HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1951-216 r I I I I I I ORDINANCE - 216 An ordinance of the City of Seward providing for and calling a special election under authority of an Act of Con~ress of 31ld an Act of Congress of '~UGi.1S t 24, 1949 (Public Law 264, 8lst Congress) to submit to the duly qualified electors of said City under sa.id Acts of Congress the proposition of inc1lrring an indebtedness in an amount not to exceed tl~09O.oo Dollars with interest thereon at two per cent (25~) per annum, to purchase from the United states, operate and maintain a sevn'IE~e disposal system for the City of beward and to ~ay to the United states in a nmnner to be mu~ually agr~ed upon a purchase price in the amount of t160.oo0.oo Dollars for said system, to perfonn the obligations imposed by the United states in connection with the purchase of said public works and to pledge the full faith and credit of the City of Seward in payment of said indebtedness, and to issue general obliga- tion bonds or other security bearing interest at a rate not to exceed two per cent (2%) per annum payable semi-annually, all as authorized in said Acts of Congress: VlliEREAS, the City of Seward, Alaska, is duly authorized under an Act of Congress of May 28, 1936, 49 Stat. 13Cl8 and an Act of Congress of August 24, 1949 (p~biic Law 264, 8lst Congress) to enter into an agreement to purchase from the United states a sewage disposal plant provided pursuant to said Act of Congress of August 24, 1949, to pay therefor a purchase price of t110,Ooo.00 Dollars and to incur an indebtedness not to exceed said ~aount, together with interest thereon at a rate not to exceed two per cent (2%) per annum and to issue general obligation bonds with said interest payable semi-annually and to levy taxes, fix and collect charges for services rendered by the public work, to operate and maintain said public work, and to perform the obligations assumed under the agree- ment to purchase, and vrr~REAS, the Act of Congress of May 28, 1936, 49 stat. 138Cl provides that the incurring of such indebtedness shall be authorized pursuant to a vote of not less than sixty-five per cent (65%) of the qualified electors of said city whose n8!ll6S '1ppear on the last tax assessment roll or record for municipal tax purposes in said city at an election called for that purpose, Now, Therefore BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of seward, Alaska: Section 10 A special election is hereby called to be held ~.IIb... in the City of Seward, Alaska, on the _tb day of -. l ~, 1951, pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Congress of May 28, 1936, 49 stato 13ti8 ~ , and an Act of Congress of August 24, 1949 (public Law 264, 81st Congress), the laws of the Territory of Alaska, and the ordinances of the City of Seward, including this Ordinance, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors listed upon the last tax assess- ment roll of said cit y the pJ."oPQliitl1On hereinafter set fer th in Sec- tion 2 hereof. section 2. 'rhere shall be submitted to the fJLl~lified voters of said city aLlthorized to vote at said election in accordance with the requirements of this Ordinance the following proposition: Shall the City of Seward, Alaska, incur an indebted- ness in the sum of Dollars for the pLlrpose of ~cqLlirinc the following public work of a permanent nature: A sewage disposal system to be constructed by the United states of Ame....~c. and sold to the City of Seward at a price not in excess of 'UiO,OOO.OO Dollars, sal d indebtedness to bear interest at a rate not exceeding two per cent (2%) per nnnum, to be evidenced by a project constrLlction and sales agreement between the United States 0_' America and the City of 3eward ,wd to be secured by general obligation bonds or other secLlri ty with interest thereon at the rate of two per oant {2%} per annwn payable semi-annually if the United utates so renLlires, and for the oayment of said bonds or other secunties to pledge the full faith and credit of the City of 3eward, Alaska, and issue said bonds in such form and manner as may hereafter be reqLlired by the United States of .'w.lerica, all as aLlthorized by the Acts of C;;ongress. Section 3. All Qualified voters of the City of Seward whose na~mes appear on the last assessment roll or record of said city for the purpose of municipal taxation and the qudifications prescribed by Sections 38-1-2 and 38-1-8, Alaska Compiled Laws Annotated, 1940, and who are registered in compliance with 'the Ordinances of the City of Seward shall be oLlalified to vote at said election and persons who may otherwise be qualified to vote who have not reeistered in compliance with the Ordinances of said city and whose names do not appear on the last tax assessment roll shall not be qualified to vote. Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Seward shall issue and cause to be published at least once each week in a newsnaner in the City of deward the notice hereinafter provided in this Ordinance and shall post'such notice in three conspicuous places within the corporate limits of tne,Qity of Seward, one of which shall be posted on the Bulletin Board in the United States Post Office in seward, I Alaska, not less than twenty (20) days before said election. The following places are hereby declared to be conspicuous places in the City of Seward~ 'rhe City Hall 'rhe Alaska Railroad Dock The publication of said notice shall be made for two consecutive publications of the newspaper published in Seward, Alaska, immediately preceding the date of said eledtion. Section 5. l'hat the City ClerktSlgrld Stee.rnll)f said City is directed, upon the approval of this ordinance, to ~ive public notice forthwith that the registration books are open, and there- after and until three (3) days prior to the d~y herein designated for such election, keep said books open for and register therein all per- sons presenting themselves for registration during the hours pre- scribed by ordinances. That upon closing registration the Clerk shall prepare and certify to the election officials a true and correct list of all qualified voters who have resistered, and whose names appear on the tax assessment roll or record of said city for muni- cipal taxation purposes prepared during the year 1951. .section 6. Notice of said election shall be given by posting and publishing notice thereof in the manner required by this ordinance not less than twenty (20) days prior to said election. Said notice shall be signed by the Mayor of said city and attElststl by the City Clerk and shall be in substantially the follow- ing form: NOTICE OF SPECIAL ErECTION A special election will be held in the City of Seward, Alaska, on the 2eth day of No....r , 1951, for the purpose of submitting to the 'jualified voters of 'salo.' dit'y, who are registered and ""uRlified to vote in accordance 'Wi th the Ordinances of the City of Seward governing elections, the following question: Shall the City of Seward, Alaska, incur an indebted- ness in the Sl1Ill of '160,00.00 Dollars for the purpose of acquiring the following public work of a permanent nature~ A sewage disposal ssstem to be constructed by the United States of Amer1ca ~ and sOldfto the city of Seward at a prioe not in.d excess 0 .1&0 000 00 DOllars, sal. indebtedness tOD~r fnterest at a rate not exceeding two per cent (2%) per annum, to be evidenced by a project construction and sales agreement between the United States of .iIn.erica and the City of 3eward and to be secured by general obligation bonds or other security with interest thereon at the rate of two oer cent (2;1,) per 'innurJ payable semi-annually if the Uni ted states so requires, ,.ind for the nayment of said bonds or other secLlI'itiest:.o pled:~e the full faith and credit of the City of .::ie1dard, .ilaska, and issue said bonds in such form and manner as may hereafter be required by the United St~tes of AL~eriCd, all as authorized by the Acts of Con2ress of ~u~ust 24, 1949 (Pltblic L:J.w 264, Slst Congress) and /", . ['he polling place will be at the City Hall in the City of ueward, alaska, aLd the polls will be open from 8:00 A.M. Wltil 7:00 P .~.. . of said day. Those persons who are citizens of !.;llS United states over the age of twenty-one years, who are bona f ide residents of the 'rerri tory of lUa sl((1, Ci.nd who have been such residents continuously dllring the en tire year iJ:lliledio. te ly greceeding the elect ion, and ':,h0 have been such residents continuously for thirty diYS next preceedin{' the elec- tion within the corporate limits of the City of Seward, \Jho are able to read t:.he COJ.stitution of the United states in English languaee, and to wri te the Erglish lanGuage, ::llld who are registered and "ualified to vote in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Seward govern- ing elections, and mlose nillues up,ear on the last tax assessment roll ~repared for the year 1951 shall be qualified to vote at said election. If sixty-five per cent (655~) of the voters a t said special election shall cust their votes in favor of the proposition submitted at said election, the the Council of said City proposes to issue e;eneral obligation bonds in the sum of 1150,000.00 Dollars secured only by a pledge of full faiA:.~'li.nd;, credit of said City in t~e total principal sum of '160,000.00 Dollars or such )art thereof as the City Council of the City of Seward may deem necessary Interest upon said bonds shall not exceed two per cent (2%) per annum and said bonds shall lilliture serially upon sllch terms and conditions as the Council may by subsequent Ordinance establish. This notice is given pursuant to the Act of Consress approved r March 5, 1946, Chapter 52, 60 Stat. 33. Sign ed Attest: Section 7. Ehe form of the ballot shall consist of the ques- tion set forth in Section 2 of this Ordinance with the addition of the following: For refundine the existing indebtedness upon prin- cipal and interest owed to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation upon bonds heretofore issued pursuant to Ordinance 216 , the amount of such indebtedness bein~oo.oo, and the issuance of revenue bond~thout interest coupons as stated above. For I I Against / / Section 8. 'Ehe City Council hereby appoints John J. RosneslI , Al1ce p. Lorang , and Mildred Kirkpatri..s judges to conduct said election at the place and time and in the manner herein set forth, and hereby appoints Mirla. Pa1nter and Betty Rafferty as clerks of said election. Each of said election officials shall individually take the oath of office reQuired by Ordinance and file the Sdme with the City Clerk prior to entering upon the duties of their office. The said election officials, upon the closing of the pol~~. ~all Canvass t)1~, votes cast e.t said election ana shall pre- . ~. . ~ pare and file their return of said election wi th the Clerk of said city statine in words and figures the number of votes cast for and asainst the proposition voted upon und if the votes cast in the affirmative of s~id proposition be not le~f ~h~ sixty-five per cent _, ; '.. ,-~ I", 'l' , ""',- 'tf;""'..... . ~"~ "\\". (65%) of th3 votes cast in said election certifyin~ that the proj)osi- tion carried and, if otherwise, then that the proposition failed. Upon the filing of suid election returns the City Council shall canv~ss the same in the manner recuired by the Ordinances of the Cit y of seward. Section 9. If said proposition is certified by the election officials as having received the required majority of r:.u~lified votes for approval, and has regularly carried, then the said Council of the City of Seward lilay in its discretion authorize the execution of a Project Construction and Sales Agreement, the incurring of indebted- ness wi th interest thereon payable at the r ate of two per cent (2~) per annum, sufficient to purchase the said sewage disposal but not to r exceed '160,000.00 Dollars, issue seneral obligation bonds ';of the City: of.1ae:wal"d ,in an amount not to exceed the sum of $150,000.00 Dollars, the said bonds to be in the manner and form i1S by saitl Ci ty may be nrovided, >llld disposed of at l'ar to the United States of America at a rate of interest of two per cent (2~) per annllIl1, paynble semi-annually, tine and method of naturity of the indebtedness 'ilid bonds to be ae:reed upon by S3i(\ City of Seward '1nd the United States, the:>roceeds thereof to be used by the City of Seward for the purpose of purc4~sin3 the sewer project. ','. ,. Section 10. All PUo~~$ions of the laws of the United st~tes of _illlerica, thel'erritory of "laska, 3nd the r;eneral ordin8nces of the Cityief' cieward re:'2;ulating elections d.:J.d the canvass of retluns shall e;overn the elsdti'<Sn'1t6 beheJ:d under the p:rdvision:t hereof. Section 11. ~..n emerC',ency is hereby declareJ. to exist 3.nd this "Oirdinanc6Bhall be re1i(f lb. futl'kn'tl for its seCJ 1(:', :lnd third readings by title upon its final passage by the City Council by the City of Seward and a:;)~roved by the Eo.yor ind City ClerIc, all rules ~overning the adoption of ordinances havin~ been hereby suspended. Passed by the Common Council of the City of Seward, \loska, and a::nroved by the "Mayor, 811 on this "10"" d 3'[ of ~ 1951. Attest: ~ WL-~ Y ler 5:1, .<2x;.'~~7 ,ayor (