl.ggAtt, sAcondAd by CouncilmtU1 BorgAn,thA Strp'"t Commi ttflll'l WI'Ioe inst.ructflJd to AxpAnd thA sum of Two Hundrf'ld and Fifty dolll\r8 on CAnATA.l rl'lpfl.ir work on etrf'lp.ts ,l On motton Co~c11 fl.djournp.1 ~l ClArk. until )l!ondl\Y .I11ptAmbf'lr 13, 1915. -0 /{{ _~'CA><- PrAsid of thf'l Common Council IUld -officim, MR.yor. r 1 BMFc I I I r:-n :....-..L;l__" M1nutp.o of tllP. a.dj ourllf"d mAAt i.n~ of thp. Common Council of tljA Tovm of SI"wfir<l, AlFl.skf\, hp.l<i Sp.ptAmbAT 13, 1<'.H5. . --- . . ..-. -- - ~_... -- _. -~.- - .....". ~>.----' .- _.-~. - .----...-. CounelllLp.t in PUTSUlUlCP. to f\.djourmw"nt of Spptf'mbAT 7, 1915, M~TOT W~p.r8 prABiQin~. All mAmbArs pTp.8p.nt. l.Urlutp.8 of thp. IDp.p.ting of Sp.ptAm.bAr 7, 1915, rp.f\d Fl.nd f\pproyp.d. ThA Fl.CCPptFl.IlCA of trIP. Sp.WFl.T'l WRtAT Fl.TId Pow",r COrnpf\TJY of t11P. frFl.ncr.j!OA gTFl.nt Ad to eFl.id CompFl.llY by OT'linFl.Ilcl't No. 36 with thR s.ud COllli-lf\r:y IS sic;nntuY'I" fltt"lchpd to tr~p. WFl.tAr TFl.tP.8 lVFl.S rflFl.d by tl":A ClArk IUld SfUllR WFl.S or1HTAd filAd. Tllfl folJol';irlC bills WAn) rc,t-'.d by UIP. ClArk: .John .Jol.nson H. Lm'Jis N. McKI1.Y D. Willi.Ft.lllSOn B. McKAflZif! FrlU'lt<" :L. Torrf')" hfl.vhlg bAP:n Fl.pprovAd by t!JA fi.Nmcp COtr.JllittAP. $ 16.00 14-.00 3.50 12.00 4-0.30 4-3.10 .J .L.Gr~~p.f SAwfird COIl!lllp.n:if'.l Co 1'.I,.Rf'..11Fl.inA ChoYiH Supply Co Spw.c.rJ, 2hW MD.J Co. :Bro5ilw fl' FOOE '1Ih.i t;: f'!.IOT'P &: lIjn.r~ulf\e $ 3.64 13.90 15.00 7.lJ.5 23.00 15.79 120. 66 CouncilrllfU). Chovin, BAcondAtl by Councilnlll.n Crflwfonl, mOVf'S tbfl.t thp. bille (II'! anprovl"d 1U1<:l thf\t vifI,rrants bA isauf',i to tb~ pflrti,'HI nHlllp.1 foT' t:1P. T'p~pP.CtiVA fUrlounte, lW.d trlA C11':rlc Y!Ii,S instrue1.fld to Cfl.]] tl:1A roll .,...1 tl thp. fo] 1 owini "'<"81.41 t : Ayf'.r,: COU11c:ilmFl.Il BorC;fm, Ch~urlbflrlflin, Chovin, Crftwford, Df\t:mAtt flnd 1fot-tn~~ ?..n<i Mayor MYArs I'\.nd thfl! Mnyor dAclflTfI!d tbA motion cfU'rip.d Fl.n<:l tht1 ClArk WAS instruct-Ad to i88Ufl tbf" W'l.:rnlnts. Tbl': C] f'::rk rP.fl.d thp. clFl.im of C.E.Bf\dfl for TfIln thou8l'\.n'1 ,loURY's fOT mfltp.rill.: I'.rd Inbor furniehfld 011 tbfl! contrFl.ct for thp. improvAmAnt of of Four',',}) ).VR!lUf':, Cour,-=ilwfu', Chfur.bArlfl.in, sAcondA<:l by Cm.mcilmFl.n Cl\o'fin, mOVf"S trlflt 3p.V!'lnt:y pPoi CAnt of thf! chl.1n1 Il.tllountilll~ to tllP. sum of SP.VfIlfl t}-Iousa.nd d011Fl.re Of' Fl.l1owp.d on s~dd cln1ru, triP. SFl.lllA bp.in~ tllA first pF\YlIlAnt Ot, thp. 8'1.11 contrFl.ct, FUl1 thp. ClArk ",'1'\.8 instructfl!d to CFl.IJ thp. r01:l wi th th'! fol1owini rf' flul t: Ayp.~~: Councilml'\.n Borf;p.n, ChFl.lI!bArlFl.1n, r.hovin, Crl'\.,,~ford, DI'l.C(';Att, Your43s flr.d MFl.yor My..rfl. I'\.n'i thflt Ml\Yor dp.clfl.rfid thp. motion flQoptf>d Fl.nd th~ Clf'!rk Wl\8 inBtructAd to i_up. thp. w~rrFl.nt in thA BUJI1 of #700Q. CouncilmFl.Tl Chovin rflporta thl'l propoBAd ordirl~lcA grflT.tirJ~ to thFl SpWfl.r"l LieU. fU1d POlVAT Compl-1.r-J' Fl. fra.nchisp. to cFl.rry on thp. bueinp.6s of <.liiOt:rlbvtina: fl.nd BAlling l'!1;O,C';1':lC curTfmt in tbFl Town of SAwFl.rd. Cour;.:~illll".l Youngs,8l'lcondp,d by Councilnil1.1', Cbovln, JllOVf\S tbFl.t tbf! sfl.id ordinflJ~,~p kb to its first rl'lfl.diI1l.':. f\.n'l thp. Clf"rk vm,s inatruc1..Ad to CFl.ll tbA 1'011 on sf\.id motion:w1th thFl foJ]owirlg TABUlt: Ayf'ls: CllovirJ, Youn"8 Fl.lld Ml\Yor MyArs. Nol'!o: Fore;p.n, Chroubflrlain, Crfl.wfor'l, FInd Dfl.Uj];p.tt. FUld thp. MR.yor QAcln.rfld thp. mot i 01/1 lost. A ~tUlJ~rfd discussion of thA frftnchisp. in which S.O.Morford, E.O. SaWYBr, C.W.Winetl'ldt Fl.Tid Ed WittAmorA took ~fl.rt, WFl.B pAToittAd ?hJ~n ,-".Ij Minutp.s of UtA mpp.ti.nl;l: of Sp.rtfllmbAl" 13, 1915, continuf'd.. ----------------.--.--- -...---.------.-...---..-..--..--.. Counc'i1JllIU). Crawford, 8AcondAd by CounCilmlUl DaCBAtt, m'iOVfI!S thnt thA motior. bp. rl'lconBldANld and that thA propoBAd ordinancf'! bl'l plfJ.cAd upon i ts:'irs t rAftdlna Ftnd thA Clf'!rk WEl.S instruot.f'ld to call UIA roll with thfl! follo~ine TABult.: Ayf\&: COl.lncilmlUl Cr./UDbArlf\.irl, Chovin, Crf\.wford, Df\.C(!;Att, Younf.j;s /Uld }.fayor Y.yf!rs, NOAe: Councilmf\.n BorSAn, f\.nd thA ~or dAclf\.rAd. thH ~otion ad.optAd nnd thp. ClArk Wfl.5 instructl'ld to rAad thA propoBAd ordinfUlcA. 1'1'11'1 Clfl:rJe rAfl.d thA proposAd ord1nfUlcA 6:rantinc to thA Sflwfl.rd Lit;ht MId POW'H' CompEl.llY an Alfllctric frlUlchisM, and Sf\.id prdposAd ordinfU'lcp. hfl.vin~ 'bP.f!n rp.fl.-d vflrbntla 1 t wns on n:otion rflfArrAd to thfl fra.nchisA COrllwJttf'f' nnd thA compfU'lY, On moUon of CouncilnllUl DacgAtt, sAcondpd by Councilmfl.!l Chovin, UIA St:rA",t COlmlJit tAA Wfl.8 fl.uthorizp.d to iesuA ,<j. p'Ar121i t to tl)A prOpArt,y OWl1Ars on 1'r.ird AVAf,Ufl north of .rAfferson StrAAt to builrl a tf!mporary sid.pl'ifl.lk: on SR.id fl.VAnUfll IUld slIid Strfllflt cormni ttAA WR.S ir..st ructfld to lo\'mr tb-! brl~f11 across t/lfl Gla.cil'lr strl'lI'Ul'1 fl.B rACOl%l1I1AndAd by sR.id cOIlllnittf'f! . On motion of Councilmlill Youni,;s, Bp.condfld by COUl1Cilmfill Dn4jiC;Att, thf! St:rAf"t CommittAA Vifl.S f\.uthorizAd to Axpflln1 EI. sum not to AXCP.P.Q Sfln.n Hunrlrp.Q fI.!ld Fift;y do1Jf\.rt1, in R.dd.iti,cn to tl'JA sum of two hundrAd. IU1d. fift;y d.ollars authorizAd at thA Ifl.st mAAt1nt;, on thA strAAt work: fUl rp.oomnlAn1f'd by tllP. said coamittAI'!. CouncilDlan Chfl.lllbArlnin Df thA School commi ttPA, rAports that trIA schools ","ArA opAw~d tod.1tS fI.!lQ thR.t thl'! TApfl.ira to tIll'! old Bch~ol bUild.illijZ; hf\.d bflp.n complAt,.d. Counc'ilD'ifU1 Crfl.wford, of thfl Light Committp.p., TAports that a'trAp.t lic;hts hfvl bflp.n instal-lAd fl.t UiA cornAr of Fourth fl.nd Church, Tr.ird f1.nd Wrisr.ington, Fifth f\1ld AdfUllS, IUld rACORml.ftnd.s thfl.t f\.dditionf\J. l1ehts bA ph~Cfld R.t thA cornfllf'l!J of Fifth, Sixth fUld Sl'lvfIlnth R.nd AdfUl1s StrAp.t fl.lso emf! on thA Doek fU1d said rAport Wf\.S rACflliVf!d IUld Ulfl TACOmlnAndR.tior. f\.dOptAd. ~ P, , /1 CouncilmfU1. Dfl.Sgfltt t sAcondp.d by CouncllDlfl.!1 Younes, mOVAS thA fl.doption of thl'! following rABolution: Rp.301vAd, Thfl.t whfln th" Town of SAwfl.rd shall instal1 3th~At li~ht poet s on Fourth Avp.nu~ t.bfl.-t thA puroha6flrs of such posts fl.6 a.r(~ LO",' bP.illf; ibBtallfld a.t thp. c;ornArs of Fourth fU1d Wfl.Bhincton strFlAt bp. paid tbp. actual coat of such SFtid mattp.r was r~fp.rrAd to thA Liaht Committflp.. 1. /' ~h{,f ~ / TbFl mat tF!r of rflIlloving t h,~ f'l~ polA a.t th~ int p.rsAct ion of' FourtlJ and Ad,UIlS Strf'lAt Wfl-S rf'lfArrAd to thp. Strf'lAt COmruittAf'l with pOWi'll" to rAmOYA sHid polA. On mot:l on cau.noil fl.dj ou:rW'~d ~~_J/./ Muni Cipfd ClArk unti1 MondFi,Y SAptAmbflr ~Oth., 1915. - -6u. PrAui' .nt of tl1f1 COllUUon Council fl.n Ex-officio Mayor. lHHFe I 1 I 3Gl lIinuti>s of thl'\ :rp.gulRrmPAt ir"~ of thp COnaTIOn Council of t}.Il'l Towr. of SAWI1.:r'l, AlA..skl'l., Icp,ld ~1pptpmbf'r 20. 1915. Mp',tirii; cRIJp.1 to ordAr A.t 8 p.n!. b;r MA.yor lWP.TS. All Dp.mbATs prp.Bp.nt. Mlnut.f>B of thp. IDp.p.ting of Sp.ptpmbp.J" 13, 1915, rp.fl,1 fmd. A.pprOVAQ. Th~ cbmnlunicfl.tion of thp. A1.l1.skl1. rm~inlPprin~ Commi.2DHm 11". J"RfrerAncp to tl~n 'lumpire; of c;nrbft6A ir. trJA vic:lrity of LoV/PJ.l Crp.p.\( 't\'ftB Tp.rtd by thp. C1p:rk fl.nd TArpon'Ad to 7,lJA hp.fl.ltll comrllittPf~. Thfl GOJlllYJunicRtion of thp. Cit:r Er'iinPAr in rp.fp.rAnef' to HIA grl1.dir.~ of }'ourth Avrmup f:roD: thp. North lir:.A of Rfl.ilwfl.Y Avp.nufI to thp. f~pproP..ch to t}.,p' wha.:rf WI\8 rp.R.rl by triP. ClArk I'l.nd. on motion thA l'p.comlll!~wif'.tion tbHt thp. F.l110urlt of .8~. 70 rAmfl.inir"~ of tllA fl.pptoprifl.tion rmdp, for 8fl.i1 work br~ USi~'': 1n rl1.i8ir~ thA sidAwa.lks on l'lfl.ch sidA of Fourt.b .AVp.rmA flJld'lllfl.kfl! appl"OI1.ChP.5 to 8f\mP. WRB fl.dOptAd. Tbl1 rApoTt of thA Cit;l' Ene;inA!"J" Ulfl.t thf'l imp:rovf'11Jp.nta of Fou:rtIJ AVAnUl'l' HS l;.ut.1lorizf'ld by Or<iivmcA 28 hf~VP. bfl!p.n comp1Atf'!d so t}:flt 1\ dP.fir:itA Astimatp. tl'Arp.of CA..n bfl! mnd.A, W!'LS :rp.fl.d by th~ ClArk: 1U1'i on motion of Counci1IrlRn DaBI":Att, spcondA1 b;r Councilm>ill Youne;s 8f1.1d. J"pport W<lfl Il.CCAptpQ.. T}:(! CJ prk now rAfl.d.s tlJA :rABolut:ton 1p.'tyiq~ tllP. fl.SSf'SSmfmt aGainst thA P:--OI;f1;-ty fl.buttinf.;: on tl:H'\ Imp:rovAmp.nt of l<'ou:rth .Avfl'nup C. E. :RRUP. fl.ppf'!fl.rs bp.for., thfl' counci.l in pp:rson IU1d stp.tP.!l tl:lftt thfl figu:rf'!o fl.S contfl.ir:p.d ir: tl.:A rAport of UlA City Encir..p.Ar, to-wi:t: tl:1A sum of ElflvAn tbouSlUld O!lfl hundrAd fll'\Vp.n 1U1d. 68/100. dUfl for thA totp.1 wo:rk undfl:r thA cont:rfl.ct r-.:rl'! f'lcCAptfOJd by him. On moti.oll of Counci1mR.l1 ChpJIl~fl!J"l';d_r. tnI'> rpso}ution w>w 1fl.i1 OVAr until thp. Tip:'(t IJPAtiq.:. I.. V. EfcY P.ppPI'l:rp.1 bAforl': thA Council f\.r-cl stl'ttp.1 thl'tt bA rAprF'SAntP.d .rot.r. E. BI1.1ll1.inp., A.nd. .rol:m A, No b1A hn1 p:rA8pntfl!d. 11. communi C It ti on f'Ue:gAi)tlr:.~ t:bP. Council should. cor.Biup.r UIP. mf-l.ttAr of PI1.89ir..f.:; A.. rpsoluti,on pxtp.nd.il1{i; tbA tim!'\ w1lfm tAJi.AS for thl'i ;Yf~ltJ" 1915 shA.1J bpcOll1A dAlir.q.Ufmt until NOVAllibp.r 1., 1<)J.5, F..rd Ti:hic:h will pA:rmit tl:JA PAYlI;+~nt of fifty pAr cent of thp. f..1IlOunt of tp..x on .HovAmbp.r lat.,1915 and fift.;y pp.r Ct'lnt of thl'! IUll0m:t of tfl.X on FobrUt'i:r;y let., 1916, S. O. Morford also ft.ppP./l:rP.U b..,foJ"!'! tbf! caur-eil p..nd stfl.tp.d t.hftt hA :rApl"f!URr.tp.d tlIp. Di..ckp.rm&n Astli.t.r> li.nd H. numbAr of cliAnts living outsidA thA TAl":ritory IUld thftt thp.:rp. WH.S not siffici<'mt tlmA for thfllm to gAt rAtuT118 rt.ftp!r :rfllcfl1vir." thA tl\X noticp.s p.nd hA P.SkAd thA Council to p.xtp.nd. He,A tiBIA of thA I\pplj.cntiolJ of thA pA~Hlty lind lr..tflrP!Bt. Atto:rnAY CoppP:TnolJ cfl.lle tllp. ~ou?,eJlfl 1ittAntion to tbl dlUl"Ar of chfl.l1{4;iQr thA dfl.t P! of <iA linq.ulUlcy . Coun.:i.1I:1P..ll D~gptt ,Sp.condAd. by CouncilmlUl Yovncs,movAD thfl.t tIlA mltttAl" bA :rpfp.Trp.d to thA Mlin1ci:rfl.l ItttornAY. Motion cRTriAd. Thp. Council now prOCAp.us wHJI thp. COll8i'1p.rl1.tian of thA pTOrosAd o:rrli:r.i"Z,CA grlUltinc to thA Sp.w>t:r'l Li{,tht & Pow!'r Compnl1Jr IUl fl1flct:ric frftnclti.se <;'1'1<1 thR SItIrJ'l ViM> :rP.Fi.d. spotion by sc,e;ticn I\nd. tr,A Municir,ftl Ii.ttornfl::.r WA..S instruc tf'l(J to PllApfl.:rA thl'l IiJUfmdmp.nt~ AS prOiP'osAd I1.1ld f'ld.0JptP.d. by this Counci1 lend on Motion of Counc11ln~l.n Dfl.l];gp.tt., ep.conQp.d by Coun<:1lmlU1 Younes, thfl sf-.ld pl"OposP.d. a:rdir.fl.1iCP. WitS rAfArrAd to thr. frlUlct isp. commi ttAP.. 362 lIlinutp.s of thA mAp.tins of SAptAmhAr 20,1915, continul'ld. Thf! followinG billa hl\.vina: bAAn I\.pprovF!d by thA finflIlcA coamittAA ~rA rp.~d by thl'! ClArk: John Johnson * 34.50 B.A.BAngtson $12.00 FrA1 KTlmSA 34.50 J .M. LfllOnhlU'dt 12.00 Nmck Drp.usoff 34.00 S.S.Jolmson 8.00 W. ChristAT.SAn 22.75 W.W.Aldp.rmlUl 12.00 Gflore;p. VlillifUllson 32.00 Wl\.ltf!r Rotlifus 12.00 L. L. WinnA 30.00 Alfrp.d HoenABS 4-.00 ThomRS Doolittll'! 12.00 J.A.Sturtp.vl'l.nt 1.50 A.D.VickAry 12.00 Chl'l.s Lp.chnAr 32.00 G.A.l<'r1<l.All 8.00 SAWA.r<l Dock 29.05 C01.mcilm~n Younes ,sAcondAd by CouncilmFlIl Chf\ll.bArll'l.in, mOVAS thl'l.t thA bills hI"> f\.Pf::"ovpd fUl1 thl'l.t wl'l.rrlUlts bp. iesuAd to thA pl'l.rtiAs naJI1Ad ir. thA rp:~f"~ctiYA fUIlounts and tbp Cl~rk WI'l.8 instructp.1 to cl'l.11 thA roll with thfl folJowi:n~ rABult: Ayps: Councilman BorgAn, ChRmbArll'l.i~, Chovin, Crl'l.wford, Dp~eAtt, Younce And :M.9.yor MyArs p.nd thl'l Mf\Yor 1Acll'l.rAd thflt motion I'l.doptAd and thA ClArk instructprj to iSBUl'\ thA Wl\.rT!\nts. On motion of CouncilmRn DAeffAtt, sAcondAd by CouncilmAn CT~wford,thA ClArk WI'l.S instructA1 to publish thA noticA of thA I'l.SSfllSsmAnt of thfll Fourt!: AVl'!nUA ImprOVfllllip.nt, Dist'rict :trb~ 21' .ih',.tFi:fIl.;AIR1:lk~:E't.nir.g Post. On ~. I'l.djournAd Munic:ipal ClArk. to Sl'lptAmbRr 22. 1915. ~a,~f/t'-- PrAsidAnt 0 thA Common Flno. Ex-officio or. council lBMFe I I, I '-;(':3 r-.J1J' Minut Pi:! of tt,A a1j ourr.fld DiAAtill~ of thfl Conmon. Council of thp. Town of Spw~rd. A1Rsk&, h~ld SpptpmbAr 22, 1915. _.,.- ----.-----.-.--.----. -_..- - _..--- -_.- -.-.'. - -,-----.- - - -----_.-._..~-.-._-------,._~_. Council I:J",t in pursutll1cA to ndjcurmtJp.nt of SE'!ptp.mbAT 20, 1915, find WIlS c'i.Dp.d to Or0.Ar fit 3 p.m. by MA.yor ~Ars. AI} L1flmbPTf>. prp!si'!nt Axc~pt ChlilLbp.rlnir. ar.d You~s. Cou.r:::i 111 an CTFl.wfor1, fOT tr:A StrPRt COID!.ai ttp,,"'. rp.ports thFtt tt;,p' work om Fom"t:b AVl'!nt.lA, IJllprov~mt'mt Dlstrict No.2, ht'lS b~fln complAtE'!ti t'\.ccortiiw to thl'! rflport of thA Ci ti Ent;inp.EH. PfllpOTt A.eeAptAd. ThA ClArk now rAfl.tis thE'! followinC r'''801u'~:ton: nt~::')Jy'.l by ttA COlllJl)on ('ouneil of tho Town of S AWA.J"'d, Al.<\.skp.. Tl'.A Ci ty ~inAflr havinc mA.dfl rp-port th"1."; thA imprOVAnlp.nte on Fourth AVAn).).A ';ronsist ir:j of ~rf'.dint thE'! AVAnUA full width, If\Ying concTfltp. curbl3 en ii' st'lpw/'.lllcs on both sj.df!s of tt.f! AVAnufl, A.nd lA.yil'li: a onp. inch iroll cor.,iui t piPA undflr srd.d. sidp.wl'llk thp. full 1 I>.ng trl of stUd improvf'!mp.nt, and 'by Itl.yin.f.l: crosl'!'-wallcs across tr.lfll intAl'l.'!~ctionB of lIdflD'lS Ilnd WA.5h111~ton StY',~~,t;;, hn1 box-guttfllre A.er05S thfl! f'!Ft.st A.nd WAst StdAS of Bllid intATf\p.ct" ion~, snid improvp.mp.nts bAing mA.rlp. bAtwAp.n triA l'!orth linA of Rllilw.<\.y k"PH'A<" 'wll thA North linfll of Church StrRAt, hl1<vl'l bPAn compl"ltp.d 80 l'\.l1 p.f!tiJnR.tp thfll1'fIlof can bfl dAf1nit4'!ly mf~rlfl, and trH\.t tTJp.r'" now rl'lmltins but $1+8.jO of tho'! work: Ul'ldonfll FUld not comp1Atp.1; A.nd thfll SPlJd Ent;1npo~T hl\Tinc; mild"" thp. total AS timf\.tl'! fOT thA work UndA1' thp. con t.r""c t If'! t for Silt d 1mprovAluc;n't.s, s""id Astimfl.tf! undp.r tt.A sl\id cont.rl'.ct to bp. thf' sum of $11,107.68 to Oft p~d to thA Qontr&ctor, Ilnd thfll furthp.r diabur5fllmp.nts for: inS11p.ct.ion A.nd p.r~inp.Arini work, fU1d incldfllntf\1 AXpP.rlSp.s for pr:1.nt1.I1I; noti'~AS pte., Ate, to tht'! sum of .387.75, mA.kir~ '" griU14 totfl.l for thA costa of Bfdd impnovfIlIDAnts thfl BUIll of $11;l+j5.l+3: of which thfl Town of SAward is to pq on" third thfll costa tbfllrfllof ana. thflJ I\buttina vroYI~:rt:r OWWH'S ""lama SIIdd. laprOVflllllmts two thirds of the cost th!'l rl,\ of . Th~ costs to th~ Town of SAward iH, .3,331.Bl Thl'l costa to tbfll I\butttr.~~ ownera ie, 7,663.;62 Tlv' cost.n v~r front foot t.o tll!'! Tnvm, J.gs~ TLe, c':;,'t:. 'pr fr:mt foot to P.butt1.~ oWDr.;r3 }.77 It j.fJ "..h0rf\forp. Orlp.Y'''!d thl1.t, "l. llwy bt'l !JJ11.'lfl F~~i.inst th~ p:ropP-j'ty :-l.buttinz ur'o::, Md'l impro':':":l'~nts foi" th~ Gum of $3.77 :p".lr front. foot th!'lr~of fronti~ p.loz:.C G!.id i'nprOYff(;)flnts, &Tl'i tl1f'! Cl~rk js r:f'r,"b~,r 01"iHrl'ld to /;1YA thf'l notio(~ pl'!~s;::ri~)~d by o:riin"illcp., thp.r;~in f;i vin~ Aach l'I.buttinc own~:r th!'l amount ~..~:J"",-,f"i a~:\.inst hi9, h~r or its prOpf\:rt.lr; <U20 13tnt1n~ th!'l t hne '1..'1d pl/tOA whAr,> thfl Cit;:r Counclr will mp.p.t for thl'! pur;posp. of Aquf'.l izl~ thl'l f.mi'l n.::J,~'U s:n.m t and thflJ hp.a:rir~ of o;ompl:l.ints n.~ainst thA r.l/-l.k:!ni; of such 1Av.Y. Co',xn~ illll"Vl Dp.,ag!'lt t, a!'l'::oJ1'.h~'l by Councilrr.rtn :B01'!i;;An, nlOYf!:J thp. 1i10ptlon of thf'. l"p.,):)l''.ltion fm<:1 thil\ Clnrk ''!''is inzt~"1.\.::t'!;i to ca.ll th~ roll with th~ folioVlin~ r<'l:Jult.: Ayn:.J: C01.mc:i.l:n!1.Yl Bo:t~t~n, ~1:Joyj,n, Crllwford, n"'-G{;At t'U1Q Mayor MYP.:rs Absf!r;T.. Il111 not votiJ14l;: CouncilmR.n Crmmbflrlain I'l.nti Younes ~nd t1-,f'! MHyor ,i".~l':i.l'~.i th~ r?solution P.1optp.'i IUld th!'l Clerk WI1.S inst:ructp.d to ,i ve not1c~ in thf'! Poat. Coun~tlml1.n ChF1l::Jbp.rlain Antp.ri"'.t p.lHl WI1.S p:r"'s'~nt thp.rAf~ftp.:r. Th~ 1'o110711n(; r",solution W>1.S 1"'''.:'l.,J 'by thp. Clnrk: r::L8C)!/T~rf)N Wh'r<~'l-6 all unp,q,id tR.XE'!S on propArty witbin thp IncorporA.tp,i Town of SP.Wf\!"t;. A1f\.skf\, for tl1p. YPlf\1' 1915. 'by oriinancl'l bi'!con,p' tlAlinqUflnt P.t LI'!p. hour of six (6) o'clock P.M. on tl:1p. 24.th d'iY of 8>"nt,'\mbA:r, 1')1!J, Anti 1NhA:rp.I~e by o:rdinl'l.l1cf\ i:: is prAl3cribA'l th>\,t f\lftAr said hour of s'd i It'\.st lrll'!ntiowd dflltP., thp. Town ClArk must coll~ct n.n a.ddi ticn nl 364 MinutAs of thA MAAti~ of SPpt~~bAl'" 22, 1915, continuAd. - - -----.......--~- -..--_.,- '. --____ '. ~-_,... '" -_ '~'. ~.,..'~_.. _"~ '0-_--_-... ____ '. . f1vA pi'll'" oAnt thftr~on ns ~pAnalty, Ani '//h("~r.':~:J t t appfl1l.re th~t suffiatAnt tlmp. has not bfl!m proviiAd by or(iim~ncl'l to allow nIl ta.'{-pl.'l.Yf!re to fowarei tCI': ~ount 'lu~ to thA Municil)~~l Tr"l<iSUrRl"', 'iw'! to thl': f'f1.ct of 1p.IQYF.d dp.liv~rJ' of notiCA3 to 110r~-r,'!;31:1Antz t1-1ro1.lj,;h thl'J !,p.l::ulaJ" mail 8p.rvicA, a.nd thflt h'I.J"(18hip will bn 'iior~tf'l'i by thA in818 ti'!nCA of thFl ps~nIlf,nt of thfl sai'l pAnal ty, How ':.'KF;n3PORE, BE IT RESOLV'1!.'D BY THE CO:MMmr COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD, .ALASKA, In ordAr to rAcAivA prompt paymp.nt of monAY dUfl for t~~n of th." Yi'!'l.r 1915, o1Jh~ to thp. Town of Sp.\1:Fl.r,i, thA Councj1. hA:ri'lby a.U.t}:Ol'i2'~3 find Ampowers thA Mun1c:irJal TrAIl.SUrHr ana. TfIX Co11Actor, to rp.mit from. thp lUllount of tlUAS ana. pAnaI ty on thf'! D~linq)A~nt Roll for thl"! yp.ar 1915. thp. lUllount of thp. pl'lnl\lty 1i.nd intAr~st c:h~~Ad fddit1ona.1 to thfl ],"'Gul~ Chl1.:r/;A1 ronount; undp.]' thp. I\SSfHJSmf!nt 1;W civAn aftl'lr thp. ml"!p.ti11L: of th.., EOh!'i of Eq.un.lizl1.tion. Th:--:.:t is to any, hp. shall rp.cfI!ivA such ronoullt cI1,llp.d for <1.8 if J?o pAnnI ty WFl:r"i'l AVAr 1i.ddf\d. Pro vi dAd hOWAy,:;r, tbq.t t;hp. provision::! h~r!'lin DlF>.dA shall npply to thosp. nnly who ~b.1" V",,' t~l(,,! tI'WCP.t1 for rMIU iU:I'tatl'l and Improvaffip.nts on eX' bAfor1'l th~ fourtL F! ~":'. tYl Octobfl:t', 191;;. fl.nd to thos!~ who m1i.k~ p.'l~rrn"r.t 1.I.pon thA pp.r3on,~ propArty on or bp.for~ thA sAcond Frjd1l.Y in Octobp.r, 1915. Aft(>:r t~lJ~ l;-j.st ffil'lution...d )"f':frpI'\CU.'Ti'I 'intp.3, the pl'!llalty IU1d int;>,rAst shall '(.~ 1).'lia. b~r all who f~ 1 to tl<\kl'l n.dv:m!a.cp. of' tIll'! provisions hp.rflin m.adA. Tb~ M1,P;lic_ip''i.l,.Tr~fl.surA:r FU1d T'lX Collector in 1'1.11 caSP-8 wherl't pfl.~rzn?nt i;;; ~'vd., ,~s h;'lr.:~in provi-lAd, I\nd on or before toh", rl'\tp.s hAl"?:in spAcifi- cal~ mAntionAd, 3h~11 m~k~ annotations upon thA Dqlinq)AAnt Roll. t):H~~'(:tn :3howiUil: thA IUllOunt of pAn1i.lty A-nd interp.st .rflrnittp.d, :,uv.l ahall Ci~Y't.:t:-.;r t'J thp. Town ClArk th", H.."Count of 13ut:h p..malty and 1ntf'lrAst 8:0 rAruittf1ri, fi.-ndthA saii ClArk sha.;lJ. thArftUpOn Cl"fl.ht to th". SA-to;]. TrA:.sur.~r ,mo. Coll"'ctor thl'! amount so certified in lUanl1!'lr li.nd~orm Il.S shfl.ll TnCl.ke complf\te bH.ll1ol1cp. upon final (1;1.di ti~ of thfl Tr."'!,~surt'!r and Collf!cto:r !1.Ccounta. Tn accp.ptil1~ thf'l p:rov.i:31ons hA:rp.in j;rfl.nt"lrl, such tax-P'\JlA1' Wfl,.i.VAS IU1y l'il1;ht to mflkl'\ objAc tions to 1~7 irrfll;ula.ri tiAfl which ffifllY "I.ppAll.r upon thl'! f:,l.cp. of thp. 1i.SSA6SffiP.llt roll or in the minuti'l:3 of thA procAAd.inj;a of th", :3o...r,i of Equaliza..tion. COiJ,fJ.ei1luall DI'\CGAtt, 3ACOndf\1 b;j' Counc:ilman ChR.vin, mOYMJ thA FlidoptioJll of thp. r~1101ution ~i.'ld. thA CIC'\rk WI1.S 1ns-tructp.d to caJ.l thl'l roll wi th thf! followinj; rfllJult: J\1AS: Cound,l'nl-Ul BorGAn, Chambl'lrll1.in, (:hov:1n, Cr~wfora., Da.cgl'ltt and Ma.y c. r MY f!U':S Ab13p.nt rm-i not voti~: Cour.cilm"l.n Your~s, "l.lld thA Mayor <1Acla~<"!'.l the re~olution n.doptAd. On motion Cowl~il ~djournp.d to Mond~ Sp.ptp.mbn:r 27, 1915. fb. ({, 4t;f (,t .{ Prp.siti~ni of th... Common Council and Ex-officio ~or. lBMFe I I I I"")r-~ L..iO.j;.)t.) of' Minutl'\s of thA fl/1j ourmd nii-:,~t iq; of thA Comnon Courwil of t;hl" TO'l'f!.l JA\'nr'l, Alaskll, }1f'l11 Sflptpmb,'r 27, 191). .- -'- - -~-----.--..- -- -- .--- - ...--.- -- "-.- ",- ... - --- ...-- -- - .----. - ---- -~. .-- --- ----"- - --- - - -~--- ---- --- Council mAt i.n pursuftl1cfI to Hdj ournmpnt of Spptflrnb!'!r 2211<1., I'\n1 WA.S CFl,llf!d. to oT'il'\r by Mayor My!'!TS fl.t 8 p.m. All U1(H.11)''!r:; prflspnt p.xcP.pt CouncilmHIl Younes. Thf! l:linutpB of thp. mflp.til"'~s of Sf'lptp..mbflr 20, I'md 22. lC)l5, WP.TA TP.R<1 an.i A,pprovAd. Thl'\ communication .<tnd TAport of thfl SflWfl.Trl School Bo~u"i of Education was Tp.A.d and OTdI'\TP.d filAd. Councilmrm ChfUl'lbp.Tlrl.in, sAconjr>1 ny coun!'i..lm'in BOTgAn, mOVp.B thflt thp. sum of OnP. Thousfl-nr.i DollaJ"8 bf' p~.;i.'1i to. thfl,S<lhool boa.rd sa.i'! 1W0unt to a.pply on thp. fllIlount fl.PPToprifl.tAd for thf'l mn.intl'mtUlcfIJ of schoollS for thP. CUT'T'U'.t tl'lrm. Motion cfl.rTip.1, all lI!p.mbATs prp.sAnt votir~ in ffl.vcl' thArp.of. '!'hi'! m9.t tAT of tr.IA chimnp.y in thl'! old school bOUSA WI1.S TAfp.rr"a to thp. s o}lo;;1 C olmll t tAR. '!'tlP. ('oImnu:'1ic~tion frolI! J .J.Crunpbflll. RCAnt nnd li.ttornp.y it') fnct of Edmurd "Rudolph, WFl.8 rfHv.l. by thfl Cll'::rk, saJ.d communi.cfl.tion bp.inC P. noticf~ of J"H'/0(;'ltion, cfUlcflllF.t ion lU"id. 'l,hrogFl.tion of fl.ll riiht pri Vn..'lIlA or licl'lnsp., of thl'! Town of Sp.VvCir.i, im IUld to th~ prop"~rty of tnI'! Rudolnh's, Oflve p.nd f~XCP.pt fl.a to atrp.flts. Cour,c j ::.lrl'lYl Chovin, 3p.comil'ld by coun.;ilnlllI, Crfl.wforu, lllOVP.S thfl.t thfl COlIllilun1oation bp. lrd.d on thA to.bll'!. Motion~~trri.p'rl. 'fhf! Clp.rk flOW', l"P.f\.d.s Or'lintUlcf'l No. 39 "An OrrlinAIlcp. to prf\yp.nt thfll' op~,li;cZ IIp fl.nri conductin.: 01 cFlrtfl.in businfll3S within thA incorpor"'ti:ld lim~ts of thf'! Town of Sp.vll-trd, Alaakfl., withou.t hf\vin~ first p11-id fl. liC'p.nsA thp.rAforp., whArf'! 11- lic"'r.~" i3 rp.quirAd by tbp. l'iv,-s '.':' tbp. TArri tory (;: ;. J I;~h , .nd prABcribin~ pAna} t1...6 for thl"l viol/ltion thp.rp.of", Fend sl1.id or'l:LnHJ.:.. ;"lvlna bl'!.'ln rf'!fl,.i YArbfl.tim, Councdllwp.rl Dfl.l;~p.tt, sflcondAd by Cour;cilml1.n Chovin, movp.s that thf'! rulp.s bl'! suspAndpd thl"l ord.l1Jfi.nCp. rAId the ~Hcond ami third timl'l by titlf'l tUld. plfl.cp.d upon its finfl.l pfl.eB~A tUld thp. C'l"rk Wfl.S instructl'ld to call t.hl'l roll with thfll follow1nc rABult: AYfIls: Councilman BoriAn, Chfl.Ulbf'!rla.1n, Chov1n, Crl\wford., DfiCiflltt I\11d Mayor MYp.re, I\11d thA M~or dfIJclfl.rl'ld. thft motion ~d.optAd. ThP. ClArk: rfl~d~thll ordinAIlCA thR sAcond I\11d third. time by title ~nd Wfl,S instructfd to cell t:te roll on thfll adoption and approvf\,l of the ordinfUlcf! wi tl:. thA fo11ol'drlf: rA5ul t: }.Yp.s: Councilrnfl.l1 Borgp.n, Chfl.Uli'ArlI11n, ChOV1ri, Crfl.wford, Dacgp.t t I\11d lIA,yor Myf!rs. Absl~r,t And not vot1r.i&: Coune .lnlHJ1 Youni8, and thp. Mltyor rJl'lclarp.d. thf! ordirlfU':ICA fl,d011tAd fl.nd. thf! ClArk Wfl.S inetructp.d to publieh. sl\id ordinlU1cFl by poetirlC in fl.cCOrdAnCfl with oTd1nlU1cA6. Counc ilman Chovin for thp. fTfU1chisfl commi tt P.P. rAport S UI.Rt no qrAf!IDflli; ]1P.d. 'bA~!.: I\rrivf!d. fl.t bp.twAp.n Mr.GTfl.ff 1Ul.d. thA cOllunittAA. Cour.ci1JI1AT ChflJIlbp.r11O.in, sAcond.f!d by CouncilzuflL Crawford, mOVAB thlJ.t thR PTofoBHrl fTflJ'~chisp. oTd.inAIlCA bA Ifl.1 d. OVAT unt il t hA nAxt IDARtdlljl; ftlld thA CIATk "HS instructAo1 to CI'\.11 UtA roll witL UtA followi~ rp.Bult: Ayp.8: Counc ilnlan BorgAn, ChmnbprlF,in, Chovin, CTfl.wford. fU1d Ml\yor !1YflTB Abs"'llt >'j:,'1 not votirJ&: Councilml1Jl Dp.ggAtt., p.xeu.sf'd, p...nd CcunciJnA.L YOUy_CS :-tot.) S P!'~'~... 366 MinutfHJ of MAAth1& SAptAmbAr 27,1915, ContinuAd. 'I'hp. following WArp rPA!i by thA Cr/1.s Wold Gf!orcp. WilliAms ThOlilflS 0' Day Thom~s DoolittlA J.D.VickAry B.J . Bf!!l{i;s ton J .H.1Aor,b~rrit S. S. Jo}me on W. W.AlrlArIUU:, WI-1.l t p.r Hothfu8 bills. ClArk: $ hlivine; bpp.r. fl.rr!rovAu by tllp. finPJ1C P C orrJni t tAP., John Johnson 1~.50 Nick DrHsoff 16.50 .r..r .''It''l'~'. 16.50 I<'rp.a. KrfLU8(~ 16. ~iO F. McKp.nzip. 15.25 A1'1.~>.k.1t Pl.~hrmfLcy 185.26 Artie DrothRrhood 21.00 PiOnp.Ar Bir'Qf'ry &: P.Co 3.~8 Cnovin Supply Co. ~9.~5 Trp.F.S1.tJ"pr SChool BOltrd 1000.00 BfL~nk of SAWlird 35.00 Councilman Crawfor/i, eAccn<:lIHl by Councilrr,/Ul Chovin, mOVRB thht thA clFl.ims bA approvp.Q IUlQ tllltt wA.rr'1.llts bA iS8UAd. to thA pltrtiflB nRJUP'Q for thH rf1s[,p.ctivf'! amounts, p.nd thp. ClArk \"l88 i1Jstructp.rl to CFt11 thA roll .;itt, tbp. fo11owlne; rPtult: kjrps: COlmcilm>m Bora;p.J1, Cl'''i'11oprlftin, CrflWfoTf.l, Cnovin, D~t;p.tt [mil Mayor MjrF.rs Ab~wr:t finQ not voting: Councilrul=l.n Youngs. /Uld thfl Mp.yor (lAcll=l.)"Ad tl1A !'Cotion I=l.dOl!tf><i fl.l1d UtA ClClrk WI=l.S instruct-nd to .;tS8UA tlip. Warrftllts. 11.00 5.00 26.50 l7.00 16.5.0 10.00 10.50 23.00 23.00 17. 50 COUJ~il!I!H.r, Chf1mbp.rlfti.n rp.porb'. thl'.t tbA rH~W si/iAw'\lk on third Av",nup. to thfl Tnrn,inA.l ~rourds bfVi bfH~n C OIIlp1f'otp.d. ThA St:rM,t Committp.p. w'\s authorizAd to opAn up ft rOf!./). to thA nAW dumpir.c v;rouri'ia I'o!:' e;arb~p.. C01.u':,cilwfu.:. Chovin of th~ PolicA CorrnlljttfH~ rp.ports tblt tLA J'irA Chaaf, M.Hornp.r, hl=l.lJ 'lf1clinp.'i to fl.ct P.S policp. pntrolman f1.nd tllHt thf\ COIllfI;i ttP.f> would rAcornn1And. UUl.t his rpsif;!jf,.tj. on hS pOlicA patrolnm.n bfl .'t,' '''[Jtl'.;l n:;rl on !I1otiml of Cour.cilrnftn Dflggp.tt, 8AcondAd. by Council- Fnn 2'':lJl,bprlF.in thp. POlicA Fl.nd FirA committ.p.ps WArp. p.mpowp.r.;d to tHkf: 8t~C'- kctim: in thp. mftttq7' I'l.S dp.cidP'Q by BRid committA8s af't,>y- cor~r"1'T:Lr-L;; .Jit}l U.HOrllf>r. On motion of (;ounr:ilmfin Bor~f>:n spconripd by Counciln:Kr, Crl1.'Vifo.rri th~ ir,tprF,st,l1JI:ounting to Tbirty FivR DolJnrs,oll o7p7"lnlft on lVl'1rrlints, from Sp.],JtpJr:bp.r 14- to SAptp.Ir.bnr 28, 1915, WfLB ordp]'pd pf\.id to .tb'i Ea.11k uf ;-~PVVP...1""1. On motion Council I1.djourl,flrl Bubjl'lct to cFl11 of thA Chair. jp, a.. Yltt1 vY~ prp.si~nt of tllf1 Common Cour.cil p..nd F.x-of'ficio MAYor. - lBHFe I I I M1r,vtp.o cf thp. R~iulnr mAf'ti.r~ of thf> Conm,on DounrJil of tbp Towr. cf Dpw'1.:rd, AIRskn,h~1Q OctobAr 4-, 191;;. "r>,-. _<~r' , 0liJ Council W>l.S cnlJp.d to r.J'r:lpr nt 8.1). Dl. by Mayor N-y~rs. A12 mArrb01's prAsADt. Mir,\),tps of tIlP. MAP.Tjl ~ of .Spptp.mbAY' ':.'7 WArp. rAnd find FtpprovAd. II Tllp. ClArk r,ow Ip.ys bf'forp. thA Courwi] tl,p, Sppc11-ll AHspssmt-H-:.t Ron District }To. 2 aDd. t}JP, Council nOYl,in pursunr,cP. to thP. notlcA civ(m by n.i": Municipnl Clf!rk,tilts ns Po bonr,l of p.qufl.lizR.-tion to consi.i.~r 11.1] objF!ctions to said. spRcinl nssflssrt:p.nt H.nd no objAct.iono bw1rij; bp.f-'r, n,h/In and no pArson R.-pPAnr1r..c bAforp. snid Couno-il to mnkA any objp.c:ticm, t.o 811.11 nSSp.ssmAnt tllfl Clflrk rf:Rd tbA followirlC :rpsolutloo V.'1:P.J"fHtS, thp. Common Counci] of thfl ToV'm of SIHvp.rd, All1,skli.,1id H.t ; thA mp."tirlfi hAld Spptl'rr'h:or 22, 1915, 01'<:11'11' tIH'l.t Ii. ll>vy b.; mnd.p. n.-;ainst thp. prO}.1PJ"t;y li.but tir;.f: upon thp. imprOVflmp.nts of Fourt.h AVflnHP from t.lll'! lJortr, linp. of RnilwRY AVAmJf' to trA No:rtb lll'1p. of C}mrch StrAp.t for thA Sull. of $3.77 pAr front foot UIP.TAOf, frontir.lO: alor~ sai'! j~rrc~A~PLt5, ~nd. \\1,pr"'f1.fl, t.hA Munic:ipfQ Clp.:rk did on tl1A 2}1'(1., <lay of Sf\ptAI!lbp.r, 1915, 'ifl1ivp.1' to thp. Common Council SpAci'll Af1SflSsmAnt Roll District No.2, sl-d'i roll contnir.ir-e t}lP. apporU.oDcAnt RmOnt; thp. ownprs of late abutth~ or, sHi1 ilLprCVp.mfmts fl.fl provi'ip.d by 6r1innrlcP' No. 25, a.n1, \\'l:Arp.I1.S, thp. Munici:t'Rl ClArk, ILt thf! timA of tb' d.Ali vflry, did notify by post clird, nB !'J"ovidAd by Orrl.1rI"mcA 25, and by noticp. publishAd in thl'! AIFtokf~ Evp.nint; Post, Anen and. AVflry propp.rty OWT1p.r aff'pctpd by SELid ae,h')j;,.s:~:"n+" thA.t Dnid Couneil would., on thp Fourth (lilY cf OctobAr 1915 n.t:l.\l" Lour ct piCI ta' clock p. m. mAp.t 1n !Jhp. To':m Ha.lJ, in sfl.i d S"'W:'G'l, :'01' t:hA pur1Josp. of consi'iArihe 'O'bjActions to '~rd mfl.kir.g corn~etion8 of sfi.id :roll, anti, Whp.rAHs, sai'l Council d.id mARt. fl.S sfi.ili Bonrn of Fqu:dizntion I'l.t thA .l.atr>, tjrfiA find p1"tCR s<>t. fl.nd. ~onsid.p.r al1 ob~p.ctions t.O 0:11d spAeifl.l aSBp.SSlU3nt Fow Thp.rAforp., bf~ it Rf"solvp.d by n,n Common rounc:il of tl.I.R Tom~ of SA\vnr1i, A1A.skB.., tJ1Ht tl:A SHid SpF!cial ASBABSrtlAr..t TIoJ1 Dj.strj~t lro. 2 bE> <11'"<1 tbp. SflD1A is }:f!T'f'ty ftpprovF!fl Hnd t1;,,,. r-ur;ounts t'tp.r".or tP, I'mr} tl:p. S~:r.'f, PtrPi r)A:rpby ~.SB'~t;flPd l!4j;Ri.I:.:t nFlch lot or pH.rc.'l of J.;-:r:ri r'C1s1'c,.:: i'.p]y and tr'" sriJr,p' nrp. hAJ"p.by '1i'H:la1'R1 a lipr) thHrAon, anti U!r: Mu'icjpnl Clp.rk is hPl"Aby di:rf'Ct.AQ to 'l(~livflr thp. HI-l.i'i :rolJ to thp. MuniGi.i,f~l TfU. CollActo:r llnd givp. noticp thflt unlAss rh~mpr:1, is ma.rlp 0:. or t'Aforp. tliA fLnlJ dl1Y of UovAmbpr, 1')15, such SpAciFl..l fl,i';;c''::o;:-::wr:t ahn1J bACOllifl dA1inqupnt a.B provi1'ld by Or,;lirll1.Y:cP ~TO. 25.." 1'\.1Id tli.0' srd.d r"~',olut ion }ihvir~ 'bAf'n rAIL<i Counciln::'1..n r.:f~L[;At t, sp.:::or.dRll by' Com.;c.illTftIl Crnwforr.l.,movAB t}-,p ndoption of tl'p. !'Af1o]uticn I'l.nd. tl'1P. CIA!"'l,- W'i: 1nst1'uet.p.rj, to (:<.11 tJ,p roll Vii th tl':R fol] ow1q; ;',;,sul t: A::!R3: ~:OVnt~jJ[Lnr, 'FloJ"~f'r" ,:} fl.m'cf':rlrlir., Chovin, Cr:1.,;fOl"rl, Dacept+.. YO;Jr'C,1. ,',r rl Mayor My"':r~' ::lr,'l tt.'" Mp.,yor 'li"clfl!"'d thp. :r"Lnll.'t:l on ftdoptro. Th,~ C] f'l'k now rp'vhl "!',I-!R Comr:lur,ji~a.tiQr: of' J' ..r. C'pm(hF,lJ , q::f'r t 1'01' Fd.mur':l tcudolph, r.ot.ifyil,~ n p rounci1 thli.t borlj(-'o wi.l] not 1'10=. bu:rip.d Vii tLtJ., tl~~ ] irdts of' :'1".1> bOlAn:1"ri.f'8 0;' trp RHr1.o1ph pro}'R:rt;y ftYl''l on l!lO',l,;:',,;' ("ounIJilrr:!.l'! ChflD1bAr1l'l.in, cf'('on<l..rl by Com ','ill"""'r. Young,:;, f]l'l.i,i ::o:r~""''l.t<.l-':_.+i en .~ir'.~ T'Mff~r}"AJ Lrj tYf-' ~.;flr,1i('iT)hl attorYit",;i ~ . ~'l'F, ,::'IT,'y,:uric'1.ti.OL of C'..l:rti!3 R. Morford. :In rl'1fi'rf'!rcce> to 1:1","';1' r t:T"IP. r.pw'.school bui1,Ur16 WitS rpn.1 "ir.r1 1'F'f"'r:ro=.rj, to nt''! flcl1001CnH'211,:i.-LtP,P. Tl:n CO::lww'.ic-"tion of tr.A AlaskA. F..:ricinF>p.1'i.~ COI!1r'!ission \'!'1.S rPhd. :'68 Hir~utp.s of ttR M~~tine of OdobAr 4-, 1915, Gontinu~d.. '.,n:1 on motion of' C",Il1(~ilm'tl1 r.aCgP.tt, Sf'COndAd by COt,ncilrr:'tr Chovin, tl'!A r!HI~.P.U~, of 51'\.i<1 Comr::i&~ion to SAt palf's Fl.lo:tl~ UH'I rou:,,.. BAt forth :',n 0"l.1':1 ('o!J1nlul1.ic"lti'::m, undAr tbf1 dirp,ction of thp. Strp~t COlnr::ittHp., ';':11-:3 a:rzu:tp.u. Cou1'1cilmli.!l Cl1'Ullbf1rlfi.in voti~ No. Tl1~ 'Tpli.cli.tio1'1 of Jin: Wfl.lti'ors for flppl)':rtnj(~nt Fl.S m,c;lit ',vl-l.tcl'IDRn wn.s rAId. 111'11 Ordp.rAd filArl. Tb~ cO!J1JlIun1.cfltion of D.C.13roWl1p.ll Jr. in rAfp.rf'ncp. to p.1p.ctri.c frfl.n- ~hiB~ WF\.S rAli.d ~n1 OrdArp.d fl1Ad. T'np. followine; clA.1ms, hFl.ving bf'p.n p,pprovf'1 by i;.f;P finf1.nc~ conmJ1ttPf! Wf!l'f\ rtH'.1 by thp. ClArk: .T.D.I.Ti.c:kp.ry # 12.00 Tt:Ollf-tS 1)oolittl.> 12.00 Prf~rl J~Y'P',V.SA 8.75 TJ,O;":'iC (\'!,P.y 3.50 RAIn ~f!nsp.n 25.00 W.F.B~ 1J. 23,50 .r .!-.r.Lt~()dnrdt 2=-'.50 s. S. Jor:l19on 24.00 W.W.A1dpnman 2~.00 Jor.r. Jotlnson 18.75 Andy DonRld 17.50 Nick Dp.rp.noff 17.25 L.L.Winnp. 24.50 GAor~p. Wi11iRmson 26.00 HArmFl.n Erickson 13.50 Arthur l'u+,t 16.50 W.T.Luc~s 75.00 W.D.Coppp.rnoll 100.00 J.H.Romi, 100.00 RobArt GUp.st 150.00 Cr',,!!,::1}r:r,n ~r'l.V'1fc,r'l. "" 'o,'l.l"i 1JY Gouncilw,.,l' ;:'1,0'!in, rrlOVPS thnt thp. bills 1:;., :..l~J)y:.":l "iD,l thl~t W~lrrl1ntB OF': 1sSUl~(1 to th'" p'trti'~'J nFUl1.p.d for tllf! },(]51",ct jJ:, :.moullt:3, ~l'.i t}--,fl C}("T':<: \\'-9.8 instructp.<i to cflll tllp roll .vi th tl1H foll.owir-= rRsul t : Ay~'J: Borj,;p.n, ChfUl1bp.r1A.in, Choyin, Cr,.w~or;l, D'':.~G~tt;, Youu~s ft!',d 1,;"yo1' J.rYi-lr"" 'm>i thp. MAYor ,:ip.c1F\.rrd thA motion fl.d0I)t"d. '!Do. thp. ClArk wp.s instJ'1..lctp'.;l to iasuF> thf! W:Wl....mta. M.A.Hornp.T D.S.Whitfip.1tl Frf\J1k Goo1w1n N.J.Koontz B.D.\Vhitf1Ald M.A.Hornp.T W. X. LUJ~~9 SAwnr,l Li!::ht ~ Powp.r Co 9i:wnr'1 Elp.:)tri,' ~') 8p....'1.1'.1 '.,VA.t!'lr &: POYip.r Post Pul.lj,s~':iY'Z Co 3,~~N~"r:l N~'v"s Co #125.00 150.00 56.00 67.00 57.00 18.00 25.00 ).5.40 5.00 75.00 j8.05 2.00 Co B::-m'{,; & Hp.wkins 'r-;::ll~,' '2 .j ;. :' : 1'1 (.1 O{; 1. T It '1l) 16. (}5 103 oj) 2.10 8.40 g.GO , ,T::~' Sp~ncflr CI~o',r:i.n SUI'V}':" :::C ChnrlA~ Cr~wfurJ E. L.S~rJ.ft Thfl olFdm of E.E.Cl1H.m'np.rll'lir. fo!" sp.!"'7tCp.s f0r,.thp. :3un:ro~""'$l;iO.'JO WI1,S )"!lh.l uy t1;A C] f':rk ",J,,1 ~:'l.lJ!f' l),~,rinz lJfW!1 I'lpproyp.,.l by th", finl'lncp \~()m::'ij.f". "'.'1'" Clprk WRS :\.nstrl.\ctprl T,a (]''\.1J. trJ' ro1.1. on its p.pproy~~l 'wl th th,> fol3.owiY:;;:; r"3u1:-,: l~r,-i;,; ':;oancjlHi>tX; :FIor..tf'l!, '~hoYin, Crnwfori, Dp.gBP.tt, Youq;s >1)1,1 Mq,yor ~.K<ro ""0 ~~v .... g :Tot V::>tin,;; COlmc:n.,;tw-:.:l'1,:.rr:o,<r1I\in. fUd t}]f' MRyor :lp.c}ar"d t"JP claim H.ppr::nrA'l .'l.nd t"r:P. ClP-Tk wp.s ins true t."d to issul'! th~ \Va.rr'.'!.!} t. .:ouncilm.U1 Cl'lOvin, liipcon.if"i by Councilnl".n 13or~Rn, 1lI0YA:.! that tllA rf~:JiGw~ti01, of 1,~. H(Jrnp.l" FtS sr~cj '-\.1 policf'! officPl' bp hl>.:,,:\t;~,i. !v!oti on,~ It]" rip. ':1. T! Po rp.ports of t}li' Mur:icip'1.1 Cl',rk >ill,t MF\.Cistr~'it,'> ""."rA 1''''''1.'1 s~i(l rn~IGT~"'': ~\~'~owir:~ t',-!(.~ :!""::'1~,~i~)ts of tl p. officF-[; 'for ~bp M'on1. r-_L of Sppt.'~mb~r n.s :-011 o~,vs: ]',o,{>:3 'from Bui] dine; P~rmi t s Finf'.s I>1.nr:l f'orf~i :'l..:t~,..--!s . $ j.10 120.00 1 BMF(~ I I I, 'l"'""g - ~ ,..... u,-,' , ~<!:!"i,U1J'3 of t'hf' 'k>,~tin~ of OctobAr 4-, 1. ')15, Cont i."l'.H"l. ----.._- .'.. -- ...-.- .. .. ... - ... - - ~ .- - _. ... ._---- ...... . .. .. - - .,-..- ..._. _.- - .... ... .. [\lUl~f1 wv~ri~ or"lf~r(,;'i fil~d. COl.:'fh:ilnlP...:n Cho'i."'in l'Pfor:D ~~!l~<.t tl!fl :ro~.!.'l tG tl'}(~ ,.;~"t1Ht.=~r:; i.s i.~rlria~~-;,i>l~.~ ~ :;1J_i..~..(.;j.ldl.;1.'!l -r)~1.~..::p.t,'t ~ ::]r' '~'ly~'i,;:) i b:r ':ot.i.llcil""(tn..::"' C....~wfor,l rlr'd(~2 trt~:foll..r')''I,yj:1~ ::ot.Lc,:, "1'1l,..,t E'.Rudo1p\', ':.l~T'o'.l[:li l:is aGf~nt ,T.J.Ja,mp'bAll, bl> notifjr:J ~:o C O:'l..trc-l':t, 'l.nd kp.{~p in T'f!p'1.2-r I~ rOh.d;vrLY Ip.I\d.i~ from thp. 'LH~i)' r::Ol:~!'E:!ip.n: P.oai to thp. J3,'-;.y ViAll C~r!1(<lt\~ry 80 thH.t ,\,(~,~~~,};:; 1'".:r ('P. ,,'.J:11.:; 1;"",:,;,r':T",to, 1m f:'-::coY"l;~r.cp. with U,p. ~f:rP',\;mmt ffir-d", 'ay MT' RwlolD:1 wit:i +11'\ Town of 82.71,;'1',1 ()~~ thE'! 31st., 1liY of 'MP.Y l'jl), ',n'i ,,),.,. muni':i~)~l '~~tO:!'Tt'Y is 1'.'''''.1:>:7 :l.n::;tru:;~.rd t.o s'~:rvP. 2f\1'1 nctil:'.'" l"nl upon t1H, f>ll1u!'r. t:6 'E.'\'..uolpY to C';'illl:lj ':;:1 ::') tr!", notic~ to t.'l.kt'\ thA TlACnl3Sa:ry Ii."tion to }l"Ull' wd'i l'C:,'L .", ,"L ,", . '.l '1.n<1 th" c o~ -: \' 0 11 (~,~ t=: ,1 from Mr'. R,~'iolph. Mo t' (j' "" "~'i f' ,'I . .~o').r!cj J.?:I.'lof~j, Dq,i::~~tt, 3f~corJ.f.lp':li b.)r :o'unuilmp1.n G:rH.v:tor,l, Tr0 . ~'~(' n,>iuptil)r1 uf tj~~~ f.ol""1 .,~.~'iiE~ J"~~olution: ,\(h,',1\.1-\tio!1. "1\"1."1', it is m~ifAst th&t IUl offiai&l IIp.wSPP.1JP.T' should bA dASii;;w.t,.'1 i to publish t1JP. offiei''l.1 noticAs of thA Common Council 'md oth?'" lnf\tt,pr:,; of vitf\.l int<>J"'i"st t.o thA pAop1p. of thA Town of SAw.'1.l",l, A1f1.skfl., tUIlO~lG ot!lArS bp.ini6 thp.iAlinClwmt tftx-rolls for thA YRnl" 1915, Now tl,p.rqforA, BA It Hp.solvp.i By Thp Co:nmon Counc.il of Thp. Town, of S"''\''""r1, A.1I'l.skR., thfi.t thp. All1.s1~R. E\rp.nin~ Post I'l. dRily l1Awsf1p.pp.r pub1ishp.d in' :,P B:dri Town of SAward. 1s hp.r..bJT 'ii"8i~n~t~d f\B thp: offici!\l :t1P:Wspf\pf',r for th-il '!own,of Sflwfl.rii, A1.<l8ka, for I"net riurin.t thp. 1i....p, tirrv" of this thp. p:rflG"I~t Common Council, "l.n1 11.11 notil'1p.Si or or,lp.r$ publishp.d thf\r~in shri.J..1 bp. dUly ll.uthAnti'~H.tAd. by th!'l nACp.ssl"r:1' A.ffid.l1.vit of Publi.':Il,tion, subscribAd by t.'l'~ IJroPf!J"' africA]" of"'8uch np.wspl'l.pAr, b;;forp. 11.11 fl.lloT/:'\X.(;:H for thl'! pa,ymn:r: of suen not il~"', or not leAs 8111'\.11 Op. ml1.dA." And tllP. 81-1.i'1 rRsolutiol1 Wf\S >\.'10~tp.'i Counci1m>l.n Ch'Ullb.,rl'dn fl.,)'1'1 You~s vot 1111;; 110. ThR m~ttp.r of thp. city En.-;inAp.:r continui~ }lis work WI'l.S 1'flfl'lrrl'\d to thp. Strp:p.t Co~nittAp.. an motion CouncjJ "l.rljournf!d to MondftY Octobpr 11, 1913. /- /'\ "lVt'U"1 J 1.1:/ L{ //I,f2. "" Pr'~i:lidp.nt of. t]-;p Common H.T1,i Ex-offi c i 0 Mhyor. Councll.l 370 Minutl\s of tnp. q,dj ourm'ld mpl'lting of thA Common Council of thA TO\m of S~w'Lr,i, A1q,8k~, h~l.i OctobAr 111 1915. --- ------- -------". -_._--~- ._-_._------_.~ ---.-- -- ._-------------------~-_._.- Council .At in pu.rSUIUlCA to fl.djourrunA2'lt of OctobAr 4-, 19l5,fl.n1 Wfl.8 ca11;:>'1 to or,iAr fl.t 8 p.m. by Mf\.yor ~Ar8. All mAmbAra prp.s?nt. Tn;:> minutAs of thp. IDp.p.tinr; of OctobP]'. It, 1915;, WArp. rAf\.d I'!.l1d ItpproYHd. Communicfl.tion of City m~inAAr in rAfArp.ncA to North boutldfl.ry of Sp.wl'\.rd was rA'l.d. f\.nd Ord''lrA.i filfld. }joti~p. of J.P.Mantp.ll to not pay OVAr to C,E.BltdA or to A.ny fl.Cflnt, any portion of thp. unp~id sums of monAY dup ~d owin, by thA Town of Sflwar.l for or on account of contrf\.ct Fourth AVf!nUA ImprOVp.mAnts, Wfl.S rl'!.'d li.ud rAfp.n'p.d to thA Municipfl.l AttornAY~ COlllnn.micfl.tion of T:rAf\.surAr ;r .R.Romie: Wf\.S rl'lf\.d ::md rp.fAl"rp'.j to thp. Com:,:itt'"~ on Co11p.ction of t~AS. Th... Mayor fl.ppointp.d Gus Borip.n f\.S f\. mAmbp.r of thA Committpp. on AssA~smAnt fl.nd Co11Action of TRXAS to fill Vfl.Cfl.ncy. Couneilman Chovin mOVAS thfl.t thA old prcipoBP"d 'ordimmcp. ,;rlUltinc to thfl Sfnm"rd Li.l:ht IU'ld POWA:r CompAl'lY IUl AIActr1c fra.nchisA bA :rAfl.d Coun!JilJr.!-\n crfl.wford, sAcondl'ld by Councilmf\.n DA.ggAtt, maVAS to aubstitl.lt4'l thfl nfllw proflosAd ordinl'!.l1CA fl.nd thf\ot thA SIUllA bR rAM which saiel wotion Cfl.:rrifl.1 Ii\ll1d thA ClArk WR.S i.nstructp.d to rR1i;d thA hAW pro- pOSA~ or1iuf\.ncp. sp.ction by sp.ction. Thp. ClArk now rf'!A.ds OrdinR.nCA No !to" An Ordinf\.nCA Grantin,; to thA SflWfl.T'1 Lilht fl.l1d Pow~r Compl'!.l1Y, f\. corporf\.tion, its SUCCAssors or fl.ssicns thfl riaht to (but not f'!xc1usi VB) p.stf\.blish IUld mf~inta.in undAri:round conQuits for convAyinc AIActric currAnt,to Arp.ct POlAS fl.nd st:rAtch wirAs thArMon for AlActric licht, hflfl.tiUi, cookinc. PowAr fl.nd othp.r purposAS in th~ strAAts, allAYS, aVAnuAs,HiChw~8 and OthA:r public plR.cfIls in thA Inco)'porfl.tAd Town of SAward, AlR.skf\.; to Cf\.:rry on thfl businp.ss of distributin~ R.nd sA11ina AlActric currAnt for 111uminf\.ting,hpfl.tinC, COOking, POWA:r IUld othA:r PU:rp08P.S; to fix thA rfl.tAs to bfll GhR.rgAd thp:rp~ for SUbjAct to thA conditions thA1"Ain stfl.tAd; IUld to providA thA mp.thod by which sfl.id AlActria linAs, plltnt,matAriR.le,Aqu4PIDpnt, watp.:r-rights, lAaDPu and R.djuncts of any kind IUld nfl.tU1"A bAlonginc to or in any way connp.ctpd thArp.with, mf\.Y hp.rpfl.ftAr bA f\.cquirAd by'thp. sai1 Town of SAward, fl.nd for othAr PU1"POBP.S." fl.nd s~i1 ordin~cp. haVing bAAn rA~d sp.ction by 8p.ct~,on ~d f\.mp.ndp.d Coun~ilnj~1l'. Chovin, Bp.conr1~d by Councilmfl.l1 Youngs, mOVAS thA.t o:rdinfl.nCA no 40 9.A FUnAndp.d do pass fl.!1d thA ClArk w~s inst:ructf>d to Cfl.ll thA roll on UtA ~doption of sltid motion with thl'l following 1"p.sult: Ayp.s; Councilm~ ChFUnbp.rlq,in, Chovi~,Crawford,Dfl.~gptt, Youngs fl.!1d MRYor MYRra Councilmfl.!1 Bor~p.n fl.t his rAquAst bAing AXCUSRd from votin&. and. thA Mf\.yor dAC1f1.rlll1. thA ordinfl.!1cp. No !to f\.dOptAd IUld thA ClArk was inst)''.l.ct''!oi to publil'1h SIUllA by postinc in f\.ccordfl.ncp. with ordinancp.s. -- Thp. follmying bills hfl.ving bp.pn ItpprovAd by thA finf\.ncfll c:ommit.tp:p. W~:rA ~A~d by thp. ClArk lBMF~ I I I ~~ryl oj, MinutAs of thA mAp.ti~ of OctobAr 11,1915, ContinuAd. ---------------------------------.--.--------------.-- .John ,Tohnson * 2.50 S.S..Johnson 8.00 Vi. W..Ald"'!"IllIUl 8.00 Nick DArAnoff 2.50 FrAd Kr~USA 2.50 H.M.RusaA11 5.00 Np.ls .JAnSAn 5.00 COU1L~i.lmqnChovin, Sp.condAd by CouncilmlUl Cr~wford, mOVAS thA c1~ims bft I1.pp:rov,'1 IUld wFI.:rrlUlts bA issUl~d to thA pl'lrtip.s nlUTlAd for thA rAspActivp. an.ounts, I1.nd thA ClArk WI1.S instructA1 to cl1.11 trp. roll with thA followinG rnsult: Ayp.s:' Counci1m'Ul Bo:riAn, Ch~'1lbp.rll1.in, Chovin, Crawforri, DfLZgP.tt. YourJ4(;3 ft.Tl1 M~or Myp.rs 'Uld thp. MA.yor dp.cll1.rAd thA motion l1.<ioptp.d Ilnd th!'l ClArk WFt.S inst:ructll!d to iSSUA thp. warrAnts. GAO:rCA Willi~son .J.M.Lp.onhl'l.rdt Ancly Donfl.1d AJJlc.:ka. Pharmfl.cy AIF.Gk't l'rl1.nsfp.1" Co C.E.BniA $ 2.50 2.00 7.50 1.50 888.69 4-.75 Thill communicfl.tion of thA City EncinAl'll'" in rAfp.rAnca to compiling dat~ WI1.9 rAfl.d IUld IFt.id OVA:!" until thA nAxt mAp.tinl. On motion ~ouncil adjcurnpj. ~ fb () >iUrf~', PrAsidp.nt of filP. Cormnon Council an/I Ex-offj cio Ml'l.yor. Mur,ici,LJftl ClArk. 372 Mil!utA::! of tliP! Rpculhr M..p.tinlL of tllP. Common Counctl of triP. l'own of Sp.'NH!'d, /!lnaki\;, !lp.ld Oct~Jbp.r 18, 1915. . -"-' ... .-" .- -." ------'.--_.". . ~-"'-- _..-.... '~.-.'--'- ~ -...... -.... .,. _. - --. ~.-. - -, -..----.-.----. In thf! nbBcflllncfl! of Ml'l.yor :Uyp.rs thp. mAp.tine WRS Cfl.llp.d to or'lp.T'. nt 8 p.m. by Prp,r.iQfIlnt Pro-tflm DI'l.C/i:p.tt All nlp.mbPTs p'psp.nt pxcp.1Jt :Myp,rn nr:d Youn&~s. Councilnll:m Cho:vin :nOVAS that, in consid.fIlrJttj or! thnt t.bi!l bfl!inc All'LskJt DHY find A Ifllial holid."'Y, this Council fl.dj ourn to Mond",:; Oc1;.111,(", 15', 191;. V.otj(lIi cH,rrtpd. ~ Municipal ClArk. octobC~:0~J?~ . ....,'. Pl"fIlsidAllt Pro-tit. :,' Df, Uffl Common Cour:cj J . ".'" . Counl~i j, Adj ourllpd to Mon'if\Y - 1 B~rFe I I I , ,.......'....."~ ~ ( .-<: '_ '! lL...i Minut.F!H of th~ adjournp.d lDpp.ting of thA Coromon round1 of tll~ Town of E;'->i\'<,!"l, AlrU1kfl., np.ld. Octobp!, 25, 1<;1]5. Mf'\f'tirig callp1 to or'lf'r, in l!urSUI'l.T.CP. to I'lJijouT'rllt/>nt of Octobp.r }8, 1')1::., h.~ g ],J.m. by Mf\.yor 1(yp.rs. All reprobATe prp.BPnt. Trfl! winut./Ils of thp. mpp.tir..a Gf Octobp.r 1.1 nnd Octobpr li~, ] 915 wp.rfl! TP",-'i fl:nQ I1.pyrovp,1. Thp communicl1.ti,on of J.n.Romig, rity Trp.R.8ur"'r, W'H-\ rp.lld by t~A Clp.r\'~ ".airl cc,nn.uni C'Htion SPIt forth t.hH.t. thp. 9",-11 TrPll'tsurf'r had bp.An unablPl to COlJll,j'P.tl'! thp. tp.x roll of rftal propp-rty fi.8 thl': S~A musjl bfl, find hl'l r,o.skJ",,:;tftilly :rP.qUf~stl'!d thfl.t tl,p' Council c;j,VfI\ him fW p.xt"'nsion of tiIl\A to con.l-,l,.,tp. :::thl'l roll blO!fo:rfl publishinr; trf> SlUl'lfl; tbA conulIuni.c'J.tiQn was orrl..r,\.:1 rlR~f.'i o.n filp! p.nd thl'\ r"'qUf~>,t gr'Hntfl!d. , ., T}'1.. C'onmlunicFttion of trIA Si"wnrd Light f'illrl Pow,:,r COII:i'1Ul..I' ,,-lUl'lrfv/,fi!',C frc,ll: tl,H Council' s furth~r considJ"T'fltion tbp. I'l.ppJ.icll.tiona 'for p""rmits to p.xtfOrd poll!! linF!s :=tEl tl:p.rl':ir flAt fortIJ, w~o rAnd p.nd c:rc1p.n>.d, fi1l'\d. Thp. C01J1',U1",:I cHtj,on, of RobArt AshlHnd objRcting to thl'l ~lEl8I'lSSnv~nt on lots 5' and 6 bleck 3, Wf1.S rp.fl.d R.nd triP. ClArk WRS ir,stl'uctpd to notify M:r Ashl;uA tblt [',is RSSP.IHlrllpr.t COVPTlO!d only thl'l Hmount of fl'lp.t frontine ana l'l.otitting on thl'! Fourtb AVlO!nuf'l impTovl'lm"'nt. 'I'hl'! ~onllnUnicfltion of City Enl;inPAr 1'hitfiAld and thfl! plRt RccompfU'lir:-g S11l!l1'! l".}jo1'ling tblO! North p.nd WAst toun<il~ry linps of tnA Town of Sf'!war:<< Rnd tll!'\.t porU,on of thA Bp.y Vif"w H.dd,1t ion, Fmd tlIHt portion of tbfl Tfl!rminRl p.djj tl OI! wrich lifll!8J~ ins1. dl'l tbp. C1. ty boumlRri<'ls of UJP. Town of SI'I\'lf\.rr.i, WATA c:r~p.rpd plR.clO!1 on f1.lp.. l'hf> Clfll!rk now rl'!llds tnA folloVlir~ rp.1.ort: In rl'l tb.p. fil1/i.1 complfll!tion of t.np. il11prOVF!mRnts of JI'OU:rt.}1 A'TO!]'lU'" f:rom tl:... Ko~'~J li.nl': of RRil-w>\y Avp.nup to th~ }~orth 11nl'l of C}-m!":ch strp!p.t in ~ th~ ':'ovr. of f;;>,wnr1; I"S prcn'i'ipd for 1;y Ord1.nnr:cA No. 2~. I vdeli to rp.1-ort to your Hon. Body, t.llfl.t aftf!T' p':XHJntml\t.i on of thf'! said irr'I'T'OvP/.,.t:t, T fir:d th!='. Sf\Jl1P t.e hav!> 'cf'p.n co;"pl1'\tp.d. iT, aCCOroiftT".CP. with thl~ ,l-'1fXr ~m(l spAcifi CA.tj.ons on :filA ir1 t.hp. offieR of thf\ Cj ty Enr,1nflp.r Thl" objfl!ct1.onabll'l ffl!Ht.urflls ffip.l:ticmpu i!: D'IY l,rp.v1.ous rp.J1ort r::~Ying bf!p.r. rp.no7Hu by thp. contrRctor; Tr,p SFtid irr:r:rO"PDlf'!rt of FOl;:rtP. AVf'T.UA as Rbow mi>nLLcl):,..,l ill'. hp.:rf'by h.fvroypd ftnd I'iCCPk-tF'd by thi.s offi CfI, Bubjf'lct to thf'! FtPJ-:J"O'fItJ. of U;A Comwi tt"" on StrAPts f1.nd Public PrOpFlrty. RAspRctfulJy l>ubcdttp.d D. 8. 'lJ1:itfip.ld Ci.ty Sngir:p.pr. SFVll'" Whe rl'\fl'\rrf':'i to tl.1P. Strp.p.t ComrdttAp.. Tl:A COI%llTdtt.P.fl on ASBf'SsmfUlt fUld Collp.ction of TA.XAS Uili.kAB thA follorine rf-> por't : . v:,. your comrrJittf':A on ABSRSSmp.nt fl.nd Gollf\ction of TRXAS hl1.vp. inVA8- ti{;ILt..rl thp. rp.ccoIT:rllp.nd"ltions of t!1I'\ City l'rPRsu:rp.:r I-Uld TflCOIllUlfl!nd that tlJfl fU:lOU:,tH of pArsonA.l prCJ!Jf\:rty tfiXP.lI SAt forth in tbA 1iccom~anirl' list bfl st:rld~l"n from thl'l p..rsor,nl propArty aS8f1Bl<llc:f\nt roll 1'01' tl:;A Yfll!l'lT' 191, Rnd t thfl.t '}jp Munid pA.l Cl!Z,rk bA instructl'ld to :;ivl'! tbA TrAItBUrfllr crl'\r.iit for. thR l'l.ggT'I'!El'I.tfl! sum of 1/ l./ 1(- Flnd 60/100 <:lollaTs thfl total of 8A.Jd list. [t Ii.Q1JAHr:irg to your comrnittfl!p that tlHI 8Rid R.lIIounta p.rl'! p.ithAr duplicA.tA R.SS"SfJJllAnts or tbp. pp.rtip.s hfl.vfII! rfllffiovp.d from thlO! City. "''''''4. ~ , . u .:.. Min~tp'g of th~ MAP-tine of Octobp.r 25, 1915, Conti~up.d. On motion of Councilman Chfl.!l:ibp.rlFlin, sAcondfHl by Councilrnfl.n Younr;s, tl,p l>."drt rp.port W"I,S fl.doptp.d fl.nd thp. ClArk instructp.d to givl'! tbA c:rio.dit. Thp. mfl.ttp.r of thp. cornmunicfition of JU~A Brovlh WI-I.S discusspd IU1d thl'! ClArk WFW instructAQ to notify JurtllP Brown thl'\.t this Council hl'l.s no objl'!c- tiono to thA locf,tion of 11. 511.100n in tbp Df1.[;Cptt Block on thA Corw'-\T' of Fou:rth AVAhUf>: 1U1d. WFl.shir..Gton StrAAt in tt A Tovm of Sf\wHrd. Thp. ClArk now rp.f\.ds Or1inl'l.ncp. No ~l An Ordinl'l.nCA concprni~ ConnAct5.ons with SAWp.rs, C"!ss),)ools I'l.hd crAFl.Sp. trl'\.ps, and othp.r mf\.t tArs propP1"l:l l:Al"tf\.ininc; t}Pl"P.to. f\.n'l sf\.id o:r<linancA hl'\.vir~ bAp.n rAftd vArof\.tirn Councilmnr Dp.!;;Gl'tt, GPconril'ld by councilmAn Borcp.n, mOVA:} thf\..t.' BFl.id oniimmcp bA' fl.mpndAd by insArti~ "Hp.f\.lth afficAr" in pll'l.cp. of II Firp VlFl.rdAn" whArp.vl'!r SFI.l1lA Fl.ppAf\.rS in Bfl.id ordinfl.ncp.lU1d sfl.id motion Wl'I.S cR:r:riAd. CouncilffiHn Dp.Cgp.tt, sp.condp.d by Council.rnr:m Chovin, mOVAS tnA IlR.SS~P. of -;l.a Vr";linflnCP fl.nd thp. C1Fork WI'\.B instrlJr't.f'd to cfl.ll t:bl'! roll on thFl I'\.doption of trH'\ sl'\.id or1inl'\.ncp. 4-1 with till'! following Tl'l8ult: AY/lls: Councilman Borgfln, Chovin, Crfl.wfor4, DfI{;gl'ltt, Youncs fI.l1d :M.f\.yor :M';I' P 1" E NON): CouncilmlUl ChlUllbAr1ain I'\.nd thp. M.ftYoJ" dAClfl.J"Fld tbl'l OlidinFtncf'! fl.doptp.d fl.nd tbA ClArk WflS instructAd to publish SAJ'D1'l by post.ing in accordlUlcl'! with ordinlUlcAs. Th.. followine; claims hfl.V ine bp.1'1l1 p.pprovp.d by th/l! finl'l.ncl'l cOlmnj ttl'lP. WArp. rPf;,d by tbl'! clprk: Hprm,oUl Erickson $ 9.00 Np.la JAnSf\n 9.,0 Wl'I.ltpT' Rottfus ~.OO SAvmrrl SRW Mill Co. 180.90 Cour:ciJUifln Ch'lmlJPrl'1in, spconrj,p<:!, bp. npprovf\d fl.l1d ttl'l.t wl'I.rJ"fl.nts bp rp.sr 'ct:. VP. fUllounts '1.nd triP Clprk thp following rl'l8ult: Ayp.s: CoundlmflXl Borgp.n, ChRlIlbprll'l.ir" C}\ovin, Crp.wforrl, Dnc:gAtt, YOU!lcs "1111 Ml'lyor MYPTS 'l.n1 thp MRyor dl'!clF'l.J"P\d thp moti on Flrloptp'.j .nn<t thp. Clp.rk WftS instructAd to issuA ttA WH.rrFUlts. C.S.PF'l.tton W.ll.1vrcKfl.Y Cnovin Supply Co. C.E.J3p.dp. by Counci.lmFUl Dorcp.r" movp.fJ trIP. issup.d to thA pfl.rtips nfUJ:!Ad for WF'l.S instructpri to cF'l.11 ttP. roll $ 8.00, 8.50 5.60 215.30 cll'\.iros tbo, with On moU on of' CouncilmH.n DFlggptt. sp.condp.rj, by Councilmftn Chovin, t!:f! C::tt::r !~;'Girlp.p.r WftS instructp\d to closp. up his businAss fl.hd bp rpl'\.dy to turn ov~r his officA on thFl first of Novp.mbp.r 1915. On motion of CouncilIlllU1 Chovin, Sp.condAd. by CouncilffiflI1 ChFlJ1lbp.rlf1.in, trJA rp.sic'nntion of thl'! Chip..! of till" Firp, Dp,a;RrtlIip.nt I'l.hd Firp. Wp.r'lAnwl'l.s aC(~f'r,tp(l fxd thA officC'\3 1~cl~rp.1 vP.Cfl.l1t.. Xll/'! f:n}A-ry of tb.. CJ'1i",r of thl'! Fir!'! Dp.pl'\.rtll1p.nt qnd ]'lrp. Wfl.rdAn '1'11'\.8 fiXF>ri Rt tbA sum of Fifty (~O) DolJ,Rrs pAr rr.ont:h for tbPo bAlFtn~fl of thA tf':TTC of tbis Council I'\.nd t:bl" Council b~r bf\llot All'lctAd M.A.Hornp.r Firp. CJ'1iflf I'\.nd WF'l.rdp.n. On ~otjon of CouncilmRn CrRwford, sp.condpd by CouncilmRn Dl'\.cgptt, trIP. Mw 1.cj.pnl ClArk WflR instructfl1 to publish thA dplinqU/:~nt tl'\.X roll of rA:~l rropprty commp.ncing Fri1ny Octobpr 29, 1915. 1 BMFr' I I .. I ~>''-' - - : ;:) ~inutps of th~ MF!ptine of Octob!'!!' 25, 1915, Continwd. --_._----_...-.__._~-----.-_.------'_._._--_. ---------------.- ThF! I\'uninipnl Attornp.y r!'!port~1 on tri!'! notic!'! ot' J ,P.M>mtp.ll ttf.1.t inrtloIDllc:h f.1.S Mr M'Ult.!'!ll hp.d fl.ssii,iw'!d fl.l1 his riGht 11: thp. Fourth Avp.nul" contY'fl.ct to Mr. Bfl.dp. hI'! Wfl.S fl!stoppf'!d I1.nd it 'liftS tIlP. duty of tt:l'\ Council to ispup. fl. wfI.!,!,p.nt to B<\.dp. for th~ br\lfl.ncf' dup. OD tt~'f> contrp.ct. Wl1.ltF!r RotIrfus rpports Ull'tt .hI": rR.8 lost Wfl.rrp.nt. 1076 iRSl.lF!d. on triP. tWP.E tip.tl dAY of Sp.ptp.mbf'T', 1915 in r:1s fnvor for tlu" sum of SF!VfI!ntp.p.n and 50/J (lCJ dol]ll.rs f~md rpquF!sts tb/f! Council to iSSUF! a dUl'licAitl':. CouncilniRn ChlUllbt"!r1A.in, sp.condp.d by Cou!JcilmA.n DA.GGpt t, movp.c thH,t tbp. Clp.r',- "OF! j,n~tructp1 to iSSUA A. dup1icntp. wftrrfl.nt. for SHJIlP. upon t}-cP. fil:iD.G and A.j,.II,)"oval of thf'! bond. of Mr Rothfus BACUrirl!; th... Town f\.~f\.d.nst f\.~ loefl by rt"F.,10n of t}JP. ori~inf\.l wf\.rr1-i..Ylt bp.inc Inid. MO,tion cf\.rrip.d. On motion Council I'1.djournp.d. ~~ Mu~lp.rk. ,;7 / ) '\.. "I "' ' (f2 L.{ FF/f ,~} ,~ Prpsidpnt oftb~ ComIIlon COUll,~iJ- fl.nd F.x-officio MI'1.YOT. I " 376 Minute:: of tl1p. l:lpp.ttng of tr:P. Common Couneil of thA Town of flAwP.r,l, AlqGk~, hp.li OctobAr 29, 1915. _..- -....-.- ._---- ..-.,.- - ..- - .._------- - . --- .._--.--- ---- - .-. -.---- ,'--'---.-.-- ._--".-- MpptinL; cS\;llAri to orlp.r Rit 3 0 I clod: l-i .m. by Ml'\;Yor MYfH'a. AI') np.mb "1"0 p'ios0n-!', 0X~A'pt. C01me.U.mA.n Chfl.'TIoerl::;.in. Tb~ MFiYor st>l.tp.'i th'lt thp. pur}Jos,," of OcR mp.f'!tlng WFt,S to p.xtAr.1 thf'! til;IH or tLp. public'~tion of tIll' ,1plinqup.nt tax roll li.nd thp consi'iArl'l.it.ion of "~hA ordin~m::fl ~rf\ntinG to tr:A SClwar:.l T~ight IUld POWAr CompA.ny fU1 E1p.et!'L'l FriUlcbisA. C011Y1ci1mR.D DR.gG~tt, speon'lp'il by Councilnl'tn Yount;s, ml'l.kAs. thA follo- wine motion: TflR.t thp. timp :'01' publishinl;: thA 1p.linqwmt rAIU propArty tax roll for t:-,.- y,>;.r 1)15 bR Axt"1n,jp.d to .uOVf!l;'IOAr 5, 1915, IUld t.hfl Municipfl.l Clp.J'k bA Lnstruct,"!'i to pllb1inh said roll comHlAHcina on thp.t 'l>l.tA. Motion cli.rriAd and. thp. ClArk WFt,S so instructAd. Cour:.ei.lm.q,n Bora.Ul n.t his r.:,quAB-: WFl.S AXCURP.i from furthpr A.ttRnd.n.nr.p. ) Flt tl-:is l'1,,,,,,,t tnc. ThF'! ClArk now rp./l.<is orrl1n'l.nCA 1l-2"An or1:iJ1'1.nCA t::l"Fmtinz to thp. SAward Li.eht 'I.n1 Powp.r Comp~y, A. corporFl.tion, i tB succAssor8 or f-l.Somg'1fl, thp. ric;bt :0 (but not "xcll.l.sl'/A) Astfl.blif-lh f-l.nd. mFl.intain un'lA:rc;rounrf[ con- dui ts f()r convAyinl:: p.l(~ctric currAnt, to ArAct polRs and strAtch Wil"AS thAT'P.OLl i'or AlActric light, hfHi.ti~, cookirlti:, powAr and othp.!, pUTpOSP.3 in tlli' :3:rAp.ts,11.11HYs, fl.VAllUA:3, hiahwf\Ys FInO. othAl" public plf\.cF'!s in thA lncol"por'1.tA'l town of Sf'w''l.:r'l, A.lfl.ska.; to c">.rry on tb~ bUflinASS of dist)'Jbutin1Z f!.l1.1 SAlling A}Actric CUl")'Ar~ for illuminf\.tinc, hRating, cookinc, powAr I'I.n,1 othAr pUrpOSA$; to fix thR rFl.tA3 to bA ch"lrcrHd :l-.pr,'f(l:r' ';(1)jACt to thp. cO!l':litinns thArFoin stp.tAd; f\J1d. to provi'lp. thA InAtLo'l 'oJ' whieh sIli'1 p.lp.ctri,~ linp.s, phl.nt, m>l.t<"!rials,Aq:uipcnp.nt, watP.r- ri/,;ht:3, Ip>"l.BAS Fl.n1 r-\.djunct8 of f\.ny kind fl.nd nl\tUl"A bAlonging to or in fLYJy WFl.y connf>ct,"d t}:p.rp.wi th, mf\.Y hArAll.f'tp.r bP. fl.cql.dr"l(l by thp. SA.i'l Tovm of Sp.wHr(l, 1Uld. fol" othp.r J;lurpo.H~s " l'I.11d SA.id orrlin>U1cP. havin.:.bt>An rp.fl.d. by titlp. thl'! first IUld ARcand timA unrlAl" 8u3pAnsion of thp. rlllfh3 CouncilmlUl Youngs, flp.cond.A1 by Councilm<i.n G:lOYin, mO'T"lS thfl.t thp. )"';.1.11'1(3 bP. sus:pAndAri ~Xlri tnfl,t t"'!A ,~'tid o)"din~tnCA 1)1': IJIH,cwl upon its fin>"l.l P<i.flf;"lC>1 whi~h gRid motion W"1.8 UIlfU1>l.I:lOusly cf\.rrl;:d Il.li.i thA ClArk WI'l.S instructpd to r"'1i.1 thp. ordinlU'lcP. Thf' Cl"rk T"'<Rids thA or(l:ina!~CA vp.rb'ttim Roni UlJon thp. l~omplAtlon of thp. r'~'fl,1ing of 8>l.1'1 orlj.r:rmcp. t}-;P. Clprk WFt,S instructAd to (~'i.ll thp. roll O)~L t',;" :dOl)tj.lJ!: of lHt:.d or'Un~cp. ;vi t.h thA followi~ Ti'\lJult: ^-Y"'0: CounGilrnr-tr; Cl-tovin, D"-SgAtt, Youn~s, >l.nd M:nyor 1tYArs ,'>, nO"lS; :::ouncilcn"ln Crf1-\'ffor.l Ab~1Ant >m.d '>Jt vQtin~; Councllm>"l.I1 Borap.!1 fWd. C!l'~ub,;rlHin. ",::-/1 t,1-p ~h:;or 'lAcl,-\;r," 1 thA or.jj.n>mr:A fl.dOptA1 '.r:d t,;lA ClArk wan instructn::l tQ ..'",,1;,li.:3': 2'lm.~ 1).1 ,kJost:tnz il1 tl',rAp. ,kJubli,; 1'111,<');'>:;) 1U".ci tllA Ml'l.y{)r 'l.i',d Clf~rk uiC'a'>.1. 3'ii'1 oY'(linl'lil1cp. on bp.hF;.l:' of tb'\ Town .<trd G.M.Gr"l;ff', Pr("1trl"lr;t of thp. 8"7,',,,;-i, I,t~}lt r-\.n1 Pow;>;)" Compp.ny, Tn!'., stCEP:<;i on bf.:-hp.lf of tr.p. 3l\td ~0:!lJ.-"~Yv. thp. writ.t"'!l f\.CCP(;tn.n.;:n OJ' saiel COlllJ)H.ny of thf' urQYialons of thp. ~]f\i(l ;)rlinf1..nl~~ ,Jo .42 On mo:;;;t2_'~~djOUrn"". Munl~i'pf\.l Clprk. j./) / 1 ).j' /; : I 'f/ l./t t .~', I i. p:rp:Jj(lLt ., I j '-'- of tliA COllillion Co,-,"_;: il 'lnd F.x:-offic i 0 Mayor. !' 1 BMF~ I I I ... -:,.-. ~ '- ! !: Minutp" elf th'~ :If>L;u}''tr J1ip"ti.nj; of tro COmTl'.On Cour>~i 1 SPo',v..,!"." ,AlI1.Bkp.., hA1'1 NovAmbPor 1, 1915. Or 0:'" l'own of Cour.,ci1 '~'-l.11Po1 to or ell!:" >i~ g lion. by Mf()'or ~lJr~:rs. 1~~:l.. JnAl':~b ':~rs l-irf.~ ~"\ !~~ t ~X:;Apt CO\.1nc i l~ll~1.r~ You.riC~~. Tho ndnutf>s of t}>R nJPP.t.tt1gS of' nct-obl"]" 25".;1:., ~c:A 2}t1'1., W."!"H Y"~fld F1.n:l !},.l)iJro\tf~!l. vOLine i IlT.'tn Chl'Ul1b pJ'l;, ir, int rod.ucA~ fl. "J'OT'l1H'l.l Pro t pn t W},F""" oy hp mop t (", :>...1"2:' ,~d:~lJ' protAsts ~A.cinst thR I1.ctions of cPT't>dn r.J.A:nb'''T'B Oft]"i.3 bOft, tnl:<'!n (1t I'l. 81''''Gi,~1 ;;)""ltin:ii hAlj 1urin~ th", p.st wnc~l\:, 'l-t w}i(~\ :'1111"" ,1. 80- ::["1;,,,,-:1 f;''1.n(~'''i.sp. was pA.sf10.i in f>rlror of thA SFlwl1.rd Licht IU1d POWi'\!' Co. anl "'.:,.1 protp.st hfwinr.; bPAn rAP..c1 by thA ClArk ~ol.mcl1111F\J1 DRC[;A:.t, SA';Ol,d~Yi 'JY :uu::.::i l:nl'tll Borgpn, movr~2 thfl.t tLp sa.i1 proti~st b'l'! fi1A'i fU1d brip.f mpntiol: br-; 111l1.dp. of Jilt upon tn'" minutp.:3, whi,~lj sai.cl. mot. ion "'hf\ ;:)fl.)",1'i.".1. TL,') Communir:aoti0rl of tl1P Alftskl't En~inp('>ril1g COlI1l11iBBian in rpf",rAncp to thA :Y'WPT' bRin!;: F.xtPlr.rlAd to trf" tJPfl.d'1U:u-t''\J'''H bUilrling in 1,lnck 11) '.VFW r"l1.d b.:/ t.]"~ Cl.'rk 1\ir"1 rc':"prr,d to thp. CommittAP S.'WSI.~f.>. ThR communiCfl.tt0n of tt"" SAw'i.r'l BOfl.rd of E'lur-':;i.tion WftB :r.H1/i by thp. ClArk '1.l1.1 on moti'on of Coun~i Imfl.n Cl;p~mbp:rJl1,ir., s,~con'ip.i by CouncilmFl.n Dacc;ptt. tllA SUT.:! of anA frl'01-W"I..'.,l Do11ILrs WF.:, ()T"ipY'A,l IJ>ti,i ov(~r to tb~ 8ellO,,1 BOA.ra 'iLQ RI\11 BOH.rri \',,<,' ~P.qUP3tp'i tljj filA a bur.lC;pt with tlJf! )';'.<.1' i ,,1.1".1 ClArk. '1')'" n'LlClAst of tl:p Fi,rFHllPr1 for ;::};f>ruir:!\J. Engiw'! 1U1r.l:iosp. WFI.3 rp.l..d b;:,' t.l:n ~~:;C)r~: '1.111 r.'fprrp'll to thR firp. cor.::mittAR. Tb~ followi ":6 c1fl.ims WAr.. rpp.'i 'oy tL~~ CU,~rt: aftAr <lfUIIA J1R.d bfHHl f1,PVrovp.d by thp. finRn(~', cOr.J!ni ttP.P.: ',,1l.T..Li;'C':lS 75.00 J(.'iLn ~!~lcon 2.r.,C W.D.Co,)[JA:I1noll 100.00 Andy f:flC\.li'r} 4-.00 J.H.Romis 100.~O M.D.CrJ~kAr Co. 5.0n RolJ,~rt G'-l.f-'Bt, 15;0.00 71"(.".:; ",'Jlm SpwF.rfl 2?6.20 !II.A.Horw'lr 125.00 Brc'V:l. & Ha.w;dns 2.30 D.B.W] :j":f't'-'"l.1 15.0.00 Brv8~,'..": '/r Noon ;. rl~ N.J.Koontz 12.00 81';',\".r1 GOCJl;,p.::"c'ifl.l Co. .:;0 J3.D.']\'}litfiAld 12.00 S"''r!'c';' 1 ~Tf'W8 Cc'. 2.00 F. L. Goodwin 98.00 Aim. Di '~k.'lrll]fl.n :r::S~l'ttP. 15.')0 N.R.AnQPrson 26.00 1,11':'; lJ. Hfl.rvn.t 2.00 Cha.rlA;; ErnSWAilnr 4. 00 \:I.~::.:Blj1 ~'C; 4.05 Chfl.rli~3 Job,son 72.00 :1"'7;:'.!" "h,tp:; & Fowc;r CO T'>.OO M..P..Ho!"'-'r 20.00 Aip,s":i, :Up.ctri:: Co 5.00 l,V.T.,LUCt1.B 25.00 S~,~:v/h..l'1 ::tc;L.t &. ?:y.V(~T Co.. 3tj.50 W.G.',ij'Hlvwr 135.00 Tr('::',~ 0)':;1',:'1 Sohool :Roll:-d lODO.aO C('"L:,L~~,""i~ lJfl.Gsntt, SACOE'i..:i 'b,y ,::'.Ju.ncil:r.il.n .~r,c'li.n, mOVAS treat tJ-;A clrdn>s bfl Fl.lil-r(,',"~ 1 fl.nd thfl.t Wfl.l")'ftnts UP. iSlJUf.d to thA partiAs Jlfl.lTIArl for tlH> r\~sV,',ctlJ": ("mounts f\rifl tn'" Cl",rk WFl.S instru(;.tll.:i to CI1.11 thp. roll with t.]:." ~'Jllo':;in<.': rF>8u1t; Ayp.s; Counc1.1m'Ul :BorGAn, Chambprli'tin, Ct;ovin, Crfl.wforol, DI'tCgptt ll..'1d Ma;j'or ;\VRrd ;"clh"'J,lt. .n:d rot votjr,(.'; COlUlctl1HI.n YOUil(;S, I..ld tl,,, ~lIvo!' .}ncl:.rAd thp. ,jot l')); '~'l.rri,'Hl ',nd thp. Clp:rk 'N11.S instruct...,d to iSSUA thp. WFl.rJ'/Ults. 'l'hp: ;:'l.1'A Cmnmi tt!'lf~ \\'I.D iru~.tructAd to instl\lll fl., :f1 'r'H hyrlr1ti11t Rt thp. intRrsRntton of Third ~ MonreR StrAflt. 378 ],[inutf\s of tb.f\ MP.fltir~ Qf NOVAmbA]" 1,1915, Contin.uAfl. On motion of Councilmf\l1 Clllunbp.rl",in, Sp.conQ.AQ. by CouncilllLa.n D~CF!tt, ;;hf~ Sftl'l.ry of t,l," 201ir.<'1 Pl1.trolml'\J1 '0'111.6 fixP'i 'l.t thF! 1'f',tR of 100.00 -lollfwn pF\r morot},. ThA Council rww lJrOCAAds to thA p.l~ctj on of Fl. poliel'; f)/1.7:.1'ulm!tn f\zA LIlA ;"olJ.owinl; n'imwl pArsons wnrA plf\cA.i in l'1orlJ.iu'"tion, to-w~.t: . ':;.3.1?l1ittAlJ., Jim WtW-tP.l"S, W.W.Al,if\r::wl.ll, C!lIW'lF!s ,Tolmson, ~. ~. CPJ1tn,ll FUvl 'tu-- HAXuH'!gl'\.n fl.nrl CouncilmFU'l Dfl.{;GAt t, fl.lld ClJFUnbA1'S WAn, nppo- iute.] tt~11p.rs Etnci t.1:1~ Council p:rocA,~df\d to bl\llot with thA followinl; 1'p.sult: ]f:i:rH t Bl'l.llot: Sp.conrl B"l.11ot: nn.i t'i'~ {~lAction of 'l Aldp.r:llfU1 2, ClU1t rAIl, 2, ,Tohnsoll 1, 'Nfl-It Ars 1. Aldp.1'in'U'l 3', CMtrAll]. Po] L,H Pfl.tJ'olm"l.n 'I'Ia.e 1f1.,i.i OV"'T' until nAxt TnAp.tin~. Thp. .8t:rp.p.t CO/:.:1");t t tp.p. .vh3 instructp1 to hfl."lp. Fourth AVp.nUA :!:'rom Chureh Str,'!'~t to thA apiJ:rol1.ch to thp. whl'l.:rf clp.I'l.:rp',i of laOSA :rock timA for e OlLL 1"'. t.i ~ SfUlJO to bp. onf'l d.,>y. Thp. Rp.}lort of thA ClArk: and Ma{;istratp. of colloctions m1'l.1p. durin.-: thl'! !vlonth of Oct,:;>bp.r' WfW rRH.d flnd. sl'JOwR(l thp. followin~: Pi:::,-',3 ~; F'Jrfp.Hur~8 $16.5..QO FAp.;::; for :Buildin~ Pflrmits 2.00 $167.00 whicb 1\I!lOunt h'l.1. bARn pFli1 into thp. City T1'AFlSU1'f'r. 3"'-i'1 rAIJort Wfl.f:l or,l.>rp.d filp.,i. ---. G:J411:r.unlcl1.t:L'Jr, ,)f D.~3.\i11itf:Lp.l'1 In r'~'.lT'(nlCp. to SUIJ!,lip.s w~tS rAad /U1J '1. rA'l,uisi t ion Y'/iSJr'l"n! 1 issu~'l for thp. prot'il,o. 'impP.:r. J ThA CIAT';': ~J1~l)jnitt;>d a rPf)(\rt of tl;A fin/tileR:'> c;-r tL(~ ::QW1, ,,,rill SF\r.1P. WIiS oriRrpd filAd. COlmcilwfl.D (,1:n!r;bp.r.~r..1Y., sAconrlP.'l by Ci.u:ncilm"in Crftwfor'.i nll'l.k..s th'1 foll OTi nc; :no'.;:LOIl : '!'}:at tho-; (;i ty ZnGinlH\r bA rAt n.inp.d in officp. unt i 1 ':hp. llif"1tLn~ of thfl Council nAxt Mondl'\Y p.vAl1ina; fl-nd thp. Munici.Vfl.l Clt'\i"k bp. ilW~,;'U,.:j.,i;l to putli'lb fl,. BottC'" to propp.rty' holdp.re notifyir.c Own: thl1.t thR !,rJfil", nH~pg of First to SAVAl1th AVAnUp.s inclus'iv"! Wp.rFl Tf\I\<1y for ,~-'JUL,(:t";ion I\.t thp. Town Hl{ll fl.n'l to fi.lA v;ritti'\l1 objp.cti:ms to thA IP'fl.dA of Bldrlli.vp.nuf\s with thH ClArk on or 'h...fo:rA NOVAmbAr 8,1';15. f\.t which tlr.',J' t})(.> ~o'.m~.j 1 would con'JidAr SfUllfl; an,I thA ClfH'k Wfl.8 instructAd to call t:1A roll or: tll'~ Rdoption of 811.id motion with. t}JP followinC rp.sult: A:1HH: Counc'ilmH.Il CIl"unbp.rlA.in, Chovin, C:rfl-wfo:rrl, I'lind :Mayo:r Myp.re Nop.s: CouncilmlU1 :Bor~p.n IUld DneGp.tt Absm;t f\.nd not vaUnt::: Councilm'tn Youngs. 1ll1'1 :1;8 1fayor d~;clF\.T'Ad thA wotion I'l.doptl'>1 I'l.nd tb~ ClArk WH.i'1 instruct.d to pub1isL tl,.' nn'!:: ieA. I)n [l,otion Counni 1 I~~ . M,t:~~qrk. ~., ... Adjou:rnp.d until :Mond~ Nov'mb~:r S, 1~15. -({) (( )A~'iF { f l prp.sldAnt of.thp. Common fl.D.l };x-officio yore Council 1. " . - ;' lRMF~ I I I <)~'n ..)eu Min1)~P"! of t"hp. nlf.",tin: of t>JP Conn::c\n ('ot;n~jl of th' To\\'n of Spw~lrd, Al<t2,\C:"" rp.11 }Toyp.n,bpr 1+, 1915. In tl';p. F10f1Cl'mCA of M>>.yo:r Myp.T'P, PrF,,,tc1pr.t Pro.-'t "'I': r''l['Gptt cfl.l1p.d tlij::' ;1IPpt~,JI':'; tv crdpr fl.t 8 p.m. f\.r;>:l StF.tAQ thfl.t thA mp.AtinG 1':Fvi bfH,n cfl1lpd by t,:,~ ;\~I':"r))- for t1rP, purIJosp. of fl.cting on trH" prot"o!-oi tior. of .Tor;r. E. 13ftl : Pl.J.n',' in r"fprf'ncf\ to tr:P ,p11yID"'nt of 1Ii8 tItXPR. All !DAmC"'rp, pr"npnt Axcp.1Jt C01)n~ilmar My~'rp I'l.nd YNmc<;. .T.)"',' -r.:. Bft:!lnix,p Rpr;pfl.:rp.d bpforp. thp. Council A.nr1 '1,skp.d for fl-1rtlp1' tir.ll" jr ,';ri1ch to pfl.yi'1is tl'l.XAS for tr:fOo 'yf>Fi.r 1915, J.'i.Horr,j16, Muni.ci!,llfl.l J',PflSUrpr li'l'I,,~.r{.,-:1. bF'forp th,'l C(11,m~il And thf'l Irlr,t:!"T' tr"vtnc bARn liiscuS","<l 'oy :}\P Council om" Trp.fl.SUrAr I'tnd MunicipH.l ftt., crw,~;>' Cour:cilrrp.n Cnovir', flpconjr,rl by CounciJL"m Cf1l'UTbpr1Rin, mo'\T,"S thtt tllP. Huni dl'~l Trp."I.~urpr 1::f' I'\utl'o:rizpej to qC~"'l-;t R cF.rti f'i..r1 cl',I-"~}.: for triA full ,<l11.ouvt of U:P. Tl'\xp!sfor ttP! Yp!Rr 1911-), owi.r1ci to UP. tovvn by tbp. o~d,l .It,},r, E.13fl.l1I>cint'~, 8nid chp.ck to bl': cA.rripd RS cH.sr 'hy tr',f' sRid treF",'),rp1 ;.11' to }'flbruHry first, 19l~, :m'] t1.1Fl Mun".ciI'Fll Attorrif'Y is rc."f'pcy ir~stru(~tp~to dr',')' uI A.I1 ~rRl"mp.nt to bA AXp.cut"rI, ry th~ raid .Jol,r, E. BnlIRj,11.1'! in which tLp BHid .John :So Bp.IJ rdr:p uncor"di tionA.iLly ncr ,OH~' tr,f\t tbp! 1'own of Spwhrd f1r:.,,~l };av'p, thp ri,~}-]t to obtflirl Itn ordAr of Sf-Ola fl'olU t.,.. 'District Court for il.11 J;js rflcft1 fHJtR.tP. in tr:... Town "f' ~'""" r',~ ~,-r ",jd tRXP.S. wAj.vin.r: Itl1 ,.i,cnt to I;rotpst I'l.{;fl.inst thp. IpghJi~,y of 8..,1....J orriAr, should tbA 8>1.id .JOYlI: 1':. BI'i11flil,f\ fl-til to l~P.Y l3H.id amount of fl!1.id Chp.ck on or cp.forA U:A first '1't:)' of FpbruR.ry, 191(.. ftnc:l tr~p ClArk '1'1'", :Lr,Bt.ructp!d to cl\1J tl:;:> real on thA adof-;tion of aftid motion witl:.! tbl'l fol'lowir{Z rp.sul t : Ayns: (:ot;neilm'U'l :Ror(".~n. Chambp.rlFiin, Chovin, CrH.wfor'l, anti Pr~sjdf'r.", Pr(,-', flY; TJAC(';f>t t Absp:nt p.nd not vctinG; CouncilwA.I1 MyAri' I'tnd YOUlJ,"S, I\nd t}-,A Prp.sidpnt. Pro-tp:~ 1~c1~rpd thp. motion ftdo~tpd. CouIJl~ilmS-tn Cr>twforrl, sp.condpd by Councilr.:l'l.n SI'l'J':jn, LOVPf; tL>tt t}.iP. Mtmir:t1-,,'\.l CJp!rk bp. ir\structp.c:l to insp.rt tbp. fourU! r.lA.y of DACR.r.lbf'r, 191:;, in, t~' P T, ,;t j G~ of of triP. prfHH'!ntp. t ion of triA Dplinqu~rjt TFi.x Roll of l\p.F.l Pro:o;p}' :,~, (.,f triA Tcwn of Spw"J,J"}, for tIJA YP.flT 1915, to ttf'! District Court 1'0':" s-\'lju~tn...nt f\r,1 o!"rll"r of 81\1.,. Motlo1' cfl.rrip!d. On Inoti en Council flrij ourrp.d ~ Mun-:- Gip"'.], Cl p~k. until M':-rc:1,n.y ~T!)':,-'r.:c,pr ~, 1915. Pr'>,~ ~ dp.nt Pro-tAr"; 'of thf' CorM'on Council ani F.x-off'icio ]!I\yor. 380 M1J.u.tAl-i of ~UN Mfw,tin,; oftbe Common Counei1 of the> TO"Jr] of JAW;l.r.J, .', 1 ~'uJ"k:1. ~ ' p l'i .~(OV'Al~I1:; S{1'O' ,;). 1 ')1 J . Counc i 1 c'illrd t 0 or':l,~r A- t 8 F .it,. hy MA-yor ]!:,'-Ars ir. ])u:rsUll.nc~ to ..td~ournm,mt of NO\'f1!l,rH1Y' 1 1)15. I , J All rn~~r:lb.::~r:J 'prn:..;nrJ~ "'. ~... ~.rd' Cou,nc.ilnl.hxi. Youri~d. !A:ln1Jtfw of t li'" M",'tir:c;:'1 of Novp.rnbAr 1 '"iY,'l I~ rH,vl I-I.n'l I-I.pt!rovt-d.. T1.111 ;.; t,,~ ~2rJ.n'~ -... of thA [_; t~:~,'llrl.l Set 0 (lJ P,(j ~'; r~ jl~ ~ri r)','I,ri r"t.: ;. ,",-" RXP~!HJ P,~3 of ~11,!~i1.t'..,.l :_I~n~ tL~-~ pUblte scl-;oolu of 3~~\\:'-'.J' ~~'l,~ Y~;-1J" ] ..:1~: - '?l ~ ~"'"' ',' ~"'~.'~.(': ~'l:," l~~'.I.~ i:;lprk f"nri rp.f~:rY'~1 to tJ1~ fin:'l.r..:~ commi t t.:Jf~... Thp, ,~o~r;lUni.cr:..tion of tY" ?,.-,:,.ftr"l G;'lt"WH.y PublishinG ,:r" ."<,, rp.~vl by t1.,i' ('] :'.~1..' ! 'V ':~ 'ji' ,-~r.()tiO!1 of Councilrn~..n Crrl\~.t"~?"'l, :JPc,)!1,lp,~~ 1,,' J'v,).!1.eillT.,J.f.,Yl 'Borr':"""]i ?""51 C'-';: ,-:.y,; ~'-LtioJ'1 ;,r:, 1''.1.1 Oll the> t~blf~, C();m'~iJl1;qn 6'<-lIC,,')~:ri;dl: votinC }:ITa. Thn propo:3,"i Or.iin'Ulcp. rp.j;ull'lttn,s p!" 1'," r);:' ,"l"'ctri'_~ :1''';1. ''':3 W",O Y'n'd vp.:r1)'1-tim hy -:hl'> Cl~rk F\.T11 rAr"rrpcl tf' +1-,~ Fi.rp. CormrJ"t.t!"p.. '1':-i:'1 11T'ol)o~,'\!i or;lill"mr:~ pro1:-:initinc th", .i:rivine of nl'lilz or ott:,~r mAt f:1 ,1'~bs t,'inC'P. in Fl.n,y f.twrJn;:; ,,0:.3 tu, 1''1..'np posts, tf'lAphonp. pol(~:3, "llp.ctric li:::1',t 1'010:.3, :-'te. W~c~! :!,'F,d :)y thp. ,:::10rk '\rorb>,tjrr 'm1 )"p.fe>rrptl to thA StY'AHt COromi.ttAt';jt Thr~ propo!J,~i ordin"tnct1 gr'intin::: to S. l~. Gl'aff q ~C\l:'1p:;c.nrl frhnchisA WI-I.S ]""'8'3. ,T<:roqtim oy thp Clnrk ,.m'l l'f'f"r!"pri "'::,0 '1, spf'!ei"'ll conlffiittpr> '~0;,:::j ~'j- :Ln,_" n~ Council'"''']', C110vin nnd <::r'1.wford. -, , j 1\ r:~aolution (~nr]()rSi11€ t}'l/~ '...'().....1~ q'f thR ~o\~Ar"ll.nl""}r..d... Y"f"'I~)rn:3t:lnt.9,tivp~' 1]-, Al ''::;:-;:'t. ':1'1.3 1"p;L'l by tl,P Clp.rk Iu",d :lHJllP. "'l'U1 or'l"r...;! p}ft'_~""~ :in 011" h'mis of':" sp'-'ciMl :>T:Ii:li)ttP.P to bA rF>porto..i 011 >tt 'i futur>" d"tp. (,-n'1 t1H'l Mp.:)'or I~ppoint,~'i Couccilrno;,n D~GAtt, C1"It','ffor'l, 'm1 BorgAn on 8>1.i'1 cmrurd t t A,). Thp. foll owinc; l~l'tims h~winc bpp.n ftl'I'Y'o1;A<i by trlP. fiu"mcp. eOnJfILi t tAP, Wi-c)',-:",c,Ct.l by thA Cl~rk: })I-I.vitl Mi 11'H' 4.00 w.n~Rusa~ll 6.00 Poet P".lblisning Co. 51.88 J.L.Gr~pf 13.00 C01.UJcilrn"'ln Bon:;p.n, s(~eOll'i(>1 cl<tirr.s bA '1.pproY,d A-n<i ::hr-tt tllf! 1".-'!spflctivp. amounts, >u.r~ vri.t}' tLp: follo'.vine rp.su..l:: k'/th:': Counailm!'tn Borc"n, -ello,in, CT/1.Wf01":l, ~)"CJPtt, '-Ull M""-yor Myprs N<),~;;: :,;o-,.mc:: l:fl"'r, Cl:ihJubf'rl'1.in Allspnt ';,n1 not votinc:::::',un,~illl~.n Y01"l.,-.'Y, 'LLi ;;(r' :l!.::,-yor clr-',;l'cJ'---!d thp. J:!ot:!_J\:'l (;,;.rj'i~d. I-I.r:rl ty,{.' ;':;11"1'1: wp_!; iy' -'+~'lnt.;! 1 to issuf' tn'" \v."l.rr,mJ"s, Chi1.8. I,A,~lmp.r Al~~sk.r~ T?"~nef~r D. S. '};1d t rip-l.i Co. 1.90 57. 95 LJ.o.oo b.:' Cour.cillU'Ul ChfU1lbp.1'lfdn, mov(~s thr-tt thE'! WfLrrR.ntD bp. iSSUf,,<;l to thp. pf~rti"s I1H.ntp.1 for ThA Cl~rk was instruct81 to call thp. roll ThA '~ouncj 1 ,~.ow l;!'ocpwis to tllP. ,.lp.ction of Ii Polic~' PfttrolJU'1.n Iir.Q ';r,')._,.:;i_l"'-Vl Chmubprl;"in "-nd D"-GCptt w,c,rA FlPPO:1I'cI,,"l tpl1,'1's Fi?'iCt :B'1.1lot: ,Johnson 1, CF\l1tr(,ll 3, A11p.rr;1'm 2 SAcon<:l Br-;.llot: C9.ntrp.l1 l~, Ald'-'rmR.n ;J rci c." ?:',-:yvI' ,lp.cl'1.1",'.i W. R. ('Hntr"ll nl'I-,nint;C>cl p('}tC:f> pl'-1trolrn<',n. ---, , iJ 1 RMF(~ I I I 0Ql '--"J~ Mir.)tt;"!:J of' +,h,., Mp'pti"1C of Novp'm'r,p;r 3, 1]15, ~onti,r'vP 'l. Tl1p. Firp eormnittA:' J"AcomJr.p.n-:'lp1 thFlt tlJ~ l'luppltf's Nit.h the- P.z:~""ption of th~ ChRJ!1ic"tl PYlC;:; '<>. '-Ink"'l. for by t \'\P. fir'" 'l'-'phrt:r:, r' 1';1l:r,,::r~p.o,q1. CCJlt!.~i.l[:'~n..r~ D,I"tC,CAtt, ~::,p"~orr1("l by COl.tnc-iln.p':;..n :norg~n, .mov-'As th"1.t P.. :~t~"';J,.:::":"::~_':1.)n 11~~ l~Gl.,~'~~.1 ~:or ~:,fti'1 ;:;upp1ic'8 ~1.n"i SFJ:":i';;:; t.::. or'l"~.r(~d +-r'oS:1 t1'1f~ TJ~tt~~'i St'1-tt~~~ "R" A 1) t'.:::.:r 00;'[1.11 h.fl,Y : 'Mot:.):. ;;'/lr~'if'-:l ''lr'.'l t"l" Cl'~r}~ 1'l'-l.e in8trU.~tMi to Ic~l~W' th~ ;'f'>(luiHition. :o'xricil~rjJil1 CriiwfoJ".l, s"con'ip.1 by ::ouJL~i1m/',n n".CGptt, !!laVAS thp. "ldol'Ll,ol'l '-/ of' ::1:f! follo';':inc rl-'lJo1ut:i,nn: 'ivl:"r."l~ tliA I,iC11t 80mmjttAA re\IJo~.t thFLt four GlustAr li.C;lJt 1108tS h:lVA '\:"'-I:n inst"l.llf'!d at thf\ l"xpen::w of thA lot O-;illPrs :~t thf'l cornp.:r's of Fou:r:h .\vp.nup. '1.n'1 '!v'1.shini!. on 3t.rP',~t, ...rcd., WhRrp.'1.8 trIP. cost of inHt"".11i.~iC; sai.l polp.ll dlJ:nun"Jl'l tQ ILwi 'NftS PM.j i by t~m 9~rtipG ~D hHrp.iuR!tp.r HPt fort~, to-wit: c. T. ~~eep.tt $ 1)6.60 \v};it+,lmorH ,~, Mf1.rr;u.1AiJ 1->6.60 D. C. BroNnA1l Jr. 136.60 CL."trl,"::; Tp. c klp.r;l\.,r[:; 136.60 TotBl 5~6.~o FO':l Tl'Jp.r~fo:rp. Of! it P.""1l)li'{"1 TbHl ~hfl Town of' SAw"rd buy thP.DR posts at such ~l. timp. fU3 it sh.'111 bu;l' fillY strf"> t Ip"'1Jl; {)Out:l Rn:5Cll',.t. i on c'lrJ'ip,1. TllA Clprk now ,'p.'vis tl1p. ficrf!<>Jn'>nt f!xp.cutA1 by .Tofl.n E. Bfil1!'!.in!'l for th!~ p'-\.:nu;-mt of his t'l....\AG flJ11 on motion 81'\.1.(1 Ft8rp.n::nf!nt waf.' l<d'l OlJ'!'lr until t:li: :0-" 'xt !liP-At i'1(;. Thp. Clp.rk now rMtds thf! bond of W~ltp.r not;-jflAc in whi,::h thf! Std:1 "l{.qltp.r RotJ!fus prordsp.:3 ~nd ~l3r"'f!:3 to i.ip,mnify thp. T~':l" of S.'Wftr'i from 9.11 cost$ that micht ~risp. from th~ issui.nc to L'Lm of I'li 'lUlllicnt,"! of Gl'm~:rl'l.l li'und WnrrFm~. of thR Town of S!'!vm.r>1 Numb,,:; 1')76, dat"Q 3(-lpt~wbpr 20, 1915, 'uvl pn.yr~blp. to ihR o:r'l,~r of thA 311.i1 Wl1.1t!1r RothftHI nue1 for thp. SWIl of Sl'!Vp.ntA'~l1 '\n1 50/100 'loJ l'l,:ro P.D t whATAin thp. 8Rid 'N~1 tl'lr Rothfu2 Rllp.i:;A13 J t:-ln,t lO,d1 oric;i.n."'~ w~r:rf1J1t num'oA:r 1076 Wfi$ I'l.cei'iAnt"1.11y dAl:lt,ro.:.,;~..l 'md :3Hi1 bo:r.'i qX(.',~utp.d 'b;y 'N'.ltA:!" Rothfus I'\;!ld :I. Rothfu;;> 'r,Fll"inc bAAn rAl1.d: CounGilrn,1.J'J 1)F'C;GAtt, sp!cor.l'lprl 'cy CouncilmFtn Chovin, rnOlJ'I'Hl t1'Y~T,UI!~ bond bA ii:::-',"!.?t~d IUld 1'111-1.i '1.n1 tTJat thR CIA:rk bA tnstr1),(~':,'d to jsS\.l(; :i< iupliCI1.7.": \'lnJ',';c,t No 1076 in thp. 81Wl of $ii'TfmtAp.n ,mri ')()11;;~! lollf1.rd to W~ltAr Rothfus . !hotl(J.~l cH.rrt~(i 1Ulr1 th", Cl".rk \V-elS instru.::t.p. 1 to hHlUA t},l" ~"'.rra.nt. Or, motion of COU1wilrr'l.L '[)'1.CC.,tt, spcordp.1 by COIJ.nci ImhYl Chovir.. tI](~ Clprk \'nu: i,J13tructA1 to strikp fror:! tl,f\ :'>l.X roll thA fol1owJna: Pac'" )~2 'Linp 15 $7.50 .qrr':>J', no l.ut 15 in Sl'l.i,i bloc]e P'l.C? 67 Lint'! 28 14-.00 Drpsb9.ch & Co l'JJllbl'l1' h'-l.vinc bf"~n movprl. PA.GF: 65 J.inF! 28 1. 00 C{~bi~ on bf'>iWh hl1.vine hpl~n !nOVA':!. I'md cr",'iit thp. 'l'J"A'U'l1U'Pl" with thp. lUJJount '22.50. ThF! profilp. m~ps of Firut to 3p.vFmth AvpnuA:3 WArp. or.lF!rF!,i fi lAd. Cou;-,cilm>\h CnoVi:-1, :Jp.Gon'ipl by Cou:ncilm'1.Jl 'BorGRn, UlOVAS thftt tl1p. rf'>2i(}1lf\.1iio. of th!'\ City Enc;inp,'r bp. accF!ptp.1 >1.nd tl1A officf'! bA ':h~cll'l.r",d v'1.cfl.nt. Motion ei\rril'!d. CClut;eilrnFln Crf1.wfol"'l, spcon1p.i by CounGilm",-n Chovin, mOVRS thi'it 11. Wfi.l'Tl'l.nt bA iS3UF!d to thp. City Eneino.l~l" for his sFll'1.ry to 'latA a!1d thp. ClArk w",s 382 lUm.\tAs of thl'l lliRRtinll); of thA Com."1lon CouLci1. of Nov~mbA:r 8, 1')15, Cor4tinl.\~':i. instruc:t"l'i to cl~ll tb'l roll with thp. fOllo':-},'1t:= !'Rsult: Ay~s: Counci1mFffi :RorB!'!n, Cb'UIlbArl'ti:'l, CrlOvin, Crfiw:'o!'(l, Dfl.egp.tt, !Ullj Mayo!' MYf!:rs A1:),Hmt H,Yii not votine CoulLGilmFln Younes IirFl t}..f~ M,.yor ,1'~GlltJ'..d thl'! motJo:, i~"tr:riA'i. On motion Council ~ijournA1. 4/~ -$~,,~~~t~ ~hP. Council and Ex-officio Cornman Mfl.Yo)" . MunicipF41 ClArk. ~ , ~ 'I , " 1 R ~;l fJjI p ~ ,', I I I I / 00'1 -: '~, ...... L2(J~" 1l;t'11t",,, of th~ R~gul'U" m~~ting of th~ Common Council of thA Town of thA Town of Sp.w~rd, Al~sk~, hAld NOVAllibAr 15, 1915. MARting c~llAd to orlAT ~t 8 ~.m. by Mayor MyArs. All m~mbArs pTAsAnt Axc~~t Councibn~n Youngs. HinutAs of thA inFlAting of NOVHlIlOFlr 3, 1';115, WArA rfl~d and approvfHi. ThA COlIllnunic>\tion of J. H. Homia in rAfATflncfl to school sitA w~a TAall and rAfArrAd to thA School COlIlloittAA. ThA bond of C. E. B>\dA with thA National Surflty Com~~ of N~w York, as SUTAty, in thA sum of ThrflA Thousand FivA HUlldrAd Dollars conditioned that thAs~i1 C. E. B...dfl WAll and truly p>\y for all l~bor donA upon and for all m~tATil,l furn1shA'i in such illiprOV~llip.nts undAT thl'l.t ~ain contract AntArfld into bAtwflAn J. P. MantAll, p>\Tty of thA~A p~rt, assignor of C. E. BadA, and thfl Town of SAwRrd,party of thA othflr pRrt, on thp. 25th day of .TunA, A. D. 1915, thAn thA abovA obliaation to bfl void, othArwisA to TAmain in full forcA and flffAct. was rAad by thA ClArk and thA ~ffldavit of C. E. BadA th~t hA is thA assignflA of all thA intATAst of J.P. MantAll in R.lld to that cATtain contrfl.ct AntArAd into i'fl 1;'.'lAAn thA s~id J .P.MantAll and thA Town of SflwH.rrl, on thA 25th., dRY of .TunA, A. D. 1915; that 11.11 work and improvAlliAnts spAcifiAd in sfl.id contr~ct h~VA bAAn complAtp.d in ~ccord~cA to thA plans and spAcific~tions SAt forth in said contract; th~t all W~AS dUA ~d p~ab1A for l~bor pArformAd upon s~id work arp. ful~ paid, ~nd that no outstfl.ndinji cl~ims for l"l.bor rAnHin unsatisfiAd; that 1'l.11 ml'l.tp.TiR.l of , AVf!ry kind and naturA uSAd in and about thA construction undAT thfl abovA-mAntionAd contrl'l.ct aTA ful~ pa~d for, and that thATP. arA no out8t~ldinji cl~ims thArp.for, was rAad by thp. ClArk Councilman Chfl.ll1bArl~in, sAcondAcl by CouncillliR.ll Chovin, mOVAB that thA bond bA ~ccflptAd and that thfl bond fl.lld affidavit bA fi1Ad fl.lld fl. waTr~1t bA issuAd to C. E. BadA for thA sum of . ~107.68 bRlancA dUA or... :3,;.id contr~ct and thA Clflrk W"l.S instructA1 to cf\.ll thA roll with tIlt'! followiUB; rA8ult: AYAS: ';;ouncilrnlol.n Bor~An, Chfl.ll1bArlain, Chovin, Crlol.wford, D~eAt t fl.lld MH.yor MyArs AbsAnt and not voti~; Councilman Youngs; and thA !Lfl.yor dAclll.rlrl thA mot ion carTiA.i R.lld thA ClArk WRS instruct<'!1 to iaauA thA w~rrl'l.llt. Thfll cOllllllunic>\tion of D. S. WhitfiAld in rAfATAncA to lliakina llil1.p of To.v.n w~s rAl'l.d and TAfArrAd to thA StTAAt CownittAA. ThA agrAAlliAnt R.lld chAck of John E. Balll'l.inA WI1.S rAfArrAd to thA finaneA co~~ittAA nnd fl.ttornAY. ThA proposAd ordinancA granti~ to S. M. Grl'l.ff a tAIAphonA franchisA WI'l.S TAad sAction by sAction R.lld laid OVAr until thA nAxt mAAti~. ThA lJroposAd orUinl1.llCAS pTohibitin~ thA postina of sians on P01ASI' AtC. ~1 thfl rAgulatini of AIActric dAvicAS WArp. rAad by titlA and laid OVRT until thA nAxt mARtini. TIlA folJowing cll1.ims WArA TAad by by thAffinancA committAA: HRrry Brown . l.05 S.L.ColwA11 1.00 Jobn MadsAn 68.00 SAWI1.Td S~W Mill Co. 1~.50 thA ClArk, SA.OlA having bAAn flpprovAd RAttA1Is KodRk StorR c. E. B~(lA .r.B.SlatAr H. Rfl.dki 1.50 4-107.68 ~.oo ~.oo 384 Minut~s of thA MAAtine of NovAmbAr 15, 1915, ContinuAd. Councilman Bor~~n, s~condAd by Councilman Cr~wford, mOVAS th~t thA cl~ims bA approvAd an~th~t w~rr~ts bA iSSUAd to thA p~rtiA9 n~Ad .for thA rAspActi~,.;~thA ClilAf'k'w~B"instructAd to c~ll thA roll with thA followini rAsult: AYAS: Councilman BoriAn. Ch~bArl~in. Chovin, Cr~wfor'l, D~CgAtt and. M~yor MyArs F, AbsAnt flJ:ld not voting: Gouncilmp.l1 YO~8, 1l.ll1 thA J,('lYor dAcl'U'Ad thA motion adoptAd and thA ClArk was instructAd to issuA thA warrants. Councilmll.ll BoriAn of thA fin~nc~ con~ittAA l"AportAd th~t thA School Boar;:! h;;,d ~rAAd. to PFliY ~ll b i.lls for inciliAnt~l AxpAnSAS for rApai:rs and suppliAB for sohools. Councilm~n D~gAtt ~sks th~t thA mA.ttAr of thA purch~sA of thA hM.tine pllUlt for th~ School Buil<iine bA hAlti in abAyancA and said rAquAst was arfLlltAd.. CouncilrnlUl Crawfor.l l"Aports th~t thA SAWAr in Block 9 h~d bAAn AXtAUtiAti ~c:ross Ad.fUllS St:rAAt to thA ~llAY in Block 16 IU1d thFl.t thA wo:rk hf\.d bAAn complAtAd. On motion of Councilmf\.n Crf\.wford, sAcondAd by Councilmf\.ll D~CAtt. thA AttornAY w~s instructAd to 1ismiss thA Cf\.SAG in thA Kunic~p~l Cou:rt f\.CA.inst S. M. Grf\.ff fLlld PAtAr And.~rson. On motion of Councilmf\.n D~6Att. sAcondAd by Councilman Crf\.wford a W~l"rfl.llt was o:rdAl"Ad iSSUAd. in favor of W.D.CoppArnoll for Fifty Dollars to dAfr~ AxpAnsAs in p:r~sAntini thA DAlinquAnt TFl.X Roll for thA YAA.r 1915, to thA District Court, ~l m~bAr8 pr~aAnt votine in fFl.vor of sFl.1d motion and thA ClArk w~s instructAd. to iSSUA thA warrfLllt. Councilman Chovin, sAcond.Ad. by CouncilmFUl Cra.wford, mOVAS that Mr WinstAd.t bA allowAti fifty doll~rs for his pllUls for tllA rApairilli of thp. School Buildini: Motion lost CounailmFUl D~6Att, sAcontiAti by CouncilmlUl Chovin, roOVAS that Kr WinetAdt bA allowAd jhirty fivA doll~8: Motion lost. ThA StrARt ao~nittAA was inatructAti to pla.cA clA~ts on thA app:rochAs to thA concrFltA s1.lp.walks at thA cornArs of Fourth and Rl'\.ilwa.y Av'~nup.s. Councilma.n DacgAtt OrfArFld his :rAsi~na.tion as a mAmbAr of thA SChool COllllllittAA. ThA ~rAAmAn~ of John E. Ba.lll'\.inA in which hA uncondition~l~ ~rAAa and. Wa.iVAS all ri~ht to protAst th~t if hA dOAS not p~ thA full ~ount of 1'1.11 tFl.XAS dUA to thA Town of SAward from him,at a timA bAforA thA tWAnty fou:rth d.~ of DACAmbAr 1915, the saiti Town shall ha.vA full r1~ht anti powAr to procAAd ~A.1nst his propArty in ma.nnAr and form a.s prA8cr1- bAd. by thA 1~w8 of thA TArrito:ry of Al~ska. and thA Ordina.ncAS or sa.id Town a.s if no dA1a.y had bAAn occa.sioned by virtuA of thA Bald a&rAAmAnt w~s accAptAti and. ordArFld filAd and. thA ChACk accompani~ samA for thA sum of $632}.OO ..aRd,DAcAmbAr 15, 1915, was ordArAd dApositAd with thA Munic:ipa.l TrftaSUrAr. lBMFc I I I 0Qh" 0-.J ..J Kinut~s of thp. MAAti~ of NOVAmbAr 15, 1915, ContlnuAd. COUT"cilmlUl Crawford, 9ACOIl'iA'i by Councilm!ln D~CAtt, mOVAS th.f1.t thA Municip~l AttornAY OA grsmtAd .f1. six WAAks lA!lVA of .f1.bSAnCA from smd .f1.ft~ thA first df\JT of DACAIllbAr 1915, fU1d thA.t "l. Wf1.l"rant bf! dr"l.Vln in f"l.vor of Wm. D. CoppArno11 for thA sum of DnA hundrAU fU1d fifty doll!lrs for AxpAnsAs~ nnd thA.t hA OA givAn crAdAnt.il'\.ls as rf!prflsAtinai: thA Town of SAw!lrd, !lnd thAt 'W."D..CoPPAJ"ne11', our" city: AttQrnay, bflin&' f\.bout. toO '<J.Apart. for: thA City of W!lshinaton"D. 0.; And it ~ppA.f1.Tina ,t~t,~ttArs of vital import to thA Town of SAw!lrd ml'\.Y dAvAIPRA with offic11'\.ls of thA UnitAd StatAB GovArnmAnt, IT IS TliEREFORE ORDERED thl'\.t. the llunic:ip"l.l CLArk cArtHy undAr thA corpOr!ltA 8A~ thl'\.t thA said wm. D. CoppArnoll is fully A.uthorizAd smQ: 'AmpOWAri'ld to rApr~1l3Ant. thfl Town of SflwA.r1 in 11.11. m!lttArs thf\t. mf\Y or might arisA, ~ivi~ ~d grl'\.nting to him full powAr to f\ct in mA.nnAT f\B hA ah!lll SAA fit. ~d thA ClArk Wf\8 instructflQ to CA.11 thA roll with thA following rA8ult AYAs: Councilmsm Borg4'ln,. Chl'\.ll1bArlain, Chovin, CrA.wf'ord, Dfl&CAtt. And Ml'\Yo T My fir s Absflnt I'\.nd not votl~: Councilman Youngs; fU1d thA MA.yor dp.clflJ"Ad thp. motion f\dOptA'i ~d thA CLArk Wf\S instructAd to drf\w thA WA.rrfU1t And th.~ crAd.AntiA.ls. On motio~~adjOUTnA1 ~. lolunicip"l.l ClArk. ~) t> /J11 [/, ~ PTp.sidAnt of thA Common Council "l.nd Ex-officio lol~or. 386 MinutAs of thA mAAtine of thA Common Council of thA Town of SAw~rd, Al !'l.Sk!'l.', hAld. NovAmbAT 22, 1915. .--------- ---._----- ----- ------.-.---------- -----.--.-------- ~AAtin~ c~llAd tQ ordAr by M~or ~ArB Rt 8 p.m. All mAmbAra prAsAnt AXCApt Councilm~ You~s. ThA M!'l.yor st!'l.tA1 th!'l.t thA mAAtint: h!'l.d bAAn c!'l.llAQ for thA purposA of cons11Aring thA m~ttArs in connAction with thA TAIAphonA franchisA ordin~cA ~nd AxtAnding thA tiroA of prAsAntin~ thA dAlinquAnt tRX roll to thA district court. Councilm~ BorgAn, sAcondAd by Councilm~ Ch~bArlln, mOVAS th~t thA SAw!'l.rd Llaht ~d POWAT Comp~ bA notifiAd th~t thA Public School bui11i~ on aAcond. A.AnuFI bAtwAAn W!'l.shin"ton FUld Ad.ouns strAAta, is withou.t Allllctric li~hts IUld by rA~son thArAof thFl s!'l.id. school is un~blA to cont1n~A'it8 rAiulRr hOUTS of stu~ and. to TAqUAst s~id. CompR.nY to inst~11 thA nAcAss~ry currAnt to furnish s~id. bui1riins with prop"'r 11~ht1na sfIJrvicFl ~t thA A~TliAst possiblA momAnt no~ to AXOAAd tAn ~8 from d!'l.tA hArAof and in ~ccordftnoFl with thFl frlUlchisA und.Ar which s~1d com'p~ 1s opArf\ting in thA Town of SAw~rd: and till. s~ld. motion W!'l.S C!'l.rriAd ~ll mAmbArs prAIHmt voti!'li; in f~vor thArAof, IUld thA AttornAY WRS instructFld to drf\w up sf\id noticF\. '""-- CouncilmFUl D!'l.GBAtt, sAconriAd by Councilman Crf\wford, mf\kAS thA following motion, to-wit: Th!'l.t thFl df\tFl of prp.sAnt!'l.tion to thA District Cou~ of thFl Third Division of thA TFlrritory of Al~k~, of thA dFllinquAnt tRX roll of rAA.l propArty in thA sf\id Town of SAw!'l.r'l for thA YA!'l.r 1915,bA Ch~Ad . to FAbruf\ry first 1916 FUld th~t thF\ Mun1cip!'l.l ClArk givA noticA in thA oftial!'l.l p!'l.pAr thf\t on thA s~i1 first d~ of i'ftbruf\ry 1916 or ~s soon thArA~ftAr f\S counsAl m~ bA hA~rd, SAi1 1Alin~Ant t~-roll will bA prAsAntAd to 8&i1 Court, !'l.t V!'l.ld.Az, Alf\sk~, for f\djustmAnt !'l.nd or~Ar of S~lA, s!'l.id. notieR to bA publishftd 6noA ~wAftk for four consAcutivft WAAka: Motion c&rriAd f\ll mftmbA~S prASF\nt voting in f!'l.vor thArAot FUld thA ClArk w~s instruetAd to publish thA notieA. On motion of Councilmf\n Chf\WbArl~in, sAcondAd by GouncilmRn D~gAtt, thA StrAp.t CommittAA W~S instructp.d to inst~ll ~ fiTA hydr~t ~t Thir4 f\Od MAM strAAts in thA TArwin!'l.l !'l.ddition. ThA ClArk W!'l.S instructAd to r.qUAst thA Al~skf\n EneinAAring Commissian to supply thA Town with f\ copy or bluA print of thA I1lftip of thfl If\nds bAloniing to thA GovArDmAnt in thA incorpor~tAd limits of thA Town. --- ! ThA Municipf\l AttornAY W!'l.S instructAd to notify thA Alf\sk!'l. EIActric Comp~ th!'l.t thft polAs on thA Fourth Av~nuA linFl, bAtwAAn Wf\shington 'und Ad!'l.IDS strAAts ~A in b!'l.d cond~t10n f\nd df\niAroue to lifA and 11mb, and to forwith mf\kA thA S!'l.IDA S&fA in p.vAry p&rticul~, f\nd BAA thA '---SfUIlA f\rA propArly br&CAd f\nd iUf\rdAd or rAmoVAd. ThA proposAd ordin~nCp.3, to-wit: Gr!'l.nting TAIAphonA frf\nchisA to S. M. Gr~ff, prohibiting thA posting of signs on polAS Ate., and thA TAe;ulfttine of AIActric dAvicAs WATA l!'l.id OVAr. On motion Council f\djouruAd. ~ M:~ ClArk. ;jl ~.I).(' [P' LA / lIt} '-' j '0_ prAsidArei of thA Common Council FUld. Ex-Officio ~or. 1BMFe I I I 0~17 J'') Minutfls of thA RAgulR.r mAP-tine of thp. Common Council of thA Tovm of SAw~r1, AIR.skR., hAld DAconillAr 6, 1~15. MAAtil16 CR.IIAd to or'l.>1' I'I.t B p.m. by Mfl,Yor MyArs. All /[jAmbArs yrA3Ant AXCApt COUHcilflll'l.H Younr;s. MinutAs of thR mAAtings of NOVA!l!bp.r 15 Fllld 22 WArp. 7"p.I-I..i R.n-,i fi.yprovAd. s. O. MorfoT,j f\ppp.fi.7"P-d bAforA thA Council I'I.nd. Stf\tAd. t.hR.t f\S f\ttornp.y for thfl O\V!lArs of thp Po1'md tT>iCt hA would p,q,y thA t'l.XAS ,q,ssp-ssp-d A.gFl.inst sli.id. tri1.ct for thf\ yp.f\r 1915 fmd thp. f\dVflrtisane costs provi'1Ad. thp- Council would Tflbf\tp. thp. pAn,q,lty find. intArAst. Coun;::i1Jn>u1 ChlUllbArl,q,in. 9AcondAd by Councilrnfi.n CrJ'\.wforI1, nlOVRS thA fl.doption"of thp. follQwine rAsolution: Rp.solvAd, thR.t thA MunicipFl.l Trpf\surAr bA f\J:ld hA hArAby is fl.uthorizAd f\nd instructAd to ,q,CCApt thA sum of Six hundrp.d 10l1R.TS thA ,q,mount of tf\XA3 dup. ,q,gfl.inst thA PolR.nd tract as thA S/unA f\ppAf\TS on thp. dRlinquAnt tn.>:: roll "for thA YAli.r 1915, of thA Town of SAwl1.rd, Alfl.skJ'\., plus thl'! cost of I1.dvArt!sing slUIlp.,in full for sf\id tf\XAs;f\J:ld thA pAnl1.1ty R.nd intArAst Ch.'t.1'gA.i ftgf\inst sf\1d trl'\.ct on sf\id tl\X roll lUIlounting to thA. sum of thirty six 'lo11,q,rs bfll rAbr.t<'!d. Councilmf\l1 DI'\6BfIltt f\sks th~t 51\1d rAsolutioll bA rp.f~r~~1 to th_ Municipl\l 'AttornAY, nOi sfIlcond" thfllrfllsolut1on w~s A.doptAd all mfllmbp.rs prp.sI'ont voting in fl1.vor of !HUllP.. Th(~ proyosp.d or\lin~ncA grl'U1ting to DArrick LIUlA thA right to construct and. OpArA.tA R. public 'iock Wf\S rAf\d by thA ClArk and. rAfArrfl(i to thA str"'~1t committAA IU1d MuniCipal Atto1'w'1Y. CowlCi1mJ'\.u ChI1J'Ilbpr1fi.iu, spcondA'i by Councilman BorgAl'l, mOVAS thA adofltion of thA fOllowing rAsolution: RAsolv"!d, that O..J.Y'mPAlt 01'0, 1U11 hA is hArAby AmploYR!:! to rAlJrAsAnt thf! Town of Sp'w;jrd as ,q,ttorUl~y in fl.11 civil and. criminfl.1 prosAcutions in which thp. Town of 8A\'I'1.1"1 is intp.rF<stp.ti, f\l1d. to GiVA ,q,dvicA to thA Corillnon Cou~cil R.nd thA othp.r Town officif\ls in rfllfArAncA to thAir offici,q,l dutiA9 And. to pArform such OthA1' dutiAS a.s thA Common Council m,q,y di1'Act,during thA p.bsAncA of Municiyal Attor-nAY W. D. COIJpArnoll; thfll compAnsfition for such sArvicAs to bA pR.i'i by Municipl'l.l AttornAY Cop},lArnoll. An'i thA ClArk Wf\S inst:ruct!'ld to CR.J.l thA 1'011 on thA tViollti(.m of sfl.id rA\301utlon with thA following rflsult: AYAS CouncilmlU1 BorgAn, ChlUllbArlR.in, Chovin, Crfi.wforrl, Dl1.ggflltt, R.nd 1hyol' MyAra Absf!nt ~nd not voting: CouncilILlIU1 Youngs" R.nd t];.~ 'Mf\Yo1' 'iAcl,q,rAd thf'! rAsolution f\doptAti I1.nd O. .J. Yf\J:l Pf'!lt fi.ppAfl.l'Ad bAforl'! thp. Council I'I.nd I'I.CCAptAQ thA position /'I.nd tAA ml'tffilfllr of thA pl\Y1llp.nt of tllA coml1AnSf\t ion thArAfor. Thl'! proposA,i or(lin~nCA rflBull'l.ting thA USA of AIActric <l,AvicAS W'1.S rp.l'\.d sp.~t~on by sAction fi.J:ld 00 motion of Councilm'1.n ChR.mbAr1~in,sAqo~dA1 by CouncilrfllU1 Chovin. thA wor.) tAn' in linA fivA sAction four of sfl.id ordinfi.J:lcp. w~s ChliJlt];rvl to fiVl'l, I'I.nd said ol'din~nCA' Wf\S l'AfArrfld ,to thA Mu..'1icillF\l AttornAY for his opinion on sActions 2. IU1d 3. Ord1n;WCA No ~3 WI1.S rAI'\.1 vArb~tim by thA ClArk fi.J:ld on motiom of Counci:Lmfi.J:l Chfl.lllhArlfi.in, sRcondA'i by Council'lll'l.o'. BorgAn, t}]P. word t1'!n in thA sAcontJ. p"1.rfl.Brfi.ph of sI'\.i1 ordinl1.l'lCp. Wfl.8 Chf\l'lgAd to fiv!'!. Councilman Df\ggAtt, sAcon'lA'l by CouncilmlUl CrFl.wfor'l, mOVA9 thfl.t thA words "without h~ving rAcAivAd pArmission from thA propp.r ~uthoritiAs" bp. insArtAd H.ftf'lT thA word A1I'I.s.kf\ in thp. first pf\l'l'\6rR.ph of sfl.id or'linlU1cA Motion cfl.rril'ld. 388 ltinutfHI of thA MAAting of DAcAmbAr 6, 1915, ContinuAd. ----------------------.---.-------.------.-------.----- Councilm~ Ch~bp.rl~in, sAcondAd by Councilm~n Chovin, movqa th~t thA Ordin~ncA No. 43, ~s IUIlAndp,.i bl'l p~ssp.d ~l1d ~Pl)rovA,i IU1d thA ClArk w~s inatruct~.i to c~ll thA roll with thA following rqault: AyAS: Councilm~n BorgAn, ChlUllbArl~in, Chovin, Cr~wfor(l, D~eAtt, I\nd Mfl.Yor MYAra AblHmt ~nd bot voting: Councilm"l.l1 Youngs; ~d thA Mfl.Yor dAcl~rAd thA Or1in'l.11CA No 43> p~saAd IU1d I\pprov"ld IU1d thA ClArk w~e instructAd to publiSh SfUlIA by posting thrf!A COpiAS in thrAA public pl~cp.a. T!:f~' following cl~imB hfl.ving bAAn ~pprovAd by thA fin~cA committAA WArA rA~d by thf! ClArk: W. T . Luc'ts t 75. 00 w.m.D.CoppArno11 100.00 J.H.Romig 100.00 RobArt GUAst 150.00 W.R.C~ntrA11 73.35 M.A.Ho:rnPT 50.00 Ch~s. Johnson 58.00 Ch~s. EmswAilAr 4.00 Tom FinnAg'l.11 1.00 Arthur Spp.kkAr 1.00 ChiAf FirA DAp~rtmAnt 18.00 Al~skfl. Tr~sfp.r Co. 17.10 Counci1m1lJ1 Crfl.wford, sAcondAd by bA app:rovAd IU1d thf\.t WR.JrTlU1ts bA rASpActivA lUIlounts IU1d thA ClArk followh16 rflsult: AYf!:3: Councilml'lll BorgAn, Chl11ubArlain, Chovin, CrawfoTrl, D~gAtt and Mfl.Yor MyArs AbsAnt and not voting: Councilm~ Youngs; ani thA Mfl.Yor dAclf\.rAd thA clailns I1.pprovAd and thA ClArk W~S instructAd to iSSUA thA wl\rrlU1ts. ;I/o SAwfl.ri Wfl.tAr & POWAT Co. $ 100.00. SAw"l.rd Ligllt & POWA:r Co. 44.05 Alftskn EIActric Co. 5.00. A1minJstratoT DickArml1.11 Est. 5.00 W.T.Lucas 25.00 S.L.Co1wAll 3.50 Post PubliShing Co. 223.20 COD~ArG~ Cl\fA l.OO Brosius & Noon 2.27 SAw"l.rd HAWS Co. .80 BoreAn GroGp.Ty 1.25, Chovin Supply Co. 3.85 Councilman Chovin, mOVAS that thf! claims iSSUAd to thA pl\rtiAs n~Ad for thA w~s inst:ructAd to call thA roll with t~A - I ThA rAport of thA Municip"l.l ClArk I1.11d Mfl8istratl't for thA month of NovAmbAr 1915 W"l.S rAl\d,showing rAcAipts "l.S follows: Fin~s ~d forfAiturAs .150.00 FAAO for Building PArmita .50 .150.50 S~A WftS orQATAd filAd. ---- r ThA ClArk :rAad thA noticA to thf! SAwl1.rd ElActric L1ght & PowAr Company \ rAquAatil16 B~id comp.<U1Y to furnish lights in thA school hOUSA 1\ copy of which had bARn SArvAd on PrAsidAnt Grl\ff of sI\1d CompRnY. Councilrnan DaggAtt, RAcondAd by Councilm"lon Ch"l.IDbArl"l.in, MOVAS th"l.t thA mattAT of lighting thA school building bA rAfArrAd to thA Light CommittAA i fl.nd that sl\id cormnittAA confAr with thA Municip"l.l AttornAY and thA School BOl1.rd and 81\id CommittAp. bA AmpowArAd to t~A thA nAcAssary "l.ction to cornpAll thfl Alaska EIActric Light & POWAr CompRnY to furnish light for thp. school housA I r Motion carTiAd. , ~ ThA ClArk rA"l.ds thA noticA "l. copy of which had bAAn SArVAd on thA thA PrAsi1An1 of thA Alqsk~ riActric CompRnY, in TAfATAncA to thA polAs on Fourth AVAnUfl tUld Councilm>Ul Chovin rAports thFtt thA dAm~nd contstinfld in said noticR h"l.d bAAn compliAd with. ThA Fin~cA CouwlittAA rAports thfl.t thA TrA~8urAr had TACAivAd notiCA th~t thA funds to P"l.Y thA chAck of J.E.B"l.11ainA h"l.d bARn 1Apositp.d in SAl1.ttlA "l.11d that thp. ChACk had bAAn dApositAd to thA crAdit of thA City -. " 1 BMFr\ I , ( " , I' I ",',"9 J'-,....:\.. ,-'J Minut~s of thA MAAting of DACAmbAr 6, 1915, Continu~d. ----..-----.- --.--"---.-- ~--- ,-~--- >----.--- ._-_._..~-----~._--~- On motion duly m~dA ~d sanriAd thA TTP.~BUTAT W~B ~uthOTizAd to is SUA thA T~ ftp.cAipts,in ~ccoTd~ncp. with thA ~rp.Am~nt on filft,to 3'. E. B~ll~inft ~s soon ~B Tl'!turns on 8~id ChAClt WATft r"'cAivAd. fUld th~t thA s~id ~gTAAml"lnt bp. cfUlcf\ll~d", uI,on thA TP.CAipt of tl'JA mOllAY. On moti~~~il ~djOUrnAd. ~~l'Irlt. IU'ld c: fi ~)) ];; ( 7/'__ / Prp.sidAnt of ihA CoralJ1on F..x-officio 1hl.yor. Council '..{ 390 MinutAs of t};... rAgulRr rn~p.tine of thp. Conm,on CouLcil of th", Town of SAWIU-d, Alftskl\, [lfll11 DAc",mbpr 20, 1915. Council c~llp.d to ord.pr ftt 8 p.m. by MAYor ![yAre. All rn4"lmbp:re prf'lsp.nt p.xcppt Councilmftn Chllmbpr1irl an'i Youngs. MinutpB of thA mp.p.ting of DflIlcf'\m'op.r 6, 1915 WfIlrf'\ r"'ftd And ftftp.r bf\ine , l\IIlf!rl'lp.d to show thftt IICouncilmfUl Dag(';p.tt ftske thA.t sftid. rpoolution bfl , rAfArrp.d. to thfll MunicipRl Attornf'\Y" ~tAr thA rARding of t!JA rp.solution in :r",fp.:rpl1cfll to rp.bfttlne of thA pAnA.lity ~~~nd. lntp.rAst on thA t1\XP.8 on th<1 B01lUld trA.ct, sf-tid. minut!'ls wp.rp. A.pprovl'lr.l.. < .. ..- ThA COlIlIrlunicl\tion of thfl\ All\skft Enginp.fIIring Commission asking for iii. pp.rmit to conBtruct A. lirlA of tp.1f1lphonA polfl8 ftlong thfll st:rP.P.ts of SAwRrfl, was rp.fl.d, Counc ilrr.FU1 Crl\wford of thflll Itrp.p.t Commi ttP!fIl rAports thf~t hfll hRs RXf\lI;irlAd thp. sRid routf"! And rl'lcoI:JIIlfmds thfl.t thp. pflrmit bA gTfl.ntflld, Councllmfil1 Chovin, sAcon1p.d. by CouncilmAn BorgAn, mltkp.8 thl'l following motion: Thfl.t II. pl'lrmi t bfl erlUlt<'!d to thfll AIA.skAn Enginp.p.Ting Conunission to construct ~ linA of tAlf"!phonp. polf"!s along thA strp.p.ts of Sp.wfl.rd, in accoT'iHnCp. wi tb thA following dfllsc1'iption: BAginning at fl. point 125fpI'lt NOTt}'. of thfll North built!ir.g linp. of AdfUIlS ItrMt And '+ ffllll'lt WAst of thfl Ea.st linp of thl'! AllAY, bf'ltwl'lflln Fourth AVl'lnu<'! ~md Fifth AVl'!nuf'l, find runnirlg thp.nc~ Northp.Tly and p~rallfll to R~nd ~.fpl'lt WflSt of thfl ~st linl'l of said- a1] flY A.. dilltfUlCA of 1231 ffllP!t to a point 10 fMt South of thflll NOTth building linA' of MAdison StTl'!At; thp.ncA Aastp.1'ly para.~lftl to, A.nd 10 fAAt .' South of, tl1fl North buil'line 1inA of MA.dis'On StTAP.t a diistfl11cl'l of 1016 fflAt to t}~P. '}lp.st boundary linfll of thp. T4leht-of-wFIY of thA All;.sKa NorUlflrn Ra.ilway, 8ubjf'lct hOWI'lVAT to all thl'l provisions of thA OrdinancA9 of thA TOVln of SAward,Alaska, fU'ld until SftlTIP. shA.11 con!'lict with thA publiC welffl.1'A. Motior, car1'ifld all mAmbA1's pTl'!Sp.nt voting in favor tllp.rp.of. ThA :rl'lBolution gr'1.Iltine thA :rie;ht to Dp.rrick T.."uv' to OJ.AI Lhr.> EI~st~rlv 20 f<=H1t of FiTst AVl'lnUA W'1.8 rl'lad an<:l. T<'!fl'l1'r,d to t.hp Light & Whl'\.rf Coxnmfttf'lfll8 vi ThA PToposp.d or'linfl11cp. Tf'lguIRtill('; thp. UBI'! of p.lt'lct.ric i1fllvicAS Wf1.S 1'p.1'\.<1 IUld on motion Tl'!fArrf'ld b'1.ck to thl'! lie;ht committAl'!. \ Councilrnli.n Borgp.n of thp. Light COlluni tt"'P. 1'l'Iports that thfl cOlillnittf"!A had invflstig'1.tAd thfl ma.ttl'l:r of lighting thA school hOUSM And 1'l'IquAsts thfll I;.cting Municipal AttornAY to makA his TAp01't. Acting Municipal AttornfllY Va.n PAlt rfllports thf1.t hI! had invl'Istigl'\.tAd thA !ilR.ttAr ant! a.dvisAs th... Council. that it is thp. duty of triA School Boar';' to lie;ht thA Schools And to bring any action to compAl thfl EIActric r.ie;ht Comp'\il1Y to lnstSi.Cll lie;hts in thfl school building AXld that hfl ha.d Rdvisp!d thfl School BORT'l to pfl.SS a rp.solution an<:l. sp.rVA noticA on thfl ElAct.ric Comll~ny to furniah lights to thfl School Building. CUTtis MOTfoTd of thp. School BOfl.rd aPPP.fI,J"l'ld bAfor'" thfll Council I\nd a.dmit. tf'\d that it WA.S inconvflnifmt to bA without light!! ant! thl\t tht't progr~ of thA schools hfl.<:l. bRAn ch~Ad on thl\t I\ccount but thl\t thA School BOl\rd <1it! not fAAI inclinl'ld to stl\rt p1'ocp.p.dings to 8ACUTA thA lie}its fTom thA SI"wr-trrl Licht I'\.nd powt'lr Compa.ny And. thftt tht'l School BOI\Td .iit! not fARl ino:linAd to takl'! actior!. Th~ llt'l,ttl'!r was lAft in thA hAXlt!S of th... Lieht Corroni ttt'lA to tPLkfl Buch action as said comnlittAA 1AAmfld nflllcAssary. Councilml\n Crl\\tford, sAcondAd by Councilmf-tn Chovin, mOVAS thA I\doption of thp. following motion: That thA Municipal ClArk bA inetructp.d to publish Ordin~ncA No. 31 in full and to o1'dl"r 2~O COpiAS of S~A printfld lBMF(I I I 'I 391 Minut!'ls of th!'l MI'lP-ting of th!'l Common Council of th!'l Town of Sl'\wf\r::l, Alfl.5k'\, fJI'\11 DACAl'!lbA1' 20, 1915. -.--....-.'.--.---.- -.- - --- .- -..-- --_._- - - _._. --- - - .- ---- . --.. _.- --- ----.--- --------- f\nd thn.t hft publish Sl'lctions 1 - 4 - 6 - 9 to 16 inclusivA n.n1 20 I\n1 21 of O:riinf\ncfOJ 4-2. 1\11 of 81\i1 pub1icn.tions to bl'! ID""d.A in thl'l offici""l pl\ipl'!r ~hp. Al~iskfl. Ev~mjmg Post. Motion c""1'1'i,.':1 :'l.ll mAmbl'!1'3 p1'f!sl'!nt voting in f""vor thf!rflof, lUlU thfll CIMok WitS instruct!'ld to publish SIUJIl'l. II' On motion Council 'l.djournl'ld ~~ Munic~p'l.l ClArk. 8ubjAct to c",,11 of thA Mayor. it' (>{J 'yJ izt0 L. P1'Asidp.Ilt of/~hp. Common ~~d F~-officio Mayor. Council