HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1951-213 r"'C" .- ORDINANCE NO. 213 ..~., AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SEWARD TO CALL AN ELECTION TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT SAID CITY SHALL ACQUIRE ALL ASSETS OF THE SBWARD WATER COMPANY AT A PURCHASE PRICE OF $80.000.00, ALL AS AUTHORIZED BY THB PROVISIONS OF TITLB 48, UNITED STATES CODE ANNOTATED. SECTION 44f · 44i. BE IT ORDAINBD by the Common Council of the City of a.ward, Alaska, as follows: Section I. Pursuant to the Act of Congress approved March 6, 1946, Chapter 62, 60 Stat. 33, (USCA Title 48, Section 44f-44i) whereby municipal corporations in Alaska are permitted to construct, reconstruct, improve, extend, better, repair, equip, or acquire public works of permanent character which may be operated upon a revenue producing basis, a special election is hereby called to be held in the City of Seward, Alaska, on the 17th day of September, 1951, under the provisions of said Act and pursuant to the law6 of the Territory of Alaska and the ordinances of the City of Seward. SAction II. There shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said city, authorized to vote at said election the following proposition: (1) Shall the City of Seward, Alaska for the purpose of acquiring all of the assets of the Seward Water Company, solely owned by Krs. Jean E. Thorne, enter into an agreement with said owner to pay the total purchase price of Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000.00) upon an installment basis in monthly payments of not less than Seven Hundred Twenty Five Dollars ($726.00) per month without interest and without down payment, and for the payment of said purchase prtce to pledge the revenue of said utility and as evidence of such indebtedness to issue bonds or such other security 8S to the Council may be deemed appropriate, and issue said bonds either as a separate series or in combination with other bonds to be authorized for the extension and improvement of said utility all as authorized by the Act of Congress approved March 6, 1946, Chapter 52, 60 Stat. 33, said bonds or other security to be issued by subsequent ordinance or resolution of the Common Council of the _1_ I" Oit, of' a.ward upon aue '.ru, Gon.clltlODe, end .'turni.. ft8 ., b. orde1n.d by 8a1d Gounol1. a..tlQp tllL All quallrl.d yot.ra or .-14 .unlo1pal1t" ..al.'.red In oo.pl1Rftle with the ~dlaaa... ot the 01t, of' ~8rd, .bell b. quel1f'1e4 to yot. 8\ said .1e.tlon nnd peraona tbereot .tbe..l.. qualified to ..t. ~ hay. not reel.'.r.d In ...,11efto. wUb tb. ol"t11R"'DO.. of' 88141 OUy ahaU not be quallfied to ..t.. ~ 'l'b. pollina ph.. for 8..14 eleet1cm .baU b. at the 01', Hall la tbd aeld 01t, of' O.W8rd, uDd tb. poll. .hall b. opea.4 rr_ 1:00 A.II. of _ld ele.tloa d., uatll ":00 ..... or ..14 .,. 8..,~_ ~Io nae 01', OowusU h...", .,pol... .to. .1. Ro...... AUee '. LoI'I&l'.. aad. B,II11 n... a. Juda.. to oemel.., .dd .heUe .t tbe ple.. 8nd U.. 8M 1a tb. __.r beraln e.' t,..,b. aa4 b....It, .ppolat. ill1'l.. Palat.. aftCl B.t', Rt.ft..." .. 81.... of .l.eU... 6H'~. YL. Hotte. of' rIIlld 8l.oUoll aMil be alveI' b, po.Una . wrltha noU.. ......on on the _n.'lA .....rcl of th. 01', Hall of ealel olty. tbe Unlt.d State. Po.t attlo., ~ad at the atrloe ot tbe Al'j.. 1l811...cl Dook In .del olt" .11 of' wblob p18o.. .re bereb, found .Dd 4e.19". t. be OObapl.uoua pl.... withta tbe oOl'JOrete 11.1t. of .Ald olt,. &aid notlo. or .1..'108 aball be po.'.. not 1... than heA', (10) de,. pr-ior to Mid altoUOA. .iI.I1UL!.lL. ~14 DOtloa 8ball b. allaed .., tM .'0. ot ...1el oU, 8U .tt..'" " eM Qlt, O1vac oDd. ..11 be Bubat8nti.n, the tollOlllq tOI'W JtStIlQJ or ~'IQU~ lLM19l! A .pe.l.l e1..'lon wlll be bald 1A tbe Qi', or S...rd, Alaska, Oft ,be 11'h dB, or n.pt..... 19ttl. top the P'U'P". or nlt.UClAa to 'b. qtallrled .ot.... or _ld Qlt)', who 8pe ..gb_r.d oftd qtaUfled to '1ete 1a eHOrdflftO. dtb the orCllnnnoe. of tbe \)U, or 5....d soY.raing eleotlBn8, the follow1n. qu..tion: ~11 ~. on)' of a.waN, Alt>.ka tor the p\1l"po" or .quirinl 811 of tbe ......,. of' ,he 5."."d ~.ter CoaPf'll)', .... r solely owned by Mrs. Jean E. Thorne, enter into an agreement with said owner to pay the total purchase price of ~ighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000.00) upon an installment basis in monthly pafments of not less than Seven Hundred Twenty Five ($725.00) per month, without interest and without down payment; and for the payment of said purchase price to pledge the revenue of said utility and as evidence of such indebtedness to issue bonds or such other security as to the Council may be deemed appropriate, and issue said bonds either as a separate series or in combination with other bonds to be authorized for the extension and improvement of said utility~ all as authorized by the Act of Congress, approved March 6, 1946, Chapter 52, 60 Stat. 33, said bonds or other security to be issued by subsequent ordinance or resolution of the Common Council of the City of Seward upon such terms, conditions, and maturities as may be ordained by said Council. The polling place will be at the City Hall in the Oity of Seward, AlB ska, and the polls will be open from 8:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M. of said day. Thos persons who are citizens of the United States over the age of twenty-one years, who are bona fide residents of the Territory of Alaska, and who have bean such residents continuously during the entire year immediately preceding the election, and who have been such residents continuously for thirty days next preceding the election witpin the corporate limits of the Oity of Seward, who are able to read the Constitution of the United States in the English language, and to write the English language, and who are registered and qualified to vote in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Seward governing elections, shall be qualified to vote at said election. No special registration for this election prior to the date thereof shall be required. If a majority of the voters at said special election S1 all cast their votes in favor of entering into such agreement for the purpose of acquiring, expanding, rehabilitating, improving and extending the Seward Water System, and shall be such vote authorize the expenditure of highty Thousand Dollars ($80~000.00) therefor, then the Council of said City proposes to issue revenue bonds or other security in the sum of ~ighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000.00) secured only by a pledge of the revenue of said utility in the total principal sum of ~ighty Thousand Uollars ($80,000.00), which .3,. r' 0.14 aUIl ahell beor DO lntare.t, 01" tor ouoh PH'" th...eof etlS 'hs 01t~ 00un011 ot the U1t, or ua..rd .., be.. no...o.r, to @ocoap11ah tho pu..po... ot ..ld fll......nt. Thio noU.s h 81van puP8ut\nt to tha ..at ot 001\81"... epPI'OVH ~,...h 8, 1G48, ChRpt.r &2, 60 5tot.33. st.p8d ~i;.~ ~~~~ 'I oii 1'101' Att..' 6..~'OA VUL. Th. ton of the ballot allall oonala' of' tb. question a.t ra' 'h 1n a.oUon II ot th18 ordln8ft... ~ All provlaloba of tbe I... ot tbo Unlt.d ~t8'.. ot ...lee, tbo T...ritor'l ~ A1IlIakft, aaa the ........1 ordlnRno.a ot ,be Clt, ot 'eward r88u1etlnl eleotlon. nod th. 88ftvaaa of ...turas ahall 10V~ the .10.tlon to ba beld unde.. th. prowl.lona ba,..ot. ~OO"Qft X. If tb8 ebo.. propoaltion 08rrlo. at the 8.1d aleotion the Oo.-on ~ouftOl1 .111 tAka fll1 stepa fi.C....r, to 1.,1...at eat. 6sr8amect, to aoquir. 8ftld utili', and to 1.... n......", .0oW'it, tor the pa,..a' tboreot. S.oUoa Xl& Thh ordinance aha11 b. poot.d on tb. bun.Un board ot tb. Clt, Hell, ~eanrd. Al~oko. tor 0 p.rlod or '.ont, (20) $l,. pr1... to dau or alau"t1on. 8nd .maUb. publlabect OMO a .e.k to.. two cone.cutIY. .eeka 1n .. n..apeper ot ..n....l e1l'Oulf1t1on 1n S..ard. S_,!loa Xu... Thlo ordlBDftOe ahull t "ka .tt.., i_dbtel, upon ita p"o.a.e find approval, an e..I"I~ bflvlna b..n d..1aNd. pea.od Itv th.OollaOft Council of t1\. au, fill Ue'tfU'el, At>< .ka, eel epPl'Oved by the d.,OI', an oft tab .,,'" 48, or ~u.., 1951. ~,~<??r . g'~OI1. AU..t ,r,,~~ . ~ I 'I e -4-