HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1912-004 r".' -lh 6 'lJ ~ .......,............ I II' 'v ( j /' $dft D HU.NC:E; IT 0 . 4 }' age 1. :.;: C::DIlTAl:CE TC IJROJl\ID~ YCt{ A TAXON DOGS, '1'0 pp.KVE:::rT CERTAIN A1!n:AI,S F:::tm:. RUDTUTG AT LAnGE, .AJm FC!R OTHER PUHP03];S. The ~'own of See ard, Alaska, by its Common Council, doee hereby ordain ae follows: C~HTAr:;-' AJ:n~ALS NO,}' 'TO RUH AT LARGE. Section 1. "here i I!I hereby levied upon each and every dog kept lind t.e of or owned within the Town of Seward,Alaeka,a tax of one dollar per head for each male,and two dollars and fifty cents per head for each female dOI,for each year or frac~ion thereof,which said tax shall be due ar.d payable on the first. day of July of each and every year. RECEIPT FOR TAX PAID. Sec. 2. The said tax as provided for in Section 1 of trJis 01'- dinance,shall be paid in lawful money of the United States,to the Town Treasurer of the said Town. Upon said payment being made the said Town Treasurer shall issue to the pe.'son paying the same,a receipt,specifying the name of the owner'of the dog, a brief description of the dog on which the tax iA paid.~nd the year for which the tax is paid,and said receipts shall be numllel'ed consecutively. TO'';,!, TRE.A:::;URr;n TO KEEP ro;CORD. Sec. 3. The said Town Treasurer shall keep a good and sub- stantial book in wr.ich he shall regi ster the name of the owner or possessor of thp. dog, tree date of t.he payment of the t.ax,a brief de scription of the dog, the year for which the tax has. been paid,and the number of the receipt given therefor. On the third T~onday of July of each year,and at such other times as the Common Council,or Ute 'Town rarshal,shall require,t.he said Town "reasurer shall furnish said Common Councilor said ':arshal,a.s the case may be ,a list of the persons who have paid the dog tax,and such other dat.a as he has recorded as in this section provided. DISPOSITICJ}I; OF DOG TAX MO!'1EY. Sec. 4. All moneys received for licenses under the provisions of this ordiaance,shall be credited by the said Town Treasurer to the Geberal Fund of the said Town,and the said 70wn Trea- surer shall ~eport. in writing,o~ the first days of January, April,July and October of each yea.r,to the nown Clerk of %im said r 81, ORDINANCE NO 4 Page 2. I I I J II ! II . II ;1 I, Town,the several amounts received for dOll licenses as herein provided,and the said Town Clerk shall charce the said Treasurer with said amounts. ;1 :; DISPOSITION OF UNLICENSED DOGS. Ii I '1 s: Sec.~. It is he~eby declared unlawful for any dog not duly licensed and registered in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance,to run or be at laJ."ge in any of the streets, ~uuiJ;v iI alleys, squares or public grounds,in the Town of Seward,Alaska, ~" 7:.,/. J I and it is hereby made the duty of 'the Town :r.Iarshal to notify 1\ ~ I ii the owner of the said dog, so unlilllensed or running at large, ~. r""", in writing,to pay the tax on the eame within five days after the receipt of the said notice,and that in default thereof ~he said dog will be either impounded,sold, or killed, in the dis- cretion of the l:a:tshal. In any case where t.he owner of such, dOl is unknown,it shall be the duty of tl1e Town Harshal to use due diligence to find the owner thereof,a.nd notify him as in this ordinance provided, and if after five days said owner sHall not be found,siad dog shall~in the discretiun of 8~id Town W~rshal,be either impounded,~old,or ki1led~KBXXkB If after notice to any owner of any such dog,the owner fai1e,re- fuses or neglects.for a periOd of five days to pay the dog tax in this ordinance provided for,the Town T:arshal sha11,in his di;scretion,.i ther impound, sell ,or kill sfli d dog. !! 'I I, ,I il I, ;1 :i , I H ~. Sec. ,. When any dOIS are killed "as provided for in thi s or.. dinance,they must be disposed of in a manner to be specified b~ the Municipal Health Officer. DEAD DOGS TO BE DISPOSED OF. " ,I I 'I I PERMITTING VICIOUS OR MAD DOGS,ETC.,TO RUl~ AT LARGE,ETU. 7- Sec..e. It shall be unlawful to permit a,ny female dog,li-.riRC 7~.i~-8 "~""QR, any i-~~~. -~ vicious dog, any mad dog, or ~ other dog dangerous to health,to run'at 1ar~e within the To:wn limits of the Town of Seward:,Alaska. If the necessity of the occasion requires it the TQwn l:arshal shall kill a,t o~ce any vicious or mad dog,or any dog dangerous to life or helalth. If however, the public he.1 th or safety shall juetify it:,it shall be the duty of the To~ Harehal to notify the owner, fO,rthwith,to take saiel dOl at once and keep it in a secure p1:ace or otherwise diepose of it. If any~ch notice be given and the owner fai~e,neileets or refuses to obey said notice wi'thin twenty-four h01ilrs thereafter, and said dog is still run- n!:rlg at large, the Towl!i Harsha1 shall kill and d'lspose of sai' do~ as provided for in this ordin~ce,provided that if the p~b- lie good require it,aqy dog mentif);ned ip this sect.iion shall be tilled and disposE!d of,forthwith,b'y the Town Icarshe.l,without (iving any previous notice to the owner thereof. And provided further that if any such dog has not been licensed as in this i or~inance provided for,the Town Marshal shall kill said dog fotrthwi tho d ; , PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. '6. Se~. t. Any person,or person5,vi~latin. any of the provisions o~ this ordinance in any particul~r,shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor,and upon con~iction ther~f,shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty do1lars,o~ bytimrfsonment in the town jail not exceeding ten days,or both. TIME OF 'I'.AKnTG F1FIDJCT. r i I S3 OP.DHJANCE EO./ .Pege 3. - Tn::E OF TAKING :KP];'J!:CT. This ordinance shall take effect and shall be in ful+ force and effect from and after the date of its passage and approval. Passed and approved of ~.'9'2' Approved b~T the by the Common Council thie t/ It) - day -/ President of the CO~Don Council this /~ - day of ,1912. ATTEST: t?-- ... f{;~~~L~ Presiden of t e Conmlon Coun and ex-officio Mayor of Seward, Alaska. , ' 7~ ORDINANC~NO. 4. I An Ordinance to Provide for a Tax on I't Dogs, to Prevent Certain Animals I from Running at Large, lind for Other Purposes. I 'fhe '+'own of Seward, Alaska., hy its Common Council. t!.Ie.j herebY urd,una8 foUnw:.;: CEH.T.UX A:-OlMALS NUT TlI RUN AT T..d.HCE. Section 1. '['here is hetell:\' levied upon eu.('h i and ever:'! (log l;:cvt ot' owned within tHe llmit!; i . nf the 'rown uf Sewurd. '-\hLska, U, tu,x of one I d lllu,r pel' head for each male. a.nd t \Va dollars a. ,It fifty (',enls per head for e:l{'h female dog, fOl'.eu'ch yenr or friLetion thereof, whwh sUlIi I tax shall be due lwd paY<1ble un the HtSiI (lit.',' of 1 July of each und every year. Ul!)CEIPT ~'uR TAX PAID. Sec. 2 The Said. tux us provided for in Section 1 of thb ordinance. shall fJC paid in lawful money of the United Stltte~. to the '1'0\\ n 'r1"{~u.~. Ure1' of the ~aid town. Upon said paympnt, being made the ~;uid Town 'l'reasurer shall i~sue I I to the person paying the ~l1me. a receipt, 1'lpec i. fYilllI._ the name of the owner of the d. (lg. a brief I ' I descrllJtion of the do#' on whi(lh the tax b Dl.tid, .1 and the year tor whieh the tax i~ lmid, and said ~ tecei~z,~v~~;~~~1.~~~~e~~~ ~~n~S;\~~~~;~;i~. , Sec. B. The sa.id '1'own Treasurer shall keep a. good and substanti111 book in whkh he 8hall register the name of lhe owner 01' posses,c.;or H1 the dog. tl;l.e dattJ uf the payment of the tax, a. brief description of the dOl!, the year for which the tax has been paiu; and the number of the receipt ~n \Tcn therefor. On the third Monday of July of each ;yea1'. and at such other times ai'l the Common Council. or the Town Marshal, shall require. the said Town Treasurer shall furnish said Common Council or said .Marshal. as the ca~e may be. u. list of the persons who have paid the dog tax, and such other data a.s he ha~ recorded as in this section provided, DISP081'.rrON OF DOG ~'AX MoNEY. Sec. 4. All moneys received for licen~es under .I the J rovisions of this ordinance, shall be '.1 credited by the said 'I'own Treasurer to the ; General Fund jJl the said '1'own, and the said Town Trea.'mrer shall report in writing, on the j first days ot January, April, July and October ~ of each year. to the town clerk of said town the j several amounts received for dog licenses as herein provided. and the said Town Clerk shall Charge the :said 'l'reasul'Cl' with said amounts. ~ DISPOSITION OF UNLICENS)U) DOGS. Sec. 5. It is hereby declared, unlawful for any dog Dot dull' licensed and registered in accord. Boce with the IJro\'isions of this ordinance, to run or be at large in any of the streets, alleys. squares or pUblic grounds, in the Town of Sew. ard. Alaska, unless under the control of some person, and it 1s htll'eb~" made the dut~.. of the Town Marshal tonotity the owner of the sa.id dog. so unlicensed or running at large. in writ;. ing. to pay the taxes on the same within five days alter the receipt of said notice, and that in default thereof the said dOll will be either 1m.' pounded, soJd or lrilled, in the disoretion of the marsha.l. In any case where the owner of such dog is unknown, it shall be the duty of the Town :Marshal to, use due diligence to find the owner thereot and notify him as in this ordi~ Dance provided, aud if atter five days said owne! shall not be found. said dog shall. in the dis~ cretion ot said Town Marshal. be either im. !. pounded. sold or killed. If after notice to any own.er of any such dog, the owner fails. refuses or negldCts for a period 01 it ve days to pay the dog tax tn this ordinance provided for. the Town Marshal sha.ll in hi~ diseretion. either impound. sell or kill said dOll. DK.AD DOGS TO BlIl DISPOSED 01'. Sec. 6. When any dogs are killed, as- provided for 10 thiS" ordinance. the}' must be disposed of in ,a. 'Ola.nner to be specified b;r the Municipal Health Oftlcer, PBBMITTINtt vrcrous OR HAD DOGS, ETC., TO BUN ,/LT L,.UWIl. ETC, Sec. 7. It shall be unlawfUl to permit any fe~ mti)le dog, -any vicious dOll, aD}' mad dog, or-any other dOli dangerous to bealth, to run at larlZ'e within the townJimits of the Town of Seward, AJas~a. If. the ncoo!:lSitY Qr the occasion re- Quires it the Town Marshal ~hall kill at once !: any vicious or mad. dOll, or a.ny dog danger<Jus to Hfe ar-hea.lth. If,howevel;', the public health or safet;\o. shall justi!y it, it shall be the duty of the town IDu.rshal to notify t~e owner, forth- with, to ta.ke said dog at once and keep it in a !!!! sf'lc~re p1.a.ce,o.. otherwise dispose of it. It any suo.b notice be given and t~e oWnt'r fails, . ne.- glectS or teluses to obey said notice within t1feDtY-foUl' hours there&iter. andsa.id d is stijl running at .large. the -'town M.l:Lrshal ,\ 'kill a.nd dis pose of said doaas provided tll(s ordinance. provided ~hat it th good require it. any dog mentioned in tion shall be killed and disposed of, fo _ ~ :by th~ TaWil Ma.nhal, without giving any, pre.. vious notice to the owner thereof. And pro.- vided further that it anI' such dog has not been licensed as in this ordinance provided far, the ; town marshal shMl kill saId dog forthwith., PUALTY FOR VIOLATION. sec. 8. An~ person, or persons. violating any ot tb6_provisions of this ordinance in any par. ticular. shall be lluiltyof a. misdemeanor. and upon c,ouviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceedin'll fifty do1l3I'8. or by imprison- ment in the tQwn jail not exceeding ten days, or both. TIME OF TAKING EFFECT. 'fhisordinu.nce shall take effect and shall be in 'full force and effect trom and after the date " of its pa.ssage and approval. . Passed and approved by the Common Council f - thjs J5th das of .July. H112. Approved by tbe President of the Oommon Council t'his 15th <lay of JulY. 1912. F. L. BALLAINE. President of the Common Council and ex-otfleio Ma:l;or of Seward. Alaska. [Attest:] WAYNE BLUE. Town Clerk.