HomeMy WebLinkAbout1913 City Council Minutes 1 IV n;(' I I I .-. C" , _.! MEETING OF THE Sl<~WARD TOVvl1 COUNCIL. MONDAY :B;VENING J AN6th, 1913. I __.__,._.__.._._+_..~_ ._-.. ..,._..... ~_.__...._.....___.____....__.__ _,_ The Seward Town Council met in regular session at the Town Hall Uonday evening Jan, 6th, at the usual hour. Present were, Crawford, Noon, a,nd the President. There not being a Quorum, Councilman Noon moved that the meeting adj ourn and meet Thursday evening Jan, 9th, at the usual hour. This motion was e<< seconded by Councilman Crawford, and the meeting adjourned. 1: iii ~-;) ?tdld~!JJ!~r.. ::_:~::l< . Mayor, ;J /7 J /. ~d,.,/l/ -l( jt?/!?Elld:{{~.~._ _ _ _ _______ I~' Clerk, L lB)HL'n .. I II J '..., I I I MEETING O}" TIDl SEWARD TOW1J COUNCIL, THURSDAY EV1<~NING JAN. 9th, *********************************************-**************** ~Ir- 4 ,-' The Sewa,rd Town Council met at the 'l'own Hall, Thursday evening Jan. 9th, at the usual hour. The meeting was called to order by the President. Present were, Cra,wford, Noon, Hawkins, Sauers, Tecklenberg and the President. The Marshal turned in the name of Chas. Strum who had labored 2 hours on the Sewer,Jack Bjorn who labored 28 hours on the Sewer, and Fred Dorf who labored 24 hours on the Sewer. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was ordered that a warrant be drawn in favor of these men at the rate of 50% per hour. The motion passed the council unanimous. The Marshal also turned in the name of Chas. Barker and Jack Bjorn who had acted as "Night Watchmen" on the night of Jan, 6th, and the council authorized the payment of these men for their services at the established rate of $4.00 per night. A bill was read from the Seward Water & Power Co for $236.75 and upon the motion of Councilman Noon that the bill be tabled indefinately, This motion was seconded by Councilman Crawford, and passed the council. A bill was read from the Seward Light & Power Co for $15.05 for globes and etc. Upon the motion of Councilman Tecklenberg seconded by Councilman Noon, that the amount of $7.00 for 1-500 W Tungston LRmp and the amount of 70% for 1 hours labor be stricken from this bill and that a warrant be drawn for the remainder of this bill ($7.35) this motion passed the council unanimous. Councilman Noon then moved that a 16 candle power light be placed at the cor, of 3 Ave and Adams St, 1 -16 candle power light be placed at the cor, od 5th and Adams St. and that a 32 candle power light pe placed ~n the' 'Flag Pole" and that it would remain in the discreation of the "Light Committee" to lower the light on the "Flag Pole" and to substitute a 64 candle power light. This motion was seconded by Councilman 'l'ecklenberg and passed the council. A bill was read from the Seward Water & Power Co for the rent of 9 Hydrants for the month of Dec. and amounting to $67.50 Upon the motion of Councilman Crawfors, seconded by ,Councilman Sauers that the bill be paid, passed the council, all members present voting in favor except Councilman Noon. Bills were read from the Alaska Transfer for 2.00 Chas Crawford 5.00 Brosius & Noon .50 and the payment of the rent of the building used as a City Jail for the months of Oct. Nov. and Dec @ the rate of $7.00 per mo. Upon the motion of Councilman Sau~rs, seconded by Councilman that the bills be paid as read passed the council. Upon the motion of 60uncilman Sauers, seconded by ~ouncilman Noon that it is in the discretion of the Marshal to hire and discharge' 'Night Watchmen" as they are needed. This motion passed the council unanimous. Councilman Sauers then moved that the Marshal be allowed to purchase 1 Ton of Coal for use at the Town Jail, Councilman Noon seconded this motion and it passed the council. NOll fu ther buisness coming before this meeting Councilman Sauersr moved tha,t the meeting adj ourn, e,nd meetx in regular ses~~n Monday evening Jan 20th, This motion was seconded by C7~~~~~~,n c~~~r4 and the Ul meetl~~)adjOUrn:d, /tk'~//l'" {( ~i(.9...-. ,':'/4'1';,1 '1"/1 ~-r--"CYerk~" -.--- -~~-~~ Pre~ide~t .' lBHFe I I I ~'7 . t MEETING OF TKE SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL. MONDAY EVJt~NING JAN 20th. *********************************************************** The Seward Town Council met at the Town Hall, Monday evening, Jan 20th. pt the usual hour. Present were, Noon, Crawford and Hawkins. 2 Upon the mot ion of Councilman Hawkins, that Councilman Noon be chosen to act as "Temporary Chairman" of the meeting, this motion was duly seconded by Councilman Crawford. Councilman Noon was chosen and thereupon took the chair. There not being a quorum present, Councilman Crawford moved that the meeting adjourn and meet Monday evening Feb 3rd, that being the date of the next regular meeting. Councilman Hawkins seconded this motion and the meeting was adjourned. l (fl /. I , , { I . / ~ ;I/? I'f' 1/ // 'Ll jI F t (r/ff (Ac! 1 /1< - Town Clerk, !h" " 'I , / '~ __-I . . " !di:.t~:..S-._""( l ,/ / Temporary Chairman, lB'JFe I I I . :... MEETING O:b' l'h'E SE\~ARD 'l'OWN COUl\CIL. MONDAY m'},NIl~G :B'EJ33 rd, ***************************************************************** The Seward Town Council met at the Town Hall, Monday evening, Feb)tary 3rd, at the usual hour. The meeting was called to order by the President. Present were, Crawford, Noon, Hawkins, Bauers And the President. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved Councilman Crawford informed the Council that it would cost about $12.50 to have a light placed at the corner of fifth and Adams St. and as it would only be a short time until street lights would not be needed, the "Light Committee" thought the Town could get along with out it. Councilman Noon then moved that the' 'Light Committee" have a light placed at Cor, of 5th and Adams St, Councilman Sauers seconded this motion, and the motion passed the council unanimous. A comunication was read from S.M. Graff of the Seward Light & Power Co. 8,sking for the payment of the balance of the jobbing bill for the month of Dec. Councilman Hawkins moved tha,t the balance of this bill amounting to $7.70 be paid, Councilman Crawford secon- ded the motion and the bill was ordered paid. The Seward Light & Power Co's bill for the month of Jan for supplies and work amounting to $4.75 was read and upon the motion the motion of Councilman Sauers, seconded by Councilman Noon was ordered paid. A Bill wa,s rea,d from the Seward \Vater & Power Co for the rent of 9 Hydrants for the month of Jan @ 7.50 each amounting to $67.50, and upon the motion of Councilman Sauers seconded by Councilman Crawford that the bill be paid as read, passed the council by the affirmative vote of all present, except Councilman Noon who voted against it. A bill was read from the Seward Saw Mill Co amounting to $48.00 which was for lumber used in building a side-walk, upon the motion of Councilman Sauers, seconded by Councilman P'A.wkins that this bill be paid, the motion was voted upon by Roll Call resulting as follows, The motion Bills Ayes, Crawford, Hawkins, Sauers, President, carried and the bill was ordered paid. were read from the A1aska Transfer Company for Gorham Revere Rubber Co Artic Brotherhood and seconded these bills were $17.00 1.4.7 7.00 ordered No'e lIoon, Upon motion duly made paid. The Town Marshal turned in the name of Jack Bjorn for services as "NightwatcrJnan" for the night of Jan 20th at the usual rate of $4.00 per night. The council ordered this paid. The Fire Cheif turned in the names of 17 men who had assisted at the fire on the morning of Jan, 14th, The Council ordered that a, warrant be drawn in favor of the Fire Cheif for $17.00 and that he take receipt for same in usual maner. The Fire Cheif turned in the name of ],.'rank Nickerson who worked four hours watching the buildings that were burned after the Fire Department had left, The Council ordered this paid at the rate of 500 per hour. lB~JFe I I I Meeting of Feb, 3rd, continued. The Fire Cheif turned in the name of Wm Cook who worked four hours drying hose after the fire of the 14th the Council ordered this paid at the rate of 50~ per. hour. ' The Clerk was ordered to write a letter to the Operator In Ch~rge of the Government Cable Office , requesting him to petition the "Government" to have a Telephone placed in the Cable Office. Councilman Noon moved that the rules be suspended Councilman Sauers seconded this motion, and the motion carried. Thereupon Councilman Noon moved that' 'Ordinance" #11 , An Ordinance to provide for a Special and General Election in the Town Of Seward pass the council. This motion was JUUIJIIUl: seconded by Councilman Crawford and voted upon by Roll Call as follows. Ayes, Crawford, Hawkins, Noon, Sauers, President, The mo Lion carried all members voting in favor. Ordin?nce #12 was read, AnOrdinance providing for the Registration of Voters in the Town of OJeward, Councilman Noon then moved that the rules be suspended, Councilma,n Sauers seconded the motion and the the rules were suspended. Councilman Crawford then moved that the Ordinance pass as read, Councilman Noon seconded the motion, and it was voted upon by Roll Call as follows, Ayes, Crawford, Hawkins, Noon, Sauers, President, The motion carried all members voting in favor. Councilman Noon then moved that the sumxa of _$61.70 be taxed against lot 21 in Block 15 this being the sum that was expended in building a side-walk in front of this lot, and that the Clerk send Judge S.O.Morford the agent of this property notice to this effect. Councilman Sauers seconded this mot~on, and the motion passed the council by the affirmative vote of all members presen t. No other buisness coming before the meeting, Councilman Crawford, moved that the meeting adjourn, and meet in regular session Monday Evening Feb, 17th that being the date of the next regular meeting, Councilman Sauers seconded this motion and the meeting adjourned. / tf / //;; II :fjllu~! I- ~..:tJ~(!_C! ILV )11/ //j{ / / / Mayor, Itlillt! _.!J ;::~_ 1/ Clerk, 81 (' I lBHFc I I I Q~ ,"'., ., ~~ MEETING OF TEl<.. SEWA.BD TU\'llJ CUUNCLL. MONDAY EVENING FEB. 17th, 1913 ***************~*************************************.*********** The Seward Town Council met at the towr. hall) 8,t the usual hour, Monday evening Feb, 17th, 1913. Present were, Colwell, Crawford, Hawkins, Noon, Sauers, and the President. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Councilman Sauers moved that the Clerk consult with the Assistant District Attorney regarding nnpaid licenses, this motion was seconded by Councilman Hawkins and passed the council by the unanimous vote of all present. A bill was read from the Seward Volunteer FireJlt Department for the sum of twenty two dollars and twenty cents, this amount was borrowed from the sick fur.d of the Department at the time the fire hose was bought. Councilman Noon moved that a warrant be drawn in favor of the }<'ire Department for $22.20 in payment of this bill, Councilman Hawkins seconded this motion, and the motion carri~d all voting in favor except Councilman Colwell who voted in the negative. The council ordered the Clerk to draft letters and forward same to the Ho.L.V.Ray at Juneau, the letters to be signed by each and every member of the council. The subject of the letters to be as follows, one regarding a Wagon Road from Seward to Mile 29, one regarding the building of a Court House at Seward. One regarding a regular term of Court at Seward, and one regarding the establishment of a Branch Land Office at Seward. The Pire Committee reported that the Hydrant in front of the Crawf'ord house on 2nd, Ave did not have sufficient pressure, thereupon Councilman Sauers moved thatt that the }<'ire Commi ttee confer wi th the Wa,ter Co. regarding moving the Hydrant to H place on second Ave, where the Hydrant could be connected with a four inch main. This motion was seconded by Councilman Crawford and the motion carried. Ko :u ther bU.isness cOr'1.ing before this meeting Councilman Sauers moved that the meeting adjourn, and meet~ in regular session Monday evening Uarch 3rd, Councilman Noon seconded this motion and the meeting adjourned. at 'Ms,yor, _._- Clerk, 1 B~.lFe I .'\ I I ME1<j'l'ING OF Tm: SEWAHD TOWN COUNC IL. JlONDAY ;'~VF:JaFG l":ARCH 3 rel) 1913, *************************************************************** nr- C;) The SewB,rd Town Council met at the usual hour, U:onday evening 1ililTch 3rd. 1913, Present were. Colwell, Cre.wford, Noon, Hawkins. Sauers Tecklenberg and the President. The meeting was called to order by the President. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and corrected and then flpproved. Upon !l motion duly made and seconded tJ1e following bills were ordered paid) Seward Co~~erciRl Co Arctic :Brotr~e:r:J.ood. Rent of Jail "'re"l8UrerS, commission for Oct, Nov, & Dec) Seward News Co) RegistrRtion Book Seward Light & Power Co Jobbing bill for month 11.50 A bill was read from the Seward Water & Power Co for the rent of 9 Hydrants @ 7.50 each, amounting to ~67.50. 'rhereupon councilm~n Hawkins moved that the Bum of $7.50 be deducted from this bill. and that it be changed to read To rent of 8 Hydrants @ 7.50 eRch roaounting to ~60.o0, this motion was seconded by councilman nrawford. and paBsed the Council by the unanimous vote of all present, except Councilman Noon who voted against it. The reason of the above deduction. that the hydrant in front of Crawfords residence on 2nd Ave . did not have sufficient water. Councilman Sauers moved that a Steel Cable 1'15 foot long and 3/16 of an inch thick be purchased for f:. fl~l rope. and that the price should not exceed $7.50. this motion was seconded by Councilmnn Colwell who I'lereed to ordersRid cable free of any comraission for his trouble. and the notion carried. Councilman Sauers moved that Ill'. Colwell be allrJ\"led to order cable. Councilman Noon seconded the cction, and it passed ~he council ~nanimous. Councilman Colwell moved that tLe Harshal be instructed to have the street lights cut out on the first dBY of April) Councilmfm Sauers seconded this motion, and it passed the council unanimous. Councilman Sauers moved that the Clerk of the Council write the Clerk of the Court Rt Veldez, regarding unpaid licenses, Councilman Colwell secJnded this motion and it passed the council. No fu ther b,,,isneas coming before the meeting C'Jelncilman noon moved that the meeting adjourn Gnd meet in regular session Monday evening !lnrlJh 17th the date of the next regular meeting. 'the motion was seconded by Councilman Sauers and the meeting adjourned. 1.05 7.0D 31.67 .50 1.layor.--- ------, C 1 e :;k.-------~- lBMFc I I I 87 MEE'l'lNG OF THE SEWARD Totm COUNCIL. :MONDAY EVENIl~G MARCH l'/th,1913 *************************************************************** The Seward Town Council met at the Town Hall Monday evening March 17th, 1913, P:rosen t were, CrAwford, Sauers)Noon, Ha~kins and the Presirlf;nt, The minutes of the previous meeting were rea.d and approved. A bill wae read from ~.A.Mc.Keily, but no action was taken on it. The Council 8.ppointed the following Judges and Clerks for the election to be held the first Tueaday in April, For Jude-es Chas. Krefting, J.A.Leubner, P.J.Hickey Jr. Chas. Sheldon, L.R.Pederson, The Clerk was instructed to fl.nswer a letter received from the Valdez Town Conncil) regarding taking of a strew vote to find out the favorites for Judge, Marshal and District Attorney for the Third Division of Alaska. For Clerks No futher buionesf\ coming before the meeting, Councilman Sauers moved the ueeting adjourn, and meet in regular session Monday evening April 7 th 1913. The motion was seconded by Councilman He,wkin13, carried and the meeting adj ourned. l:tHyor, Clerk, 1 HHF(~ I MEE~'ING OF ThE SEWARD ~'O\n~ cotJlJ~:a. MONDAY KVKNING APRIL 7th,19l3 ***********************~***~~********************************** The Seward Town Council met at the Town Hall Monday evening April 7th, 1913, Present were, Collie11, Crawford, Hawkins, Noon, Sauers, Tecklenberg and the President. The minutes of tr..e previous meeting were read corrected and approyed. The following Bills were read A Bill from the Volunteer for members who a.nswered CAll at the Morford Fire Brown & Hawkins, Oil Seward commer~,~:t Co, Soda S.L.Colwe11, v Cord Seward L.& P.:0 Jobbing Report Commerce Cafe, BrosiuR & Noon Arctic B~ct~erhooj) Rent of Jail E.O.Morford , Acknowl~~Frrents Chas. E.Frown, Treasurer, Commissions Gateway Pub :0) Adv Seward News Co, Stationery W.A.Hc.rl;i_ ~Stove Pl~~ SewJi:r.~xx J.L.Graef 2.35 Councilman Crawford then moved that the 3ills be paid as read, it was seconded by Councilman Colwell 2nd t~e r~l.)tiOjl ~'lc.l~l~~IJ iJ"t:' i' j~):'I;.~ ill,;' :.I"i-- ,~:'~,r l..'r.J"~' \~( '}t (-CO ~..., members presel1 t. A Bill was read from the Seward Water & Power Co for the rent of 8 Hydrands @ 7.50 per mo amounting to $60.00 Councilman Sauers moved that the bill be paid, Councilman Colwell seconded the motion and it passed the council by the affirmative vote of all present, except Councilman ~oon who voted against it. .A Bill was read from John Du~rlel tor la~or on building a side-walk and for 40# Spikes, President Ballaine, Councilman Hawkins nnd CouncilmRn Sauers at the time this work was done KXX gUArAnteed tht payment of this bill. Councilman Colwell move,i that the bill for repairing ;Oide 'II'Rll<: A"'d fr-.r 4'J# Spikeo be lRid on the table, CouncilmRn ~oon seconded this motion and it was voted upon by Roll Call, Ayes, Colwell Crawford, Noon, ZHXXXlld Tecklenberg The 3Ctil cllXXXUxHKlixil}l{e motion carried, and the bill Wf'.S laid on the tI11;le. Mar9h~1 ~eel turned in the nemes of John Rosnis who acted as special Nightwatchman on the 2nd,3rd, and 4th and whose time amounted to 3 Nights @ 4.00 per night or :h2.00 rhe name of Henry Richards was turned in for acting as NightwRtchm13n or.e :light amounting to 4.00 upon a motion duly made and seconded the council ordered this bill paid. Councilman ~oon then moved thRt the 3 Judgeo and 2 Clerks who had served at the election r..eld April 7th be paid at the rate provided for in Ordinance Yiz: $.600 each the total amounting to $30.00 so Fire Dept Roll lUllounting to $20.00 .50 .35 ~.08 ~ Dr, .0", 3.75' .75 7.')() 3. '15 37.38 12.70 .80 1.] 5" I l~o' s Sauers, Hawkins, President. I lB'IFe I I I -:'1 T.:ev ting of April 7th Continued, Councilman Crawford seconded thi3 motion, Rnd it passed the council unanimous. The School :Board submi tted their report for the ye8.J:" tJgether with a certified letter from the Cashier of t.he Bank of Seward showing 8 balance on hend of $1147.15 The Council accepted the report of the School Board. and the same was filed with the Cler~. The Town Treasurer submitted a report of the Treasurers Office which is as follows. FINANCIAL S'rATEllENT OF THE TO\VH OF Sl!,'WARD. C~sh received Personal Tax 725.16 " "Real" l5~1.32 Poll" 72.00 Dog" 147.00 Licenses Valdez 6271.85 ~agistrate 377.50 Interest Delinq1lent Tax 'f " " " " " " " " " .50 Warrants paid to date Cash on hand in Bank of ~eward 8321. 2~2 604.11 ~12~.~~ 9l25.~~ (Signed A.E.Heville, Deputy, Councilman Crawford then moved U.'l ~ the report of the Treasurer be accepte~ Councilman Noon seconded the motion and the 1reasurers report was accepted, and the same was filed with the Cler~. The Town Clerk submitted a which is ~o follows, Town Treasurer Personal Tax Real Tax Government License Dog Ta.x Poll Tax Delinquent PerE-vllal Tax " Real WBei~trates Office General Fund Books, Stationery & Salary's Sewer Lights & Installation Telephone School repox't Dr. 804.11 Clerks office Cr. (1 f ~he 857036 2'157.26 6271. 85 147.00 72.00 " 132.20 1225.44 377.50 g Printin 335.70 3072.67 61.85 468.86 50.00 3000.00 191. 69 105.60 495.25 36.00 330.00 17"-,:)0 1048?97 ,Tei] , rCllt and etc Fi re Dept. Bridges & SidewRlks GlanieT 8tre~n Flood Water Iuc iden tal a l0482.97 The Clerk called the Cu..lncils attention to the face thnt there was no outsta,nding wa.rrants l),t this date, and that the books of the Clerks office and Treasurers office show the same Rmount of cash on hand, (~igned) Wayne Blue, Town Ci~r~, 1 ]r~ 'I F(' I I I . - Meeting of April 7th continued, 'l'hereupon Councilman Sauers moved that. the report of the Town Cle'l'k be accepted, Council.man Noon seconded the motion and the re~ort was accepted Rnd filed with the Clerk. Judge S.O.Morford addressed the council for a few minutes, regarding the assessed valuation placed upon the Bank Fixtures that Fl,re stored ir. the Alaska Northern Ry Co~ s Office building. He informed the council that it was not just clear as to who owned the property in question, but that he would t~ke the responsi bili ty of paying the taxes pI' rdd ins that the assessed valuation was reduced from $5000.00 to $1000.00 or in other words that the taxes be reduced from :)20.00 to $4.00 The Judge informed the council that the property had been offered for sale for the sum of $1000.00. Councilmen HRwkins then moved that the assessed valuation on :Bank Fixtures, now stored in the Alaska Northern Ry Office b~ reduced from $50CO.OJ to $1000.00 and that the Tax Books be changed to read VRluation $1000.00 instead of $5000.00 the motion was seconded by Councilman Noon and passed the council. Councilman SRuers then moved that the Street Lights be continued through out the month ::Jf April, Councilman Hawkins seconded this motion, and the motion carried. Office~ Councilman Noon mO"led that the anlary's of the ~ of Seward te ,paid up to and including the 10th of the r;;or.'~l1 tllat bein@; the date that the newly council aSSUMe their duties CouncilmEL 3auers seconded the motion and the warranta were ordered drawn. No futher buisness coming before this meeting Councilman Noon 1'Jloved that the meetinp; A.djourn until the evening 1)[ 10th of April. Co.mcilman Sauers seconded the motion and tlle meeting adj ourned. ("") 'L.' Mayor, ~lerk, 1 In! F e r -. ,:,,!r_", MEETING OF TID: SEWARD TO~N cmmCIL.'THtJRSDAY F.VKNING APRIL lOth, 1913 ...<<<<44....................**................***...*..*..*. **...... I The seward Town Council met at the Town Hall '1'hursd~ evening, April lOth., immediately after the adjournment of the former Town Coun011. Present -.re Councilmen Bee ,Chamberlain, Crawf'ord, Graef Noon, Tecklenberg, and Tozier. Mr. .~ne ~ue offered to act as temporary clerk until the new Council appointed one and the offer was accepted. On motion of Mr. Noon, seconded by Mr. Chamberlain, Mr crawford wu elected Chairmen, and I ater on motion of Mr Noon seconded by Tozier I the appointment of Mr Crawf'ord was made permanent. Mr Crawf'ord tock the Chair. On motion of Mr Noon, seconded by Mr Tecklenberg, Mr :F'rank J. Cotter was appointed Town Clerk. On motion of Mr Chamberlain, seconded by Jlr Tecklenberg Mr. J. L. Graef was elected Vice pre_cent of the Council, the three elections all being acrried by an unanimous vote. Mr. Noon stated that owing to the oondit1on of the finances of the Town of Se.rd, he was in favor of combining the offices of Fire Chief with that of Town Marshall, and later made a motion to that effect, after discussion by Mr Ch ~Jl1berlain and Mr Crawford the motion was lost. 19" Olamberlain then moved that the present Marshall remein 1n office until the end of the current month 1tlich motion was ca.rried. by an unanimous vote. Mr Graef then made the mot1on that the Council proceed to elect a Toen Marshal, seoonded by lU:. Chamberla1n. The presid.ent then ordered read a 11st of cand1dates for the posit1on and as soon as the l1st was completed the balloting st arted. "'he resul t of the first two ballots waaGuest :3, Manthey, Lareon, a.nd Shantz one vote each, Mr. President not voting. Mr Tecklenberg then made the motion, seconded by Mr. Tozier, that the amtter of the election of a Town Marshal be allowed to go over un;;il the next regular meet1ngl-o:t the council, but the motion was lost. One the next ballot, Gue.t recieved four votes, Manthey and Scantz one each and the M:~or declared Gue.t Elected Town Marahal o~ Seward. Mr Tozier moved, seconded by Noon that the offices of City Atty. and City Treaa. be allo_d to remain open until the next regular meeting. r:oarr1ed unanimou8. Mr Noon moved. seoonded by Chamberlain that the "resident a:ppoint a Committee of t~ members of the Town Counc1l to confer w1 th the Seward Water Comp any. to ascertain the water rates on city hydrants, and r~ort back at the next meeting. The motion was carried and the President appointed Me.8rsBoe and Tozier. On motion by Tozier. seconded by Boe the Council then adjourned until Mond~ night, APril 14th., at 8 P. M. I I ~~jj .6. ((/UJ!:.-lt' (~ li~or / .f' " /l../ "l . .i2 { "~. ." (r. / \1 ' ~. F -~C r '...~.J,<.__ 11\,;" ': . . . i',' .. I I I ~',.,.., :::. { MEETIUG OF 'THE SEWARD TOWN COU~;;CIL. 'l'i{:f."'\.SD<\Y ~~V1<::'NI'r(l i\fJH LG 'Jll' 'i{. ......**.......................................**................. previoua to the Meeting, the m1n.tea of 'lil.iah are aet forth on pa.ge 95 of this Book of Records, t1-J.e :l"ol1.(Hrlng r18.q.ly elected lDel'llb8rli of the Town Council of Seward Alaska, handed to the Town Clerk for fUing, their certificates of election to the afore mentioned Town council, together with their r~specti"e Oa.ths of Oft"icl:l. T:'l.dse d'~,~"I}c'!l'jt6,'I"r'r.e nrtdered filed with the Clerk a.s part of the recorda showing that the members are quaJ.lf'1ed to sit in the Council Meetings. Follows the li.t of elected Councilmen G. G. Boe Charles Cra.wt'ord B. ]1:. Chamberl ~1,1n J. L. Grae f' John No on aha.. . A. Tecklenberg Herbert Tozier. /1fS~Jor 01Ll 11 f//u (-- 1 B ~1 Fe I I I , .... I" MEETING OF '!'HE SJt;W ARD TO~{ COUNCIL. MONDAY F.m<:NING APRIL II TIi. **...!he.~e~~a.!eWh.~a~~11.~t.~t*the*!e~*~&l!*.efta~*e.e~1~~** AprU 14th., 1I1th M!\)'or crawford in the chair. Those present qre Councilmen, Boe, Chamberlin, Crarlord, Noon, Graef and Tozier, absent Tecklenberg. 'lbe m1nut,es of ';.l18 r,revious meet1n 'VIere read and a.pproved. Messrs Boe and Tozier reported that owing to the absence of the officers of the Seward mater Co. from Seward they had been unable to confer with them and aeked for more time 1ilich was giTen by the M~or. At the suggestion of Noon, the rules gOTerning the actions of the preTious Council '!I~;rp. ordered read by the Clerk, and later on motion of Noon. seconded by Chamberlin, the rules were adopted by the present Council. Chamberlin nominated Frank J. Cotter, second by Tozier for the office of City Magistrate. Recieved unanimous Tote and ~,~or declared Mr. Cot.ter elected. Vr Chamberlin then called the attention of the Council to the fact that seward has no permanent cemetery, and stated that the present burial grounds were liable to be plotted for Town Lots in the near future, and suggested the advisabili" of the Council looking into the matter of securing suitable acreage to be set aside for a Cemetery, and moved , second by Graef that the M~or aPPoint a Commiitee to investigate and report back. Motion carried and ~'ayor appoin.ed Boe, Chamberlin and Tozier. llr Chamberlin then aaked for the report of the Fire Department but was informed that the report was not yet prevered. Mr Noon, ststed that at a previcus meeting he had spoken of the advisability of combining the offices of Marshal and ~ire Chief owing to the state of the Town finances, but that he had since learned that the tdea did not meet with t.i.1e ~I,roval of the Fire Dep artment, and mile of the same opinion now, would withdraw the suggestion. Mr Chamberlin moved that the election of a Town Treas. and Town Atty. be held over until Ml\Y 18t, Noon moved to amend by striking out City Treas. pointing out the necessity of getting a Tre asurer at the earlie It posd ble moment. The amendment vas accepted by Chamberlin and seconded by Tozier and carried. .~or Crawford then announced the stand1ng Committees for the ensu1ngyear, as follow. Assessments and Taxe8, Tecklenberg and Graef Fire Protection and Water SUpply, Boe and Q1amberlin. L1ghts, Sewerage, and \I1arfage, Tozier and Boe. Health and Police Protect1on, Graef and Teck1enberg. Street. and Alleys, tbamberl1n and Noon. Finances and Claims, Tozier and Teclc1enberg Schools, Tozier and Graef. Graef moved second by Tozier that the Town Marshal patrol the streets during the night instead of d~8, until further orders Motion carried unanimous. Noon moved, second by Graef that the M~or appoint a comm. of one to purchase two dozen chairs fot the Town Hall. Motion carried and the ~la,yor appointed Boe. Noon moved, second l)y Tozier, the the Council adjourn, Carried ;' 1 , ( II) lL'L 1 ~ 6/'f!c eM /p-J ~ / -< A..'~'. ' 11/ --- - .--. ~'-:TIlrG OF TTi:-: S;;','!ARD TOn COLiliCIL IIOlTL~Y EY'~HIlTG A,TIlL 21st. 1013. . .l.- ~,. ~1~1'*"'~ * *~" ..J::..J:~ ..J:~ :~ .~-:....~ ,,,. ~~ .,~ .t, -1- .'. 'l~ ~'< .,~ 0''::: .J. -.1.. .~ ". .'~ .', .'. _'~ .': .... .,~ ...:~ ...1.. ~I. ~.~ '<l-- -I....!.. ,,,:...~.J~ J- 'l~ .~. _1-: 'I~ .'~.to- ,'. .!. ~l. ",: + -J-. .t. J. :~ 'J: ,,. '!. ,:_ ,1: !n1e Sew;,rc1 Town Council IDet c',t t},c Town Hall on t1. above clute with I.Iayor Crawford ill the Chair. ThoBe {,resent "'.7ere C"uncilmen, :Doe, Graef, Hoon, and Tozier, absent Tecklonberg ;::.nct Chamberlin. The min'ttes of t: en last mt:leting were read'~n'J apIJroved, and tl1e :"ia,yor then stated that he wished to correot tlle list of apl'ointments on standing Committee's by ajJ:ointing Councilman Uoon to suoceed Tecklenberg on the Comini ttee on Finance and Claims. The Clerk. was instruotecl to make tbe oorreotion. J:oe and Tozier submitted u. reI; ,rt on matters j)ertaining to the City water in ~vhich tlle Seward Water "'forks offered to sell to the Town Of Seward, eight hydrants, instu.l+.ed toge the l' wit}) all oou;1eoting pipe, tees, etc for the sum of :)800.00, payable ufter the colleotion of the Lioense money in July, and to furnish wa.ter at a prioe not to exoeed three dollare 1'er hydra.nt , the same prioe to aCrly an any hydrunts that the Town might later install. There was general disoussion on the ma.tter, Counoilman Graef moved that the Corrrnittee be retained and be instruoted to go into the matter of cost of purohasing and insta.lling hydr<.mts bll tile Town and render a complete report a.t the neBt meeting. Boe stated that he oonsidered. the ])rioe quoted by the Seward iVater Co. fair and doubted if the Town oould do better than aocept tlle offer. Noon stated that in the event of the Town installing their own water hydrants, the equipment would be new and stated that he thought that a saving could also be 8~feoted in price. Tosier stated that he considered the water reutal reasonable in asmuoh as the Water Company paid 8.lliiuallybto the C1 ty almost half of the water :rental in taxes. The report was aooepted and the Committee retained with instruotions to get further data and report. Boe reported that owing to the high cost of ohairs he had not purohased the same and wanted more time whioh was gl'a.nte4.: The Seward Fire Department reported that the~l had elected :rr ~J.I Horner Chief. and on motion of Noon. seoond by Tozier, the Counoil ratified the election, and appointed Horner Fire Chief . The bill for ~)4.00 for John Rosneec for one night's watohing was held over until the regular meeting for pay roll. /~ ~ On motion of Noon, seoond by Boe the stre t lights were ordered cut out on the last of the ourrent month. Carlied. The Ea:rshal WI:;.S instruoted to look into the rnc.tter of dogs running loose and to enforoe the City Ordinance affeoting them, as Vlell as to se that no garbage :;13 duml)ecl in the Gla.oiel' stream from this time on. Hoon proposed that Seward have e. regular Clean-up day, whioh ViaS carrind over. No further business. Counoil adjourns. ~b ~/lWlm{ J, or lBMf.."'c I I I ~ ,"""'0 t: .( ___ -.... t.......: l~STING OF Tq~ SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL MONDAY EVENING ~~Y ~th. 1913. ~~*********~******~***************I***************&********1******* The Town Council met at the To\vn Hall at 8 P.M. with President Crawford in the Chair. Present were o ouncilmen , Boe, Graef, Noon. Tozier, and Idr. President. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Speking to the question of the purchase of toe hydrants from the Seward Viater Company at a price of $100.00 each, Boe ststed that after careful investigation he was vonvinced that the prthce was reasonable and that the City could not install the same equipment for the same amount of money. lie advised the purchase in the interests of economy. Tozier expressed himself along similar lines, and Graef stated that in his opinionthe price was high and could be considerably reduced and on motion of Noon the matter was laid over until the next meeting. Bills from the following concerns were read, ap2roved and ordered ~aid. Alaska Electric Co. .5.00, Seward Light and Power Co. $42.25 , L.A.Pe,)I, ~6.50, Brown and Havn{ins .25, J.L.Graef $24.00, Arctic Brot~er hood $7.00, Brosius and Noon$l.OO, M.J.Conroy $5.25, M A Horner$ll.OO The bill of the Seward Water works was held over for investigation. The report of the City Treasurer was read and ordered filed. Noon brought up t~le question as to whether the Treasurer was at present collecti:afj the penalty of 29 % on delinquint taxes. The Clerk was ordered to ascertain and report. On motion of Noonsecond by Graef, tile Cled:: was instructed to pay salaries in t"D future on the first of each month as well as the bill for lighting. Graef stated that he had held a conversation with the present City TreasUl'er and that the present incumbent would be willinG to retain the positien at a salary of ~50.00 per montl1. It ~U8 the general consensus of opinion that this wa;) mo:::"e than the City could st:.md and the ma"~:~er of increasing the percentage allowed in this case was brought up. The motion to hold t'le mattel" of Treasurer over until next meoting, bp: Noon did not cone to a vote. Tozier sugcested that the Presi,ient apPOint a COJYlffiittoo, to investigate, and if possible learn the most reasonable figure that :;. responsible party would undertake ti16 duties of Town Treas. Hoon moved the the matter of a Treas. be held over Ulltil next meeting and that the present Treas. be paid no more t':an t~'o regular percentage and not at the rate of :')50.00 per month. Tozier seconded the motion. Oarried. ' Noon moved, 3econ(1 130e that the Phone and one light be discontinued at the :;it:l Jail. Carried. Noon moved second by Tozier, the Lhrshal be instructed to get signs showing where and where not to dump garbage on beach and glacier stream [me1 post 8::1;;le iID':lediately. Carried. Hoon moves second bu :3oe that !.la.y l5t'1.., be clean up clay '.md t'lat t,le Tovm furnish wagon and toaD to a33ist in cleaning. Garried. 1!'il'EJ Chief Horner stated tl'et the Fire DepartEwnt '\voulcl builO. a neel Hom~e on tile Horth side of tbe Glacier Stream iel t"'e Oi t:/ woulcl furnish thc material, and on motion of Hoon, seconrl Boe, he W'c1S instructellr to builllr the house and equip same with 250 feet of oldest hose. Also given permission to have fire practice with the hydrants at any time. The matter of tile caring for tne hand chemica.ls oVll1ed by citizens \yas taken u, and came in for a gl"eat d al of genera:'. discun~:'ion. The COw"1cil was of tile opinion that the City should volunteer to ~harg6 the different chemicals at cost in order to have them in shape ~n case they were needed, and it was ah10 thought to be a good plan to have a list of all chemicals in the 'rown in ti1e hands of t'he Chief for use in case of a fare. The matter was largely discussed and it was lBMF~ I 105 Continued from Page No. 103. do~ia.e to heve the Fire Chief go into the matter of the cost of charging the chemicals thoroughly and report fully at t11e next meeting . Tozier moved second by Graef, that a COmTnittee be nemed by the President to confer with tl1e present City Treasurer, or any other reliable parties and ascertain the lowest price at which a responsible City Treasurer could be obtained and report back to the Council at the next regular mlloting. The motion prevailed and the Presio.ent appointed Graef anI Boe. Hoon moved that the C01illcil now adjourn until Monday evening May 12th., at which time a spacial meeting to be held in the event of Mr. L V Ray's return and t~1at t1,e office of City Attorney be then offered to him and if ho accepted, that he be then elected to that office . Graef seconded t}e motion and it was carried- The Council them adjourned. ./{JUJ.1 "/o/! {)AA-L lj[A. :MAYOR / I r~.~6){~_ ~ I lBMFc I I I ~_,]7 1t&ETING OF THE SEWARD TOViN COUNCIL MONDAY EVENING MAY 12th. 1913 **********************~,***********J**************l*********l*****l The Town Council met at the Town Hall on Monday evening at 8 P.M. with President Crawford in the chair. Present were Councilmen Boe, Grae~, Noon. Tozier, Chamberlin, and Mr. President. The minutes o~ the previous meeting were read. corrected and then approved. The Committee on Town Treasurer reported no progress. A petition from fourteen residents of the Town praying ~or a change in the Ordi- nance governing the dumping o~ garbage near the Saltery was read and on motion of Chamberlin, second by Boe. it was ordered that the ordinance be amended. making a point between the foot of Adams street and the mouth of Lowell Creek as a dumping ground for all city garbage The motion was carried . On motion of Chamberlin. second by Tozier, Mr L V Ray was elected City Attorney, and the salary of that o~fice was raised from $25.00 to $50.00 per month. The motion wus carried, all present voting in ~avor. There being no further business to come before the meeting, a motion to adjourn by Noon, second by Tozier carried and the Council then adjourned. /~ h,tJ}. / /r;lIActV Lflfi I Mayor 'I < l(l)..Jl\\ in (I \h CJ.efk lBMF~ I I I ~. r"\ a __ ...J '..... lffiETING OF TIill SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL. MONDAY EVlli~ING I:.AY 26th. 1913 ************************************************************~****** The Soward To~~ Council met in regular session at tho Tovr.n Hall o~ the evening of May 26th.,with President Crawford in the chair. Present were Councilmen, Boe, Graef, Noon t Chamberlin, Tozier and Mr President. The minutes of the p.'evious me.."ting were read and ap-9roved and there being no business to come before the Council,a motion to adjourn was made and carried. j!it?!!). /~/1I^~uf-lpl[L IJAYOR p lBMF~ I I I ~_~_1 r,;:E2Tmc. OF TILE SE'i;A,RD TO\'m COUNCIL L~OlmAY 2V.sJ:rUJG JUr;E 2nd. 1913. !!!t********i*********************&***************'**********'****** Tho Soward Tovm Council met in the ~'o'im lIall on tho evening of .Ju;o.e 2ncl at 8 P.M. Present \'lere "f1ouncilr:,en, 13oe, Graef, Chamberlin, Noon, Tecklenberg. Tozier and r.a- I'resmdent. S:he minutes of the last tyro meetings wore read and approved. Under the head of COffiY21Ulicationt1, Chamberlin presented a comr:m.nic:a tion to the Council from E E Ruilolph offering to plat and maintain a Town Cemetery at the Rudolph Homestead near tl1e head of the Bay, call~_ng the same The Bay View Cemetery. He also quoted a list of prices for lots and the digging of grave s o.n(l and asked that said place be made the regular cemetery of the Tovm of Seward. After a short discussion, on motion of Chamberlin, second by :Noon the offer was accepted and tho petition filed for record. Councilmen Boe and Tozier as a CO:r.1uitte on water reported that they had conferrer) wi t'-J the I;ianager of tIle Seward '\'iater Co. with the resu11; t"at t:1ey had secured a fllTther reduction of, One Hundred dollars in the price of tbe hyj:rants, making the price now ~700.00, payable after the license money comes in in July and a monthly water rental of three dollars per hydrant for all hydrants now installed or to be installed by tho Ci t;y- at any future timesaid reduction to take effect with t11e April water bill. The Corrunittoe reccomendecl tl~at the Council do accept this proposition,and itll\'w,g so raoved by Tozier seconded by Boe. The question brougr-'t on considerable discussion. Noon stated that in his opiniontho City was in no position to purchase the hydrants at this time on a.ccount 0:[ a present lack of finances anr1 the uncertainty of future finances and said that on t1:B-t account he -sould be compelled to vote against the motion. Chamberlin voiced practically tte same sentiments and stated that at tLe present time, although he was in favor of the purchase would vote no, anc1 suggested that tl~e matter be laid over for one year or until the City's finances were in better condition' Tozier b:;.'ollght out tilo point that tl:e pm'chase would effect a material saving monthly: an() stated tl:at he ';;ou1d vote for t~1e purchase of the hydrants in tho interests of economy. The mat'cer then went to vote, all present voting in favor with the exception of Hoon and Chamberlin. The Clerk then reB-d t1ce resignation of Chas E Brown as City Treas. to take effect on June lOth. which was accepted. A petmtion to opern Washington street to the Railroad was read and referred to the ComrJittee on streets and alleys. Current bills for the past month were then read and approved and it ViaS ordered that warrants be drawn paying the following accounts: Sevrdrd Light and Powere Co, $10.80, S~ward Saw liill Co. 4.75, Brosius an\1 Hoon ~~ 1.75, Alaska Transfer Co. $ 56.00. Under t11e head of New Business, Councilman Graef stated that he had had a conference with Dr J H Bomig and that Dr Homig was willing to ace eptbthe offico of City Treasurer, and also act as Ci t;Y' Health Officer and City Physician, at a salary of .:~50.00 per month. Noon moved t'hat the election of a City Treasurer be the next order of business and placed the llmne of Dr J H Romig in nomination. The Clerk was instructed to cast a ballot electing Dr Romig City Treasurer which was done. The Noon nominated Dr Romig for the office of City Health Officer , and the Clerk was instructe(l to againd cast his ballot electing Dr Homig to t11at office which was so done. It was then moved that tile two above named offices w-oud draw a salary of fifty dollars per month am1 that the City Health Officer 'l'lOulo.. act as City Physician at no salary. The motion was carried and Dr J H Romig was declared elected as City Treasurer, City Health Officer and City Physician at a combined salary of $50.00 per mnnth. 1lHIFc I I I -"" ~ _ __t_....... A. request was read from the Seward Outine Club asking permissioI. to equip and maintain a rifle range on or near the :Brownell Romesteac. and a set of clay pigeon traps on the beach near the powder house. ~t was decided to permit the same under the supervision of the Town Marshal , and the Seward Outing Club was so notified. m The matter of clearing land and burning the stumps ancl other rej'u:3e wHhing the City Limits was brought up by Chamberlin who moved t11at persons so engaged be given permission to build such fires as seemed necessary provided trnt they used all precautions to prevent trIo fir-I) from spreading in case a wind came up. It was finally decide to grarx sunh permission to any resident making ap.Qlication on condition that the lnre Chief and Town :LrIarshal be consulted by the applicant and apI'rove of the same. Tozier moved seconcl by Graef that the ~yor be instructed to wire to Senator Key Putnam of the Senate Ter~itorial Com~ittee, indorsing the action t~ren bybthe Seward Commercial Club with reference to the estoppine of the railroad from operations at this season. There was some discussion on the question anel it wns finally decided that the) mayor send t"r:e wire to Senator Putman indorsingq the action of the Comnercial Club and it vms so ordered. There being no further busines to come before tl,e meoting a motion to adjourn by Noon carried and the Council then adjourned? 11/ j)' L ,rr jf JJHJ '- 't "Ulj~l Clerk /1Jz/1m /67/1-ilrl-nc1 yor {I :_~_ 4: A req,uest was read fron the Seward Outing Club, asking pernission to to build and maintain a rifle range on or near the Brownell Homestead and a set of clay pigeon traps on the beach near the Powder House and - , lBMFe I I I A '1 ~ ----'--..>!' MEETING Q]j' T~E ::5EWARD TO'lllJ. COIllIICIL.I.lONDiiY EVENING, JUNE 16th,1913. *************~,* ** *** **** ********** The Town Council met at the Town nall at 8 P.M:. on the evening of June 16th. Present were CouncilmenBoe, Chamberlin, Graef, Noon Tozier and Crawford. The minutes of the previous meoting wore read and approved. The report of the School Board was read by the Clerk and on motion of Graef, seconded by Noon, the same was acc~pted. The School Board askecl that the sum of ;;.; 2842.95 be set aside fot the purpose of cari'Ying on the school work for t~18 coming year and on :notion of Noon, seconcled by l'ozier t"ne same \'Ias orderecl done as soon as t'e funds are available. H E Ellsworth presented. a bill for the sum of $11.19 for the chemicals using in charging tt10 fire apllaratus, which was al' owed ani a wari'ant drawn in payment of the same ordered. The bond of J H Romig, newly elected Treasurer of the Town of Seward was read and on motion of Chamberlin, seconded by Tozier, the sa~e was accepted. Thf;l Certificate of Election of the new City Treasurer was t~1en read and on motion of Chamberlin, seconded bu Boe, the Iilayor and Clerk were authorized to sign the same and forward to the Clerk of the Cou:t't. A Jill of Sale for the water hydrants, toget~,er with a contract wi th thG Seward. water '([orks to furnish water for the hyd.rants was thtm read. and a vote oJff the adoption of the same resulted in a tie vote. Boon then moved that t~e entire water proposition be tabled indefinitely and t,yc vote was againa tie. City Atty Ray then ststed that in his opinion the matter of the purchase of any part of a Public utilit;:r by the Council vms unc onotitutiol1B. 1 , and. the matter rested. The Sidewalk Ordinance was then rea.d for the first time and Hoon moved. to a;nend, by striking outline 8, in section 9 of the Ordinance and inserting in leiw thereof the words, "Common Council of the To,v.n of Seward", making it necessary to obtain the conoent of the Council instead the I,;ayor, in making changes in the street::J or sidewall:s. The moti1in was carried. Chamberlin gave notice that on t~10 next regular Me"ting night he will move to amend t"]8 rules of the C01Lncilin respect to the procedure in order to ma~ce va1id actions taken on ordinances. Graef moveo. that a Comr:littee be appointed to examine the Glacier stream and report back to tt18 Council, what is necessary to safeguard the To'\'.'11. There was no second. On motion of Noon, oecond by Graef tile C01ll1cil t'hen adjourned. J&hn /(j; 1C<!"/,"c\ LIayor /1/ , )', ..,4".. .6 J /U )\ ,\, ; I 10 ()~ y 0 _~/ ClerIC lBMFc I I I ~_~7 LlEETING OF TIlE SE":,AHD TOVm COUNCIL,I,IOllD.AY EVENING,. JULY 7TH., 1913. ***** *******~,' *"'i"******' **~,**'I'**** The Council met at the Town IIall on the evenic1.g of Juli,',7th., at 8 P 11 with President Crawford in the chair. Present were Councilmen, Boe Cha;,;berlin, Graef, Hoon, Tozier and Tecklenberg. The minutes 0:1" the pr,ll1iouB meoting were :react and the corr"ction made showing that there wasa tie vote in the matter of the purchase of the Hydrants from the Seward '::ater and Power C;ompD.-11.Y at the previous meeting and showing how the councilmen voted. The vote was in favor Boe, Graef, and Tozier. Against, Chamberlin, Hoon, and Crawford. '::i th this correction the minutes ';7ere aliIJroved. Chanlborlin introduce(l a Hesolution to the effect t11at the :,;ayor appoint a COiU'litteo of three ;neuber3 of the COlillcil, of which tile I.'ayor shauLl be one, awl tJlat tile Gonr:littee, together vlith tho Tovm Clerk act ",vi th tree iJom.~ittec alre ady appointed by the i3cward. Commercial Club The :rtosolutionJl\vao ad.opte(l and The I:ayor appointed Boa:, Chamberlin and Graef. The following bills we;:e preseni;efl and on Glotiol1 oi' H09n, second by Graef ordered paid. '1'11e Gateway, 44.70, Chas. Crawf"ord, ,,;4.15 " J L Graef ,;11127. The Report of Chas. E. Bro7m as City Treasurer to date was presented mld on motion of Grae~, second by Tozier, accepted. 1l resolution to amend tl~e l?u1es of the Council was presented by Chamberlin. After boing read by thn Clerk on motion of Chamberlin, second by Noon the same was adopted. Ordinanca lIo 13, relating to sidewallm, eta., was read and tb.e second and third time by title, and on motion of Noon, second by Chamb erlin was passed b~ a ill1animous vote, and ordered printed at once. Ordinance No 14, relatinG to Taxes etc., aas read and upom mot~on of Chamberlin, till) rules ';1ere suspended and, the Ordinance read the second and third time by title and passed b~y a illlanimous vote. On motion o:f Tozier, second by Noon, the Council authorized the present Cit~ ]reasuter to reciept for books and supplies tlITned over by former City Treasurer. The I,latter of t1le purchase of the Hydrants was tl'en brought up and t';e BiD, of Sale and Contract with the '::ater ComlXJ.ny were read b~' the clerk. Cha'llbe:~.'lin objected to the Cit;',T maldng the purchase at this time and moved tllat the entire matteI" of the purchase be put to a vote of tl,e people, secontl by Noon. Those voting aye were Boe, Chamberlin Noon and Crawford. Against Graef, Tozier, and Tecldenberg. Chamberlin then made t'he motion that the electi:ll1 be held on Saturday afternoon, July 19th., at the Tovm Hall between tile hours of one P I.I and Seven l' Ill. an'l tl1at t',e ],Iayor apJ?oint two Election Judges and TVlO Clerks and that t'1e matter be prope::,'ly advertised in tho Local paperSecond by Noon, and carried by a unanimous vote. The City Attorneylmas instructed to pre2are copy for ballots antI Notice of Election. The J,Iayo:... appointell Councilmen Chamberlin antI Graef as judges and aDl1oilllCod tl1et he "voulc1 ap~Joint clerks at a later date llotion oM Eoon, second Tozier, tho Council then adjourned. ~~(7J. ~~,~ I.iayor 1~"dK~~ Clerk lBMFe I I Ai 11 (,1. _~_...!~ ~~1 SPECH,L 1,IEI~TING OF THl~ ST';W',UUl Town CUUl,CIL TUBSDA.Y JULY 15TH., 1'Cl{l3. * * * * * ~. ~! * * * * * * i" * * * * * * * * ~ * * ~ * * * ~l' * * * * * The Town Cou11cil met in the To\V!l Hall at 8P.M. with President Crawford in the Chair. Present were COlulcilmen Boe, Chamberlin, Graef, Noon, Tecklenberg, Tozier, and Mr. President. The minutes of the previous meoting were read and approved. It was moved by Graef, second by Boe, thet t11e Clork be instructed to cancel Warrant drawn in favor of Coos Crawford for t>,o 21llf of ',;' 4.15 payment of a telegram sent to the Captain of tho 1.Iq.ry1and , as it develolJed that the warrant had be,:m authorized in error. The report of tlle Committee aP1Jointed by t"le Chair to co-operate ..lith the comoi.ttee from the Seward 00r:1'.lercia1 Clu.b in the Heception to t11e U S S :Mary1and \';es to the ef'fect that they had beon unable to meet '.vtith the Committee of the Sevr.J.rd Commercial Club, but had called on Capt. Ellicott and had ar1'inge(1 a proGram, raised money and expended the SaBe as per report submitted. The report W.J.S accepted and on motion of Graef, second by Noon, a vote of tharucs from the Council was tendered to the Committee. On motion of Graef second by noon, a voto of thanks was tendered to Capt. Ellicott and the officers of the U S S llarylenll for t~le Inal~ courtesies extended to the citizens of Seward during the stay of the liaryland at Seward, arlll for the hearty co-operation of the officers and men of tile I,Taryland with the Committee in arrainging and. col1tluct- ing the proGram of sports anll games. Tile motion carded and a copy of the same was ordered forwarded to the Captian of the Laryland. A petlition was read from the Seward Light and ?ovrere COJ:.1pany requesting permission to remo~ 0 one span of tl10 foot bridge crossing tile Glacier stream, to :permit the passage of t', e pile driver engagecl in driving pil tng in that locality. With the understanding t~w,t the bridge b 0 put. back in t11e same conlU tion that it formerly was, and th/:l.t the worT: bo done under the supervision of t1,e Town :,:ars8al, the l)ermit was granie d. . 1>. bill for tWY-flev:ri ting of two ordinances by I.: J Conroy, amoUllting to \~25. 00 was read and on motion of l'eckJ.enbe:~g, second by Graef was laid on til0 talJle 101' furt'ler ad.visement. On motion of G1'aef, second by Tozier, '0l1B chair all,)oi::J.tet.i a comr,ittee consisting oIBoo, Gracf and Tecklenberg to investigate tho condition of tile Glacier stream, get prices on t':e drivinG of piles necem3ar;:,- :for repairs to both bridGe and embanlnnent and regort bact to tOle c01111cil !.Jt t'le next regular rne,}ting. Carried unanimous. There boing no :furt~:er busino:3s to como before t1:e Council" 011 motion of Hoon, second by Graof, t',o C01IDCil t1,ell o,lljourned. ~a/.qlA4~7d I ~;;;):'l ~th-y lBMFc I I I -'" ~,-1 ',/ : - _..~ -- l.i.T~l~TIl'F} Jl!' TEij SEl~';~l~:~:D T\}.'.fn COUI;CIL I.~OHIk.Y B\J~lZIlJG JULY 21st., 1913. ~ *:t * ,r' * * *,~ * * *~, * *":~' * * * * ",~, *, *"''' *"' ~,* ", oJ' * * * ~ho 'J:ovm Council Vias co.llol1 to order at 3 1'.1i. b~T Prosiclent Crawford J?resent were Gounuilmen Doe, Chamberlin, Graef. :Noon, l'ecklenberg , Toziller, and i,':r President. 'l'11e miEutes of the previous mooting Viere reu,ll and approved. j;he Cornmi ttee having tile examirw,tion of the l)ci(lgo and banks of the GJacior Stl'oam in ham1 ro:portedre;,)orted ti13"t t~1e:; had mado an o:z:aratl1o.tion an(l that in their opinion t~'ero :.,11ould be fourteen plles driven for a bridge 0.11,1 that tho cosi; i:clulUnt; t"o mo of tho I)ilo ,Jriv'Jr Y70u1d be hehle,"n ,,,)175.00 un,l ,)200.00. ';;her\3 \":0.8 a coner0,,1 discus,]ion as to the bO;:3t method of confining tile glacier stream a11(l protectin,; property. Gho.mberlin moyod, second bu no 11 that the Com::1itoosm :3treots tOGether 'o':i th t'lO Layor be empo'o'lol'od to iDElediatel~T begin t'lO -;101'1: of Gtraicht11enin2: out t,lC stream b~T dayc, labor o.m1. t'1at t'he Go"me COffi"litteo SU1)erintenrl tho Gork 80:3 \7e11 as tho const::::-uctiol1 of a suitable 'bro(lce. T::.o :~l(ltion \~I[1~3 c:J..r]~icd 11no..Tli::-r:ous. l.~r G::'u'ff c..'~",~:roD~.~e{1 t",c CO....ll1cil o.nll c~uggostel1 t~lo.t 11 nUJ:] of mone;y be apl,"'opria tod fa:!' t"',i8 '.:ork llilU OIl E1.otiorr of ~}'lu.!1l.1)or} il1, 3ecOTIrl h~-" ::o'~]n t;'.c ;:~rtL~ of 'll~500.()O ',;:G2 8(~t Lnido fOi-" i:~,,} 1180 of t;11is 'Jor:li ,ittee for this v.~orlc. r.:::.~') Tepo:rt of t"hc election jl},1SuS for t1~o olection [1(31," Dl} J111J' 19th wun reo.d and on m~tion of Noon aocond by ~raef wus ordcro~ filed ...... ..otition Vro.3 l;rCcollt~c'l 1)2l :..: ~ l...orf!)l'clt ;~igll<..:d ~)~' t;~lirt:~~ t~1..}: l'~\)Te_:.";:J l'C':i11cstin2: t!-~~~t t11<: 0it~y pUl'C110-S0 tl1..:.~ oi8ht 11;y~drUl'1t~-:; from t:'8 3 o 1.7o..r(!_ ,':J..tor ~?'JY1cr Co. u.t once. I,_l~ ~ ori"oT(l ~~..;~o>:l] in :favo2:' of t~'G l'etition. On notion of KJi2ili., JhD.llllv::l'lin, G8COJ1l1 lYl~~ lloon tho l:'3tition ,"r" s t c; TIle (1 t"1 'J C' 0 '"ot; '1'1,:" ; li -;::-"(" V"-{' "~e r...... ;100 ,-( ;.u'11 ),"'). ";.-i ; '1 :;0 ')11 f' 11 ,:1 r, "1' ..'....... ........ ~.,' ._ ).J." "'" .... 0....; -'- _. __......... '-..;.. ,. ~ ..... -'-- ,.J _.__L. ',-,,__ .............., .... '. l".<.o_~'~ .1..... :)r"A (,~ 1" ;1 O'l~J,.v +,~~ O'~ 0 '.:1 ..,'. :.~ 1" '1"t '170"''''0 G' 'YO .::1.O-r ;1 in 7. i n -.... ,-; 1- ('1 ~-'O (1'1;....1 0'11"C....,....('r _ ....,..... "J.' , ,,_ ,_, '""":........ _..... ,. L ..1_ ,....., .,._~-,-"",-,- _., - 'J.l.l,. 1\0 ~u. () J j}irlllcc'un nre8~)rted t:.1 .,YJti tiC),il fr0!11 "r~1Jr,:'ho..n ~nl.~ ...,~OS110S~j C181::in:-':' __ ... .... ....... 'u th:.;.t thtJ ~lO:",-11 o:f ..~E.~r.r~;..ro ~tef"lulfl =.Lcn :)01=,8.1'S l\:J.i<l in 0:"':"0:::' to t"lO jlc:rl: of t:1E:1 8cl.l'ct. ~~11e ~ 1Z.i.."'L; ~O~(" -:/;:.1~~1 heltl :Y'10"1: lE~"~;il -'c""t~ nJ:~:t :Jt..~<;til10. .~, ..30 no'~~d ;~,e~?nc11)~r I~0011 !'~:..t:..1.. ';.~~l"',".'ant fo:c' l;lO,~J.OO ~)() ~lTaV.:~_l ill _,_:...'LVO_;.... of .,;' ,') ,~c':uT(l ','/ut ~::..' ,-LL1'_~. j)o\\,rer ')0, o.J:l,l te11llerec1 ....~mpcc t~-J~f.1 ill lX':;;'''"Y:le'li'lG of C~l8 ',7cd:;-c:L" l)ill :.~or t~.le Lll")ntl12 of J.i.J.:~'l"il ,-c.~' t'Tl~=-1e. ~~;c..l'.:.'ie(i :J.ll(l t~:; Clt~~r>= ':rLl~:J illS1.:'cuctocl tC) jJc...'!,=,) Oll_'t t~~e ','i'o..r:cant. ',~~~"'t..:..0f LlO"{""J~-1, ~30:"lrnlH "h"( ~'7) )/1 i""'~-~ I,~ '1 ~"'o.."'rr-:l1t -?f)"" : :~]Li:2.9~) :)i} rll~t1~:~:n in f~l va l' 0 J' t": \0 ~..":;~; ~ i '~-~) ~ ~,J.<T: ~1~'-:1; '~~I~t i o;.~ :-"(l~~ c e .~. ~.i e \~ ,.:, ',J ,.t t-:, ;') _~ 1. :~~ .t~: nrdere\' to (1 l' 2,V,' t",o ",'2,1' ,'ccnt. i.~ J Conroy ~u:n0lJill~tod n:1" l'lr;(', ,1,1,,,", ,:--'o"~ .J..~_> ~0~1 "1"0 _ __ .,' t..' '- . ....... '+' :,.L u ' !'. cJ I.. ~.. Ol. (:)e'tJirJj-; ":,r::.'., 'Ul~'::'~~li~':10'.l8 f,')r t-:'l ~ 1.'osi ti,):i.! of ~"J.~~;.~e~J 'I):"~ i()'.:lln. tiOf: \':C,;.:. -' '~0(~ J~.l J_'3'c": :}~ .)00 ..1_ ., , , u :J:.~l["T~'" -C"!:" .:J..n',i jJ)il c? ";>[~;jl"uerlil~, ~~ (~C0n,(.1~ ",)y l~o,:,int v .: ~~:f')rJl(:il ~~: ',';.0 L.llj0l~Tnod ~d~~~~~ ~s{a;:~tn{1 J B~i Fe " ClC) __,-,L.l ....:...;.:da\3' uJt :ri1J5 SJRARD ~on COUllCIL SEWARD ALASKA JULY 25fh., 191.3. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I Speotal .eet1Dg of the !01IJ1 Ccra:aol1 of the ~ownn of Seward oallel at the 01''''1' of the Pre.il.at te ooui"'r the teal.r of approx1Jlate17 snen thoua:at f.et B )I of lWlllMtr to be u.d in the ooutruonon of a prot.otiye _U to b. aet in 41vert1D.g the wtel'8 of the Glaoier .tr.... ~he ...t1D.g wa. oal1ed to order b;y P1"es1dent Cr&W:for4; pr..ent were CnzLOilMn Bo., Oh...~r1in, fra.f, .oem, !eok181lb8r8 sad !osier. H.rbert !osier, B1qrt of the Alaeb. .orthern B;r. Co. offereel to 8iTe to tlw !.... of 8nvel S'Ten !houa&D:f f.et B )I of three inoh l1lJllber to be ued in cliyertiJII the wat.r. of the Glad.r 8treaa, provieled that the Oi1i7 look after the traaeportat10n of the .... I on motion of ~o.i.r, .eooBel b7 Boon, it was then ad~ournecl. On _o'Uon of 10, . Mod b;y BOOD the offer was aoo.ptecl. 'here HiDe DO furtlwr 1nuI1ness to GO" b.fore the Ooaoil 4 ~.~@ttf~ Jat,'~1~nd I 1 In.l]: (l .J l' '. . I I I ..!;"'~ -- ,~~) :MEETING OJ!' THE SEWARD TOWN COUHCIL MONDAY EVENING AUGUST 5TH., 1913. * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '" * * * * * * * * * * * '" * * The Counoil met in t e Town Hall at 8 P.K. with Pre.ilent Crawford in tbe Ohair. P1"esent were Counoilmen Boe, Chamberlin, Graef, 110 on, Teokle.ierg and Kr Pr18i4en'fl. !he m1:a:a.tes of the previous meeting were read and ~pprove4. C~berlin reported progress in the matter of the work of ooDtin1ag te waters of the Gla.ier Stream and Crawford reported that about two more 10ad8 of 1UDlber were need.d to complete the oovering of the br6dge over the same stream. A oommbioation from the Governor of the Territory relative to the 80&1e of wage. and 008t of living in the Distriot. It was ordered that the Clerk wait until the tax rolls were made up and then get the taots and aaswer the oommunioatio~ Tbe C11;7 Clerk reportM that PU'8'Ua1'1t to the ord.r8 of the Coaoll he bat te.dered the Sewerd '1.t.r sad pcnrv Co, first throqh the AgGt of the COIlP8D7, ll:r '1.,.e BIM and later tuo11gh th.ir attorn.7 lr1' S 0 Kort01"t., the S1lm of . 108.00 in gold 80un in P&7D1ent of the water and q4raat &0 0 oat of the TOft of Seward for the aonth8 of for the months of April, Ka7, and J1Ule, 1913. That the tenter was maie in the presenoe of ll:r 8iiDe7 An4el'80D, of the BaDk: of Seward, and in his preseno. refu.8ed 'b7 )(r 8 0 llertord Who then admitted that he was acting for the Seward Water and Power 001ll~ and that he had f'u.ll power and authority to BO act. The bill of Jos Conre7 for ~writing Ordinano .. No. 13 and 14 was referred to Boon and Tosier. an motion of Graef, seoond by Noon the following list of billB were ordered paid b7 the Clerk. The Gatewa7 $ 119.50, Arotio Brotherhoood Lote. $ 81.00, Chas Orawford $ 3.0Q, S.wa~d Light and Power Co.$ 248.60 14 .l JlOl'Ur . 1'.00 Chamberlin stated that in the matter of the financing of the work that is being done o~ the Glaoier Stream and Bridge 1t would be neoe- saar7 to appropriate more monel' and moved that the sum of $250.00 be added to the fUnd already Bet aside. The motion was seconded by Boe ana was oarried b7 an unanimous vote. Ohamberlin then moved that the Olerk be author1.ed to issue warraRts for the payment of the labor on the work now being carr1ed on by the 01t7 on the pre..ntat10n of an O.K.ed time aheok b7 the oommittee in oharge. The motion was oarried. There be1Jlg no more bua1lless to oome befo.e the Oouncil. on motion of Noon, seoo.i b7 Cbaaberl11l, it was then ad3ourned. ~ 4ha.<<l<e1C/ yor ~~'i JC9ill~ 1 BM F(~ I I I ~ ~,..... , . , _ _ '- t JlEETING OF THE SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL MONDll.Y EVENING AUGUST 11TH., 1913 * * '" * * * * '" '" ** * * * * * '" * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The OO1lJ1cil met at the Town Hall at 8 P J( with President Cradord in the Ohair. Present are C01lJlCi1m8n Boe, Grae~, 1I00D, Teoalenberg aad JIr P'resid..t. The miJra.tes of the pren.us .eet1Dg were read and approTed. !re8ident Orawfora reported that the briase 8puming the Glaoier 8tream had been oompleted and that the channel that was out through on Jefferson street was praotieal:q eo.pleted and the watar was at preseat l"UIJling tbroUBh the same. He BUBgested that the Seward \Yater 8.I1d Power OOJllp8.JQ' be notified that in the work o~ e:Z:08._ti.., . water pipe bad bea encountered at deptJll and that in the eTe.t of high .ter the same might be in danpr. It was mOTed b7 Booa, se.onded b7 Boe that the Clerk be 1nBtr- u.ted to notif7 the Water COmp&.Jll' in writing of the fact that there waa a _tel' pipe in &11 exposed condition, in order to giTe them a ohaaoe to _ke axq repairs that they Ilight deem neoessar;y. The motion was oarried by an '12D8.D.1mous Tote and the Clerk so inst1"llOted. There being no :f."arther bus1De8s to oome before the C01lJlC1l, on motion of 1I00n, seoonded b7 Graef, the Council then ad~ourD8d. ~~t:'~.~O::; ~hUJ /r'r6J':rv< 1 B:J F(~ I I I -100 ~..~A:_: KEETIBG OF THE SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL MONDAY EVElIBG AUGUST 1*8~* *.,*1*913* * ******* ***** **************....* * !he Council met in the Town Hall at 8 P K with preaident Crawford in the Chair. Present were COUDoilllllulBoe, Graef, HOOD, Tosier aDd Crawford !he lI.in1l.tes of the previollS meeting were read and approved. :1:he Olerk reported that pa1"SU83lt to the orbrs of the OOU1'loil he had on the 12th., day of August, Dotified the Se.rd Water aDd Power Co. through](zo. Curtis Ilorfort. at themoffice of JIr S 0 Morfor", that a pipe '6elagiDg to the said Seward water and Power COII1ll6DY had been exposed luriDg the work on the Glacier Stre8ll, by the foroe emploJ'8d by the Town of Se.rl. A report of the e:l:p8ues of tU1"J1iJlg the Glaoier Stream. and oost of the bridge was submitted by the Clerk sho'WiD8 the oost to have been .'36.'6. !he report was orlered filed o:tr reoorl. OR motion of HOOD, seooDd by Boe, a warrant was ordered drawn in favor of Joseph Conroy for the sam ef 126.00 for tl~~lt1Dg ordinanoes .0. s 13 and 147, also warraat for 1..00 for Brown and Hawk:1u for soda for ohargiBg oheaicals. o On motion of HOOD second by Tosier, the Clerk was instraoted to Ira a warrant for $10.00 in favor of V&upan and Rosnesa for the 8UJI1 of $10.00 paid in error to the Clerk of the Court for merobaJltile 11cense It was moved by Tosier, seoond by Boon that the City Attorney coD:ter with the Seward Water and Powr Company, and try and &rri... at BO_ ~...t &J1d equitable basis of sett18JJ.8Jlt of the Oity(s water and h74rant bill. It was stJ8gested my JIr Tosier, that i. &8 muoh aB the S \y &J1d P 00. is at pre.et 1Ddebted to the Town of Seward for baok tese., that the CityvAttorne7 be iutruoted to endeavor to make a sett18men"801D8 1I'here nea" fift 401lars per mODth per hl'4raat and take the baok 1:&%es 01l.t in water and bJ'traat rental. The mo1;1on prevailed and tne City Attorney was instraoted to report baok at t'he ..%1: meeting The bond given b7 the Treasurer of the Sollool Board was referred to the Oity Attorney to.xami.8 and if found legal in every respeot to report back to the Counoil, in time to turn the ourrent years sohool f1.U14 over to tne Sohool Board. Counoilman Boe was appointed by the Chair to oonfer with the Seward Water and Power Co. as to the neoessity of sa.fegaarding the water main <<Eposed by the Cit7 on Jefferson street and to work With them in any repairs that Ja7 S8e necesB&r7. .tie was also instraoted to get prioes in driving six piles for a bridge over the Glaoier Stream at Jlourth ave. aDd pOSSible two more , and given powerr to act. On motion of Tosier, seoond by Boon the Counoil then adjourned. ~/ ~\,r ^-~ II ':t~ C~er 1 , /12~~{0Cuu 11[1[l or I ((J't- \J r ! ~ _ , 1 13:1 F( ~ I I I ~ --;'1 ~ ,,'- KEE!rIBG OF THE SEWARD !rOWN COUBCIL SATURDA.Y EVENIBG AUGUST 23RD.. 1913 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '" * * * * * * * * * '" * ** !l!he Council met at the ToWJ:I. Hall at 8 P.K. with President Crawford ln the Chalr. Present were C01lBcllmenaoe, 110 on, !recklenberh, !rosler cd CZ'aw:tora. !rhe IliJm.tes of the prefte1l8 ...t1Bg were read cd wlt1l the corre- otion that the inBtnotions glTe. C01lJlcll.-.n Boe at the preTlo1l8 meetlq regardiDg the driT1ng of p1l1Jlg for a brldge at 'ourth ATe. was to report baok to the Counc1l 1Jlstead of actlJlg and show1Dg that the Seward Water and Power. COQmq was to haTe the pri Tilege of t1'ing on a water pipe to the piles driTe., were ap,:roTed aB read. The Cit1' Atto1'1l81' reported that be had had a talk with lIr .llaine relatiTe to the water question and that at hlB s'Oggestion J4r Ballaine had attended the meetillg to talk With the Council to Bee if a settlement oould not be effected. lII' Ballaille then addressed the Oounoil at length and stated that The Seward Water and Power Co. 11&8 110t mating BJq' mone1', that it waa impossible to g1Te a lower water and h7drant rental than .'1.60 per month, that the ToWJ:I. of Seward bad had the use of the hydrants sinoe their installation for praoticall.;y nothlr.ag, and that it would be impossible to oont1Jlue such servi.. unless the Town of Seward would oontribute toward the coat. He stated further that in the eTent of the Town gro1l'iDg, tht it would be J18HBa&r;y to lJlorease the oapao1t1' of the plaDt and at that t1JDrt he would oome before the Oouncil and ask that a franohlse be gl TO hiDl. He sta tea that he had gOlle on recora to this efrect before the former Counol1!. Saia he did not thiBk that the Water 00. lIhoul& be asked to aoaept less than .'1.50 per moB. per ~drant 1I00n atatea that he tho'1lght the S1lla of .'1.50 was exo..slTe cd _s opposed to lt, but w111Ulg to..et the Water Co. half ~ u.d both sides make caa,...10JlS. !he Oi"" A.'*"-ae;y -.ae BeTeral propositions in an effort to arriTe at some basis o~ Bettl_ent. Tecklenberg stated that he tho'Oght that the Cit1' should pa1' the price asked b1' the Water Co. the..e as though the1' were purchasing ~ other comodi t1', el ther that or buy the hydrants outrlght. The mattw waa d1801l8sed at l~h for two hove and no deols10n arrlTed at. It was deoided to meet again on Monda1' night, August 26th and endeaTor to settle the matter. ][r Ballalne promised to be present On mot10n of Noon, seoond by Tozier the Counoil then adjourned. JoItf!Jad'hrM 1111< c{ 6 1 PMh~ I I I ~. r', r) __ ._ L-i SPECIAL MEBTING OF THE SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL MONDAY EVENING AUG.g.TH *************..**'" **************** The meeting was oalled to order with President Crawford in the Chaire. Present were Counoilmen Boe, Graef, lioon, Chamberlin, Teclenberg and Craw.tord. The minutes of the }revious meeting were read and approved as read. The Sewa.rdWater and Power Compe.!l1', presented two proposal.s in the water question. One was offering to .ell the Town of Seward the eight hydrants for the sum of $'100.00 and reducing the water and lqdrant rental for the past five months from POO.OO to $120.00 and agreeing to famish water for the hydrants at the rate of three dollars PElr . lqdrant per month. The other propo8&l was a bill for t~le sum of f3OO.00 for the past five DlOZlths. Both proposals were read bl' the Clerk Graef moved that the matter be laid over untill all members of the Counoil were present, no second. Be. stated that the matter had been laid over long enough in his opinion and stated that he for one would like to see it settled at onoe. He moved that the Town of Seward parobase the hydrants for the sum of .'100.00 and that the Cit7 J.ttorne7 be iDst1"llOted to draw up a oontract for the signature of the Seward Water and Power Co. and thi t in the oontraot be .mbodied an iron olad agreement that in oase any suit was ever threatened on account af 8.1Q' al.leged illegality of the aotion of the Council in purohasing the said h;ydrants, the Seward Water and Power Co. be bound to immediately refund the purohas prioe and take back the h;ydrants. Also that tbe City reserve the right to at any time shut off the water for the purpose of repairing the hydrants. He stated that he had opposed the purohase of the hydrants heretofore, in the baliefe that it was illegal for the Counoil to purohase part of a pUblio utility, but that he was convinoed that with th1s proTision, the matter was safe and that the action of the Council was safeguarded su:fficient17_ Chaaberl1B rose to a point of order and said that at a previous meeting the matter of the purohase of the h;ydrants had been postponed indefinitely and that it would take a two thirds vot to again bring it before the Council. A searoh of the minutea failed to up hold his oontention and the point waa OTer ruled Teoklenberg seconded the motion by Boe, and the vote was a tie. Those voting in favor of the motion were Boe, Greaf, and Tecklenberg, against Chamberlin, Boon and Cnnrford. Tecklenberg then moved that the Counoil pal' the bill of the Seward Water and Power Co. as rendered, but got no second and the motion was lost. Teoklenberg then moved that the Council adJourn, seoond by Chamberlin, and carried. ~~J(Sj (Q~y erk / / h4a ,,~?fl-Ofl "rei or I "Jill" i '1" (' I I I 135 REGULAR MEETING OF THE SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL MONDAY EVENINGSEPT. 1ST. 1.1' **** ************* ******************* The Counotl met at a P.M. with President Crawford in the Chair. Present were COUBOi1men Boe, Noon, Graef, Teoklneberg, Tosier and Crawford. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Bills from the Alaska. Transfer Co for $a.oo, Gateway Putt. Co .14.00 and from John Dnbrieul .7.50 were read and approved and oadered paid. Noon moved tne the Dubruiel bill of $7.50 beaBs~sBed afainst the Brown and Peterson property and oolleoted baok for the Town. Boe seconded and the motion was oarried. The following notioe was read by the Clerk.- Seward Alaska August 26th., 1913. '0 THE TOWN COUNOIL OF SEWARD SEWARD ALASKA. Gentlemen: - Owing to the failure and refusal of your body to make arrangements for high pressure water servioe for the Town of Seward for the Oounoilmanio year aonmenoiDg April let., 1913, and it appearing that your body does not desire said high pressure water service continued, Notioe is hereby given that on and after September 1st., 1913, the high pressure water service will be discontinued. Water for domestic use will in no wise be impaired. Seward Water and Power Oomp~ By JlraUk Ballaine, President. Boe introduoed the following motion" I move the the water bill be paid in :tull to date that the Clerk be instructed to draw a war i'ant in payment of the bill- but we the Counoil, think the hill exoessive and pay it under protest, the reason being that payment is ordered at this time is tt put a stop to the unnecessary and unoalled for ta.J.k and remarks made by a oertain setin this Town of aaousing the Council for oausing the water to be shut off. And that we, the Oounoil :further reserve the right to an aotion in Law to reo over what the Oounoilo oonsiders exoessive ohargee, said suit to be oommenaed When the Oounoil deems itb best, and further that a copy of the protest sgould aacomp~ the remittanoe to the President of the Water Company and to be delivered in person by the Town Olerk.- Noon seoonded the m~tion and a roll oall showed all voting in favor of with the exoeption of 80unoilman Graef. Boe reported that he had had a conference with Mr. Graff and that it was thought best in the event of the City doing the work of driving iiling at Fourth Ave. that the City hire the Pile Driver at a cost of ,55.00 per day, and estimated that the work would take two days. There was some disoussion as to the neoessity of doing the work at this time and Greaef mOTed that the City drt ve the two bents for the br idge and suoh other piling as seemed neoessary under the direotion of the Amyor. No second and motion lost. Noon moved that the report be aooepted and filed whioh motion prevailed. Noon moved that Third Ave. between Washington and Adame be oleared ofmstumps at a cost not to exaeed .200.00. In support showed where it would benefit transportation, afford acoess to that distriot for fire apparatus and that two third. of the oost could be assessed against the property owners. No seoond, motion lost Noon moved to adjourn, seoonf by Tosier and oarried. ~ ~ ,(f)/}~<I#u,A or I ~. (. //1 . . \ I . f; ~ "~/ J. LUkh 1 jiM 1;C~ I I I . ,- ~ MEETING OF THE SEWARD TOVlN COUNCIL MONDAY EVENING SEPT. 8th., 1913. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *, '" The CO'UDoil met at the Town Hall at 8 P.ll. withnPresident Crawford in the Chair. Present were Councilmen Boe , Graef, Noon. Tozier and Crawfort. The minutes of the preTious meeting were read and apprATed. The report of the City Treasurer up to September 8th., showing a balance of cash OD hand amounting to t8'1'1.'6 was read and ordered pls.ced on file. The City Treasurer asked for authoriti to aooept payment of taxes without enforoing the penal~i of 20 , and on motion of TOBier seconded by .oon the penalty of 2~ was waiTed and the City Treas. was authorized to aooept taxes without the said penalty. The report of the City Assessor 1I'8S read showing an assessmentt of . 696,716.00 of real property and an assessed valuation of . 205 265.00 on personal property. ~ motion of Noon, seoond by Tozier the report was aocepted and ordered filed. There beiDg no :further business to come before the Council it was mOTed by Graef, seoonded by Noon, that the Council do adjourn until 2 P)( Tuesday, Sept. 9th., to meet as a Board of Equalization for the consideration of the Tax Assessment. Carried J / n\ d' ~~~,! D' \Jll:to::' l{"J / 1 I,), ','! r' , ;. { ~ 139 Speoial meeting of the SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL ~uesad~, Sept 9th., 1913 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * I The Counoi1 met as a Board of Equalization at the Town Hall at 2 P II with President Crawford in the Chair. Present were Counoilmen Boe, Graef, Noon, Tecklenberg, Tozier, and Crawford. The minutes of the previous meeting were read ani then approved. J A Laubner addressed the Counoi1 and protested against the payment of taxes on mortgages bu himself, unless all of the holders of mortgages in Seward were forced to do likewise. lie spoke at length and statet that to his knowledge there were holders of mortgages who had hot paid taxes on the same during the preoeding year and either wanted the sum that he had paid refunded, or the same tax oolleoted from others. I The Counoil promises to thoroughly investigate too mtter. There being no business to oome before the meeting, an ad30urnment was taken at Four PM. Clerk I ~1 /w,,'^'7 v! v< Ma70r I 1 R\P~p I I I $ ,..1 _.~ -"-- SPECIAL MEETING OF TYE SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 10TH * * * * * * '" *.. *** * * * * * '" * * * * * '" * * '" '" * * * * * * * The Counoil met as an Equalization Board at the Town Hall at 2 P M with President Crawford in the Chair. Present were Counoilmen Boe, Graef, Noon, Teoklenberg and Crawford. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. In the matter of the taxation of Mortgages, Assessor Conroy was asked if he had found any other mortgages on reoord aside from the list of mortgages that were turned in by J A Laubner. The Assessor stated that there were others, citing The Bank of Seward $13,350.00, of Which he stated that he understood that $6000.00 had sinoe been cancled, and $4500.00 held by Hoben and Davis. There was considerable disoussion as to whether or not the mortgages held by the Bank of Seward had been covered in the list of personal taxes as handed in by the Bank of Seward. No aotion was taken at this time. Chas T Daggett addresset the Counoil, voioing the opinion that the Real Estate was assessed too low, and the improvements too high in the Town of Seward and asking the consideration of the Board of Equalization in this matter. S 0 Morford addressed the Board stating that he was alent for Stewart and Hansen, and handing in a 11st of property owned jointly by these parties and asking for infol'IJl'l. tion as to the taxation of similar located property. He said that at the present rate of taxation the valuation of the property would be about .8000.00, Whereas the prioe recently paid for the same property was only $3120.00. An examination of the reoords showed that the Stewart and Hansen property wa.s taxed at the same rate as adjaoent property and the protest, together with the list of property submitted was ordered filed. Morford expressed himself as satisfied. The IIBtter of the amount of Tasation of the Bank fixtures stored in the Rail Road building together with a certain assa.y outfit was brought up, Mr Morford stating tbat he was willing to pay the taxes acoording to the reduotion as authorized by the preceeding Counoil, but the Treasurer had had no notifioation of the reduction and would not accept the money. A perusal of the records of April 7th showd that the reduotion was authorized and the Clerk 1I8B instruoted to so inform the Treasurer. Boe moved that in the matter of the Stewart and Hansen property the present rate of valuation, as long as it appeared to be the same as on adjoining property be not changed. Noon seconded the motion and it was oarried unanimous. It being four P :M and no further business com1ng Ue~oi'e lihe Board, on mOliion ot Noon, second by Graex, 'tine Board linen adjourned to meet ali 2 P.M. on September 11th., ~ ~'; ~\ .\~ Cler ~)(in '''"1# 1(1 Mayor 1 B '1 Fe ~ ~ ') _'--,-0 SPWCIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD TOWB COUNCIL SEPT. 11TH. 1913. **** ****** ********* ***** ******* * I The Counoil met as an Eq1lB.l1zation Board at the Town Hall at 2 P .u: with President Crawford in the Chi.. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Board remained in session until 4 P )[ and there being no business to oome before the Board it then adjourned until 2 P K on the afternoon of September 12th., on motion of Boe, seoond by Teoklenberg. Present at the meeting were Counoilmen Boe , Graef, Boon, Teoklenberg and Crawford. I J"(kA'~\~ ~I~ Clerk ~tfr.7 (!r;-lI1LU 1(/ '<{'{ Mayor / I 1 B'JFe I I I '>i ,~r- . ~ SPECUAL MEETING OG THE SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL SEPT. 12TH.. 1913. * * * . '" >II, * * * 2* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * '" * The Town Council met as an Eqaalization Board at 2 P M with Pres. Oraw:ford in the Chair. Present were Councilmen Boe. Grae:r . Noon Teoklenberg and Crarlord. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The City Attorney stated that in his opinion the holders of mortpges were subjeot ito taxation, and tbat any Bank: pq1q tues on its Capital Stock was oomplying with the Law. However at the discretion of the Equalization Board. an Bank could be forced to pay taxes on their list of mortgages and the said list deducted from the amount bof the Capital Stook and the remainder taxed. ~he Oity Atty. also stated that in his opinion. under the laws ];l6ssed by the reaent Legislature. property belongirng to a Railroad is exempt from taxation. At i'OUT P II . there being no :further busines,; to aome before the Board. on motion of Noon. seoond by Boe. The COUDail adjourned /fo!/(J/) {~~(ALlr ~[l L , l. I 1u~:r~~ Mayor 1 g \1 Fe II II II ".;t "'~, " _.- -.- ~ MEETING OF THE SEWARD TOWN COUBClL SEPT1<VR&Rl3th., 1913 *** **** **** ********** ** * **** The Town Council met as an Equalization Board at the Town Hall at 2 P Jl with President Craw:ford in the Chair. Present were Boe,. Graef. Noon. Tecklenberg, Tosier and Craw:tord. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Board remained in session all afternoon until 4 P M and there being no business up to that time, on motion of Boe second by Tozier the Council then adjourned. /a~~f;/J/1iv-,j- 2(."" V!~~~)QHQ;( cler I \ ~ lVIPe I I I --tt ."'"\ --'. ~;:~) REGULAR MEETING OF THEMSEWARD TOWN COUNCIL MONDAY EVE. SEPT. 16th. * * * * * ** :I: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '" * * 11; The Mayor, Counoilman Graef and Clerk met at the Town Hall and aft er waiting for a sui table period and no quorum of Counoilmen appearing the regular meeting was abandoned until Tue8~ evening September 16th.. ~~J~~qrtfr Cler #J (toLlaw/,'ncl '1'or 1 P\!Fe I I I , ...........;:; l~31- SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SEWARD TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY EVENING SEPT. 16th., * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :I< * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *v* The Council met at the Town Rall at 8 P M: with President Craw:ford in the Chair. Present were Councilmenn Boe, Grae~, Hoon, T8cklenb8rg, Tozier, and Crwaford~ The minutes of the previous meeting were read end approved. Boe reported that in the matter of Street Lighting, he had bean unable to see the President of the Seward Light and Powere Co. and was instructed to teke the matter up as soon as possible and report later. The Clerk read a bill from JOB? Conroy for $158.00, for services as Assessor. On motion of Graef, second by Tozier the bill was allowed end the Clerk instructed to draw a warrant in payment of the same. The following resolution was introduced. Seward Alaska sept. 16t):., 1913. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SEWARD ALASKA THAT in acoordance with and pursuant to the provisions of Section l' of Ordinance No 14 of the Ordinances of the Town of Seward Alaska entitled"And Ordinamce relating to the Assessment, levy end collection of general taxes for School and Municipal IWrposes" The Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, on this the third Tuesday in the month of September of the year 1913, do hereby fix the rate of tax levy for the year 1913, at the rate of six mills on each dollar of taxable property, real and personable, within the corporate limits of the Town of Seward, available for Municipal taxes as equalized by the Board of EquaJ.izationof said Town of Seward for said year of 1913, and duly assessed as of the date of August 1st., 1913. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; That in accordance with the provisions of SecrioD 20 of said Ordinance l' , The Town Clerk of said Seward, be and he is hereby directed and authorized to prepare end cause to be published the notice required by said section, so to be publiShed. Passed under suspension of the Rules this Third Tues~ of Sept. in the year 1913 . Tozier moved the suspension of the Rulessecond by Boe and carried unanimous17. Then Tozier moved the adoption of the Res61ution second by Boe. Noon objected to the assessment of six mills and said that in hip opinion five mills would be sufficient. Some discussion and the Resolution for six mills passed unanimous17. Noon spok of the advisability of clearing a roadway on Third Ave between Washington and Adams street. He wanted the entire street oleared but said that if that could not be done at this time, at least twenty feet should be cleared in the interests of fire protection. He estimated that this could be done at a cost of $100.00 and moved that that amount be set aside for this purpose. Graef seconded and the motion prevailed, the work to be open to bids and done under the direction of the Town Marshal. The matter of a sewer on Third Ave. was brought up by Graef, but no action was taken. On motion of Noon, second byTozier, the Clerk was instructed to communicate with the agent of the Kimball property on Washington st and Railroad Ave asking that he vacate tho street, removing a oertain log house that stands there. The motion carried. There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Noon, second by Boe, the Council then adjourned. (~ ,J, \ lli ~0- ~,\{ ~ /'1 lerk \'J {clc~ /(0 I MI'/' dl Mayor 7 1 n'IFfl I I I . __r,\ SPECIAL 1rn~TING OF THE SEWARD TOWN OOUNCIL TUESDAY OCTOBER 7TH., 1913 *** **************************** **** The Council met at the Town Hall at 8 P M with President Crawforu in the Chair. Present were Councilmen Noon, Teck1enberg, Tozier, Graef and Mr Presidertt. The min.tes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The following bills were read and on motion of Tozier, second by Noon were ordered paid, the Clerk beine directed to draw warrants for the same. Seward Light and Poweru Company , $19.95, The Gateway $140.35, The Seward Commercial Co. $ 12.50, G.M.Kearnes $ 4.00. The report of the Oity Health Officer was read and approved as was t~e report of the City Attorney. There being no further business to come before the Council on motion of Graef, second by Noon the Council tnen adjourned. 1~~uk ..d9~f) . (ItAA.t ia~.{ Mayor / 1 BHFc I I I . . I ~e~t~n~ ZF*T~*S~w1R~ ~oJITj*C~~CtL*O~T~BtR*27T~.~ ;9;3t ~O~~Y*E~I~G. The Counoil met at the Town Hall with President Crawford in the Chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Counoilmen present were Boe. Chamberlin. Graef. Noon. Teoklenberg Tozier. and Mr President. A request for a permit to lay a water pipe on the bridge orossing the Glaoier stream. by the Seward Water and Power Company was read and on motion of Tozier. seoond by Noon. the Clerk was instruoted to notift the petitioner that the request had been granted. The applioation of Jos. Hofman for the position of night watohman during the ooming winter season wus read and after some disoussion was laid over until later. M A Horner. City Fire Chief offered his servioes . agreeing to fin the position of nightwatobman and Fire Chief oombined at a salary of ~IOO.OO per month. This was also held over until suoh time as a night watohman is needed. A bill for $5.65 from J L Graef for supplies was read and on mothion of Chamberlin, seoond by Noon allowed and the olerk instruoted to draw a warrant oovering the same. Robert Guest reported that in the matter of the work that had been done on third ave. the work was not finished. The oontraot that was entered into between the Town of Seward and T P Murphy was read and disoussed and it was deoided to hold the payment of the oontraot prioe up until a later date and in the meantime have the Committee on Streets and Alleys investigate the work that has been done. It was the opinion of praotioally all of the Counoil that the work done is unsatisfa.otory. The City Health Offioer reported that in the affair of the quarrantining of the S S Dora for measles. the steamship Co. had paid all expenses amd that there had been no spreading of the disease was approved and on motion of Chamberlin. seoond by Tozier. the report was a.oo epte d. There being no further busines' to oome before the Counoil. on motio~ of Noon seoond by Tozier. an adjournment was taken. ~'~~ l, )~XlXtic, Clark. A:~l{ l)ji;](~~v-![ f {I 'Ma.yor I ~ B ~ 1 Fe I I I --7 ~~~" :: HEGULAH MBj~TING OF Tllli SEVlA. HD TOWN CO.UNCIL NOV. 3rd., Monday 1913. "'''''''**'''*'''* "'***"'**** ***"'****"'* "'''' **** The Council met at the Town Hall with Pr,sident Crawford in the Chair. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved as read. Present were Councilmen Boe, Graef, Noon, Tecklenberg and :Mr. President. Noon reported that he had looked over the work that had be3n done o~ Third Ave. by one T P Murphy on contract and that the work was very unsatisfaotory. He stated that the contract bad been fulfilled in a way, but that it was the poorest job that he had seen in that lin~ of work. There was some diseussion and finally on motion of Boa, second by Graef the oontract prioe of $100.00 was ordered paid and the Clerk so instruoted. The following bills wee read and on motion of Noon, second by Boe, ordered paid. Seward News Co. .60, A.lIotic Brotherhood for Jail Rental August, Sept. and October, $21.00, Brosius and Noon, $3.50, The following labor bills on the bridge that s~ans the Glacier stream were approved and ordered paid, Fritz Posth, ~4.00, Jno. Viokery $12.00, Chas Crawfor4 $12.00. Noon stated that in his opinion a man could spend two days work on third Ave and finish up the work left undone by Murphy making the street passable for this winter and moveJ that the sum of $8.00 be allowed for the work. Second by Graef, and carried the President ordered that t e work be done under the supervision of the Committee of the street and alley Committee. There being no further business to come before the Council on motion of Boe, second by Noon, and an adjournment was taken until the next regular meeting. .~ d ~(~Ia { ('11 ~u //)7 L ( }; yor I 1 B \1 Fe . - , , I 1.TRI;~TING 0]' THE Sl!l"\'iARD TOWN counCIL "\';EDNESDAY EVENING NOV. 19TH.. 1913 :* * ;, * * -l: '" *" * ,I._ "* * =* :-\. 't- *: * * ,.~ * * *' *: ~l.- ~-~ -.l- ~I: * :t- * * * *' * ~- * The Council met at theiovm Hall with :j3resident Crawford in the Chair. Present were Graef. Noon. Tecklenbarg. Tozier and Crawford. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and upproved as read. Noon reported that the labor as authorized by the Council on Third Ave. had been completed in a satisfactory manner and that the .,> streot was now passable for teams. He presented a bill for ~8.00 for one Tellefson for the performence of this labor and moved that a warrant be dra.Vll in payment thereof. Tozier seconded and the motion was carried. A communication was tead from T W Hawkins, protesting against being assessed on a mortgage for $4000.00 held by himself, when the property againstwhich the mortgage had been held was also assessed II was read. The matter was discussed by the members of the Council and in as much as all other holders of mortgages had been assessed and had paid the tux on mortgages, it was decided that no exception could be mede in this case, and the Clerk was instructed to so notify Mr Hawkins. Noon mobed the the Clerk be instructed to proceed with the advertising of the delinquent personal tax list as according to law. and in conformity withSec of Ordinance No 14, Seward Ordinances. Tozier seconded the motio~which carried. Fire Chief Horner reported that he had moved the Chemical to the Colemen House for the winter and states that the doors of I the Colemen should be repaired for the accomodation of the engine. He also asked the t',e Fire Department be furnished with 1 1/2 Doz light wool mitts, and three slickers. On motion of Noon sec. by Tozier, he was instructe'l to provide these articles and present t'le bill to the Council. The Hayor ap.9ointed Noon to repair the doors of the Colemen Hotel. On motion adjourned 14>vJ~cr~ of Doon, sec. Tozier the Council ~itrn c{ ~ Ov- 1 B ~ir F ( ~ I I I ~~ ..-- ~ 1 .' ~ ~P~C!~L },~~p~G "Dr ~H~ ~E~i A~D '" T2'.~ ~OYN2I~ lWY. ". 2~T~. { ~ 913; :;- The Counail met at the Town Hall with President Crawford in the Chair. Thos present were Connailmen Boe, Graef, Noon, Teoklenberg Tozier, and 1~ President. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The subjeot of delinquent taxes , both real and personal was brought up and disoussed by all p8esent. The Clerk reported that in the matter of personal taxes, the only uppaid inem on the list was the Alaska Northern Ry. The Notioes of Publioation as prepared by the City Atty. were then read and on motion of Noon, second by Tozier, the Clerk was instructed to see that they were published at once. The motion was carried. Chief Guest then requested that the Polioe Department be furnisherr with two sets of hand cuffs and on motion of Boa, seoond by Noon, the Chief of Polioe was instructed to supply the depart- ment With the two neaessary pairs of handcuffs and present the bill for the same to t~e Council. There beind no further business to come before the Counail on motion of ~oz.er, seoond by Noon, an adjournment was taken until the regular meeting night, Monday, December 1st. ~_1 ~~ooilit, Cl:e 4bf/.1o-, (W~,J yor , " 1lHl Fe I I I ," .--..<,~ L' REGULAR ME~TING OF THE SEW.ARD TOWN COUNCIL lIONDAY DEOEMBEH 1st.. 1913. * ;:,1,- ~I::- ~. :-t-: * ::I:: * ~( * *' ;ok *" "II~ * -!- * * * ~k *' *' ~ * ;. * * ~~ * *" * * * :.!-: * * The Council met at the Town Hall at 8 P M with President Crawford in the Chair. Present were Councilmen Boe. Chamberlin, Graef, Noon. Tozier and Crawford. The minutes of the prevous meeting were read and approved as read. Noon reported that he had fixed the doors to the Colemen House and that t~e same were now in good condition for the passage of the Chemical Engine located at t~at point. A petition wes read from the Fire Chief and assistant Fire Chief urging that the Council purchase two additional Chemical engines to be ad,.led to the fire fighting apparatus of the Town. The petition wes referred to the Com~ittee on fire protection. The following list of bills were ordered puid. The Miners store $12.00. The Gateway $1.35, A B Lodge, $ 7.00, Jos. Hofman, $4.00, M J Conroy $25.00. An Ordinance requiring certain Corporations to pay a monthly rental to the Town of Seward for the use and oV'<rUpancy, by such Corporations, of the streets and alleys of said Town, for telephone, lighting, electric power. and water systems, and for other purposes. The ordinance having be m read for the first time 'ivas referred to a Cormnittee consisting of "-Councilmen Boe and Noon for investigating to be reported back with reccomendations at the next regu;ar meeting. There being ho further busines: to come before the council. it was the on motion of Tozier, second by Graef, adjourned. / ~~ tun /~,1{Lwj (FlCA Mayor f lBMF(' I I I ... r" r- ~ ~, ~~U~A~ ~LE~TfN~ ~]j'", T~E '" S~'{/l}RP ;O~N "CSU~~C,fL '" 1.12H?j.~ ~E2 .,1~T~.,t ~9p,: '" The Council met at the Town Hall, at 8 P M with President Crawford in the Chair. Present were Councilmen Boe, Graef, Chamberlin, Noon, Tecklenberg and 1~. President. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approveu as read The Coromi ttee to vihome Wi'S referred Ordinance No 15 for correction reported back offering a cr:cected ordinance, and reccomending that the same be passed. The clerk read the ordinance for the second time. Noon then stated that in his opinion the object of the Ordinance was simply to force the various Corporations doing business within the Town Limits to recognize the rights of the Tovm to the streets and alleys and that he was in favor of making the new tax GS provided for in Ordinance 15 only a nominal tax. Chamberlin, Tecklenberg and Boe expressed like opinions and ~oon then moved, second by Tecklenberg, that the blank in line 12 of sec. 1 in ordinance 15 be filled with the wordsone dollar, making the tax or license fee on corporations doing business on the streets and alleys of the Town of Seward one dollar per month. A roll call vote was taken , ~ith Boe, Chamberlin, Graef, Noon, Tecklenberg and Crawford voting in favor of the motion which was thon dsclared carried. Noon then moverJ, second by 130e that Ordinance No 15 be made a spec- ial ordeL' of business for t'ne first regular meeting in January and tbw.t the Clerk be instructe0 to change the dates in Sec. 4 of Ordinance 15 from December 1913 to January 1914. Motion car:::'ied. The Fire CO'lm. reported progress, and requested more time in the matter of investigating thempurchase of t'ne Chemical Engines for the Fire Dept, 'which was granted. Mayor Crawford presentell a bill for $21.66 , expended in purchusing transportation for an indigent person from Seward to Juneau. The bill was allowed ancl t'ne Clerk instructol to draw a w'a.rl'ant for the same. The Clerk was instructell to arla t"~e il!1l0unt pi~1id for tru.nsportu.tion to t"o nc Jount beinG rendered. by Dr Homig and make anneffort to have the U S Government stand the bill. On motion of Noon, second by Hoe, t'~e Clerk was instructeu to purchase :~5.00 worth of stamps to be used by the City Treas. in an endeavor to collect property taxes' The f:lotion cu.rl'ied. Noon statel t1'~J.t he though at this time it 'i;ould be well for the Town to look into the m:ltter of aC'luiring property for a Town Hall a.nd t",a t in t'10 future it YlOuld be desirable to have the J!'ire Department Jail, and City Hall under one roof. He movecl that the I,Iayor a'flpoint a Committee to confer with property holders and ascertain the cost of acc:uiring sui table property. roporting back at the next meeting. Second by Chamberlin an,l thJ motion cD.L"c:'ied. The Idayor ap .ointell 'rozier and Graef. There being no further busines,} to come before the Council the meeting was then adjourned. ~ vlerk. J . .({7 I