HomeMy WebLinkAbout11262007 City Council MinutesCity af.Sewnrd, .4lnskn ,'Vo~entbcr ?6, :007 L CALL TO ORDER C'itp Caurtcrl.M1/inutes Valente 37, Page 45.4 The November 2G, 20117 regular ntecting of the Seward City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Clark Cnrhridge. OPENING CF.RF.~)ONl' Police Chief Tom Clemons led the pledge of allegiance to the Flag ROLL CALL Thcro wore presenl: Clark C'orbridgc presiding and 14'illard Uunham Linda Ambcrg Boli 1'aldatta Tom Smith Jean Rardarson kietsy Kellar comprising a quorum of the Council; and Phillip Oates, Cit}~ Manager Jean Lewis, City Clerk Johanna Dollerhide, Assistant City Clerk :1BSENT -None A moment of silence was taken for the recent passing of Dale Lindsey. CITIZENS' CONInIENTS ON ANY StiBJECT E%CEPT THOSE ITEMS SCIIEDI?LF.D FOR Pl BLIC IIF.:1RING liim Kowalski Ropers, spoke as an employee for the Cily ol'ScwarJ. Shc took oCl'ensc to the abusive comments towards city staff and their wages and benetits. Salaried and nou-salaried employees worked above and beyond. As an employee, she worked very hard for what she got and she was proud of the work she did. She hoped the council would take that into consideration. llebbic 1'an '1'asscl, spoke on the 2~/o bed tax increase before the council tonight. Shc didn't feel it was right that hotels nut of the city limits didn'I have to charge cityor bed taxes. Ifthese rates went up, they could charge exn•a to come up with the same total as in town. They would get more Cor sitting outside the city limits, which was a huge difference. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT :1GENDA i\lotiou (Bardarson/llunhant) Approval of Agcuda and Consent Agcuda Citti~nJSeurvd. Alacku Cin Courrcil.M1finures tVbrember ?A, 1 UU7 t'ohuue 37. Pu,Ke 45'J Resolution 2007-128 was removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda by ~, unanimous vote of the council. Motion Passed Unanimous The clerk read the [•ollowing approved consent agenda items: The December 24, 2007 regular city council meeting was canceled due to the holidays. Council approved the transfer of ownership and name change of the Tourism-beverage T)ispensary Liquor L,iccnse from the Hotel Edgewater, LLC dba The Yard Arm to The I~ishan Group, Tnc dha'Thc h•ory Covc. Ordinance 2007-010, Revising Seward City Code Section $,3$,045 (Computation Alaximum Tax), Increasing The Sales Tax Cap From $500.1'0 51,000, Effective April 1, 2008. (nrtruduc•ed cuu! set (or ptrhlic hem•utg December l0, ?007) Ordinance 1007-O1 L Revising Seward City Code Section .5.35.040 (Exclusions And Exemptions), Exempting That Portion Of Residential Rents Ahove $500, From Sales Tax, M;ffcetive April T, 2008. (introduced and see for ptrhlic hearing Decenther L0, ?007/ Ordinance 2007-012, Revising Seward City Code Section 5.45.015(A) (HntelMotel Room'T'ax - _, bevy Uf'1'ax), locreasing The )tote)/Afotel Tax Rate From 4"/" To 6"/",Effective April 1, 2008. (trth~odurerl and .cet far- prrblrc hcarrng Uec•ember L0, 200i/ Resolution 2007-125, Authorhing A Contract 'I'hroug6 December 31, 2008, ~~'ith Alaska Newspapers, lac. For Display Advertising In The Seward Phoenix Log At :~ Rate Of $380.00 Per Week. Resolution 2007-126. Amending The City Parking Fcc Schetlulc For City-Owned Parking Lols In 2008, As Listed In Attachment A, Effective .lanuan• 1, 2008. Resolutlon 2007-127, lucreasing :1nd Setting Municipal Camping Fees, Effective January 1, 2008. SPECL*,L ORDERS, FRESENTATIONS AND RF:PORfti Proclamations and Awards Borough Assemhh• Report Borough :1ssrmbly Representative Ron Long stated the last assembly meeting wen[ up [o the al Intrcd times "Chcy looked at a resolution trying to decide on what the Borough's role would he during the ii)'~' Anniversary statehood celebration. The Assembly wanted to participate and w•as looking for appropriate ideas. A resolution to adopt a climate change ,,,,~ energy policy was postponed. The Assembly introduced an ordinance aliening the senior citizen CilruTSeward, Alre+~ka Cin~Cmmci(,11iua1cs Nm ember ?d. ?007 1%ohane 37. Pugs 4GU property tax exemption fur all properties rc~~ardless of value, to go hack to a standard where the exemption wasjudged rnt all the same rcyuiremcnts as the qualifications of the perntanent linrd. City 1lianager's Report City 1ltauat;rr Phillip Oates noted the recent passing of Dalc Lindsey. Oates met with members of the Seward Mural Society, who was hoping to request state designation as the \4ural Capital ofAlaska. A resolution would come forward to council supporting this soon. Oates attended the Alaska Community Foundation +vorkshup on November 17 and 18, 2007, where he teamed of a pilot project that would allow communities to voluntarily develop a local community foundation fund. The application period would end Febnrary 28, 2008. ht rrsportse to a question at a previous meeting, Oates reported the city a~as a part of ajoint insurance pool. Under this pool, according to Alaska Statute, only municipalities and [heir public corporations, city and borough school districts, and regional educational facilities were eligible to participate. Staff\vould continue to research ifthu Cily of Seward could initiate theirotvn insurance pool on hehalY of local businesses lu help case the burden and olTset premiums. Tn other areas, Oates stated the Public Works llcparUUCUt had been busy keeping up on drainage issues with the large amounts of rain the cif}-had in the past lcw weeks. Ogles stated the library' was in full swing wi[h preparations for the New Years Eve Ball. '1'hcro would be no fireworks at the Ball, as the insurance for them was expensive. The Harbormaster position had been ~"' advertised and Oates was pleased to announce they had received marry applications. '1'hcrc would be a Mary Lowell Center Partners Meeting this week to determine the impact of the rbrest Savicc's level of commitment to the project. Oates wag pleased to report the P.A.R.K.S. community playground group had met their Decemher 6"' fundraising goal of $.50,00(1 ahead of schedule. Chamber of Commerce Report. Chamber Director Laura Cloward gave Chamber mernbcrship and destination guide statistics. The new guides would be on the street sometime next week, and requests fur the guides had gone up considerably. Seward was ranked as number three in top ten destinations in the US according; to Trip Advisor, which was extremely favorable. She had just attended the Pacific Marine Expo, which went very wail. The Christmas Train was coming up, and the four year celebration for lditarod Days was kicking uli'. Cloward expressed the Chamber's support of the Cook Inlet Aquaculnrres fish ciiltanccntent prug;rant. Seward Planning and %oning Commission Report. Chair Alarianua Keil stated the commission was progressive \vith the title I S update with the volunteer help oC Bob Hicks. 17rc commission approved the Long Temt Care Facility rezone and the townhouse conditional use permit. The next Planning and Zoning Cumntission meeting was December 4, 2007 and Keil suggested a menrbcr of the cununissiun to sit in on the Ilarbarmaster interviews, like the Port and Commerce Advisory Board. PUBLIC' HF:ARIN(:5 .~ Resolutions Requiring A Puhlic Hearing Cim vJ Sc»•ard, Alaska Cin~ Cmenci! Afinurer A'ovember 16. 2UU7 Volante )7, f'nge 4h/ Resolutiou 2UU7-122, Amending 't'he Yort And Harbor 'tariff By Increasing Launch Fees, ~:ffcctive January 1, 2U118. Notice ofthe public hearing bung posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Paul Rupple, a host ow7ier in the harbor, stated the Seward Comprehensive plan called for a thriving harbor. Fees kept increasing and he cautioned the council to keep fees reasonable to keep boats and their owners in the harbor. Rupple wondered if a change could he made to keep human powered vessels al a five dollar rate for launch fees. Ile was glad to see the slip assignment fee was rcmovcil loom this resolution. Oates agreed the city's interest was to have. a small thriving boat harbor. The idea of human powered vessels being exempt from this increase was a new idea to him and he thought it was worth pursuing. This resolution only addressed an increase in boat launch lees and not the slip assignmetl fee. Ile recommended approval of this resolution. Motion (Dunham/Bardarson) Approve Resolution 2007-122 >`lolion (Dunham/Bardarson) Amend Resolutimt 2007-122 to keep the launch fees for human powered vessels the same M' adding the language, "excluding human powered vessels that shall remain at ,,,r 55.00," in the Second Whereas, in the fiat section. Motion to Amend Passed Unanimous Main Motion Passed Unanimous Resolution 2007-l23, Amending The Sewer Tariff To Tncrease All Sewer C'hargcs !3y 5%, Et7eetive Jauuary 1, 2008. Notice of the public hearing being posted and published as required by law was Hated and the public hearing was opened. Marianna Keil, asked for clarification on the $250,000 for the SMIC sludge pile, if it was coming out of the general fund or it was to be taken out ol'thc enterprise (und. Oates stated that would be addressed with the corresponding budget resohnion later in the agarda. Motion (Dunham/Kellar) Apprm'e Resohttion 2UU7-123 Hares stated rates had been continually rising, but not near as much as the consumer price index (CPI) had risen, and this increase was to gradually meet the CPI. Much of the sewer system in place was at the end of its useful life and would need replacenrent, so this increase was also for that. Dunham understood this to be a follo+v up as a cost study done a few years ago that suggested small increases over the years. Oates confirmed. City ul :Scwrvxrl, .41adm Cin• Council afnwtrs Nm•enrber 3d, ?007 Yolrtntc 37, Prt,¢e 4G: Motion Passed Unanimous Resolution 2007-12d, Amending 't'he Electric Tariff To Establish A New Fee To Equalize Charges To Customers Outside Of 'The Seward City Limits, ~i'it6 Customers Insldc 'I'hc Seward City Limits, Effective Januan' 1, 2008. Votice of the public hearing being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Carol Roberts, noted residents outside the city limits should get a discount for the electrical service they received. She thought members of the council, who all lived within city limits, should abstain from voting, as it was a conflict of interest. It should be a popular vote by those affected, uthcnvise it +vas taxation without representation. Roo ~~'ille, spoke against raising the electrical fee to residents outside city limits. The electricity served all residents, inside and outside the city limits. This issue was a conflict of interest within the oily, as the City of Seward would be benefiting from this increase and residents outside of city limits did not have any representation or voice on this council. W ille did not agree+vith the third whereas ofthc resulutiou, btrausc he already paid for service connections, basic repairs, and door hanging. The electrical enterprise shou]J encompass all of its users. IIe noted the city drew a lot of money out of the electric fund and he hoped the council would consider this. "The rules +vcre suspcuded by general consent to allow Willr hvo more minutes to speak. r.. Mille continued, stating he was waiting on a docuntcnt request that indicated the monies drawn from the electric department over the last few years and requested the council waited until this information was compiled. He didn't see the justification tar this increase. ~1 arianna licit, stated this was a matter of equity to reduce the fees inside the city limits by 4"/0 to be more lair. DJ Whitman, agreed with 4Ville on this issue. He found it strange there was no mention of how this came about in the first place. This +vas truly taxation without representation. !.lotion (Dunham/Ambrrg) Approve Resolution 2007-121 Oates stated the fec+vas to equalize the. costs anwng Seward city limit residents. This was a 4% surcharge with a 5211 month cap. He addressed some issues noted about this resolution. The city taxes were only paid by the city residents He did not agree that the electric fund +vas a healthy fund. The fund had not been "raided" in the past, but loaned out to pay for the hospital YERS lout, which was on a repay~rtenl schedule with interest. The city was suhject for RCAC' ruling on haw the fund coulJ be used. This rate increase +vould come back to the electric fund, not a taxation that would go to the borough and Urcn back to the fund. The city did serve all of its customers, and sought to serve L all equitably. Valdatta considered this an acceptable fee. CiN oj.Se+varrf, Alnskn Cifi Caeui7:6fmures No+rmber 16, ?007 Volrrmc J7. Page 463 Kellar felt it was a had tax. Tt was unfair to ask fora 4% tax that the council did not have the authority to implement. Dunham was concerned with this resolution. In the past, residents outside city limits were charged a ] 0% lee, which was later removed. I [e didn't like the surcharge and equalization of 4% as worded in section I and wished there was another way to do it. Dunham felt the rates should reflect the cost of the utility and the zones set up should coordinate with the rates for them. Corhridge felt there were several problems al hand, but the city was bound by law to try and equalize the net income received from those inside and outside the city limits. He felt this equalization should he reexamined, but felt this was not the correct nrechanisrn. Smith noted surcharges were allowed. He also didn't I ike the way the resolution was worded acrd didn't understand equalizing net revenues for utility services. Rardarson had property inside and outside city limits, and could understand the equalization. Down the road, the increase could be more. Motion to Postpone (Dunhant/Smith) Postpone Resolution 2007-124 to the December 10, 2007 muting ~1olion to Postpone Passed Yes: Anrberg, Bardarson, Smith, Dunham. ~'a1dAYlA, Dlayor Corhridge No: Kellar Council recessed at 8:52 p.nr. Council resumed at 9:00 p.m. Ordinances Reyuiring A Puhllc Hearing Ordinance 2007-007, Amending The Land lJse Plan Aud Rezoning Of Tract D, Of The USS 1864, Seward Long Term Care Facilih• Subdivision (Preliminan~ Plat) And Retuning The Vorth Portion Of Tract :1-1, Of The USS 18fi4 Seward Long'1'crm Care Facility Subdivision (Preliminary Plat) From SinKle Family (Rl) To Institutional (1 VS). Notice ofthe public hcarinl; being posted and published as required by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. Nn one. appeared to address the Council and the public hearing was closed. Uatcs stated this had unanimously been recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. A murk session was also held nn this topic. •I his was supported by the Comprehensive and Strategic Plan. Notion (Bardarson/llunham) Enact Ordinance 21107-1107 ,~ Ylutiun Passed Cnanimous City ~j Seward. AIu-+ku Cih~ CuunciLS/rnutec .Norembvr 26, 200? Fnlunte i7, l'nge •J61 Ordinance 2007-OOR, Amending Se+r•ard City Code Title 15, Land Uses Allowed Table 15.10.225 "fo Allow Townhouses Ry Conditional Lae Permit In The Central Qusiness District (CBD). Notice of the public healing being posted and published as rcyuired by law was noted and the public hearing was opened. No ane appeared to address the Council xnd the public hearing was closed. Oates stated the Planning and Zoning Commission had also reconunended approval of this change. It was consistent w•ilh the city plans. Acting Planner Donna Glenz noted the commission approved this unanimously, and one person conveyed their opposition to this allowance. Alolion (Dunham/Amberg) F.nact Ordinance 2007-UUS Dlotiou Passed Unanimous Ordinance 2007-009, AmendiuR Seward City Code Table 15.10.220 To Add A Note Regarding Limitations On Development Of Tract D OI' USS 1864 Jrssr Lee IIome Subdivision Seward long Term Care Faeilih~ Keplat. Notice ol• the public hcarin~ being posted and published as required by law .vas noted and the public hearing was opened. No one appeared to address the Council and the public hearing was closed. Oates stated this required some additional discussion. `fhc landowners, the Griswold's, had ~' agreed to sell this property to the city for the purpose of constntcting the Latg'I'crm Carc Facility. The land was being platted for the sale and would come fon+•ard soon. Once tltc plat was siytcd, the city could pay for [he property and proceed ahead. Council just changed the rezone by enacting Ordinance 200'-007. There were concerns with what the code allowed in the industrial zone. Some of the things allowed would be less appropriate next to residential areas, so it was taken to the Planning and "Coning Cununission. The Griswold's reyuesled certain restrictions be put on this land, which would be enacted with this ordinance. Phis approach, made by the attorney's, was acceptable ro the land owners. There was yucstion about encumbrance for Cuture use of land. The attomey's recommended council go forti+•ard with the ordinance cha[tgc. The city hoped to purchase the land in i)ecemher and begin gramd preparation in March or April. llclaying this ordinance would put construction behind months. M1lotion (Dunham/Rardarson) Approve Urdiuance 2007-009 Bardarson asked about the possible physical therapy future addition, and Oates stated that was a part of the Long Term Care Facility, as well as a skilled nursing facility. Smith noted "institutional" in the code was very open ended. When the code was written, many things were al lowed outright. Someone could build something like a gas station or a wc]ding shop nn an institutional zone. :Motion Passed Unanimous Cit1' nf.Sek•nrd, .4lnrkn Cih• [nunci( hfinuter November 16. 2110' 6'olunr~ i7. Pnge 463 IINFINISHF.D BU5INF,SS [terns Postponed From A Previous Agenda Resolution 2007-105, Adopting The Parking Enterprise Fund Budget For Calendar Year 2008 On a gcueral budget note, Oates slated he was amazed with what the city did with the amount of people they had. He agreed with many ul' Kim Kuw•alski Ruger's comments and applauded his staff. As a city manaecr he could sec cven2hing that was not being dune. There were many arguments about efficiency. The increases before the cuuucil go to needs nut being met. His professional assessment was that it was remarkable what the. city did with what they had. Regarding the Parking Enterprise Fund, Oates stated this fund presented a balanced budget. Tltc change in parking fees were represented in Resolution 2007- 126 and he recommended approval. Motion (Bardarson/Kellar) Approve Resolution 2007-105 In response to Thmham, h'inance Director Kris Erchinger clarified which lots were up for sealing, striping, and reconfiguration. "fo the best of her kuuwlcdgc, these lots had not been re- sealed and re-striped. Motion Passed l!nanimous Resolution 2007-106. Adopting The 114otor Pool Internal Service Fund Budget For Calendar Year 2008. Oates stated staff sti I I had to come to council for approval of any purchase in addition to this fund resolution. The budget had seen modified to reduce luture purchases of vehicles and research into lease costs. IIe planned to do a full review of the city's fleet of vehicles. Unless things like snow clearance were oulsourced, funds for heavy equipment still needed to be in place. Motion (Bardarson/Amberg) Apprnve Resolution 2UU7-lU6 in response to Bardarson, Errhingcr stated the only vehicles purchased in 2007 were iwro police cars, and possibly one more. Smith asked about the drop in operating income. Erchinger said it was a drop in depreciation costs, and 1[ was not a drop in money. Dunham wanted an update o1'thc 2007 budget as must current. It was difficult to make these decisions when they couldn't see what was done for the current year. IIe wanted staffto tvn through the footnote budget items. Erchinger did so, in which she noted each item would have to come back ~ to council for approval, as they would be purcha.es over 510.000. ~, Cih' r f.S;arm'd, Alaska City Council ,Lfin«tes :5'ovembcr?h, ?007 t'ulumc 37. Page 4GG ~ ~ lliscussion ensued about the sander plow truck. Public Wm•ks Director W'.C. Casey clariticd that the cost bcl'urc the council was the approximate cost of a sander plo++~ buck. 'fhcy were expecting the 2007 models to be done nest vear. What the Public R'orks Director had originally wattled was a dump truck. Instead, to make the money stretch, they+vould he moving different plow blades and parts to dilTcrcatl vehicles. Dunham hoped this budget could be reduced more, but he would support it. Amherg agreed. In response to Smith, Oates noted the operating and maintenance costs lied within each specific department. Motion Passed Yes: Smith, Amberg, Dunham, Valdatla, Bardarson, Mayor CorbridQ_ e No: Kellar Rrsolution 2007-107, Adopting The hospital Debt Service Fund Budget For Calendar 1'car 2008. Oates stated this fiord consistcil ofthc l°/u sales tax ravenuc to improve health care. This fund would he making the first of its l S vcarly payments with interest from the loan that paid off the hospital PF.RS debt. Motion (Uunhant/Bardarson) Approve Resolution 2007-l07 In response to Bardarson, F.rchinger stated difference between what was in the preliminary budget and what was in their council packet was the elimination of the seasonal sales tax. Repayment of the I Iospital PERS debt payoff was transferred through the general fund as an expense under debt service, simply because the city +vas unsure if this fund could consistently make the repayment loan. Motion Passed Unanimous Resolution 2007-108, Adopting'I'Le Electric Enterprise Fund BudKel Fur Calendar Yrar 2008. Oates stated this resolution presented a balanced budget and did not subsidize any other funds. It allotted for the replacement generators and the new electric shop. Ii did not pass along the Chu,ach Electric rate increase. Oates answered to some public comments he had received regarding this fund. I le recommended council approve this resolution and consider Resolution 2007-124 at the next meeting. ~lotiou (Duuhaut/Bardarsou) :*.ppruvr Rrsolution 2007-108 Dunham wanted to know if the city really needed to buy an excavator. In response to Dunham, Erchinger said this budget did not include funding for specific capital improvement items be['orc the council; rather it was a list of things needed in the fund. Cih~ of Sex~ard. Alaska C'iry C'ourrci! ,M1lirmtes ,NoremGer :6. 1 UU7 I'aLrme 37, Puge 4G7 In response to Valdatta, Oates said the Fort Raymond fence repair+vould be incorporated into all ofthe Fort Kay~nond plan repairs. Erchingcr spoke to the taxing on the price of fuel andpoweron Chugach's hehalf. 1liotion Passed Unanimons Resolution ?007-109, Adopting The Capital tmprnvement Budget For Calendar Ycar 2UU8 And Two Subsequent Calendar Years. Oates stated the Capital Improvement Plan represented a list of capital needs for each fund. ]t did not prioritize needs, Drily the potential of needs. Oates nosed the $250,000 sludge removal at SMIC was only a plan at this point, although it was a plan that had been on this budget for many years now. Motion (Dunham/Bardarson) .approve Resolution 2UU7-109 Motion to Postpone (Kellar/1lardarson) Postpone 2007-109 to the llecember lU, 2007 meeting Smith noted he would like to sec. asterisk's by the items the city was intending to fund. Grchinger said none of the things at this point were on the city s plan to fund. but would come to the council for funding. _ Motion to Postpone Failed Ycs: Kellar, Bardarson Vo: Smith, llunhauy :~mberg, Valdatta, mayor Corhridgc Motion to Amend (Kellar) Change F,Icctric Shop, new generators and generator building line item from $7.5 million to $4.5 million, under F.Icctrlc Related Capital Projects. ,49otion kr Amend died thin to lack oJa second. 1liain Motion Passed Yes: Amberg, Smith, Valdatta, Dunham, Bardarson, lblayor Corhridge No: Kellar Resolutiou 2UU7-104, Adopting The Small Boat Harbor N:nterprise Fund Budget For Calendar Year 2008. Oates stated the slip assignment fee would be brought lonvard to council at the next meeting and rceontnrcnded approval. ~ Motion (Bardarson/Dunham) Approve Resolution 2007-104 Grp uJ'Se~tvd, Alrcvko .varrmher 3h, ?D07 Cim C anui! alinur:•s 6'okunc J,'. PnRe 4GS ,Ifarion preriousl~~ wade l!/lJ.~O,' V Oates reiterated the slip assignment fee was not a part of what was before the council tonight. Tt would be brought forward to them al the next meeting, and based nn haw the council voted; i[ would rn- would not bccanc a part ufcapilal infrastructure improvements. Dunham asked about linear footage of the harbor with the slip assignment fee. He did not agree with the slip assignment fee. Motion to Amend (Kellar/Dunham) Amend Resolution 2007-104, by removing the miscellaneous $150,000 stall assessment fee under OperatinK Revrnur. Motion to Amend Passed Unanimous ;.'lain Motion Passed Unanimous Resohttiou 2UU7-10U, Adopting The Cily General Tund Operating Budget Tor Calendar fear 2UUR. L Oates stated this was a balanced budget to maintain service levels. increases were due lobed load removal and fire hall repairs. All other increases weru oll's-ct with department cuts or reductions. Motion (IIardarson/Kellar) Approve Resolution 2UU7-111U Ambcrg ++enlud to kno+v iCthis would be subject to the increase in bed [axes. Erchinger stated the increase in bed lax was included in the General Pund, but if council wished the bed tax to remain the same, ar resululion amending the budget would come back to council at a later time to remove this increase. ht response to Lhmhant, the increases were S2,000 to the Scniur Ccnlur, $800 to the museum, and $13,2RS to the chamber, which remained as originally proposed. Notion to Amend (Kcllar~'aldatta) Amend Resolution 2007-1UU, Section 1, after the tsording "C'alendar 1i'ear 2UU8;' add "will be set at 2007 achtal spcndiog levels" and strike "~~'hich is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference and which contains estimated revenues and expenditures for the period January 1 - Uccemhcr 31, 2UU8, and" Kellar encouraged administration to seek out altemativc ways to reduce government spending and to use the amount of money saved for depreciation costs. City nj,Seiwird, A&tclut ,Nos~ember 2G. ?007 City Council bfirrutes Volume 37, Puge 4G9 Oates stated the city would not know what 2007 expenditures were until Weil into 2008, If this amendment were to go through, bed loading removal and fire hall repairs would go away, and state contributions l'or levee repairs would br• at risk. Erchinger noted 2007 spending levels would not be dctcnnined until March, when the city closed the books nn the year. ~9otion to Amend Failed Yes: Valdatta, Kellar No: Bardarson, Smith, llunham, Amberg, Mayor Corhrldgc Plain Motion Passed 1'es: Dunham, Bardarson, Amberg, Smith, 1layor Corbridge No: IKellar, Valdatta NEW BUSINESS Resolutions Resolution 1007-128, Approving A Contract For Animal Control Services ~M1'ith Jennifer Carrick, dba Carpe Canis [n The :1mount Of $72,280. Oates noted a typographical ennr in Section 1 of the resolution, the amount of the contract was listed as $64,080, wherein fact it should he $72,2811, as listed in the title ol'thc resolution. This contract went out for proposal, and two bids were suhmitted and evaluated. 'fhe overall cost with Carpe Canis was negotiated down from 579,000. Motion (Dunham/Bardarsan) Approve Resolution 2007-128 Valdatta thrntght the cost w•as outrageously high. Police Chief Tom Clemons explained the inclusive costs. Dunham said Carpe Canis did a wonderful job and if the city got them again, it would be a bargain. IVlulion Passed 1'es: Amberg, Bardarson, Smith, Dunham, Kellar, 1llayor Corbritlge No: Valdatta OTHER NF.W Bi;SINF:SS Council discussed appointing a council representative to the Kenai Yeuiusula Borough Economic Development District Board. Councilmemher Smith would get hack to council to sec if he could be the representative and the appointment was postponed to the next meeting. CiN q~Ser.ea'd. ;tlnskn Gq• Council ,M1Jiruges tnlume 37, Page 470 Thr discussion item seeking council's guidance prrtaining to the Seward Ships i)ry Uock (SSDD) EPA report was postponed to the next meetiuK. INFORAIATION:IL ITEiV1S AND RF.POR'I'S (,~'o rrclrwr reyrnrecn 1'rovidcucc Seward Medical Center Financial Report for October 2(It)7. COUNCIL C0117D1ENTS Kellar noted the high school was having a play in December and hoped people would support the students by attending the show. Bardarson noted she would be out of town for the next meeting, and thanked Pam Hermann and Scott Ransom for their service to the city. Dun ham announced the llale Liodscy memorial service was December 2, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. at the Alaska SeaL.ife Center. CITIZENS' COMMENT'S Ron long, thanked the city manager fur mentioning the Governor's proposed budget reyuest. f le noted there was no mention of revenue sharing in this proposal. He encouraged all to reyuest revenue sharing to the Governor. nlarianoa Keil, said expenses didn't have to he at the cost of the employees and hoped the city manager would hold to his promise to look for inefficiencies and cost cutting measures in the upcoming year. It wasn't necessarily about the employees, but that they represented the majority of the budget. COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' COMMENTS Oates stated he would give a copy of the Seward Ship's Dry Dock presentation to the caunci I, since they would not have time to go over it tuuigltl. He would recommend this topic come back at the next council meeting. AD.IOURNVIEN'1' The meeting was adjourned at l I :00 p.m. L 1 ,• , +"~. ~ ' .Teen t ewis, CMC ,";•. >.~ City Clerk - ~ ~~"~ ~ ~ ~,' (City Seal) - ~. "` ~„ '• --~- ? i n, : ,~ ~. !, '~ `Ja,`++' ~cnrrrr`r~ Clark Corbndb~ h'I a}'Or