HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1914-017 'F'"" , "i !ii-'.";" ',,:,~~j$~.' 1- 2 3 4 t 6 ., 8 9 ~.~'''!'". . , .~ .' .'.~ 26 , ~:~ "~4. i'7 . '''.; -.~ - 7' -- " '.-'M . '~ 1 I: {' . ):i it ORDI'TAJlTCE No.J7 '.:: ' , " !n Ordjnance grcnt ing to Eobert Aohland and G.Benj .Poindext~r ,\.!' .i '"~.~ - ,~ their aucceiilsoriil and aiiiJignil, the right to errect poles c.ml iiltret*, wiree thereon for Electric Light, ~eating, Cooking and Power and other purpoae. in the iiltreete, alleys, avenues, highwaye and other public placeiil of the City of Seward, Alaiilka, to carryon the bUlilineiils of liel:~inS electricity for illuminbting, hecoting,cooking, 10, and power, to fix the n,tee to 'oe charged~herE;for eubject to the condit ioniil there in stated and to provide the n<etbod by which .aid electric linee, plant, materials and e~uipment may hereafter be acquired by the City of Seward. And ether purpoaea. u Be it Ordained by tDe Common Council of the City or town 12 of Seward, Alaska as follows: 13 Sectjon 1.That Pobert Ash10nd and a.Benj. Poindexter, their SUCCeeGlOril ar;d assigns, are bereby gr:nted the right,privile~ authority and franchiae to loce,te, erect, pl&ce, maintain and uae, 14 15 16 1't in the atreete, alleya, avenuee, thoroughfares &nd public h1ghwaye, within the City of Seward, polelil and necewiilary croiilaarma, and 1& thereon to falilten anQ stretch wireiil through iilaid streete, alley., avenuelil, thoroughfarelil and public hi~hwaye within the City of 10 Seward. for the pljrpOlile of ther,'Oby tr",nemitting, dililtributing a!l.d ~ *1 ., . . ~ furniahing to conilumere electric Clurenta for the production' of~ electric light; power, and for any ,nd e..ll other uses towh~ch. 24 electric currentiil can or may be put. Section a.That for the furposea afor~~id the said Robert Ashland and G. BenJ. Poindexter, their eucoeiilsors, aaaigne, shall have the risht and privilege E',nd fr8.ncYise to connect, diaconnect, repair, extend snd maint~in all lines, wires, polea, and cr,nduih, and alao are hereby granted by the eaid City of Seward the right, authority, and franch ~lile to pla,ce, lay and l'llaint4!;p. 1: throughout the City of Seward wi;relil i;n undergrQund conduitiil fori th.;! Ij purpose of tr~~~itting electridity to be used ~or power and other '1/..- -1- r 1I Iii ~I II 1 pUrr'OiieS, W~--:0n it :L8 deemed adv h;ably by ~i;..Ll :;: cbel't AOlhl:wcl, 2 G..:8enj. PoinJ.exter~ th'~ir SUQce~'Jr)r'.a, OJ' c;'l:;b1Sns cS hsreinc..:ter 3 Il'Qviied. 4 S,?ction 3.T"at U,::; sc.id ;-cles '2>}1 be constrLcted :c.nd 5 erected in a worki'.c,nlike n~c.nner, 2.-:1-1 painted;;:.r;rve t;l'Gl.ncl <oj th 6 t~o or ~are coats cf raint, in the Ciscr2ti~n of the council. The 7 color deeisnated l)y the c01:1:oi1, end nc ::;j ~n~;; sllall c')e ~'lsced_ 8 uran the ~'olea e-cert numbers, .;; ~ch c,r. l~'e ;1' oed t;:cl'\:; anI:' u:cn 9 tbe o1'-:,e1' of tl'e cC1;,ncil, ~;r,.i ,,'.cn erecteJ. in er near a street 10 ",v:::'..:; <:" sideiK.lk, they shall be rlc.ced ineide of ,mu ajcin:r<:; the 11 Qutiide litrin;;er uron 'iL'ch the ::12~nkli of tlJe siclewalkli 9.1'e laid. 12 Said poles te, ;~'e r~t leG", t,l'"cn r.ine inclh~s s~ul;Cre ..t tlh'. b:.ttclll 13 <'.no n t less thc,n ." i .l'jt ~ inc:Les ii~uare <:"t the top. S:...id foletl to 14 be flaced in the r;rcl;.nd r. t leaS thbn four L;et deer, i::.nJ ,Len the 15 atreets of the town ar~ gr~;ed or re~rade~ are ffiade the ~ole~ shfll 16 be reset to corresrond ~ith ~ach grade ~t the ex~en6e of the owner 17 or o,neri thereof. 18 Section 4.That the said wires 2h~11 be insulated ~nd 19 cc.re':ully connected ~rJ fE,stened tiC as rot to C'j,e jn oont-act "ith 23 20 Et.n~' object, ,nei shell be stretcheJ ;;c c;.i3 net tc! .nterfer '.,ith the 21 free anl unobstructeJ use of s~id streeti, a}'eye, avenues,t~crcu~h- 22 fareli anJ hiGh~&ye f~r travel. And all ~jrinG shall be in strict U hpreafter ~~'0 by thE C0uncil of the City of 2e srd ~~d in c~ae orljrliarce '.:iitt 2.'l:' f"J e..ll re'cBirC'r!ipnts nC;':T exb':;:ng ex iL. be 25 said council shell desn1 :i.t a:iv~lOecle .::cr t>? Jetter :rctecticn of W t~8 to n a~anst fire or b~Y other Goed reason to or'er ~ny or all 27 ~JrlnC :revi~u:ly dene ct&n~ed tr CGrf0rrr to the method or methoJs 28 cvdopt2d by ,;h" cOl,ncil. All,vil'ing sf:-ll be done uler tlel;rectLn 29 ",nd "i,T~'l'vi8i.nn e:f _,' :L:;r:ector or inspectors .:..rrcided :,~ the 30 31 Co~ncil or elected by the Cit~. 8sction 5. r;:'~iC;"'t ~!{rH:~nevel' it sllc"ll be"' (';', e n[,c8ssc:.ry in -2- -... ,...- -'--iT -, ! lB5 UT I I i i I T~ 1fI .,,;,,It,:, ~~." 1;,..11IO" , 21 22 ";'J _..~_~..~. '_~"_.n'l" 1.. c l 1 ~he erection of said poles or rerlacing or resettin~ the~ to take 2 up any portien of the sidewalk or Jig ~p the ~round in or ne~r the . 3 sidelil and corners of s&.:i.d etreets, or ",lleys, or sideYlb,11s, th.:said 4, Robert Ashland and G. De~j. Poindexter, their iuccessors or 5 &,i>aigns, 8nal1 have the riJt, r-rivi1ege, 2uForjty, vd.tbout any further r-ermit or license, under such reasonrble regu1stions,stipu- 6 7 lationiJ, and conditions C,Q MiY be rrovij,c11'y tee '[f.yor and Oity 8 Council of the Chy of Seward to tske ut' seid sidevI/alkil, dig up 9 iJ2.jd streeta, alleya, thorol<;hfarss and hi.::;'.'.a:;lil for the rurpoae aforesaid, Said Fobert Aih1snJ and G. Denl. Poindexter, their 10 11 ~ successors, assignlil, lilhall as poles are, erected, witholt delay xeplace said il idvwalk in a \rorkmClnl~ke m""nner, and remove from auoh place, street or alley all ilurrlus s~nd, earth,rubbish or other material whj ch may be tahen up or lUG up in the c::,nstruction 13 16 or erection of ~aid roles, ~nJ ~ha11 p~t s~id 6ide~alk, atreet or 16 17 18' alley in as 600d condition b,., it was before it was tah;n up, dug up~cr disturbed, providing thGt the Cc~ncil sh~11 h~ve the power to limit the tbe that any street or' part thereof may be torn up \'.~ or obstructed by s~id ~ork. Section 6.That whenever any r-eraon haa obtained permission to use a~;T of the streetll of the City for removing ary buil:1ir-g the said POGert A:;tls.ncl ar-J. G. the rurpose oJ: '. Bani.Poindexter' ~ 23 their liUCC8SS0!'ii or aS8jRne, l1'.on fortv-eio']',t nCl)ri' notice from _ ~ oJ 0.-1 , "il",l4;.L 24 IilUch rerson, &ltall r~i6e or r21;;ove 2'.nr of ,,;,.5d 'r:iree which may 25 obstruct the renove.l of such ol;.iLings s) oil to allo',', free and 26 unobstructed ::passage of $E.J;;e. Such notice !:I[1",11 be in wl'itiIli 27 and iJerved by any ;lerson competent tv Le c.. w:tnes.. in a civil suit q1 28 for damaifupon i&.id Robe,tt Aahlend s.n" G. Benj. Poindexter, their ~ IilUCCeSiO~ or aasigns. T'T '1 1 30 Section 7. That all l'ig:Jts ""no rrivilege. and fr5,r.ohiae 31 herein conferred uron an,l ;:;!'::.r.ted tc, Beid F.otel't A:ilh~and and -3- r nl r .TI-- -----,-~~-- I inn 1 G. Benj. Poindexter. tl,eir SUCC2S2CTS or d.s:cisns, ;;;l.!c~l c~"t':"U€ in 2 force for ~~c -p~'r~ ~~ ~i~ty- (sn) lo,j> I.. J.. '_ ___ J_, "j \...' ._ .i.. \~ YGbTa frGn~ L-l ~ft~.r the date of 3 ita ilasaa~e a1'1d ""::-: reval; subj'cct, 'c".:ever, to tlc ,;v,.~'LthDs t'hCI'C;- 4 in srecific~,l~.~r dC~~c:<-V., Ir. c,'.i:l€ ....rc."tees 51-, 11 :YJ:'c~'J-..e c.T:Y , 5 Electric Plant or ?l,nts in Se~ard t~e~ shall oper.te the i-~e under 6 the tern,s Etn:l c(.r,,_-iti,;rJl;> of this fr::ncr-1.se, 7 8ecticn 8.Th;:: volte..;;e Jeliverec' to all cUliltel er.. s:" 11 not 8 be leaa than ene hlnJreJ ~nJ ten (110). Ttc r~tes to te charged to 9 ccnsumera of ~]. e:; t 2." =:. 'J ~i. t: ~. .' \ -'- 2.,...,,1 ;l~~po~e ~LJ8l tt~s Ord5n&TIce ~~~ 11 ~ 10 be aa follo,iS: 11 Residence Flat ~~te. 12 .That the CLn6.1i3 ?CJ',;er herein" efeT:"',;,'. te :,;'.,11 be a current 13 elluivi1ent t: t>;. c J ectrical Cl,nent re:_llir:;,d tel nil' (De ~- ixteen 14 candle :o~er csrb1n filin.~:rt l'dl'V, or nE: :~: fuI of &.ny .. ......... r: 1. ..I ~ ~I..A. or .ilize U that uses tIle as~e ~lantity cf elactricit: or cvr~ent ttt ~ 16 sixteen cl:n~-le ;o.;er Cc\rbdm f~lLer:t l:~:" ,"5~,1 DEi"" 18 ;;' tc i" ,. 11 ~ ].00 " ,,1.50 17 1--16 Cc,r~le J,:o,,;er 11 J:~ .... ~ 19 5 lib~'ts 16 , " cc-r ~~..Le r~ C"ier ~ 1. 75 20 ~,n e2.':;ctJ.~ic ir'on m~y ~)~ usc~ ~y .-' ,co!.-- ... '"'ti fi!ty certs r~r ~c~ h 21 22 23 ex +r~ 1.",t no 1 p-r.; ''", ;- ", e, 1"" ',-- 'W g" ...... ..... _ -_' - ~. -." '."" -...... u...l." 0 hC'l_se, l"'CO!L: r_~ hc, we 01 :,otel .e}~e.1J 1),:::;'Ltit::ec"- +;c t'liii> '.1'iv:1e<e. :'erc",-"ti.le :;,,".d CO::lLercial ~;:co~'~l' :t'.c,t",,, ilc1' '-ilo,Lc_tt 24 250--kilowattil 7~t CVd' 2,50 kiloJ\~,tta 5rt kilo"att. !'iewiu"DCC - ,:ter R'...t".:s :t::el' lOj l-: ilowa tt. Po""'r IT. +'-r.. 'r.' ('''''k'n < . l',,", ,_.~e __\JJ, -'-g """ .".....1.. ...'.....v....1. 0 Yilo,Y5. tt 25 26 :,t~ter Pat'::5 27 28 _H4~' kilo..'La.tt_.____ ____ ._____._ 'M.eters to be f\l'~c. ~::eu. t:-12 cnr..S1lL..8r ;.;..t ~ctl....c.l coat ;'J.L;; _ .-' A ;..,'.)~. to 29 take C,,-1'6 of l'c:, ',1' ,(~lL :..Li 10eQ by fil'e. 3t'. \; A di6ccmnt of 10; .rrc" 8,l.:lOlmt cf <..l1j L: '..t~lly 'till ilL 11 ~)e ""l.io.:el ~,' ; 31 "for tl,c: ~ c.Yllle~<t then;Qf C:J or before the: lOth .;.;:..:. of tl1f )..' :dh -4- ;; L I, r :1 i--r- T ii I' '1 i I ._ :"L-..-_ l_._._~L.___---------...~~__._ -----.-- - ..: r- ii' . !,~i ...~. ., j }JJ --.--...".,~,.....-_._.., .--.. .~ ,~~.'-'----'~~-------:------ 1 iolloYving the month of soms1..'.IJ1r;tion, I'::to'e billa :::..re not pa.id on or 2 befor8 the 80th lay of the month following the month of 8onsumrtion, 3 the aa.id Robert Aahland ~nd G. Benj. Pcin~ext2r, th~jr SUCC~8sors ~ Or ass 1;:;ns, reS81'Ve tbe ri.:;ht to d1aconnect" the w1rea lec:.ding from 5 the :polea or comiuita of the ,"...id '-,o;)ert Aehland a.nd G. Btmj. 6 Poindexter, their successors or a62i~n., to the buillings or building 7 plant or :p:).antii of the. ccnstlmer ref\;sing or fciiling to pay the rental 8 as set forth in the stipulations of this fr!Tchise. It is hereby 9 expressly un:oratood that no customer ~hall be ~iven any other 10 or iifferent l""tc; than the rate fixed in ttis fl'anchise, ':Ii tIJout 11 firlilt iiuhdtting iluch rate to t"e 60mmon Council of the to"n 12 of Seward and obtainin,:; the an:roval of ouch rate 'oy :ilaid COuncil: 13 And any violation of th~~ provioion sh~ll be a misdemeanor and aubjec 14 the owner or owners of the franchiae to a pene.l ty of one hundred a.ol 15 lara fine for the firet offence ~nd ~ pen~lty of five hundred dollar. . 16 for ea.ch iiucceedin:: offen_e. ~ 17 Section 9.Th&t the iaid Rebert A~hl~nd and G. Benj. .. 18 Poindexter, their eucce3a()rlil~0..iBigni, hereby B.I!ee to furnililh to 19 the Cjt), of Se.vard for munici;>5-l lig:-:ting, cut r.C: 5"01' commercial ~ purpoiei current 40% lower than the loweit rEte ctarged fcr mercantil '21 or commercial ra.te as aet forth in t1cj8 frE,ncf!ise; the City to ~ furnish ell their fixtures. 23 Section 10. The Oi t~r Olhall h"-vp He ri.;bt to place and 24 ma'ntain 'f',ires for fire alarm ~yaterr; u;:cn polelil:'iithout charge, 25 Section ll.n~at if the iHl.id ?oi:ert Aiilhland and G. 2enj. 26 Poindexter their succeSoOIiiI or ai:-zigns, 2D'11 FUl'IOiilely and 27 intentionally refuee, fail or ne~lect to furLish light to auch 28 inhabitants of the City of Se\';~rd i.ct any t5L,e ::..ftel' tIle CO!1l1:letion 29 of thejr plant an-i 1in8&1, a.. are willin...; :0 rc..j ~ll<:: ratelil herein 30, ,prescribed, then thilil frs.nchise Iilhall be veid. 81 aedtion 12.lJo licen.ile ,:r tax ilL 11 be: iI:;foiied upon ,the -5- --T r'------n-- I II n-r~nT , iii <<rn.-,--, I T n Fi 1 1 gr:=:.ntccs. tLt;r 6UCCf.;;scrs 01 ,-i;;i,-t;;ns or u: C;C', t' ?i1' :'ro;,:::rty for tl'.e 2 occu~aticn IJ~ t"--~, .;;.~.,-:J ~.tr"::f;ts, b..V,~,'1ueiJ ~llf::ri, 1~;='~o'r,~.:-8 or ctts'r 3 ... "L;.l.:~ ic pl;~c':-dJ ct~. e:r tl.,:;n ~c Ih:'I'Gin ';I:eC'.jf~c:dJ .;.~.~:;- ~l..c; re';l.i.lar 4 taxeQ or liCt;~,.ide ci.8dei3~jc:,} fer '~h'2:; cit~T, _.th~ T,'l~l'itcry 1.urpofie::J. 5 2ection 13. Ie! :;"sL,ration of tL" (;1 pt.'~b of the 6 ri~hta ~nQ :~ivileiecl h2rein c~~t:inb:. the Gr~nteei. their 7 succea:iICriil or ,^-s:, i:.;nOl, or., 11 ~""J' o.1";,"1.;",,11y tc t:: C it:. cf Se ",ret, 8 after tte exr :\L.tic,n or [1>:: ;'. rst five ye.,rlii frcolli the iate of t'he '9 COllil.LlenCetJicnt of tn:::; .z.u)l=l:i of CUl~J..-ent hereunJ..8r, tIle follovJ~lr.Lg n~(,d w rercenta0e ~r th ~roee reLL~:ts re~lized trc~ the cper,ton of t'heir 11 ph"nt o.U,: iiiiltri;yution and Ba1.eor electric curre:r.t fer all pU1'po..eiii 12 ~ithin the incorrorated liGitlii of the City of Ee~ard and not elae- 13 'iihel'G. to . it: 14 ~Ol' the first period of tf~ ye~r8 aftey t~~ eXfirction 15 of said firet five !5~ >'(""',, OD" (1'''') v:'r cDnt. -C'c.., +ico. "eeon' " J .. ...c.._ Q, . c......... f ...~ '" '-.' J.. I .c.. .L ""...~c; il) - u... 16 ~eriod of ten (10) yeari ~fter s~id first five (5' :e rs~period, the 17 SU!ll of cne 2.J~;i of t'::e'~ty-five on'" [elf '1.',) reI' """"t. 'n" .~c-' +'-0 l'ey'-,';n1'rn' _ ...... 1_... \ t:: J::' ...,. '- ___ , ...... '...L ..:.. J. v j 1.,-, ...u........... - 19 (25) ye~_l's there", fter tte liOUlll of two (2~) pcr period cent; 18 19 The same to be ::-aid en the 15th day of January succeeJ.ing 20 the termination of each and every year aft2l' Ol~id firc.t Feri<o~ of 21 five (5) yee,re. P.ny accredited officer O:J: repreeentfctive cf t:',e 22 C' ty . f 8e,;a1d, l,.ron demc;.nd, ..:;c LL h,:.ye t':,e ri:.,[,t to e&2mine the 23 beoks, papers [;.n(L otller evidence in [.0,,'.::1""8, ien of ..aiel ;;;L.Eteeil. 24 their ~uccei3cra wr ascignw, for the ~urpoee of ~acert&ining the 25 tn;e" L;OHnt of the "';l'Oiiil rt<:e i~t6 of any ye"I'. 26 Section H;. The Cit). of Se,lard resel'vel:l an..l ..he 11 h.:..ve the 27 "'l',:~'..t. '''t "1\' t. .. . -"-'--r t"n' . t"c,:,ntl' ,-'-i-. (~"'I) .'~-r .... _ ... ,. _ c....l oJ' ... 1 '; tj ~ ~ L t; '" c: I/V ...., c: V.I..!. ...... \,.I I ~' ,-.;;~ , ~.n~~ on each and c;ve 28 raecc:2d ye' r therec,fter froIl; the date ""fter the ~:lant i~ ~ ",ced in 29 ofer",t ion a:..nd t:'1e.,il.itribut j on Emd iiale of electric c'Gl':.:er:.t ;.,(;gina. 30 to aoquire by purchEcse. ",,11 tte~ existing r~lant.iit;tri(~0ti,;~ 31 Ijneill ll:coterial 'end eCl1,jpLent 'n.~ all ot:er pror:2rty of the gnntee.., -E- :i - ---,- 1-~ F '. _ j_L 205 ,.... 1 or tteir succe~sor8 or ass'~ni. re~uisite ~or t~e '~nuf2cture 2 and distribution o~ e'ectric current or ctber~ise fcr tte r~lrOse~ 3 herein named. ;'vc ~1cnce of tre intent to exerllliae SUC}1 reserved l'ic,lt '" 4 shall bF ~lv2n In :r~ting by the proper ,officera of the city to the 5 e;ranteea 01' tbt; i:c successor.. or alaS is;nil not lel;;I'; thi:hn one: ye"r in 6 adV2cnce of such rrC:'1'chaae. wi thin three (3) rconths fI'om the d;::.. te of 7 such notice of intent a bard of ~rprali8rQ to determine the value of 8 ..aid plant ani Y:I'operty lai~c;,ll be appointed. which board ihaIl con~ ist 9 of three (3) persons. ene of . ~0m shall be ap~ointed by the City. 10 11 one by the grantees, their :iilUCCeS9ora or 2.S' igns, and the third Glhall be selected by the two 510 nUrled, and in calile ihe appraiser appointed 12 by the holdera of the franchise and the one appointel by the town 13 of Seward shall fail to ~~r5e upon the third arfraiaer within thirty 14 daYIi after their a:::rointrrlent eitl'l;;;r party may apply to t:;\3 Judge 15 of the ristrict COurt. to appoint Ilo.id third. aPr'l'0.iiiler and he ..hall 16 have the poy;e1' to arroint .",:..1d tfjird appraiiOer, i:..nd in caae t11e 17 o,meriil of t>, iil frc;,:,:ct ise sL,"ll fail or 1'ef1;.ae to "'fl~oi"t an ::.: :.'l'c.iiler 18 alii hel'ein F1'oviJ.:'d the J1;.d~E: of the DLtrict Coud may apIoint iIluch 19 apprailier up'n applicEction therefore by the to\m of Seward. Such 20 t~ird peraon ahall be a wholly diliinterested [eriOn, a no~-reBidE:nt 21 0;' tlic city or precinct and an elec'.:rical en.:;ineer of exrerience and. 22 ~ood 1',,: ute. The boarJ of a;prailielli> iO cc:,st:t,ted sh0.ll cleterrlline 23 the v""lue of all the prop3rty of the grantee.. their 6UCC:;':ioors or 24 aiOB i;;ns ard for '3uch p1;.rpolile shall have accc",;; to (;.11 the bcotii c,.nd 25 recorda e~ every cha.racter, both 0:: the _Lntees tbe ir ass i::;na 2-~nd 26 of the municipalHy, an:l, ~.'iithin six (6) mrYlthlil fron the date of iiluch 27 notice of intent shall fUe its ':ritten r2[Ort of the vc.lu&tion \ilt'h ~ the city and ~ith the granteelil, their SUCC53snrs or :i~i~~a. Such '-' 29 re;ort made oJ a maj ori ty of due:' tecree <1:'1'-.. iaan sh::-.ll be 80 concluaive and binding uron both the city an~~ ~he i;n"nteell, their 31 succe...;;crs or assigns Co:::'.. shall not be t;.1=>~al&.ble for C'.ny cauile. -7- -- """--~T 207 1 ot:-'er than fraud, to any court or tribur.c"l ..'Ltever. Thereafter, 2.E"l 2 within not less th~n t~elve (12) months ~roTh the late of auoh n~tice, 3 the purchase rrice for all the rropertyvered by ~aid rd. crt dt.ll 4 be paid to the grantees, their succeB~0r~ tr assi_ni eitber in 5 cash or in the obligations of the citYi provilel, th~t if the payment of such award price be ~ ie cth~r, ~se th~n in cash, the ~'t:mtee8 or their aliiaigns st: 11 not b, 01) 11ge,;. t" aocert the ':"1:"'; obligations of the city unless all. cf its P,8n cctatc':1JL,.:; obligations or evidences of inc'1.ebtelr,cs.. ahcc11,at ",uen tin,e cCll:JL2cnli a l,rice in the financial n:ar: eti of not less tll"n par. 'I118 exr:enilE of such appraiilement ehellbe = dd b} the <laid C it}'. Fl'Olli anJ ",ft the receirt of such n,.tice b~1 the gra,ntees or the)r succ,:s;:;oril 01' aaaigns the plant-. and rroy:erty affected thereby sh&l1 n(:t be pen:i tte to deteriorate in any way c.'l.:t s....a::.1 ~)e rintd.ned in E,S 2;~',d sto te of efficiency as obtc,ined rrior to tljE JL.te of 811er n+,ice:. Section 15. The ec.id Fcbe1't A'"hl&nJ anJ G. Benj. Poindexter, their successors or as~iJns, sh. 11 w~ttin t~irty (30) daYI from the date of the ::-ass=<:;e s.nJ 4tprroval of thia f1 E:nc~nilile, file 'i,ith the eit:: Clerk Hitten aocer-l~Lr,ce of the kniS ",;-d ccnJitio i of lame. Section 16. That said granteea, their eucce5~cr~ or aluigns lih~ll within ninety daYil frOb the d"-te of ~rartiT:g t' is franchilile ex[end in preparitory and e0r:st:~.,ction '.'.ork the sun. of fifteen hundred dollau a"d in case tIler :l1'1,',11 fa.il,:O ex~'end. iiaid ium and the whole thereof ~.i above ;:rovid.8J, c.t the; end of said ninety days they ihall <.>ive to the i",h~ C1 ty of Sc. ,<'1'j a ",ood and iuff1cient bond to be E.;'TToved by the C"une il in the i1aid sum of f1ftten hundred dollara to tJ"e eV'ect tJ'.E.t Ue::, will expend the sum of fifteen hc:.ndrAd dcl12rfiiN)t:/in the next ninety jiays in preparitory and constructjcn ',r.l'];, ar,~l <lili:,ortlv ;::. r;tiY'ue - . laid work and 'have saiel ;lent in active opera.t~on l'i'ti,in f:i;:--teen -8- --T I 11 n "T",' Ii ~..----.-.-, -'--~~,--.- ~ -'--'~" ~---_..~~.~. :-J .)() } 1 mr ntta fr'.L1j the d: te; ('~. .."t.."" tb'" f',...-.",,.,'^'~ -~ 4~ "".J.. _wICI.. lLl~ 11. .......::..!..........ulk:.Je :..:~l;u_ .J L CU,le I:le,"id 2 :'lc:nt i3 n tin c:er,t: n i ~thin b!enty llicr,tha c.f'er the ;;;:r:cc,ti.n:..; 3 of this frb.ncJ,ise r[;e u:c::"nteeii tJ':l,ir ;,.ucccS>;,^;I':li OI' asaigllil she.ll 4 forfeit ::,11 ri,)itD grb.r,teJ U"cld' t' i., frc'c:.chi.;:;; Provi,,'.ing, 5 hOi'Bver:- '2'h,.t in calile ..CnliB unavc.,idc,b1e cc,n.liti0n id11o'll ~:L'ise. 6 wholly [Jeyuna. ",rb,ntees c~.n-'.;:co1, wl}ioL .h,..L.i. teii'lJc,l'5.r., J~i lilt r: 7 or materi~lly Jelsy ~~id . 0n~truction ,crk, ~h~ CGuncil ~hbll 8 grant 3UC;'] extf.nti,.n of tLe a.s in its judt;en,ent is jUct and 9 proper, [01' the cOlI<pletion of iiia.iLl v.Jork o..Y'.d n;,,-r in ita deaeretion w release grantee~ fyor the rena1ty of $aid 'ond, if ~iven. 11 Section 17. If SE:kf granteelii, theh Buccesscr. CT 12 &s. iST's fb.U to cc',y,{ly \;ith the Btipulc,tions Of i',i. frc.~.c]'ise 13 the .,<'in,e sL2.11 bece- e null "md void.; reascnable excert:; c;n ohall 'be 14 ccllo:'ed for daTI,Ci.;;e un-c,v0ids.cly i.'lstain ~ frci~ act ',on of 15 e""l'tt,c.u::..ke: Cl' EJa'irnt,,,. 16 8"ction lS. ':I'~ :i.. fr:LcLise shell be ;,''Cbli;;;hed in the 17 r'e,.:;..rd ?o:.re1'6 on the ~'/'("'d~.~ (jf V/lpr- H'14, in "10 C':'i::~ of 18 2e<.sl'Q. '?hat tlj~", :l':c:)i",e Jihall be in full force ""nd 19 effect froI[; c.n~, aft: l' ths d:;.. te of itz ;"-" ,s:;"2;e, \VhBIl 'vhe ~l': l".tec;i 20 s:'..J.l fj le, i t'b tb~ clel'k 0 ~ the, C: ty of E8\,-,,1"Q t;!t,ir acc;,;~ t: nee 21 h:eceof. 22 ?:;:."..ed <'.nd ,;"Irroved llY the COYill;;Cn CGuncil of the Ci ty of Se.iud thi. ~ dEcY of. ~. 1: 14. 23 24 27 ;!:r;/];.?:~~f 2,jfA1{H.. _f/7 {/(g ~ ?r2jici~~~of the CCLncil ~n , officio HC,~' er t:.2 C'1; cf :"e <I'd, Alaika. 25 26 cx-...... 28 29 30 31 -9- ~ ..L... -T-" ~.